Studiu Geotehnic Ianca

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    02 15.04.14 Issued for Approval/

    Emis pentru aprobare R.Marin Gh.Momea M.Radea

    01 12.03.14 Issued for Review/

    Emis pentru verificare R.Marin Gh.Momea M.Radea













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    The present documentation was made in accordance with the provisions and the regulations from Normative regarding the principles, requirements and methods of geotechnical research of foundation soil NP 074/2007. The investigation of the foundation soil was made in accordance with SR EN 1997-2 (Eurocode 7 Geotechnical Design Part 2: The investigation and soil test), also with the provisions of the 3rd section Geotechnical Data of SR EN 1997 - 1: Geotechnical Design: Part 1: General rules.

    Prezenta documentatie a fost intocmita in conformitate cu prevederile si reglementarile din Normativ privind principiile, exigentele si metodele cercetarii geotehnice a terenului de fundare NP 074/2007. Investigarea terenului de fundare s-a efectuat in conformitate cu SR EN 1997 2 (Eurocode 7: Proiectarea geotehnica Partea 2: Investigarea si incercarea pamantului) precum sI cu prevederile sectiunii 3 Date geotehnice din SR EN 1997 1: Proiectarea geotehnica: Partea 1: Reguli generale.

    Fragment with Bordei Verde area topographical plan scale1:100000,

    L35-104 Fragment cu zona Bordei Verde plan topografic scara 1:100000,


    Tank Farm Bordei Verde (TFBL) and Park 6 Bordei Verde is located south of Bordei Verde locality, with acces from the county road 211, with a ramification to the Park 6 and Tank Farm Bordei Verde.

    Tank Farm Bordei Verde (TFBL) si Parcul 6 Bordei Verde se situeaza in sudul localitatii Bordei Verde, avand acces din drumul judetean 211, cu o ramificatie catre Parc 6 si Depozit Bordei Verde.


    The scope of this documentation is the determination of geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical conditions from the area, in order to supply the required data for the design and execution of the objectives modernization of the project TF Bordei Verde and Park 6 Bordei Verde, in order to be used in maximum security conditions.

    Documentatia are ca scop determinarea conditiilor geomorfologice, geologice si geotehnice, din perimetrul de teren cercetat, in scopul furnizarii datelor necesare pentru proiectarea si executarea obiectivelor afarente proiectului TF Bordei Verde si Parc 6 Bordei Verde, in vederea exploatarii obiectivelor ce se proiecteaza in conditii de maxima siguranta.

    The data which will be analyzed refers to the following aspects:

    Datele care vor fi analizate se refera la urmatoarele aspecte:

  • establish the general morphological, geological and hydro-geological conditions from the area;

    stabilirea conditiilor generale de morfologie, geologie si hidrogeologie din zona;

    framing the perimeter from the climatically and seismically grade perspective;

    incadrarea perimetrului din punct de vedere climatic si a gradului de seismicitate;

    determination of the lithological nature of the strata from the researched perimeter;

    determinarea naturii litologice a stratelor din perimetrul cercetat;

    specification of the local materials thickness and nature (soils, industrial waste and other filling materials);

    precizarea naturii si grosimii materialelor locale (pamanturi, deseuri industriale si alte materiale de umplutura);

    determination of the underground water level and eventual water seepages;

    determinarea nivelului apelor subterane si a eventualelor infiltratii de apa;

    determination of the physical mechanical parameters of the investigated soils;

    determinarea parametrilor fizico-mecanici ai pamanturilor investigate;

    soil rezisitivity measurements; masuratori de rezistivitate a solului;

    determination of some special natural conditions which may have a negative influence on the field stability and on the safety of the objectives exploitation.

    determinarea unor conditii naturale speciale care ar putea avea o influenta negativa asupra stabilitatii terenului si sigurantei in exploatare a obiectivelor;

    conclusions and general recommendations regarding the location of the objectives in the land;

    concluzii si recomandari generale privind amplasarea obiectivelor in teren;

    soils characteristics at digging, according with T.S 1995;

    incadrarea pamanturilor la sapatura, conform T.S.1995;

    The investigations in the perimeter indicated by the beneficiary together with the general designer were performed in February 2014

    Cercetarile in perimetrul stabilit de beneficiar impreuna cu proiectantul general s-au efectuat in februarie 2014.



    For the determination of all the mentioned elements, geotechnical investigation works were performed, in field and office stage, as follows:

    Pentru determinarea tuturor elementelor precizate mai sus s-au efectuat lucrari de cercetare geotehnica in faza de teren precum si in faza de birou dupa cum urmeaza:

    field stage in which were performed: etapa de teren in care s-au executat: detailed geological mapping in the site

    perimeter and in the surrounding perimeter; cartarea amplasamentului;

    execution of 3 geotechnical drilling (D1, D2, D3), in dry percussion system, with the mechanical installation Cobra, investigating the soils at the depth of 6.00 m;

    executarea a trei foraje geotehnice (F1, F2, F3) in sistem percutant uscat cu instalatia mecanica Cobra, care a investigat terenul la adancimea de 6.00 m;

    execution of three light dynamic penetration tests (DPL1, DPL2, DPL3) with the dynamic penetrometer Matest;

    executarea a trei incercari de penetrare dinamica (PDU1, PDU2, PDU3) cu penetrometrul dinamic usor Matest

    soil resistivity measurements, prezented in the appendix of the geotechnical study;

    masuratori de determinare a rezistivitatii solului, prezentate in anexa studiului geotehnic;

    soils sampling from the drilling, which were analyzed in the specialized geotechnical laboratory (the analysis report/bulletin is presented as an appendix to the present geotechnical study)

    prelevari de probe netulburate si tulburate din forajul executat, care au fost analizate in laboratorul geotehnic (buletinul de analize fiind prezentat ca anexa a studiului geotehnic).

    office stage in which were performed the followings:

    etapa de birou, in care s-au executat urmatoarele:

    preliminary documentation regarding the geomorphologic and geological situation from the area

    documentare privind situatia geomorfologica si gelogica din zona;

    preliminary documentation regarding the geotechnical works performed previously in

    documentare privind lucrari geotehnice efectuate anterior in zona studiata sau

  • the investigated or in the surrounding area; limitrofa acesteia;

    laboratory analysis interpretation; interpretarea analizelor de laborator;

    preparation of the geotechnical documentation;

    intocmirea studiului geotehnic



    The individualization of the relief unit was done taking into consideration the main geomorphological, morphological elements and the lithological composition. There are several sub-regions, namely: Central Baragan (Calmatui Plain), North Baragan (Braila Plain), Ramnic Plain, Braila Island, Siret Meadow, Buzau Meadow and Calmatui Meadow

    Individualizarea unitatilor de relief s-a facut tinand seama de principalele elemente geomorfologice, morfologice si a constitutiei litologice. Se disting mai multe subregiuni, si anume: Baraganul Central (Campia Calmatuiului), Baraganul de Nord (Campia Brailei), Campia Ramnicului, Balta Brailei, Lunca Siretului, Lunca Buzaului si Lunca Calmatuiului.

  • Geomorphological classification of Romania area of Braila Plain Regionarea geomorfologica a Romaniei Campia Brailei

    From geomorphological point of view, Oprisenesti - Bordei Verde area belongs to the geomorphological unit Braila Plain, which is developed between Buzau river at north, Calmatui creek at south and Danube Meadow at east. Braila Plain is a plain unit with flat aspect with heights of 20 30 m.

    Din punct de vedere geomorfologic zona Bordei Verde se incadreaza in unitatea geomorfologica Campia Brailei, care se dezvolta intre raul Buzau la nord, paraul Calmatui la sud si lunca Dunarii spre est. Campia Brailei este o unitate de campie cu aspect plat cu altitudini de 20 30 m.

    Characteristic for this plain is the presence of several abandoned watercourse, digressed riverbed (named ,,buzoele) and swampy fields, through which are set periodically connections with Buzau and Calmatui. This are the last watercourse of Buzau River. The watercourses from the plain surface have riverbeds on which were set watercourse belonging to Buzau river, and lakes with permanent or occasionally water. These were formed through the blocking with alluvial deposits of the valley watercourses, in the condition that the discharge slope being small, the watercourses of this valleys is meandered.

    Caracteristic pentru aceasta campie este prezenta a numeroase cursuri parasite, albii divagante (denumite "buzoele") si de terenuri mlastinoase, prin care se stabilesc legaturi periodice intre Buzau si Calmatui. Acestea constituie penultimul curs al raului Buzau. Cursurile de pe suprafata campiei au albii pe care s-au instalat cursuri de ape tributare Buzaului si, respectiv, lacuri cu apa permanenta sau sezoniera. Acestea din urma s-au format prin bararea cu aluviuni a cursului vailor, in conditiile in care, panta de curgere fiind foarte mica, cursul acestor vai este unul lenes si meandrat.

    North Baragan (Braila Plain) is located at south

    of Calmatui Meadow, at west by the lower digression area marked with the abandoned creeks of Buzau, in north west and north by Buzau and Siret meadows, and in east by the Danube Meadow. The height is higher in the western part between 35 40 m and lower in east between 20-25 m.The relief is uniform, represented by plains, large, without superficial drainage. The only microforms of relief are formed by the compaction depression, reaching the most development from the entire Romanian Plain and some large valleys, without drainage. The compaction depression are transformed in lakes and are met in the central part of the plain, between Ianca and Comaneasca (Ianca, Plopu, Esna, Lutu Alb, Secu, Iazu etc.).

    Baraganul de Nord (Campia Brailei) este

    delimitat la sud de Lunca Calmatuiului, la vest de zona joasa de divagare presarata cu bratele parasite ale Buzaului, in nord-vest si nord de lunca Buzaului si a Siretului, iar in est de Lunca Dunarii. Altitudinea este mai mare in partea vestica intre 35 40 m si mai mica in est intre 20 25 m. Relieful este relativ uniform, reprezentat prin campuri netede, intinse, nedrenate superficial. Singurele microforme de relief le formeaza depresiunile de tasare, care ating cea mai mare dezvoltare din toata Campia Romana si cateva vai largi, fara scurgere. Depresiunile de tasare sunt transformate in lacuri si se intalnesc in partea centrala a campiei, intre Ianca si Comaneasca (Ianca, Plopu, Esna, Lutu Alb, Secu, Iazu etc.).

