
Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Appul

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How to make a status report ?

Check robots.txt file

Check Google sitemap

What are sitemaps: Sitemaps are a way to tell Google about pages on your site it might not otherwise discover. In its simplest terms, an XML a list of the pages on your website5

Check 404 error page

We can create error page ourselves also, some creative examples are :6

Eurppean ngo Not found.org10

Check social media buttons

Check :Google analytics and webmaster tools301 redirectionMeta tags & keyword usageDomain expirationMobile usabilitySpeed optimizationand,Page rank, PA, DA.

Mobile: Google mobile optimizer, iwebkit, mobify etc.Speed : HTML file avg size 33 kb. Web Page should be cached. Flash objects minimal. Use html compression etc etc12

How to find keywords ?

Speak: We will find the initial, relevant keywords from the website itself that is given to us, they will be in the websites text, its content, or even in its title, therefore, the first step is :13

Study your website properly

Step 1: 14

Find random and significant words or phrases.For example, I choose the phrase free horoscope

Random means they should be unique or different from each other. Significant means they should be worthy of being keywords15

Open Google Adwords and sign in.


Go to Tools and choose Keyword Planner17

Choose the first option


Fill the form19

Final Report


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