architecture - house for a photographer

Post on 16-Sep-2015

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Transcript of architecture - house for a photographer

Departamentul de istoria & teoria arhitecturii i conservarea patrimoniului

Universitatea de Arhitectur i Urbanism Ion Mincu Bucureti

Departamentul de Istoria & Teoria Arhitecturii i Conservarea Patrimoniului

Limbaj Arhitectural 1

AN I / semestrul II 2014 2015Analiz de obiect arhitectural dup criteriul atributelor vitruvieneEtapa II: analiza obiectului arhitectural ales

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Prezentarea se va face de ctre toi cei trei membri ai echipei, pe baza machetei de studiu i a planelor de la proiector, ntr-un timp total de (maxim) 10 minute. NUME STUDENI:


Titlu: House 2 For A PhotographerAutor: OAB (Carlos Ferrater)Anul construirii: 2003-2006Localizare:Alcanar, Tarragona, SpainAlte informaii relevante: As we can imagine reading the title, the owner of the house is an artist, a photographer, thus it is conformed for his needs. The scenary, plays an important role. The closeness of the sea is a privilege. The house is positioned at the back of the plot, in order to have a garden towards the sea, and perhaps for more privacy, but also for pragmatic reasons, the area being frequently floodable.Bibliografie: Webografie: ANALIZ DE OBIECT ARHITECTURAL DUP CRITERIUL ATRIBUTELOR VITRUVIENE


- sistemul constructiv (masiv sau schelet, plan-structur sau plan liber), materialele de construcie i finisaj, [dac e cazul] tehnologia constructiv i/sau echiparea tehnic- the constructive system is basic, the walls are structural, due to the small distance between the axes, and of the houses. There isnt an unique volume, the house is split in 3, the landscape being one of the reasons for this choice. The pavilions resemble the arabic or the greek architecture, with simple volumes painted in white, and with the one slope roof. The finish, the white plaster, contrasts with the traditional spanish architecture, with the local spirit, but the simplicity of the formes, their neutrality doesnt disturb the eye. The architect tends to uplift this simplicy of forms, to emphasize the smoothness of the lines, of the textures, and thus creates a clean, bright envirnment. The way in which the pavilions are orientated, creates an introverted space, that becomes the main area of the house. The sensation of introverted space is also stressed by the play between glass surfaces and the massive structure. - atitudinea fa de tehnica constructiv (integrare, exaltare, figurare, disimulare, subordonare) + relaia dintre structura real i structura perceput

- semnificaiile tectonice (cu caracter universal) i expresia tectonic - deduse din forma general, tipul de structur i calitile materialelor folosite (ex. transparen, permeabilitate, masivitate, echilibru static sau dinamic, orizontalitate, verticalitate, imponderabilitate etc.)



- partiul spaial-funcional prezentat succint, cu distribuia funciunilor pe niveluri i relaiile dintre ele (ex. zonificarea funcional)The modernist influence is also felt when we speak of the distribution of the functions. Each pavilion has a different use. One is the night area, which contains a bedroom and the bath, another one is the kitchen and the day area, and the last one is the studio of the photographer. The court between these volumes, is in fact the heart of the home. This kind of living can be a source of discussions. - apreciere critic argumentat a funcionalitii (sau non-funcionalitii) partiuluiIt is not very economic to construct in this way, but the circumstances, the location (in this area of the Mediterranean), and the need of the owner for more privacy, are very particular.

2.2.UTILITAS PSIHOLOGIC (zon de interferen ntre Utilitas i Venustas)- preocuparea (dac exist) pentru personalizarea spaiului sau crearea unei anumite ambiane (unui anumit caracter) + mijloacele utilizate (relaia interior-exterior, spaialitate, amenajare, texturi, culori, lumin, etc.)The studio of the photographer is given more attention. Because the light plays an important role for this profession, the glass surfaces are interposed with the brick ones, to filter the sunlight, which is very powerfull in this region. The atmosphere created is mysterios, but not only here in the studio, also the other pavilions have the same character, due to the way in which the glass surfaces are positionated, always in front of an opaque wall, for more privacy. The importance of the light is one more time highlighted by the use of the white colour, everything being painted in white (it is well-known that white reflects and attracts the light)

2.3.UTILITAS SIMBOLIC (zon de interferen ntre Utilitas i Venustas)

- semnificaiile legate de funciune (funcionale propriu-zise, sociale, culturale/identitare, ideologice, simbolice generale) i expresia scopului cldirii posibil legate i de contextAbout the symbolics of the white colour, we could talk for ages. There are dozen of books and articles written on this subject, so what could we say in a few lines? Perhaps the need of authenticity, sublime and privacy, is what characterizes the photographer, the owner of the house, the most. The light, symbolizes life and fertility, the fertility of creation, which is of outmost importance, sine qua non for an artist.- semnificaiile simbolice derivate din semnificaiile tectoniceThe structural walls, in contrast with the open plan, tend to be more massive, creating a more protective, more introverted spaces, atmospeheres.


- caliti plastice (geometrie, efecte de textur, culoare, lumin chiar dac se repet) i compoziionaleThe envirnoment, the Spanish coast is the one that makes the house so spectacular. Without its sunbeams, the house wouldnt be the same, as in Le Corbusiers definition, architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of masses brought together in light. The will of the architect, is to create a beneficent envirnonment for creation and also for living. His tools are the simple shapes, with whom he plays, with the help of the sun.

- caliti legate de integrarea n contextul fizic (natural sau urban) i/sau cultural-istoric (spiritul locului) + modalitile de realizareEven if the house isntt constructed with local materials and it doesnt corespond to the local technics and spirit, it fits well in the environment. Is this perhaps because the characteristics of white fit well in every sittuation? Or because of the ability of the architect?

It is visible the need of jumping out of the artist, his house being the one different in his area. The local spirit is more traditional, the houses have sallow colours, in comparison with the vibrant white, of the rectangular volumes. - semnificaiile legate de posibile asociaii de idei sau modele la care se apeleaz din raiuni estetice (modele simbolice, istorice, artistice, abstracte, etc.) + expresia rezultantThe architect itself, Carlos Ferrater, states that the cubists compositions served as his inpiration, in particular Picassos works.4. EXPRESIA ARHITECTURAL DE ANSAMBLU

- atributul (atributele) care predomin (nu numai enunat, ci cu argumente) i imprim nota decisiv a expresiei arhitecturale + ierarhizarea atributelor The prevalent attribute is the utilitas symbolic. This is not an ordinary house, just for living. It has to fulfill the needs of artist, of an photographer, so it has to addapt to its particular needs. It is well-known that the artists have to have their privacy in order to be able to manifest their creativity. Thus, this house responds to the ideea of introspection.