  • Regarding the valleys, Ianca Valley is the biggest, with a direction south north and divides Braila Plain in almost two equal parts: Viziru Plain and Ianca Plain. The valley has a big width (sometimes 2 km) in relation with the length (30 40 km). Its depth is of 7 8 m and has the aspect of a lake, due to the small slope the water stagnates temporary, allowing the development of the aquatic vegetation.

    In ceea ce priveste vaile, Valea Ianca este cea mai mare, cu o directie sud-nord si imparte Campia Brailei in doua parti aproape egale: Campia Viziru si Campia Iancai. Valea are o latime exagerat de mare (uneori 2 Km) in raport cu lungimea (30 40 Km). Adancimea ei este doar de 7 8 m si are mai degraba aspectul unui lac, deoarece datorita pantei mici a profilului longitudinal apa stagneaza temporar, permitand dezvoltarea unei vegetatii acvatice.

    Viziru Plain comprises the space between Ianca Valley in west and the Danube in east, under the form of a strip from the Calmatui meadow in south to the Siret Meadow in north. It is the area where Braila Plain has the smallest height (20 21 m in south at Viziru and 13-16 m in north at Braila), excepting the northern part from the contact with Siret Meadow where the sand dunes laid over the loessoid deposits have higher heights of (28 31 m). Viziru Plain is flat, unaffected by the compaction processes.

    Campul Viziru cuprinde spatiul dintre Valea Ianca in vest si Dunarea in est, sub forma unei benzi de la Lunca Calmatuiului in sud si pana la cea a Siretului in nord. Este zona in care Campia Brailei are cele mai mici inaltimi (20-21 m in sud la Viziru si 13-16 m in nord la Braila), exceptand muchia nordica de la contactul cu Lunca Siretului unde dunele de nisip care se astern peste depozitul loessoid au altitudini ceva mai ridicate (28-31 m). Campul Viziru este neted, neafectat de procese de tasare evidente.

    Ianca Plain located between Ianca Valley at east and Buzau Valley at west, divides in 3. In the central part is Ianca Plain, crossed by several large valleys, with small depths, with crove lakes: Ianca, Plopu, Lutu Alb, Esna, Movila Miresii. In the south west sector is located the Mircea Voda Plain with bigger heights (35 -40 m), which is framed at west by the Buzau Meadow and at south by Calmatui Meadow. It has a flat surface, without compaction depressions. On the northern side, near the Braila Plain, is located the Gemenele Plain which extends as a portion covered with sand dunes, with bigger thickness and heights up to 50 m between Constantinesti and Sutesti, fixed and used for agriculture.

    Campia Iancai situata intre Valea Ianca in est si Valea Buzaului in vest, se imparte in trei. In portiunea centrala este Campul Ianca, strabatut de numeroase vaiugi largi, putin adanci, presarata cu lacuri de crov: Ianca, Plopu, Lutu Alb, Esna, Movila Miresii. In sectorul de sud-vest se afla Campul Mircea Voda cu inaltimi mai mari (35-40 m), care este limitat la vest de Lunca Buzau iar in sud de Lunca Calmatui. Are suprafata neteda, fara depresiuni de tasare. Pe latura de nord, bordand fruntea Campiei Brailei, este Campul Gemenele care se intinde ca o fasie acoperita de nisipuri sub forma de dune, cu grosimi mari si altitudini care ajung pana la 50 m intre Constantinesti si Sutesti, fixate si folosite pentru culturi agricole.

  • The relief of Bordeiu Verde village, marked on a fragment of the

    geological map, scale 1:200.000 Relieful coumnei Bordeiu Verde, trasat pe un fragmente al hartii

    geologice, scara 1:200000


    Geologically, the region within the investigated objective belongs to the Moesic Platform. The unit has a crystalline fundament, highly fragmented and a sedimentary layers of which the first terms are disrupted and the others are in a horizontal position.

    Din punct de vedere geologic structural, regiunea care incadreaza zona obiectivului cercetat apartine Platformei Moesice. Unitatea are un soclu cristalin puternic cutat si o cuvertura sedimentara ai carei primi termeni sunt dislocati, iar urmatorii in pozitie orizontala.

    The Moesic basement from the eastside of Romanian Plain includes two sections:

    Fundamentul moesic din aceasta parte orientala a Campiei Romane cuprinde la randul lui doua sectoare:

    at north east a Baikalian sector, with green schists corresponding to the Central Dobogea;

    la nord est un sector baikalian, cu sisturi verzi, corespunzator Dobrogei centrale

    at south west a sector corresponding to the Meridional Dobrogea, with crystalline schists. The crystalline schists basement of this last sector was intercepted in drillings only in Dobrogea (Palazu) and based on the geophysical data, they extend with the same properties on Romanian Plain, at south of a diagonal line which corresponds to the Capidava Canara fault

    la sud vest un sector corespunzator Dobrogei meridionale, cu sisturi cristaline mai vechi, dislocate printr-o cutare putin acuzata spre sfarsitul Silurianului (faza ardenica). Fundamentul de sisturi cristaline al acestui din urma sector a fost interceptat prin foraje numai in Dobrogea (Palazu), dar dupa datele geofizice, el se prelungeste cu aceleasi caractere pe teritoriul Campiei Romane, la S de o linie diagonala ce corespunde aproximativ cu falia Capidava Canara.

    The green schists from the Baikalian basement belongs to the Upper Proterosoic and the deposits of Moesic Platform belongs to Paleosoic, Mesosoic and Neosoic.The eastern part, with a Neozoic layer having a reduced thickness, represents the platform, the north west part where the Neozoic layer thickens fats to the Carpathian part belongs to the external flank of the Carpathian Foredeep.

    Sisturile verzi din fundamentul baikalian apartin Proterozoicului superior, iar formatiunile din cuvertura Platformei moesice Paleozoicului, Mezozoicului si Neozoicului. Partea de est a teritoriului, cu cuvertura neozoica de grosime mai redusa, reprezinta platforma propriu-zisa, partea de nord-vest unde cuvertura neozoica se ingroasa rapid spre teritoriul carpatic apartine de flancul extern, epiplatformic, al avanfosei carpatice.

    In the region it appears deposits of Quaternary La zi in regiune apar depozite apartinand

  • age, with considerable thickness in the conditions of a active subsidence in that period of time. The newest tectonic genesis, Valahe tectonic genesis determined in the section of Moesian Platform between Intra -Moesian fault, at West and the extension of Peceneaga Camena fault, at North, tipping motion to North with the influence the continuous migration of Buzau river . The last route is observed on the lakes alignment Ianca, Plopu, Lutu Alb. The loessoid deposits on the Braila terrace have a sandy silty character, are macroporeous, with a yellowish color. In the northern part of Braila plain they become sandier. Their thickness if of 15 20 m.

    cuaternarului cu grosimi considerabile in conditiile unei subsidente active in aceasta perioada de timp. Cea mai noua tectogeneza, cea valaha a determinat in segmentul platformei Moesice cuprins intre falia intramoesica, la vest si prelungirea faliei Peceneaga Camena, la nord miscari de basculare catre nord care a provocat continua migrare in acest sens a cursului Buzaului. Penultimul traseu se urmareste pe aliniamentul lacurilor Ianca, Plopu, Lutu Alb. Depozitele loessoide de pe suprafata terasei Braila au un caracter prafos nisipos, sunt macroporice, de culoare galbuie. In partea de nord a campiei Brailei ele devin din ce in ce mai nisipoase. Grosimea lor este de 15 20 m.

    In the south east area of the Moesic Platform are highlighter and are in operation a series of oil and gas deposits on the structural line south west north-east Urziceni Garbova Braganeasa Padina Jugureanu Oprisenesti Plopu Bordei Verde Liscoteanca Stancuta - Bertesti. The gas deposits from the south east area of the Moesic Platform were evidentated and operated at Oprisenesti, Bordei Verde, Liscoteanca, Bertesti, Stancuta, Jugureanu, Padina, Gradistea, Balta Alba.

    In cadrul zonei sud-estice a Platformei Moesice sunt puse in evidenta si se afla in exploatare o serie de zacaminte de titei si gaze pe aliniamentul structural orientat sud-vest nord-est Urziceni Garbova Braganeasa Padina Jugureanu Oprisenesti Plopu Bordei Verde Liscoteanca Stancuta - Bertesti. Zacamintele de gaze libere in zona de sud-est a Platformei Moesice au fost puse in evidenta si se afla in exploatare la Oprisenesti, Bordei Verde, Liscoteanca, Bertesti, Stancuta, Jugureanu, Padina, Gradistea, Balta Alba.

  • Geological map of Romania, scale 1:200000, sheet no. 37 Braila; Harta geologica a Romaniei, scara 1:200000, foaia 37 Braila;


    Levantine (lv) Levantin (lv)

    With Levantine it ends the series of Pliocene deposits. The deposits of this level have a great development in the NW part of the territory, reaching at Balta Alba the thickness of 1000 m. Here, the Levantine deposits, intercepted under the depth of 500 m, are composed from a mix of clays, marls, sands, clayey sands, sometimes coaly.

    Cu levantinul se incheie seria depozitelor pliocene. Depozitele acestui etaj au o puternica dezvoltare in partea de NW a teritoriului, atingand la Balta Alba o grosime in jur de 1000 m. Aici, depozitele levantine, interceptate sub adancimea de 500 m, sunt constituite dintr-o alternanta de argile, marne, nisipuri, nisipuri argiloase, uneori carbunoase.

    Lower Pleistocene (qp1) Pleistocen inferior (qp1)

    The villafranchian deposits (qp11) Candesti strata - represented in the Carpathians bend through gravels and sand with intercalations of clays and marls, pass to E and SE, in Faurei Balta Alba area, in deposits finer, namely sands, clayey sands, clays, rarely meeting a coarse sands lens. In the Danube Meadow sector and at W of the Danube, the Lower Quaternary is represented by sands and gravels, composing the ,,Fratesti strata of which stratigraphy is upper than the Candesti strata, being reported to St. Prestian (qp21). At W of Romanu Viziru Victoria line, the deposits of Fratesti strata become more finer, being composed of fine sands, sandy clays and clays. The thickness of the Lower Pleistocene deposits is between 50 200 m.

