Bratarile prieteniei

Post on 22-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Bratarile prieteniei

Bratarile prieteniei

Modelul simplu – linie oblica

1. dupa ce ati ales culorile, pentru un aspect mai frumos si mai plin al bratarii, indoiti firul de ata in doua astfel incat sa

aiba in jur de 35 cm. (se poate si mai scurt sau mai lung in functie de cat de lunga doriti sa faceti bratara)

2. asezati firele astfel incat sa fie egale la ambele capete; la capatul de sus, lasati cam 4-5cm de ata si innodati toate

firele la un loc

3. agatati un ac de siguranta de nodul atelor si apoi fixati-l agatandu-l fie de un suport fix, fie de blugi in dreptul


4. luati apoi primul fir si innodati-l in jurul urmatorului, astfel incat sa puteti continua innodarea tot cu firul cu care ati


5. continuati apoi innodarea cu al doilea fir care acum este primul, iar primul cu care ati innodat inainte trebuie sa fie

la urma; mergeti cu el, la fel, innodand pe celelalte astfel incat sa ajunga la capat.

6. pentru a da un aspect frumos capetelor bratarii si pentru a va fi mai usor sa le legati la mana, impletiti simplu firele

de 4-5 cm pe care le-ati lasat la fiecare capat.

Modelul in V1. pentru acest model, culorile trebuie sa fie in numar par, iar culorile asezate in oglinda. Adica primul si ultimul fir trebuie sa aiba aceeasi culoare, al doilea si penultimul aceeasi culoare etc.2. asezati firele astfel incat sa fie egale la ambele capete; la capatul de sus, lasati cam 4-5cm de ata si 2. innodati toate firele la un loc3. dupa ce ati ales culorile, indoiti firul de ata in doua astfel incat sa aiba in jur de 35 cm. (se poate si 3. mai scurt sau mai lung in functie de cat de lunga doriti sa faceti bratara)agatati un ac de siguranta de nodul atelor si apoi fixati-l agatandu-l fie de un suport fix, fie de blugi in dreptul genunghilor4. incepeti impletirea bratarii pornind din stanga spre dreapta, innodand cu primul fir pana la jumatate.5. lasati apoi primul fir si luati-l pe ultimul, innodand in sens invers, de la dreapta la stanga, astfel incat primul si ultimul fir sa se intalneasca la mijloc.6. reluati apoi procedura cu al doilea fir, innodati pana la jumatate, lasati-l si incepeti in sens invers cu penultimul7. pentru a da un aspect frumos capetelor bratarii si pentru a va fi mai usor sa le legati la mana, impletiti simplu firele de 4-5 cm pe care le-ati lasat la fiecare capat.

Before You Start

Before you start, you're going to need a few things:

Embroidery Floss



A Home Made 'Loom'

Embroidery floss can be found at any craft store, so far I haven't been able to find it at Walmart or

Target. Embroidery floss can come in packs, or you can buy separate skeins. The price for a pack is

around 8 dollars and for a single skein it usually costs under a dollar.

While making this bracelet, you're going to have a lot of loose strings everywhere. and to avoid

getting everything tangled and to make things a little easier I made myself a 'loom'. All you have to

do is get a cardboard box and cut off one side of the box. On the top edge of the cardboard, cut one

slit in the middle and make it about 1 inch long. On the bottom edge,(spread these out evenly) cut 11

slits about 1 inch long. Now you've got your very own loom, and you're ready to start. (:

measuring the string from fingertips to elbow.

folding the five strings in half. (thus creating ten strings).

Cutting Your String & Getting Started

First you're going to have to pick the colors you want. For your first name bracelet you should keep it

simple until you feel comfortable with it. So pick two colors that you want your bracelet to be. One

color will be the color of the letters/numbers, and the other will be the background color.

Once you pick your colors, you need to cut your string. Using the embroidery floss that will be the

color of your letters/numbers, measure from your finger tips to your elbow. Once you do that, double

it and cut that piece. Repeat this process until you have 5 pieces this length. (in my example, my

letters will be yellow).Now take the embroidery floss that will be your background color and pull out

some string from the skein.(in my example my background color will be green) You will be using this

color the most, so you need plenty of it.

Now fold the 10 strings in half, and take your background color, and make a knot at the top. This

knot will be used to tie your bracelet onto your wrist later.

Now put the knot into the top slit of your cardboard loom. You should have 11 strings total.

Place each string into a separate slit at the bottom of your cardboard loom, and make sure your

background color string is in the slit all the way on the left.

add in your background color string. DO NOT fold the background string in half like the other strings. After you add

this string you will have a total number of 11 strings.

this is what your string should look like after you make the knot at the top. remember, you should have 11 strings.

put your knot into the top slit of your loom

put all of the strings into their own slit. putting the background colored string into the slit all the way to the left.

Two Knots You MUST Learn.

Backward Knot/ Forward Knot

You Must Learn These Two Knots

The link to the right will take you to another website that will give you step by step instructions on

how to do a forward and backward knot.

you MUST learn these in order to make this bracelet.

this is what it should look like after you complete five rows.

Starting Your Bracelet.

When starting your bracelet, your gonna have to do a few rows to start out. This shapes the bracelet

and makes it easier for you to see the letters. On average I start out by doing 5 rows of the

background color.

