About Ceausescu Nicolae

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Transcript of About Ceausescu Nicolae

  • 7/30/2019 About Ceausescu Nicolae


    esku]; 26 January 1918[1] 25 December

    1989) was a Romanian Communist politician. He was General Secretary of the Romanian Communist

    Party from 1965 to 1989, and as such was the country's last Communist leader. He was also the

    country's head of state from 1967 to 1989.

    A b f h yh v, hgh h fGheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej's Communist government and, upon with the death of Gheorghiu-Dej in March

    1965, h dd h dh f Py G Sy H w

    popular support for his independent, nationalistic political course, which openly challenged the

    dominance of the Soviet Union over Romania.[2] As a , ' w d by h

    Ud S d W E w d h wy d f d f

    Romania in 1974.

    Hwv, ' g b gy b d v By , h ule was

    the most rigidly Stalinist in the Soviet bloc.[3] His secret police, the Securitate, maintained strict controls

    over free speech and the media, and internal dissent was not tolerated. In 1982, with the goal of paying

    off Romania's large foreign deb, dd h x f h f h y g

    and industrial production. The resulting extreme shortages of food, fuel, energy, medicines, and other

    basic necessities drastically lowered living standards and intensified unrest. Ceausescu's regime was also

    marked by an extensive and ubiquitous personality cult, nationalism, a continuing deterioration in

    foreign relations with the Soviet Union, and nepotism.

    g d f h dd h y f f ntigovernment

    d h y f T Db 17, 1989 Th d d Bh

    and became known as the Romanian Revolution of 1989, and was the only violent overthrow of a

    communist government to occur during the revoluti f 1989 d h wf, E, fd h

    capital in a helicopter but were captured by the armed forces. On December 25 the couple were tried

    and convicted by a special military tribunal on charges of mass murder in a hastily organised two-hour

    d h wf w h h by fg qd4]

    Contents [hide]

    1 Early life and career

    2 Leadership of Romania

    2.1 The 1966 decree

    2.2 July Theses

    2.3 President of Romania

    2.4 Pacepa defection

    2.5 Foreign debt

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    3 Revolution

    3.1 T

    3.2 Overthrow

    3.2.1 21 December Speech

    3.2.2 22 December

    3.3 Death

    4 Personality cult and authoritarianism

    4.1 Statesmanship

    5 Legacy

    6 ""

    7 Honours and awards

    8 Selected published works

    9 Gallery

    10 Notes

    11 References

    12 External links

    Early life and career [edit]

    Captured in 1936 when he was 18 years old, and imprisoned for two years at Doftana Prison for anti-

    fascist activities.

    w b h vg f S, O y, 26 Jy 1918 bg f h

    hd f fy fy) H fh, Ad wd 3

    hectares of agricultural land, a few sheep and he also supplemented his large family's income through

    tailoring.[5] Nicolae studied at the village school and, at the age of 11, he moved to Bucharest, initially

    living with his sister, Niculina Rusescu, and then becoming an apprentice shoemaker.[5]

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    H wd h wh f Axd Sd, h wh w v b h

    then-illegal Communist Py5] w vvd h Py v

    (becoming a member in early 1932), but, as a teenager, he was given only small tasks.[5] He was first

    arrested in 1933, at the age of 15 for street fighting during a strike and again, in 1934, first for collecting

    signatures on a petition protesting the trial of railway workers and twice more for other similar

    activities.[6] By the mid-1930s, he had been in missions in Bucharest, Craiova, Cmpulung and Rmnicu

    Vlcea, being arrested several times.[7]

    Th f f f h , Sg S, d h " dg g"

    and "distributor of communist and antifascist propaganda materials".[7] For these charges he was

    vd 6 J 1936 by h Bv Tribunal to 2 years in prison, an additional 6 months for

    f d y f fd d S7] H f h

    Doftana Prison.[7] While out of jail in 1940, he met Elena Petrescu, whom he married in 1946 and who

    would play an increasing role in his political life over the years.[6]

    Soon after being freed, he was arrested again and sentenced for "conspiracy against social order",

    spending the time during the war in prisons and internment camps: Jilava (1940), b 1942),

    V 1943), Tg J 1943)7] I 1943, h w fd Tg J wh

    he shared a cell with Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, becoming his protg. After World War II, when

    Romania was beginning to fall under Soviet influence, he served as secretary of the Union of Communist

    Youth (19441945).[6]

    After the communists seized power in Romania in 1947, he headed the ministry of agriculture, then

    served as deputy minister of the armed forces under Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, becoming a Major

    General. In 1952, Gheorghiu-Dej brought him onto the Central Committee months after the party's