    Depozitele villafranchiene (qp11) strate de Candesti reprezentate in sectorul de curbura a Carpatilor prin pietrisuri si nisipuri cu intercalatii de argile si marne, trec lateral spre E si SE, in zona Faurei Balta Alba, la depozite din ce in ce mai fine si anume, la nisipuri si nisipuri argiloase, argile, rareori intalnindu-se si cate o lentila de nisipuri mai grosiere. In sectorul luncii Dunarii si imediat la W de Dunare, Cuaternarul inferior este reprezentat prin nisipuri si pietrisuri, alcatuind asa numitele strate de Fratesti, a caror pozitie stratigrafica este superioara fata de stratele de Candesti, fiind raportate la St. Prestian (qp21). La W de linia Romanu Viziru Victoria, depozitele stratelor de Fratesti devin din ce in ce mai fine, fiind constituite din nisipuri fine, argile nisipoase si argile. Grosimea depozitelor pleistocen inferioare este apreciata a varia intre 50 200 m.

    Medium Pleistocene (qp2) Pleistocen mediu (qp2)

    The Medium Pleistocene is represented by marls, clays and sand, composing the ,,marly complex with a thickness of 10 80 m.

    Pleistocenul mediu este reprezentat printr-o alternanta de marne, argile si nisipuri, constituind compelxul marnos gros de 10 80 m.

    Medium Upper Pleistocene (qp2-qp3) Pleistocenul mediu-superior (qp2-qp3) To this range were reported the loessoid deposits from Harsova area, those from the erossion witness from E of Baraganul and Murgeanca towns, as well as the entire succession of deposits

    Au fost raportate acestui interval stratigrafic depozitele loessoide din zona Harsova, cele din martorul de eroziune de la E de localitatile Baraganul si Murgeanca, precum si intreaga

  • from Ramnic Plain, which lay directly on the Candesti strata and are covered by loessoid deposits. The loessoid deposits from Harsova and from the erosion witness have a sandy silty characters, are macroporeous and with calcareous concretions, as well in some points can be found clayey levels, with a reddish orange color which represent buried soils. The thickness of this deposits vary between 15 to 40 m.

    succesiune de depozite din Campia Ramnicului, care sta direct peste stratele de Candesti si este acoperita de depozite loessoide. In general, depozitele loessoide de la Harsova si pe martorul de eroziune au un caracter prafos-nisipos, sunt macroporice si cu concretiuni calcaroase; de asemenea, in unele puncte se constata nivele mai argiloase de culoare caramiziu-roscata care ar reprezenta soluri ingropate. Grosimea acestor depozite variaza de la 15 la 40 m.

    Upper Pleistocene (qp3) Pleistocen superior (qp3)

    The Upper Pleistocene is represented by the sands of Mostistea (qp13), clayey sands with gravels intercalations (qp23), the loessoid deposits which covers the inter-river Ialomita Calmatui are sandy and with a reduces development at N.

    Pleistocenul superior este reprezentat prin nisipurile de Mostistea (qp13), nisipuri argiloase cu intercalatii de pietrisuri (qp23), depozitele loessoide care acopera interfluviul Ialomita Calmatui se prezinta predominant nisipoase si cu o dezvoltare redusa la N.

    The quaternary cover in the region is composed of lower Holocene deposits represented by the alluvial deposits of the lower terrace of Danube river and by loessoid deposits belonging to Braila Plain. The deposits of the lower terrace of Danube are composed of sands and low clayey sands with a thickness of 5 10 m.

    Cuvertura cuaternara in regiune este constituita din depozite holocene inferioare reprezentate prin aluviunile terasei joase a Dunarii si prin depozitele loessoide apartinand campiei Brailei. Acumularile terasei joase a Dunarii sunt constituite din nisipuri si nisipuri slab argiloase, groase de 5 10 m.

    The loessoid deposits which cover Braila Plain have a sandy silty character, are macroporeous with a yellowish color. In the north part of Braila Plain they become sandier. Their thickness is between 5 10 m.

    Depozitele loessoide care acopera campia Brailei, au un caracter prafos nisipos, sunt macroporice, de culoare galbuie. In partea de nord a campiei Brailei, ele devin din ce in ce mai nisipoase. Grosimea lor este de 5 10 m.

    Upper Holocene (qh2) Holocen superior (qh2)

    The loessoid deposits of the lower terrace, the alluvial deposits of the meadow as well as the aeolian sands from the region belong to the Upper Holocene.

    Depozitele loessoide ale terasei joase, acumularile aluvionare ale luncilor precum si nisipurile eoliene din regiune, au fost atribuite Holocenului superior.



    The main watercourses from the area are Buzau and Calmatui Rivers. Buzau River crossed Braila county of a distance of 126 km, between Jirlau and Voinesti. Buzau River present a great instability and it is as a torrential river during floods. Calmatui River crosses Braila county from west to east, on a distance of 84 km, between Jugureanu and Gura Calmatui towns. Calmatui River is the only permanent water stream on the territory of Bordei Verde locality, creating the limit with Zavoaia towns, on a distance of 5 km, near Liscoteanca village. Calmatui is a river of plain, with low depth and small water debit, which flows through a large meadow for its dimensions (5 7 km width near Lisoteanca Satnoieni), probably a former water bed of Buzau River. The river was damned on it entire length in 1970 1980.

    Principalele cursuri de apa din zona de interes sunt raurile Buzau si Calmatui. Raul Buzau parcurge teritoriul judetului Braila pe o distanta de 126 km, intre Jirlau si Voinesti. Raul Buzau prezinta o mare instabilitate si se manifesta ca un rau torential la viituri. Raul Calmatui parcurge teritoriul judetului Braila, de la Vest la Est, pe o distanta de 84 km, intre localitatile Jugureanu si Gura Calmatui. Raul Calmatui este singura apa curgatoare permanenta de pe teritoriul comunei Bordei Verde, formand limita cu comuna Zavoaia, pe o distanta de circa 5 kilometri, in zona satului Liscoteanca. Calmatuiul este un rau de campie, putin adanc si cu debit mic, care curge printr-o lunca foarte lata pentru dimensiunile sale (5 7 km latime in zona Liscoteanca Satnoieni), probabil o fosta albie a raului Buzau. Raul a fost regularizat si indiguit pe toata lungimea sa in anii 1970 1980.

    The main elements which defines the underground water regime are: the low relief energy, the low climatic regime and low value of the specific discharge, the depth hydro structures present continuity on large areas; the Candesti and Fratesti

    Principalele elemente care definesc regimul apelor subterane sunt: energie de relief foarte slaba, regim climatologic deficitar si valori mici ale scurgerii specifice, hidrostructurile de adancime prezinta continuitate pe suprafete mari; pietrisurile

  • gravels have a great economic importance, the underground supply is done mainly by surface water seepages, the fluvial facies present an important hydrogeological interest ensuring big water debits, by introduction of irrigations, the hydrogeological regime was modified through the elevation of the underground water, in the periods with high precipitations, the low drained areas are flooded.

    de Candesti si mai ales cele de Fratesti au importanta economica foarte mare, alimentarea in subteran se realizeaza in principal prin infiltratii din apele de suprafata, faciesurile fluviatile prezinta interes hidrogeologic deosebit, asigurand debite foarte mari, prin introducerea irigatiilor, regimul hidrogeologic regional s-a modificat prin ridicarea nivelului apelor subterane, in perioadele cu precipitatii abundente, zonele slab drenate sunt subinundate.

    The main depth aquifer are the Candesti and Fratesti strata. In the lower basin of Buzau river, the Candesti strata have psamitic character, sands and clayey sands with small thickness. The supply of the aquifer is done from west and probably from Siret River. The increase of the deposits pressure it done to south, in the same time with the structural immersion. The sector of Danube Meadow present a hydrogeological importance through the Fratesti strata, composed of fine sands, medium and coarse with thickness up to 20 m. The water are under pressure, being elevated till the surface of the field. An important role have the hydro works, the seepages and water evaporation. In the analysis of the hydrogeological conditions of the quaternary aquifers, it must be taken into consideration the Aeolian formations.

    Principalele acvifere de adancime sunt stratele de Candesti si stratele de Fratesti. In bazinul inferior al Buzaului, Stratele de Candesti au un caracter psamitic, nisipuri si nisipuri argiloase, cu grosimi mici. Alimentarea acviferului se realizeaza dinspre vest si probabil din Siret. Cresterea presiunii de zacamant se produce spre sud, concomitent cu afundarea structurala. Sectorul Luncii Dunarii prezinta o mare importanta hidrogeologica prin Stratele de Fratesti, constituite din nisipuri fine, medii si grosiere, cu grosimi de pana la 20 m. Apele se afla sub presiune, manifestand ascensional pana aproape de suprafata terenului. Un rol important il au lucrarile hidroameliorative, infiltratiile si evapotranspiratia. In analizarea conditiilor hidrogeologice ale acviferelor cuaternare, trebuie sa se tina seama de formatiunileeoliene

    The phreatic aquifer si composed from a complex of sands and silty sands from the loessoid formations, it granulation decreasing to east and south. The conditions of the underground discharge allow the division of many more hydrogeological units:

    Acviferul freatic este constituit dintr-un complex de nisipuri si nisipuri prafoase din baza formatiunilor loessoide, granulatia lor scazand spre est si sud. Conditiile scurgerii subterane permit separarea mai multor unitati hidrogeologice:

    the area of the divagation (ramble) plains - subsidence region contains an area framed by Buzau and Calmatui River, till east of Faurei and from here to Lower Siret, with low representation of the fluvial terraces. The aquifer thickness is between 2 and 20 m, with low values of the hydraulic gradients;

    zona campiilor de divagare regiunea de subsidenta cuprinde o suprafata delimitata de raul Buzau si raul Calmatui, pana la est de Faurei si de aici spre Siretul inferior, cu slaba reprezentare a teraselor fluviatile. Grosimea acviferelor este cuprinsa intre 2 si 20 m, cu valori foarte mici ale gradientilor hidraulici;

    lake plains loessoid region with plain surface, with dunes and depression areas with local drain effect. The thickness of the loessoid deposits is from 5 to 30 m, the aquifer having thickness of 2 10 m, with the main drainage toward the Danube and secondary to the main rivers which cross it. The gradients are very small, its values increasing to the areas of natural drainage;

    campia tabulara-lacustra regiunea loessoida cu suprafata aproape plana, cu dune si zone depresionare cu efect de drenaj local. Grosimea depozitelor loesoide este de 5 pana la 30 m, acviferul avand grosimi de 2 10 m, cu drenajul principal spre Dunare si in secundar spre raurile principale care strabat. Gradientii sunt foarte mici, valoarea acestora crescand spre zonele de drenaj natural;

    the alluvial plains the fluvial plains and the main ones - represent the meadow areas of Danube and Siret rivers. The aquifer is composed of coarse alluvial deposits with thickness of over 30 m, the underground water regime being under the direct influence of the hydrological regime of the valleys where they develop.

    sesurile aluvionare campiile fluviatile si de baza reprezinta zonele de lunca ale Dunarii si Siretului. Acviferul este constituit din aluviuni grosiere, cu grosimi peste 30 m, regimul apelor subterane fiind sub influenta directa a regimului hidrologic al vailor de-a lungul carora se dezvolta.