To make a row, take your background color (green) and make a forward knot with the string to the

right of it. After you make a forward knot on that string, put it in the slot to left of its original slot. This

way you know what the next string is that you need to make a knot on. Then proceed to make

forward knots on the rest of the strings. Once you get to the last string, you've made a row. Now take

your background color and repeat the process, but this time going in the opposite direction and using

the backward knot.

Repeat this process until you have completed about five rows.

How To Add The Letters

Now, it's time to add your letters.

In my example, my bracelet is going to say 'ABC 123'

This is going to seem complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it it's easy to do.

Below is a picture of the alphabet and numbers 1-9.

I'll show you how I made it easier on myself to learn.


This is how the letter will look on your bracelet. I'll show you how to use them.


This is how the numbers will look on your bracelet.

This is the first two rows drawn out for the letter A.

This is how the letter will look once it is all drawn out. And this is how it will appear as you put in on your bracelet.

Drawing Out Your Desired Letter

To make it easier on myself, I draw out how its going to look. This helps me figure out whether or not

to make a backward knot or a forward knot.

The letter on your bracelet will be placed horizontally. So to help me out, I draw my pictures

sideways since that is how I see them as I make them on the loom. I'll show you an example, and I'll

walk you through how I made my 'A'.

First, to draw out my A I got two different color markers and my little sketching notebook.

Looking at the picture of the A I started by drawing the first row on the left. The first row on the left is

just another row of the background color. So all ten of my marks are blue. On the row next to it,

There is one knot of the background color first, then 7 of the letter color, then two of the background

color again.

On the third row, there are four knots of the background color, then one of the letter color, then three

of the background color, one of the letter color, and then one of the background color. This row is

repeated so you draw it again as your fourth line. And line five is the same as line two, so you just

draw the same thing.

*drawing out your letters/numbers is not required. It's just something that can be useful.

row 1

row 2

row 3

Using Your Drawing To Make Your First Letter

Now take a look at your drawing, and focus on the top row.

Usually, when starting a letter, the top row is a full row of the background color. You can choose to

skip this is you want to. I chose to skip it for now since we made five rows of our background color.

So your background color string should be all the way to the right. So to make my A, I need to make

two backward knots with my background color string. Now, using the yellow string that is to the left of

my background color string, I need to make a forward knot. (making the forward knot with the yellow

string will make this knot yellow). I need to repeat this process seven times. and then I make a

backward knot with my background color to complete the row.

For my second row, I need to use my background color to make four forward knots. Now using the

yellow string to the right of my background color, I make one backward knot. Using my background

color again, I make three forward knots. Now using the yellow string to the right of my background

color, I need to make a backward knot. Then to finish the row, I use my background color to make a

forward knot.

For my third row, I just make it match the second row. And for my fourth row, I make it match the first


After your first letter is finished, you should make two rows of your background color so that there is

some space between your letters.

row 4 the A is finished. and my next step is to make two rows of my background color for spacing.

What To Do Next

Now you just repeat the steps for each of your letters.

Helpful Tips

Make sure that you make your knots tight. But not too tight, embroidery floss can break, and it's

a pain trying to work with short strings.

Drawing out your letters WILL help you. I definitely recommend it.

To tie off your bracelet, take all eleven strings and make one knot. (the same knot you used

when you first started this bracelet, before you put it in the loom.) After you tie them off, split the

eleven strings into two groups, and braid each group. now you can use these braids to tie on

your bracelet.

How to Make a Hemp Zigzag Friendship Bracelet with Beads

Knot for loop

Double forward knots all the way across

Keep going until the string your working with is at the end.

Back to the beginning.

Flipped so you can start your "zag."

And repeat the same pattern.

Bead on one of the middle strings.

Keep going and bead is attached.

1. Measure out two string of hemp cord. For a bracelet you want them both to be 65 inches, for a

necklace 130 inches. Line up the two strings and find the middle of each, fold in half. Tie a

basic knot to create a loop. Attach the loop to a clipboard

2. Number the strings in your head from left to right 1,2,3,4. Starting at the left take the first string

and tie a forward knot onto string 2. Tie another forward knot on string two to make it a double

forward knot.

3. Keep making a double forward knot on each string until string 1 reaches the end. Follow the

same pattern for the rest of the strings: 2 double forward knot on 3, 2 double forward knot on 4,

2 double forward knot on 1. Then 3 on 4, 3 on 1, 3 on 2. Keep going until you reach the

begging with the string going 1,2,3,4 from left to right. This will create your "zig."

4. Flip the bracelet over. Now the strings from left to right are 4,3,2,1. Start with string 4 and tie a

double forward knot on string 3. It's the same pattern as before only the strings are flipped. This

creates your "zag."

5. When you are back at the start, 4,3,2,1, flip the bracelet over again. Do the same pattern as

how you started. When you get back to the starting string just flip it. Keep going until you reach

your desired length.

6. Adding beads is easy. Depending on your bead's hole feed it onto both or one of the middle

strings. Keep doing the same pattern as usual and your bead will be attached.


Always make sure that you are doing a double forward knot on each string or your bracelet will curl.

Pull each string tight to prevent holes.

You can use on solid color or multiple colors.

If you want a thicker necklace or bracelet just add more strings. For example: 3 will give you 6, 4 will

give you 8, ect.