    "Muscovite faction" led by Ana Pauker had been purged. In 1954, he became a full member of the

    Politburo and eventually rose to occupy the second-highest position in the party hierarchy.[6]

    Leadership of Romania [edit]

    Meeting between US president Richard Nixon, Michigan congressman Gerald Ford and Nicolae


    w h bv Ghgh-Dej when he died on 19 March 1965, despite his

    closeness to the longtime leader, but amid widespread infighting among older and more connected

    ff h Pb d dd8] H w d g

    secretary on 22 March 1965, three days after Gheorghiu-Dej's death. One of his first acts was to change

    the name of the party from the Romanian Workers' Party back to the Communist Party of Romania, and

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    declare the country the Socialist Republic of Romania rather than a People's Republic. In 1967, he

    consolidated his power by becoming president of the State Council (head of state).

    Iy, b fg d h W Wd, d h

    independent foreign policy, challenging the authority of the Soviet Union. In the 1960s, he eased press

    censorship and ended Romania's active participation in the Warsaw Pact (though Romania formallyremained a member). He not only refused to take part in the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia by

    Warsaw Pact forces, but actively and openly condemned that action. He even traveled to Prague a week

    bf h v ff h zhv , Axd Db Ahgh

    h Sv U gy d ' , h g independence from Moscow

    earned Romania maverick status within the Eastern Bloc.[8]

    dg wh Fh Jq h h d N(1975)

    Dg h fwg y d y wards the United States and Western

    Europe. Romania was the first Warsaw Pact country to recognize West Germany, the first to join the

    International Monetary Fund, and the first to receive a US President, Richard Nixon.[9] In 1971, Romania

    became a member of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Romania and Yugoslavia were

    also the only Eastern European countries that entered into trade agreements with the European

    Economic Community before the fall of the Eastern Bloc.[10]

    The presidential couple is received by Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace in June 1978

    A series of official visits to Western countries (including the US, France, the United Kingdom, and Spain)

    hd hf fg , g dependent foreign policy

    within the Soviet Bloc. He also became eager to be seen as an enlightened international statesman, able

    d f d g f 11]

    negotiated in international affairs, such as the opening of US relations with China in 1969 and the visit of

    Egyptian president Anwar Sadat to Israel in 1977. Also Romania was the only country in the world to

    maintain normal diplomatic relations with both Israel and the PLO.[12]

    The 1966 decree [edit]

  • 7/30/2019 About Ceausescu Nicolae


    gd by Kg J I f S Mdd, 1979

    I 1966, h g, b h y' , d b g,

    and introduced other policies to reverse the very low birth rate and fertility rate. Mothers of at least five

    children would be entitled to significant benefits, while mothers of at least ten children were declared

    heroine mothers by the Romanian state. Few women ever sought this status; instead, the averageRomanian family during the time had two to three children (see Demographics of Romania).[13]

    Furthermore, a considerable number of women either died or were maimed during clandestine


    The government also targeted rising divorce rates and made divorce much more difficult it was

    decreed that a marriage could be dissolved only in exceptional cases. By the late 1960s, the population

    began to swell. In turn, a new problem was created by child abandonment, which swelled the

    orphanage population (see Cighid). Transfusions of untested blood led to Romania accounting for many

    of Europe's pediatric HIV/AIDS cases at the turn of the 21st century despite having a population that

    only makes up around 3% of Europe's total population.[15][16]

    July Theses [edit]

    Ce g wh Nh K d K I Sg 1971

    Main article: July Theses

    vd h P' b f h, Nh K, Mg d Nh V 1971 Htook great interest in the idea of total national transformation as embodied in the programs of North

    Korea's Juche and China's Cultural Revolution. He was also inspired by the personality cults of North

    Korea's Kim Il-sung and China's Mao Zedong. Shortly after returning home, he began to emulate North

    Korea's system. North Korean books on Juche were translated into Romanian and widely distributed

    inside the country.

    On 6 July 1971, he delivered a speech before the Executive Committee of the PCR. This quasi-Maoist

    speech, which came to be known as the July Theses, contained seventeen proposals. Among these were:

    continuous growth in the "leading role" of the Party; improvement of Party education and of mass

    political action; youth participation on large construction projects as part of their "patriotic work"; an

    intensification of political-ideological education in schools and universities, as well as in children's, youth

    and student organizations; and an expansion of political propaganda, orienting radio and television

    shows to this end, as well as publishing houses, theatres and cinemas, opera, ballet, artists' unions,

    promoting a "militant, revolutionary" character in artistic productions. The liberalisation of 1965 was

    condemned and an index of banned books and authors was re-established.