  • Fragment of hydrogeological map of Romania scale 1:100.000 -

    page 37b Braila

    Fragment harta hidrogeologica a Romaniei scara 1:100.000 foaia 37b Braila


    Oprisenesti Bordei Verde belongs to the climatic area - temperate, with continental aspects. The regime of the air temperature through monthly average values and in special by the absolute amplitude reflect the characteristics of the temperate- continental climate. The summers are

    Zona Oprisenesti Bordei Verde se incadreaza zona climatica temperata, cu aspecte continentale. Regimul temperaturii aerului prin valorile medii lunare si in special prin amplitudinea absoluta reflecta cel mai clar caracteristicile climatului temperat continental, cu nuante excesive. Verile

  • hot and dry due to the hot air transport from north of Africa and as well due to the high level of sun radiations) (125kcal/cm) due to 2.200h/year of sun shine (290 days/year). In this period the reduced precipitations, with long dry period of 1 3 weeks with torrential rain. The winters are cold and dry, influenced by the harsh winds from north of Russian Plain (the north wind). The annual average temperature is around 10C 11C. . July is the hottest month of the year, with annual average temperatures of 22-23C.

    sunt caniculare si secetoase din cauza transporturilor de aer cald din nordul Africii precum si datorita nivelurilor ridicate ale radiatiei solare (125kcal/cm) ca urmare a 2.200h/an de stralucire a Soarelui (290 de zile/an). In aceasta perioada precipitatiile sunt scazute, alternand perioade lungi de seceta de 1 3 saptamani cu averse de ploaie torentiala. Iernile sunt in general reci, uscate, influentate de vanturile aspre provenite din nordul Campiei Ruse (Crivatul).Temperatura medie anuala este in jurul valorilor de 10C 11C. Iulie este cea mai caniculara luna din an, cu temperaturi medii multianuale de 22-23C.

    The lowest annual average temperatures are in January, the coldest month, when is air it is recorder the value of -3 0C(-2.10C Braila). The hottest month is July, when the annual average temperatures vary between 22.10 0C at Ion Sion and 23.10 0C at Braila. From the monthly average temperatures, the absolute extreme one are more distanced. The maximum absolute temperature of + 44.50C, a record for the country, was recorded at Ion Sion station on 10 August 1951. The absolute minim temperature was recorded at Ion Sion station, of -29.0 0C on 25 January 1942, under the influence of the polar air mass.

    Temperaturile medii lunare multianuale cele mai mici se realizeaza in ianuarie, luna cea mai rece, cand in aer se inregistreaza -3 0C (-2,10 0C Braila). Luna cea mai calda este iulie, cand temperaturile medii multianuale variaza intre 22,10 0C la Ion Sion si 23,10 0C la Braila. Fata de temperaturile medii lunare, cele extreme absolute sunt mult mai distantate. Temperatura maxima absoluta de +44,50 0C, omologata ca record pe tara, s-a inregistrat la statia Ion Sion la 10 august 1951. Temperatura minima absoluta s-a inregistrat tot la

    statia Ion Sion respectiv -290 C la data de 25

    ianuarie 1942, sub influenta maselor de aer polar.

    The frost maximum depth of the area is 0.80 0.90m.

    Adancimea maxima de inghet in zona este de 0.80 0.90 m

    The atmospheric precipitations sum up during one year under 500 mm. Like the thermic regime, the precipitations regime reflect the continental character of the clime, as these fall in variable quantities from one year to another and are unequal distributed during the year. In Braila Plain these vary between 400 490 mm/year. In Braila plain the water quantity resulted from snow is of 100 mm/ year, representing 20 23% of the annual total of precipitations.

    Precipitatiile atmosferice totalizeaza in cursul unui an sub 500 mm. Ca si regimul termic, si cel de precipitatiilor reflecta caracterul continental al climei, in sensul ca acestea cad in cantitati variabile de la un an la altul si sunt repartizate inegal in timpul anului.In Campia Brailei acestea variaza intre 400-490 mm/an. Se apreciaza ca in cadrul Campiei Brailei, cantitatea de apa rezultata din zapada este de circa 100 mm/an, reprezentand 20-23% din totalul anual al precipitatiilor.

    The dry climate is highlighted by the low quantities of precipitations (under 500 mm/year in average). The snow appears in the time range November March, the number of days with snow being low (15 20 days per year) and the snow stratum is thick (10 cm) and maintains around one month/year. A phenomena specific for the area is the snowstorm and the snowbound, especially in the northern limit of the villages. On the area of Bordei Verde town, near Filiu Liscoteanca, was recorder in 1910 the maximum historic of the precipitations quantity in Braila county, in one day 126 mm/ 24 hrs. On order to compensate the water deficit were executed in the last years of the 20th century great works of irrigations and land improvement.

    Climatul arid este evidentiat si de cantitatea mica de precipitatii (sub 500 mm/an in medie). Ninsorile apar, de regula, in intervalul noiembrie-martie, numarul de zile cu ninsoare fiind mic (15-20 zile pe an), iar stratul de zapada este subtire (10 cm) si se mentine in jur de o luna/an. Un fenomen specific zonei este viscolirea si troienirea zapezii, in special la marginea de nord a satelor. Pe teritoriul comunei Bordei Verde, in zona Filiu Liscoteanca, a fost inregistrat in anul 1910 maximul istoric al cantitatii de precipitatii cazute in judetul Braila, intr-o singura zi - 126 mm/24 de ore). Pentru a compensa deficitul de apa au fost executate in ultimii ani ai secolului al XX-lea mari lucrari de irigatii si imbunatatiri funciare.

    The wind is a climatic element with a great influence in the morphological conditions of eastern Romanian plain. The lack of the forest obstacles makes that the air mass circulation to be done easier, and the influence over the agriculture, the communication channels and localities to be

    Vantul constituie un element climatic cu o mare influenta in conditiile morfografice ale Campiei Romane orientale. Lipsa obstacolelor orografice si forestiere face ca deplasarea maselor de aer sa se faca cu usurinta, iar influentele asupra culturilor, cailor de comunicatie si localitatilor sa fie mari. Din

  • high. From the statistics it seems that the winds from north, followed by those from north east and west have the highest frequency. The maximum speeds is recorded during the winter, when this can exceed 100 km/ hour. The most known are the winds from North Baragan and the north winds, a dry and cold wind, during the winter, determined by the Siberian anticyclone, with a direction north, north east and Suhoveiul, dry and warm winds, which is during the summer from the eastern part with a small frequency.

    analiza datelor statistice se constata ca vanturile dinspre nord, urmate de cele din nord-est si vest au frecventa cea mai mare. Vitezele maxime se inregistreaza in timpul iernii, cand acestea pot depasi 100 Km/ora. Vanturile cele mai cunoscute in Baraganul de Nord sunt Crivatul, un vant rece si uscat, care bate in timpul iernii, determinat de anticiclonul siberian, cu o directie nord, nord-est si Suhoveiul, vant uscat si cald, care bate vara din partea estica cu o frecventa mai mica.


    According to zoning of Romanian territory in terms of control period the perimeter has a coefficient Tc = 1.0 s, and according to zoning of Romanian territory in terms of top value of ground acceleration for design for earthquake having average recurrence interval IMR = 225 years, this perimeter has the value ag = 0,30 g. Seismically framing is according to seismic design code index P100-1/2013- Part I Design provisions for buildings.

    Conform zonarii teritoriului Romaniei in termeni de perioada de control (colt) Tc a timpului de raspuns, perimetrul are coeficientul Tc = 1.0 s, iar conform zonarii teritoriului Romaniei in termeni de valori de varf ale acceleratiei terenului pentru proiectare ag pentru cutremure avand intervalul de recurenta IMR = 225 ani, perimetrul de fata are valoarea ag = 0.30 g. Incadrarea seismica a perimetrului este in conformitate cu Codul de proiectare seismica Partea I Prevederi de proiectare pentru cladiri, indicativ P 100 1/2013.



  • The investigated area is located in Braila County, on the area of Bordei Verde.

    Zona cercetata se situeaza in judetul Braila, pe teritoriul localitatii Bordei Verde.

    Geomorphologically, the area Oprisenesti Bordei Verde area is located in the geomorphological unit Braila Plain, a plain unit with flat aspect with heights 20 30 m, with flat plains, not drained superficially. The only microforms of relies are the compaction depressions. The loessoid deposits which cover Braila plain have a sandy silty characters, are macroporeous, with a yellowish color. In the north part of Braila plain they become sandier. Their thickness is of 5 10 m.

    Din punct de vedere geomorfologic zona Bordei Verde se incadreaza in unitatea geomorfologica Campia Brailei, o unitate de campie cu aspect plat cu altitudini de 20 30 m., cu campuri netede, intinse, nedrenate superficial. Singurele microforme de relief le formeaza depresiunile de tasare. Depozitele loessoide care acopera campia Brailei au un caracter prafos nisipos, sunt macroporice, de culoare galbuie. In partea de nord a campiei Brailei, ele devin din ce in ce mai nisipoase. Grosimea lor este de 5 10 m.

    On the site was executed three geotechnical boreholes (boreholes 1, 2, 3) in dry percussion mode with the mechanical installation Cobra, which have investigated soil till the depth of 6.00 m and three tests of light dynamic penetration (DPL1, DPL2, DPL3) with Matest device.

    Pe amplasament s-au executat trei foraje geotehnice (F1, F2, F3) in sistem percutant uscat cu instalatia mecanica Cobra, care au investigat terenul la adancimea de 6.00 m si trei incercari de penetrare dinamica (PDU1, PDU2, PDU3), cu penetrometrul dinamic usor Matest.

    PARK 6 AND TANK FARM BORDEI VERDE Borehole no. 1 intercepted: 0.00 0.80 m = fillings (gravel in silty clayey binder); 0.80 1.20 m = blackish clayey silt, contaminated with oil product (fillings); 1.20 1.70 m = grayish loessoid silty clay, with brick fragments, calcareous concretions, contaminated with oil product (possible filling soils from tthe proximity); 1.70 3.50 m = brownish loessoid clayey silt, with calcareous concretions, with oil smell, consistent plastic; 3.50 5.50 m = greyish clayey silt, with Mn oxides, consistent to soft plastic; 5.50 5.90 m = poorly argillaceous sand, greyish yellowish; 5.90 6.00 m = grayish medium sand.

    PARC 6 SI DEPOZIT BORDEI VERDE Forajul 1 a intalnit: 0.00 0.80 m = materiale de umplutura (pietris in liant prafos argilos, umed) 0.80 1.20 m = praf argilos cenusiu, infestat cu produs petrolier (material de umplutura); 1.20 1.70 m = argila prafoasa loessoida cenusie, cu fragmente de caramida, concretiuni calcaroase contaminata cu produs petrolier (posibil material de umplutura provenit din vecinatatea amplasamentului; 1.70 3.50 m = praf argilos loessoid cafeniu, cu concretiuni calcaroase, cu miros de titei, plastic consistent; 3.50 5.50 m = praf argilos cu oxizi de Mn, plastic consistent la moale; 5.50 5.90 m = nisip slab argilos cenusiu galbui; 5.90 6.00 m = nisip mediu cenusiu.

    At the investigation date were met water seepages at the depth of 4.40 m.

    La data cercetarilor s-au intalnit infiltratii de apa la adancimea de 4.40 m.

    Due to the fact that the investigations were performed after a period with many precipitations (snow) and because of snow accelerated thaw, also the high porosity of the underground, specific to the loess soils of Bordei Verde area and the presence of the phreatic aquifer near to surface, the loessoid soils met in boreholes are wet and very wet, sometimes saturated. Also, due to the old plants which were functioned in the area of Park 6 and Tank Farm Bordei Verde, the underground is contaminated with oil.

    Din cauza faptului ca cercetarile s-au efectuat dupa o perioada de precipitatii abundente (sub forma de ninsoare) si din cauza topirii accelerate a zapezii, la care a contribuit porozitatea mare a substratului, specifica loessurilor din zona Bordei Verde si prezenta freaticului relativ aproape de suprafata, pamanturile din gama loessurilor intalnite in foraje sunt in stare umeda si foarte umeda, uneori saturate cu apa. De asemenea, din cauza fostelor instalatii care au functionat in zona Parcului 6 si a Depozitului Bordei Verde, subteranul este poluat cu titei.

    Borehole no. 2 intercepted: 0.00 0.70 m = fillings (gravel elements in clayey silty binder); 0.70 1.50 m = brownish silty clay, with calcareous concretions, consistent to compact plastic; 1.50 1.70 m = grayish brownish silty clay with intercalations of clayey silt, with Mn oxides and calcareous concretions, consistent to soft plastic,

    Forajul 2 a intalnit: 0.00 0.70 m = materiale de umplutura (elemente de pietris in liant argilos prafos) 0.70 1.50 m = argila prafoasa cafenie, cu concretiuni calcaroase, plastic consistenta la vartoasa; 1.50 1.70 m = argila prafoasa cenusie cafenie, impregnata cu reziduu petrolier; 1.70 3.20 m = argila prafoasa cafenie cu

  • wet, with oil smell; 1.70 3.20 m = loess: yellowish brownish clayey silt, with calcareous concretions, consistent plastic to soft plastic, wet; 3.20 4.00 m = brown clayey silt, with Mn oxides, consistent to compact plastic; 4.00 4.50 m = brown clayey silt, consistent to compact plastic; 4.50 6.00 m = poorly clayey sandy silt, wet. At the investigation date, water seepages were met at 4.50 m depth.

    intercalatii de praf argilos, cu oxizi de Mn si concretiuni calcaroase, plastic consistente la moi, umede, cu miros de titei; 3.20 4.00 m = loess: praf argilos galben cafeniu, cu concretiuni calcaroase, plastic consistent la moale, umed; 4.00 4.50 m = praf argilos maroniu, plastic consistent la vartos; 4.50 6.00 m = praf nisipos slab argilos, umed. La data cercetarilor, s-au intalnit infiltratii de apa la adancimea de 4.50 m.

    Borehole no. 3 intercepted:

    0.00 1.00 m = fillings (gravel elements in clayey binder); 1.00 1.50 m = blackish silty clay, with calcareous concretions and rare gravel, contaminated with oil wastes, compact plastic; 1.50 2.40 m = grayish silty clay with Fe/Mn oxides, calcareous concretions, with oil smell; 2.40 3.50 m = brownish silt, very wet, soft plastic, contaminated with oil; 3.50 4.00 m = greyish clayey silt, with Mn oxides, consistent, with oil smell; 4.00 4.30 m = clayey silt, soft plastic; 4.30 5.40 m = sandy clayey silt, soft plastic to consistent. 5.40 6.00 m = greyish yellowish medium sand. At the investigations date, were met water seepages with oil waste at 4.10 m depth.

    Forajul 3 a intalnit:

    0.00 1.00 m = materiale de umplutura (pietris in liant argilos maroniu) 1.00 1.50 m = argila prafoasa negricioasa, cu concretiuni calcaroase si rar pietris mic, infestata cu rezidii petroliere, plastic vartoasa; 1.50 2.40 m = argila prafoasa cenusie cu oxizi de Fe/Mn, concretiuni calcaroase si cu miros de titei; 2.40 3.50 m = praf cafeniu, foarte umed, plastic moale, infestat cu titei; 3.50 4.00 m = praf argilos cenusiu, plastic consistent, cu miros de titei; 4.00 4.30 m = praf argilos plastic moale; 4.30 5.40 m = praf argilos nisipos, plastic moale la consistent; 5.40 6.00 m = nisip mediu cenusiu galbui. La data cercetarilor, s-au intalnit infiltratii de apa infestata cu reziduu petrolier la adancimea de 4.10 m.

    Vedere generala Parc 6 si Depozit Bordei Verde (general view of Park 6 and Tank Farm Bordei Verde)

  • Vedere de la F1 spre F2 (view from borehole 1 to borehole 2)

    Vedere de la F3 catre F2 (view from borehole 3 to borehole 2)

  • Executia PDU 2 (execution of DPL 2)

    The lithological formations which appear in the area are silty clays, silts, clayey silts, clayey sandy silts from the loess (loessoid deposit) category, sands, with thickness till the depth of 6.00 m.

    Formaiunile litologice care apar la zi sunt argile prafoase, prafuri, prafuri argiloase, prafuri argiloase slab nisipoase din categoria loessurilor (depozitelor loessoide), nisipuri, cu grosimi de pana la 6.00 m.

    For the completion of the data obtained from the soils samples collection from the drilling and analysed in the geotechnical laboratory, on the site were executed three dynamic penetration tests, named DPL1, DPL2 and DPL3 which have analysed the extrapolation of the lithological identification made by drillings, the verification of the lithological uniformity on site, the different horizons of soils. Thus, the data obtained from DPL allow to be reduced the time for the classic investigations (drillings). In the case that the diagrams are similar, the penetration performed in a certain spot can replace the drilling, as the soil is even/uniform.

    Pentru completarea datelor obtinute prin recoltarea de probe de pamant din foraj si analizate in laboratorul geotehnic, pe amplasament s-au executat trei incercari de penetrare dinamica usoara, named PDU1, PDU2 and PDU3, care s-au utilizat la extrapolarea identificarii litologice realizate prin foraje, verificarea uniformitatii litologice pe amplasament si reperarea diferitelor orizonturi litologice. Astfel, datele obtinute prin PDU permit reducerea cantitativa a lucrarilor clasice de investigatie (foraje). In cazul in care diagramele au alura asemanAtoare penetrarea efectuata intr-un anume loc poate inlocui forajul, terenul prezentand uniformitate.

    The normative stipulates that the dynamic penetrometer can be used for the investigation of the soils till the depth of 6-8 m, in sandy soils, poor on big fragments and till the depth fo 5-6 m for clayey soils.

    Normativele prevad ca penetrometrul dinamic usor PDU (DPL) poate fi folosit pentru cercetarea terenului pe adancimi de pana la 6-8 m, in pamanturi nisipoase, sarace in fragmente mari si pana la maxim 5 6 m in pamanturi argiloase.

    In the proximity of boreholes 1, 2 and 3, three light dynamic penetration tests were executed (DPL1, DPL2 and DPL3), with the light dynamic penetrometer (DPL or PDU, abbreviated in the Romanian language). The dynamic penetration test uses a cone with 900 angle and the hammer mass of 10 kg, without samples prelevation. The test represents the soil penetration through beating with a rod with cone, recording the beats number for its penetration (in standard conditions) on equidistance of 10 cm. The efficiency of these tests

    In zona forajelor F1, F2 si F3 s-au executat incercari de penetrare dinamica usoara (PDU1, PDU 2 si PDU3), cu ajutorul penetrometrului dinamic usor (DPL sau PDU abreviat in limba romana). Incercarea de penetrare dinamica foloseste un con cu unghi la varf de 900 si cu masa berbecului de 10 kg, fara prelevare de probe. Incercarea consta in patrunderea in teren, prin batere, a unei tubulaturi prevazuta cu con, inregistrandu-se numarul necesar de lovituri pentru patrunderea acesteia (in conditii standard) pe

  • is given by the near execution of a geotechnical drilling, for the correlation of penetration results with the stratification evidentiated by the drilling and with the laboratory tests results.

    echidistante de 10 cm. Eficienta acestor incercari in-situ este data de executia in imediata apropiere a unui foraj geotehnic, pentru corelarea rezultatelor penetrarii cu stratificatia pusa in evidenta de foraj si cu rezultatele determinarilor de laborator.

    The dynamic penetration tests were performed from the natural ground elevation till the depth of 6.00 m. The penetration tests were performed according with SR EN ISO 22476 2:2006 Geotechnical investigations and trials; Field tests; Part 2: Dynamic penetration trial, appendix B of the mentioned normative regarding the recording of the values and of the dynamic penetration test results. Starting from the N10 values for DPL (PDU) were determined the values Rd, Rp, n, e, Ic, M2-3, parameters which fills the laboratory tests done on the soils samples collected from the drilling. Thus, were prepared the field reports (Appendix A and B) and was presented the diagram with the number of hits N10 against the depth, the dynamic penetration resistance diagram Rd and static resistance on cone diagram (Rp).