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    The Theses heralded the beginning of a "mini cultural revolution" in Romania, launching a Neo-Stalinist

    offensive against cultural autonomy, reaffirming an ideological basis for literature that, in theory, the

    Party had hardly abandoned. Although presented in terms of "Socialist Humanism", the Theses in fact

    marked a return to the strict guidelines of Socialist Realism, and attacks on non-compliant intellectuals.

    Strict ideological conformity in the humanities and social sciences was demanded. Competence and

    aesthetics were to be replaced by ideology; professionals were to be replaced by agitators; and culture

    was once again to become an instrument for political-ideological propaganda and hardline measures.

    President of Romania [edit]

    Standard as President of Romania

    In 1974, b Pd f h S b f , fh dg h

    power. He continued to follow an independent policy in foreign relationsfor example, in 1984,

    Romania was one of few socialist states (notably including the People's Republic of China, and

    Yugoslavia) to take part in the American-organized 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.

    N d h wf wh E Hh dg v Ty 1975

    Also, the Socialist Republic of Romania was the first of the Eastern bloc nations to have official relations

    with the Western bloc and the European Community: an agreement including Romania in the

    Community's Generalised System of Preferences was signed in 1974 and an Agreement on Industrial

    Products was signed 1980 O 4 A 1975, vd J d wh E Hh

    Pacepa defection [edit]

    In 1978, Ion Mihai Pacepa, a senior member of the Romanian political police (Securitate, State Security),

    defected to the United States. A 2-star general, he was the highest ranking defector from the Eastern

    B dg h d W H df w wf bw g h g, fg

    overhaul the architecture of the Security. Pacepa's 1986 book, Red Horizons: Chronicles of a Communist

    Spy Chief (ISBN 0-89526-570-2), x d f ' g, h v ygon American industry and elaborate efforts to rally Western political support.

    Foreign debt [edit]

  • 7/30/2019 About Ceausescu Nicolae


    d N ddressing his New Year's Eve message on TV and radio

    Main article: 1980s austerity policy in Romania

    ' dd f h Sv U d h g h v f

    Czechoslovakia in 1968 drew the interest of Western powers, whose governments briefly believed that

    he was an anti-Soviet maverick and hoped to create a schism in the Warsaw Pact by funding him.

    dd h h fdg w wy fvb w b bw

    heavily (more than $13 billion) from the West to finance economic development programs, but these

    y dvd h y' f I h, ddd

    repay Romania's foreign debts. He organised a referendum and managed to change the constitution,

    adding a clause that barred Romania from taking foreign loans in the future. The referendum yielded a

    nearly unanimous "yes" vote.

    I h 1980, dd h x f h f h y' g d d

    production in order to repay its debts. The resulting domestic shortages made the everyday life of

    Romanians a fight for survival as food rationing was introduced and heating, gas and electricity

    blackouts became the rule. During the 1980s, there was a steady decrease in the Romanian population's

    standard of living, especially in the availability and quality of food and general goods in shops. During

    h , h dw d d f h , d d v

    channel broadcasting only two hours a day. The official explanation was that the country was paying its

    debts and people accepted the suffering, believing it to be for a short time only and for the ultimate

    good.[citation needed]

    The debt was fully paid in the summer f 1989, hy bf w vhw, b hvy

    exports continued until the revolution in December.[17][18]

    Revolution [edit]

    Main article: Romanian Revolution of 1989

    In November 1989, the XIVth Congress of the Romanian Communist Party (PCR) w , h

    aged 71, re-d f h fv y d f h P Dg h g, d

    speech denouncing the anti-Communist revolutions happening throughout the rest of Eastern Europe.

    B h fwg h, ' g f d f f v v T

    and Bucharest in December 1989.

    T d]

    D h y f T w ggd by h gv-sponsored attempt to evict

    Lz T, h Hg astor, accused by the government of inciting ethnic hatred.

    Members of his ethnic Hungarian congregation surrounded his apartment in a show of support.

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    Romanian students spontaneously joined the demonstration, which soon lost nearly all connection to its

    initial cause and became a more general anti-government demonstration. Regular military forces, police

    and Security fired on demonstrators on 17 December 1989, killing and injuring men, women and


    O 18 Db 1989, dd f visit to Iran, leaving the duty of crushing theT v h bd d h wf U h h vg f 20

    December, the situation became even more tense, and he gave a televised speech from the TV studio

    inside Cen Bdg Bdg), whh h b h v T

    terms of an "interference of foreign forces in Romania's internal affairs" and an "external aggression on

    Romania's sovereignty".