    Incercarile de penetrare s-au efectuat de la cota terenului natural pana la adancimea de 6.00 m. Rezultatele incercarii au fost notate, in confomitate cu SR EN ISO 22476 2: 2006 Cercetari si incercari geotehnice; Incercari pe teren; Partea 2: Incercare de penetrare dinamica, in anexa B a normativului amintit privind inregistrarea valorilor masurate si a rezultatelor incercarii de penetrare dinamica. Plecand de la valorile N10 pentru DPL (PDU) s-au determinat valorile Rd, Rp, n, e, Ic, M2-3, E, , parametri care au completat analizele de laborator efectuate de probe de pamant recoltate din forajele executate. Astfel, s-au intocmit rapoartele de teren (anexele A si B) si s-au reprezentat grafic diagrama cu numarul de lovituri N10 functie de adancime, diagrama rezistentei la penetrarea dinamica Rd si diagrama rezistentei statica pe con Rp.

    The dynamic penetration test no. 5 was done on the depth interval 0.00 6.00 m, in order to be determined the dynamic penetration resistence and the static resistence on cone, based on the number of hitting on a depth of 10 cm. It were recorded average values of the penetration resistence Rd and Rp for the cohesive soils (met till the depth of 5.40 6.00 m) and non-cohesive soils (under 5.40 m depth).

    Incercarile de penetrare dinamice s-au efectuat pe intervalul de adancime 0.00 6.00 m, determinadu-se rezistenta la penetrarea dinamica si a rezistentei statice pe con, pe baza numarului de lovituri la inaintarea conului pe o adancime de 10 cm. S-au inregistrat valori medii ale rezistentei la penetrare Rd si Rp pentru pamanturile coezive (intalniate pana la -5.40 6.00 m) si necoezive (sub - 5.40 m).



    These three boreholes and the light dynamic penetration tests have met an nonuniform soil, fillings with different thickness and consistency status of soils, represented by the hits number (mentioned in the files of penetration tests Appendix B the record of the measured values and the results of the dynamic penetration tests, according to SR EN ISO 22476 2:2006).

    Cele trei foraje si incercarile de penetrare dinamica usoara au intalnit un teren neuniform, cu umpluturi de grosimi diferite si diferite stari de consistenta ale pamanturilor, exprimate prin numarul de lovituri (precizate in fisele de teren ale penetrarilor Anexa B inregistrarea valorilor masurate si a rezultatelor incercarii de penetrare dinamica, conform SR EN ISO 22476 2:2006).

    Depending of the hits number for the soil penetration onm 10 cm intervals, we can separate the met soils, based on the consistency status, porosity, compressibility etc.

    In functie de numarul de lovituri necesar patrunderii penetrometrului pe intervale de 10 cm, putem separa pamanturile intalnite in functie de starea de consistenta, porozitate, compresibilitate etc.

    DPL1 PDU1

    For the fillings, loessoid silty clays and clayey silts of the range 0.00 4.50 m were recorded medium values of 1.8 5.4 hits/10 cm and on the depth range 4.50 6.00 m were recorded medium values from 7.4 to 25.6 hits/10 cm. The small values of hits number at penetration correspond to the depth range with fillings and loessoid deposits 0.00 5.50 m and the higher values of hits number from the range 5.50 6.00 m evidentiated the presence of sandy deposits, compact.

    Pentru umpluturile, argilele prafoase si prafurile argiloase loessoide de pe intervalul 0.00 4.50 m s-au inregistrat valori medii de la 1.8 la 5.4 lov./10 cm, iar pe intervalul 4.50 6.00 m s-au inregistrat valori medii de la 7.4 la 25.6 lov./10 cm. Valorile mici ale numarului de lovituri la inaintarea penetrometrului corespund intervalului cu umpluturi si depozite loessoide 0.00 5.50 m iar valorile mai mari ale numarului de lovituri de pe intervalul 5.50 6.00 m evidentiaza prezenta unor depozite nisipoase, compacte.

    DPL2 PDU2

  • For the loessoid silty clays and clayey silts of the range 0.70 4.00 m were recorded medium values of 1.2 6.2 hits/10 cm and on the depth range 4.00 6.00 m were recorded medium values from 8.0 to 9.8 hits/10 cm. The small values of hits number at penetration correspond to the depth range with loessoid deposits 0.70 4.00 m and the higher values of hits number from the range 4.00 6.00 m evidentiated the presence of clayey silts, more consistent.

    Pentru argilele prafoase si prafurile argiloase loessoide de pe intervalul 0.70 4.00 m s-au inregistrat valori medii de la 1.2 la 6.2 lov./10 cm, iar pe intervalul 4.00 6.00 m s-au inregistrat valori medii de la 8.0 la 9.8 lov./10 cm. Valorile mici ale numarului de lovituri la inaintarea penetrometrului corespund intervalului cu depozite loessoide 0.70 4.00 m iar valorile mai mari ale numarului de lovituri de pe intervalul 4.00 6.00 m evidentiaza prezenta unor prafuri argiloase mai consistente.

    DPL3 PDU3

    For the fillings, loessoid silty clays, silts and clayey silts of the range 0.00 4.50 m were recorded medium values of 2.6 8.2 hits/10 cm and on the depth range 4.50 6.00 m were recorded medium values from 11.8 to 39.8 hits/10 cm. The small values of hits number at penetration correspond to the depth range with fillings and loessoid deposits 0.00 4.50 m and the higher values of hits number from the range 4.50 6.00 m evidentiated the presence of sandy clayey silts mor consistent tull the depth of 5.50 m and sandy deposits on the range 5.50 6.00 m (rammed sands).

    Pentru umpluturile, argilele prafoase, prafurile si prafurile argiloase loessoide de pe intervalul 0.00 4.50 m s-au inregistrat valori medii de la 2.6 la 8.2 lov./10 cm, iar pe intervalul 4.50 6.00 m s-au inregistrat valori medii de la 11.8 la 39.8 lov./10 cm. Valorile mici ale numarului de lovituri la inaintarea penetrometrului corespund intervalului cu umpluturi si depozite loessoide 0.00 4.50 m iar valorile mai mari ale numarului de lovituri de pe intervalul 4.50 6.00 m evidentiaza prezenta unor prafuri argiloase nisipoase mai consistente pana la adancimea de cca 5.50 m si a unor depozite nisipoase pe intervalul 5.50 6.00 m (nisipuri indesate).

    The results of the light dynamic penetration tests and the penetration dyagram, as well as the laboratory analisys results performed on soils samples are presented in the appendix of the present geotechnical study. The results of the dynamic penetration tests were used in order to establish the soil profile/type together with the results obtained from the drillings.The interpretation of this results is done below, resulting geotechnical parameters which will fill the laboraty analysis performed on the soil samples collected from the borehole.

    Rezultatele incercarilor de penetrare dinamica usoara si diagrama de penetrare, precum si rezultatele analizelor de laborator efectuate pe probe de pamant sunt prezentate in anexa prezentului studiu geotehnic. Rezultatele incercarilor de penetrare dinamica au fost utilizate pentru determinarea profilului pamantului impreuna cu rezultatele obtinute prin prelevare prin forare. Interpretarea acestor rezultate din teren se face mai jos, rezultand paramteri geotehnici care vor completa analizele de laborator efectuate pe probe de pamant recoltate din foraj.

    The geotechnical parameters resulted from the laboratory test for the collected soil samples from the performed boreholes:

    Prezentarea parametrilor geotehnici rezultati din analiza in laborator a probelor de pamant recoltate din forajele executate:

    At the project ,Park 6 and Tank Farm Bordei Verde, from the geotechnical borehole were collected the following samples:

    La proiectul Parc 6 si Depozit Bordei Verde, din forajele geotehnice executate au fost recoltate urmatoarele probe:


    Sample 1: 1.50 1.70 m; Sample 2: 2.00 2.50 m; Sample 3: 2.75 3.00 m;

    FORAJ 1

    Proba 1: 1.50 1.70 m; Proba 2: 2.00 2.50 m; Proba 3: 2.75 3.00 m;


    Sample 1: 1.20 1.50 m; Sample 2: 1.70 2.00 m; Sample 3: 2.50 3.00 m; Sample 4: 3.50 4.00 m.

    FORAJ 2

    Proba 1: 1.20 1.50 m; Proba 2: 1.70 2.00 m; Proba 3: 2.50 3.00 m; Proba 4: 3.50 4.00 m.


    Sample 1: 1.00 1.50 m; Sample 2: 1.50 2.00 m; Sample 3: 3.00 3.50 m;

    FORAJ 3

    Proba 1: 1.00 1.50 m; Proba 2: 1.50 2.00 m; Proba 3: 3.00 3.50 m;

    The laboratory analysis performed on the collected samples from the boreholes have identified some physical - mechanical

    Analizele de laborator efectuate pe probele recoltate din foraje au identificat o serie de parametri fizico mecanici ai pamanturilor

  • characteristics of the investigated soils, presented in the reports with the analysis results attached to the present geotechnical study.

    investigate, prezentate in buletinele cu rezultatele analizelor si incercarilor anexate prezentului studiu geotehnic.

    Laboratory investigations geotechnical characteristics of the intercepted soils:

    Investigatii de laborator caracterizarea geotehnica a pamanturilor interceptate:

    From boreholes were collected undisturbed and disturbed samples which were analyzed in the geotechnical laboratory, according with the standards and normative in force.

    Din forajele geotehnice executate s-au recoltat probe tulburate si netulburate, care au fost analizate in laboratorul geotehnic de specialitate, in conformitate cu standardele si normativele in vigoare.

    From the analysis results and from the laboratory tests can be done a summary of the physical mechanical parameters, as follows:

    Din rezultatele analizelor si incercarilor de laborator se poate face o sinteza a parametrilor fizico mecanici, astfel:


    - granulometric distribution (granulozity); - distributia granulometrica (granulozitatea):

    o clay 27.7 30.9%; o silt 62.7 69.0%; o sand 2.0 5.6%; o gravel 0 0.8%.

    o argila 27.7 30.9%; o praf 62.7 69.0%; o nisip 2.0 5.6%; o pietris 0 0.8%.

    According with SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, the investigated soils from drillings are from the group of silty clays and clayey silts (silty fraction mostly).

    Conform SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, pamanturile cercetate prin foraje fac parte din gama argilelor prafoase si prafurilor argiloase (predomina fractiunea prafoasa).

    - natural humidity, determined in the laboratory, w = 23.71 25.15 %;

    - umiditatea naturala, determinata in laborator, w = 23.71 25.15 %;

    - plasticity index has values between 19.5 si 22.3;

    - indicele de plasticitate are valori cuprinse intre 19.5 and 22.3;

    According with SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, the investigated soils have reduced and medium plasiticity.

    Conform SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, pamanturile cercetate prin foraje au plasticitate redusa si medie.

    - consistency index Ic = 0.54 0.67; - indicele de consistenta, Ic = 0.54 0.67; According with SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, the investigated soils are consistent to soft plastic (Ic = 0.51 0.75);

    Conform SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, pamanturile cercetate prin foraje sunt plastic consistente spre plastic moi (Ic = 0.51 0.75);

    - porosity n = 42.40 45.89 and pores index e = 0.73 0.84;

    - porozitatea n = 42.40 45.89 si indicele porilor e = 0.73 0.84;

    - volumetric weight in natural status has values between 17.903 and 18.909 kN/m3. The volumetric weight in dry status has values between 14.285 and 15.142 kN/m3.

    - greutatea volumetrica in stare naturala are valori cuprinse intre 17.903 si 18.909 kN/m3. Greutatea volumetrica in stare uscata are valori cuprinse intre 14.285 si 15.142 kN/m3.

    - saturation degree has values between 0.78 and 0.90 (78 90 %);

    - gradul de umiditate are valori cupinse intre 0.78 si 0.90 (78 90 %);

    According with SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, the analysed soils are very wet to saturated.

    Conform SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, pamanturile analizate sunt foarte umede la saturate.

    - The compressibility modulus M2-3 = 4348 kPa.

    - modulul de compresibilitate M2-3 = 4348 kPa.

    Based on the compressibility modulus M2-3, the interceped soils are with very high compresibility (< 5000 kPa)

    Astfel in functie de modulul de compresibilitate M2-3, pamanturile interceptate sunt pamanturi cu compresibilitate foarte mare (< 5000 kPa).

    - Specific compaction coefficient = 7.45 %. - coeficientul de tasare specifica = 7.45 %.


    - granulometric distribution (granulozity); - distributia granulometrica (granulozitatea):

    o clay 25.6 32.9%; o silt 65.7 70.6%; o sand 1.4 3.9%; o gravel 0%.

    o argila 25.6 32.9%; o praf 65.7 70.6%; o nisip 1.4 3.9%; o pietris 0%.

    According with SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, the investigated soils are from the group

    Conform SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, pamanturile intalnite fac parte din gama argilelor

  • of silty clays and clayey silts (silty fraction mostly). prafoase si prafurilor argiloase (predomina fractiunea prafoasa).

    - natural humidity, determined in the laboratory, w = 21.39 27.73 %;

    - umiditatea naturala, determinata in laborator, w = 21.39 27.73 %;

    - plasticity index has values between 16.9 and 23.7;

    - indicele de plasticitate are valori cuprinse intre 16.9 and 23.7;

    According with SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, the investigated soils have reduced and medium plasiticity.

    Conform SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, pamanturile cercetate prin foraje au plasticitate redusa si medie.

    - consistency index Ic = 0.55 0.79; - indicele de consistenta Ic = 0.55 0.79; According with SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, the investigated soils are consistent plastic and consistent plastic to soft plastic (Ic = 0.51 0.75);

    Conform SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, pamanturile cercetate prin foraje sunt plastic consistente si plastic consistente spre plastic moi (Ic = 0.51 0.75);

    - porosity n = 40.47 44.28 and pores index e = 0.68 0.79;

    - porozitatea n = 40.47 44.28 si indicele porilor e = 0.68 0.79;

    - volumetric weight in natural status has values between 18.679 and 19.075 kN/m3. The volumetric weight in dry status has values between 14.647 and 15.649 kN/m3.

    - greutatea volumetrica in stare naturala are valori cuprinse intre 18.679 si 19.075 kN/m3. Greutatea volumetrica in stare uscata are valori cuprinse intre 14.647 si 15.649 kN/m3.

    - saturation degree has values between 0.84 and 0.93 (84 93 %);

    - gradul de umiditate are valori cupinse intre 0.84 si 0.93 (84 93 %);

    According with SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, the analysed soils are very wet to saturated.

    Conform SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, pamanturile analizate sunt foarte umede la saturate.

    - The compressibility modulus M2-3 = 5714 7692 kPa.

    - modulul de compresibilitate M2-3 = 5714 7692 kPa.

    Based on the compressibility modulus M2-3, the interceped soils are with very high compresibility (5000 10000 kPa).

    Astfel in functie de modulul de compresibilitate M2-3, pamanturile interceptate sunt pamanturi cu compresibilitate mare (5000 10000 kPa).

    - Specific compaction coefficient has valueso of 4.05 6.30 %.

    - coeficientul de tasare specifica are valori de 4.05 6.30 %.


    - granulometric distribution (granulozity); - distributia granulometrica (granulozitatea):

    o clay 10.5 37.7%; o silt 56.5 79.1%; o sand 5.8 10.4%; o gravel 0%.

    o argila 10.5 37.7%; o praf 56.5 79.1%; o nisip 5.8 10.4%; o pietris 0%.

    According with SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, the investigated soils are from the group of silty clays and clayey silts (silty fraction mostly).

    Conform SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, pamanturile intalnite fac parte din gama argilelor prafoase si prafurilor argiloase (predomina fractiunea prafoasa).

    - natural humidity, determined in the laboratory, w = 23.64 26.61 %;

    - umiditatea naturala, determinata in laborator, w = 23.64 26.61 %;

    - plasticity index has values between 23.6 and 26.4;

    - indicele de plasticitate are valori cuprinse intre 23.6 si 26.4;

    According with SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, the investigated soils have medium plasiticity.

    Conform SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, pamanturile cercetate prin foraje au plasticitate medie.

    - consistency index Ic = 0.71 0.79; - indicele de consistenta Ic = 0.71 0.79; According with SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, the investigated soils are consistent plastic (Ic = 0.51 0.75);

    Conform SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, pamanturile cercetate prin foraje sunt plastic consistente (Ic = 0.51 0.75);

    - porosity n = 42.19 44.28 and pores index e = 0.73 0.79;

    - porozitatea n = 42.19 44.28 si indicele porilor e = 0.73 0.79;

    - volumetric weight in natural status has values between 18.530 and 18.791 kN/m3. The volumetric weight in dry status has values between 14.647 and 15.198 kN/m3.

    - greutatea volumetrica in stare naturala are valori cuprinse intre 18.530 si 18.791 kN/m3. Greutatea volumetrica in stare uscata are valori cuprinse intre 14.647 si

  • 15.198 kN/m3.

    - saturation degree has values between 0.86 and 0.89 (86 89 %);

    - gradul de umiditate are valori cupinse intre 0.86 si 0.89 (86 89 %);

    According with SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, the analysed soils are very wet to saturated.

    Conform SR EN ISO 14688-1:2004 /AC:2006, pamanturile analizate sunt foarte umede la saturate.

    - The compressibility modulus M2-3 = 5063 5479 kPa.

    - modulul de compresibilitate M2-3 = 5063 5479 kPa.

    Based on the compressibility modulus M2-3, the interceped soils are with very high compresibility (5000 10000 kPa).

    Astfel in functie de modulul de compresibilitate M2-3, pamanturile interceptate sunt pamanturi cu compresibilitate mare (5000 10000 kPa).

    - Specific compaction coefficient has values of 5.10 6.15 %.

    - coeficientul de tasare specifica are valori de 5.10 6.15 %.

    The specific compaction at flooding is not happening, because the soils have high humidity, are flooded and during flooding in the geotechnical laboratory there arent any additional compactions. Thus im3 was not computed.

    Tasarea specifica la inundare nu se produce deoarece pamanturile au umiditate mare, sunt inundate, iar la inundarea in laboratorul geotehnic nu se produc tasari suplimentare. Astfel, nu s-a calculat im3.

    The presentation of the geotechnical parameters resulted from the dynamic penetration test (DPL)

    Prezentarea parametrilor geotehnici rezultati din incercarea de penetrare dinamica (DPL):

    To obtain the geotechnical parameters specific for the soils investigated by the penetration test the dynamic resistance values were transformed (Rd ) in static resistance on cone (Rp), then determination through calculation of the values of the physical mechanical parameters, presented in the synthesis bellow in this chapter and in the appendix of the geotechnical study, as a table, in the completion of the diagrams N10, Rd si Rp.

    Pentru obtinerea parametrilor geotehnici specifici pamanturilor investigate prin penetrare s-a efectuat transformarea valorilor rezistentei dinamice (Rd) n rezistenta statica pe con (Rp), apoi determinandu-se prin calcule valori ale unor parametri fizico mecanici, prezentati in sinteza mai jos in cadrul prezentului capitol si in anexa studiului geotehnic, sub forma de tabel, in completarea diagramelor N10, Rd si Rp.

    Based on Rd and Rp determination, the results interpretation was performed, obtaining the geotechnical parameters values n, e, Ic, M2-3, E, which have completed the laboratory tests on soil samples

    Ca urmare a determinarii Rd si Rp, s-a efectuat interpretarea rezultatelor, obtinandu-se valorile parametrilor geotehnici n, e, Ic, ID, M2-3, E, parametri care au completat analizele de laborator efectuate de probe de pamant.

    DPL1 PDU 1

    In the DPL1 survey it were evidentiated on the depth range 0.00 5.50 m an loessoid complex, composed by silty clays and clayey silts, characterized by values of N10 of 1 15 hits, which correspond to values of dynamic resistance Rd of 4.62 21.82 daN/cm2.

    In sondajul PDU1 s-a delimitat pe intervalul 0.00 5.50 m un complex loessoid alactuit din argile prafoase si prafuri argiloase, caracterizat de valori ale N10 de 1 15 lovituri, care corespund unor valori ale rezistentei dinamice Rd de 4.62 21.82 daN/cm2.

    On the depth range 5.50 6.00 m it were evidentiated an sandy non-cohesive complex, characterized by values of N10 of 15 30 hits, which correspond to value of dynamic resistance Rd of 40.88 daN/cm2.