    The country, which had little or no f f h T v f h d, d

    b h T v f w d h V f A d d F E,

    and by word of mouth. On the next day, 21 December, a mass meeting was staged. Official media

    d " v f f ", g h 1968 g whh hd g h v f zhv by Ww P f

    Overthrow [edit]

    21 December Speech [edit]

    The mass meeting of 21 December, held in what is now Revolution Square, began like many of

    ' h v h y Wh h "wd gg", dvd y

    of the achievements of the "socialist revolution" and Romanian "multi-laterally developed socialist

    society."[19] He had seriously misjudged the crowd's mood; around 8 minutes into his speech, several

    people began jeering, booing and whistling at him; as the speech wore on, more and more people didthe same. Others began chanting "Ti-mi--ra! Ti-mi--!" ' hdg f

    expression as the crowd began to boo and heckle him remains one of the defining moments of the

    collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe. He tried to silence them by raising his right hand, and when

    that did not work, he announced that they would receive a raise of 100 lei per month.[8] Failing to

    h wd, h fy v d h bdg, wh hy d h

    next day. The rest of the day saw an open revolt of the Bucharest population, which had assembled in

    University Square and confronted the police and army at barricades. The unarmed rioters were no

    match for the military apparatus concentrated in Bucharest, which cleared the streets by midnight and

    arrested hundreds of people in the process.

    Although the television broadcasts of the "support meeting" and subsequent events had been

    d, ' h v hd dy b d h y' v


    22 December [edit]

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    N f Bh by h 22 Db 1989

    By the morning of 22 December, the rebellion had already spread to all major cities across the country.

    The suspicious death of Vasile Milea, the defense minister (later confirmed as a suicide), was announced

    by h d Idy hf, dd v h PEx P Exv )

    meeting and assumed the leadership of the army.

    Believing that Milea had been murdered, the rank-and-file soldiers went over virtually en masse to the

    v, wh h d w ff d d

    attempt to address the crowd gathered in front of the Central Committee building, but the people in the

    square began throwing stones and other projectiles at him, forcing him to take refuge in the building

    once more. One group of protesters forced open the doors of the building, by now left unprotected.

    Thy gd vw ' bdygd d hd hgh h ff d onto the

    by Ahgh hy dd w , hy w y fw f , wh w d

    in an elevator. He, Elena and four others managed to get to the roof and escaped by helicopter, only

    seconds ahead of a group of demonstrators who had followed them there.[8] The PCR disappeared soon

    afterward, and unlike its kindred parties in the former Soviet bloc, it has never been revived, and no

    present-day Romanian party claims to be its successor.

    During the course of the revolution, the western press published estimates of the number of people

    d by S f g d q h b Th

    increased rapidly until an estimated 64,000 fatalities were widely reported across front pages. The

    Hungarian military attach expressed doubt regarding these figures, pointing out the unfeasible logistics

    f g h g b f h h d f Af ' dh, h

    across the country reported a death toll of less than 1,000, and probably much lower than that.[20]

    Death [edit]

    M T f N d E

    Gv f N , Gh v y Bh)

    d h wf E fd h wh E Bb d M Mnescu and headed, byh, f ' Sgv d, wh hy fd g, h f Tgv N

    Tgv hy bdd h h, hvg b dd d by h y, whh by h

    had restricted flying in Romania' Th w hd by h wh h

    listened to the radio. They were eventually turned over to the army.

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    O h Dy, 25 Db, h w d hg dg g

    gathering ofwh d gd dy dd h ' hy y h, d

    d h w gy d f A h d f h q hw h

    were found guilty and sentenced to death. A soldier standing guard in the proceedings was ordered to

    h b d h h Th vd f h hw h f g h

    hd h hd d bhd h b d d d h bdg b xd

    Th w xed by a gathering of soldiers: Captain Ionel Boeru, Sergeant-Major Georghin

    Octavian and Dorin-Marian Cirlan,[21] while reportedly hundreds of others also volunteered. The firing

    squad began shooting as soon as the two were in position against a wall. The firing happened too soon

    for the film crew covering the events to record it.[22] Before his sentence was carried out, Nicolae

    g "Th I" wh bg d g h w Af h hg, h bd

    were covered with canvas.

    Th hy hw d h g f h dd w vdd d h fg y

    released in numerous western countries two days after the execution. Later that day, it was also shown

    on Romanian television.[23][24]

    Th w he last people to be executed in Romania before the abolition of capital

    punishment on 7 January 1990.[25]

    Their graves are located in Ghencea Cemetery in Bucharest. They are buried on opposite sides of a path.

    The graves themselves are unassuming, but they tend to be covered in flowers and symbols of the

    g I A 2007, h V f vg whh h

    graves were genuine. Upon his death in 1996, the elder son, Nicu, was buried nearby in the same

    cy26] Adg J N,27] q w d by h ' dgh Z

    and by supporters of their political views to move their remains to mausoleums or to purpose-builtchurches. These demands were denied by the government. On 21 July 2010, forensic scientists exhumed

    h bd f h f DNA 26] I w dd h hy w dd h

    f h 28] H fy d gz f v f h 26]

    Personality cult and authoritarianism [edit]

    S g h 70h bhdy d 55 y f vy) f N , 1988

    M N ' f y

  • 7/30/2019 About Ceausescu Nicolae


    d vv y , gvg hf h "d" "Ld") d

    "G d " "Th G f h h"), wh f P

    (Proletkult), and even had a king-like sceptre made for himself.

    Th dy f h y dg 's rule was his birthday, 26 Januarya day which

    saw Romanian media saturated with praise for him. According to historian Victor Sebestyen, it was oneof the few days of the year when the average Romanian put on a happy face, since appearing miserable

    on this day was too risky to contemplate.[8]

    Such excesses prompted the painter Salvador Dal to send a congratulatory telegram to the

    "d", whh h y gd h "dg h d

    sceptre". The Communist Party daily Scnteia published the message, unaware that it was a work of

    T vd w f P' df, vd h wf E d h

    members of his family with important positions in the government, leading Romanians to joke that

    w g " fy"

    N gy, w gy d b h b g Ny f h

    showed him in his early 40s. Romanian state television was under strict orders to portray him in the best

    b gh Addy, d hd g h ' hgh he

    was 1.65m (5 foot 5 inches) tall was never emphasized on screen. Consequences for breaking these

    rules were severe; one producer shwd fg f bg d g, d w bd

    for three months.[8]

    Statesmanship [edit]

    With Warsaw Pact leaders, 1987 (from left): Husk of Czechoslovakia, Zhivkov of Bulgaria, Honecker of

    E Gy, Gbhv f h USS, scu, Jaruzelski of Poland, and Kdr of Hungary

    ' w h y E B y h d d wh I

    and did not sever diplomatic relations after Israel's launch of the Six-Day War in 1967 against Egypt,

    Jord, d Sy d ff d bw h PLO d I Sy,

    Romania was the only Soviet-bloc country to attend the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.

    He organised a successful referendum for reducing the size of the Romanian Army by 5% and held large

    rallies for peace.

    d y f f d gd Af dd] H w

    close ally and personal friend of dictator President Mobutu Sese Seko of Zare. Relations were in fact not

    just state-to-state, but party-to-party between the MPR and the Romanian Communist Party. Many

    bv h ' dh yd fg Mb "d" Z 199029]

  • 7/30/2019 About Ceausescu Nicolae


    F gd h Lg f H d in 1978 he became an Honorary British Knight[30]

    GB, d 1989) h UK, E w gd b "d" bh f

    S Ady h USA; f h, d , w gd by h gd

    ploy through the consular cultural attachs of Romanian embassies in the countries involved.

    ' w h y Ww P y h dd v d whChile after Augusto Pinochet's coup.[31]

    I Ag 1976, N scu was the first high-level Romanian visitor to Bessarabia since World

    War II. In December 1976, at one of his meetings in Bucharest, Ivan Bodiul said that "the good

    h w d by ' v Sv Mdv"32]

    Legacy [edit]

    H , I I, d N 1976

    N d E hd h hd, V b 1948) hy,

    N 19511996) hy, d dgh Z 19492006), who was a

    h Af h dh f h , N dd h f Ohdx

    church, the walls of which are decorated with portraits of his parents.[27]

    Praising the crimes of so-called totalitarian regimes and denigrating their victims is forbidden by law in

    ; h d h g D S w fd 25,000 x 9,000 Ud

    S d) f g d dyg h h v v h 3TV

    Oltenia).[33] Nevertheless, according to opinion polls held in 2010, 41% of Romanians would vote for

    34]35] d 63% h h h v w b bf 198935]36]

    ' dy w w dzd g , Th F f , wtten and

    composed by Ron Conner. It premiered at the Los Angeles Theater Center in September 1995 and was

    attended by Romanian President Ion Iliescu, who was visiting Los Angeles at the time.

    One unresolved mystery that followed the death of Nicolae ' A 17

    Gdw M 37] whh w ' h f h dh, b h disappeared.[citation needed] This moon rock was presented by the Nixon Administration to Romania

    and is said to be worth 5 million dollars on the black market.[citation needed]