    Pe intervalul 5.50 6.00 m s-a evidentiat un complex nisipos, necoeziv, caracterizat de valori ale N10 de 15 30 lovituri, care corespund unei valori ale rezistentei dinamice Rd de 40.88 daN/cm2.

    For the cohesive soils crossed by drilling on the interval 0.00 5.50 m, based on dynamic penetration test it were determined the following geotechnical parameters:

    Pentru pamanturile coezive traversate pe intervalul de adancime 0.00 5.50 m, pe baza incercarii de penetrare dinamica usoara s-au determinat urmatorii parametri geotehnici:

    Following the performing of the light dynamic penetration test DPL1 the values of the consistency index are 0.51 0.77; based on the consistency index, the soils are consistent to soft

    In urma executarii sondajului PDU1 au rezultat valori ale indicelui de consistenta Ic de 0.51 0.77; In functie de indicele de consistenta, pamanturile sunt plastic consistente spre plastic

  • plastic, compact plastic under the depth of 5.00 m. moi, plastic vartoase sub adancimea de 5.00 m

    Porosity (n), determined by the penetration test DPL1 has values of 47.8 53.6. Pores index e has values between 0.91 and 1.16.

    Porozitatea (n) determinata prin incercarea de penetrare PDU1 are valori de 47.8 53.6. Indicele porilor e are valori intre 0.91 1.16.

    The compressibility modulus M2-3 has values of de 5100 7119 kPa (51.00 71.19 daN/cm2).. By this values, based on compressibility modulus M2-3, the soils investigated by DPL test are soils with high compressibility (50 100 daN/cm2 or 5000 10000 kPa).

    Modulul de compresibilitate M2-3 are valori de 5100 7119 kPa (51.00 71.19 daN/cm2). Din aceste date, in functie de modulul de compresibilitate M2-3, pamanturile strabatute prin penetrare dinamica sunt pamanturi cu compresibilitate mare (50 100 daN/cm2 sau 5000 10000 kPa).

    The linear deformation modulus E has values between 56.10 and 78.31 daN/cm2.

    Modulul de deformatie liniara E are valori cuprinse intre 56.10 si 78.31 daN/cm2.

    For the non-cohesive deposits of the depth range 5.50 6.00 m:

    Pentru pamanturile ncoezive de pe intervalul de adancime 5.50 6.00 m:

    Based on the DPL1 survey, it were resulted values of compaction degree ID de 0.58; Thus, the intercepted non-cohesive soils are with medium ramming (ID = 0.58);

    In urma executarii sondajului PDU1 au rezultat valori ale gradului de indesare ID de 0.58; Astfel, pamanturile necoezive intalnite sunt cu indesare medie (ID = 0.58);

    Porosity (n), determined by the penetration test DPL1 has the value of 44.9. Pores index e has value 0.91.

    Porozitatea (n) determinata prin incercarea de penetrare PDU1 are valorea de 44.9. Indicele porilor e are valoarea de 0.91.

    The compressibility modulus M2-3 has values of de 8264 kPa (82.64 daN/cm2). Based on compressibility modulus M2-3, the soils investigated by DPL test are soils with high compressibility (50 100 daN/cm2 or 5000 10000 kPa).

    Modulul de compresibilitate M2-3 are valorea de 8264 kPa (82.64 daN/cm2). In functie de modulul de compresibilitate M2-3, pamanturile strabatute prin penetrare dinamica sunt pamanturi cu compresibilitate mare (50 100 daN/cm2 sau 5000 10000 kPa).

    The linear deformation modulus E = 107.43 daN/cm2.

    Modulul de deformatie liniara E are valoarea de 107.43 daN/cm2.

    DPL2 PDU2

    In the DPL2 survey it were evidentiated on the depth range 0.00 6.00 m an loessoid complex, composed by silty clays, clayey silts, clayey sandy silts, characterized by values of N10 of 1 13 hits, which correspond to values of dynamic resistance Rd of 2.41 17.27 daN/cm2.

    In sondajul PDU2 s-a delimitat pe intervalul 0.00 6.00 m un complex loessoid alactuit din argile prafoase, prafuri argiloase, prafuri argiloase nisipoase caracterizat de valori ale N10 de 1 13 lovituri, care corespund unor valori ale rezistentei dinamice Rd de 2.41 17.27 daN/cm2.

    The interpretation of the penetration diagram takes no account of the fillings met until 0.70 m depth.

    La interpretarea diagramei de penetrare nu s-a tinut cont de umpluturile intalnite pana la adancimea de 0.70 m.

    For the cohesive soils crossed by drilling on the interval 0.00 6.00 m, based on dynamic penetration test it were determined the following geotechnical parameters:

    Pentru pamanturile coezive traversate pe intervalul de adancime 0.00 6.00 m, pe baza incercarii de penetrare dinamica usoara s-au determinat urmatorii parametri geotehnici:

    Following the performing of the light dynamic penetration test DPL2 the values of the consistency index are 0.50 0.69; based on the consistency index, the soils are consistent to soft plastic.

    In urma executarii incercarii de penetrare dinamica usoara PDU2 au rezultat valori ale indicelui de consistenta Ic de 0.50 0.69; In functie de indicele de consistenta, pamanturile sunt plastic consistente spre plastic moi.

    Porosity (n), determined by the penetration test DPL1 has values of 48.7 54.8. Pores index e has values between 0.95 and 1.21.

    Porozitatea (n) determinata prin incercarea de penetrare PDU1 are valori de 48.7 54.8. Indicele porilor e are valori intre 0.95 1.21.

    The compressibility modulus M2-3 has values of de Modulul de compresibilitate M2-3 are valori de

  • 5100 6692 kPa (51.00 66.92 daN/cm2. By this values, based on compressibility modulus M2-3, the soils investigated by DPL test are soils with high compressibility (50 100 daN/cm2 or 5000 10000 kPa).

    5100 6692 kPa (51.00 66.92 daN/cm2). Din aceste date, in functie de modulul de compresibilitate M2-3, pamanturile strabatute prin penetrare dinamica sunt pamanturi cu compresibilitate mare (50 100 daN/cm2 sau 5000 10000 kPa).

    The linear deformation modulus E has values between 56.10 and 73.61 daN/cm2.

    Modulul de deformatie liniara E are valori cuprinse intre 56.10 si 73.61 daN/cm2.

    DPL3 PDU3

    In the DPL3 survey it were evidentiated on the depth range 0.00 5.40 m an loessoid complex, composed by silty clays, silts and clayey silts, characterized by values of N10 of 1 16 hits, which correspond to values of dynamic resistance Rd of 2.6 24.4 daN/cm2

    In sondajul PDU3 s-a delimitat pe intervalul 0.00 5.40 m un complex loessoid alactuit din argile prafoase, prafuri si prafuri argiloase, caracterizat de valori ale N10 de 1 16 lovituri, care corespund unor valori ale rezistentei dinamice Rd de 2.6 24.4 daN/cm2.

    On the depth range 5.40 6.00 m it were evidentiated an sandy non-cohesive complex, characterized by values of N10 of 20 45 hits, which correspond to value of dynamic resistance Rd of 63.60 daN/cm2.

    Pe intervalul 5.40 6.00 m s-a evidentiat un complex nisipos, necoeziv, caracterizat de valori ale N10 de 20 45 lovituri, care corespund unei valori ale rezistentei dinamice Rd de 63.60 daN/cm2.

    For the cohesive soils crossed by drilling on the interval 0.00 5.40 m, based on dynamic penetration test it were determined the following geotechnical parameters:

    Pentru pamanturile coezive traversate pe intervalul de adancime 0.00 5.40 m, pe baza incercarii de penetrare dinamica usoara s-au determinat urmatorii parametri geotehnici:

    Following the performing of the light dynamic penetration test DPL3 the values of the consistency index are 0.53 0.73; based on the consistency index, the soils are consistent plastic, sometimes consistent to soft plastic, hard under the depth of 5.00 m.

    In urma executarii sondajului PDU3 au rezultat valori ale indicelui de consistenta Ic de 0.53 0.73; In functie de indicele de consistenta, pamanturile sunt plastic consistente, uneori plastic consistente la plastic moi, tari sub adancimea de 5.00 m

    Porosity (n), determined by the penetration test DPL3 has values of 45.1 53.2.. Pores index e has values between 0.82 1.14..

    Porozitatea (n) determinata prin incercarea de penetrare PDU3 are valori de 45.1 53.2. Indicele porilor e are valori intre 0.82 1.14.

    The compressibility modulus M2-3 has values of de 5100 7027 kPa (51.00 70.27 daN/cm2).).. By this values, based on compressibility modulus M2-3, the soils investigated by DPL test are soils with high compressibility (50 100 daN/cm2 or 5000 10000 kPa).

    Modulul de compresibilitate M2-3 are valori de 5100 7027 kPa (51.00 70.27 daN/cm2). Din aceste date, in functie de modulul de compresibilitate M2-3, pamanturile strabatute prin penetrare dinamica sunt pamanturi cu compresibilitate mare (50 100 daN/cm2 sau 5000 10000 kPa).

    The linear deformation modulus E has values between 56.10 and 77.30 daN/cm2.

    Modulul de deformatie liniara E are valori cuprinse intre 56.10 si 77.30 daN/cm2.

    For the non-cohesive deposits of the depth range 5.40 6.00 m:

    Pentru pamanturile ncoezive de pe intervalul de adancime 5.40 6.00 m:

    Based on the DPL3 survey, it were resulted values of compaction degree ID de 0.74. Thus, the intercepted non-cohesive soils are rammed (ID = 0.74);

    In urma executarii sondajului PDU3 au rezultat valori ale gradului de indesare ID de 0.74. Astfel, pamanturile necoezive intalnite sunt indesate (ID = 0.74);

    Porosity (n), determined by the penetration test DPL3 has the value of 42.8. Pores index e has value 0.75.

    Porozitatea (n) determinata prin incercarea de penetrare PDU3 are valorea de 42.8. Indicele porilor e are valoarea de 0.75.

    The compressibility modulus M2-3 has values of de 9070 kPa (90.70 daN/cm2). Based on compressibility modulus M2-3, the soils investigated

    Modulul de compresibilitate M2-3 are valorea de 9070 kPa (90.70 daN/cm2). In functie de modulul de compresibilitate M2-3, pamanturile strabatute

  • by DPL test are soils with high compressibility (50 100 daN/cm2 or 5000 10000 kPa).

    prin penetrare dinamica sunt pamanturi cu compresibilitate mare (50 100 daN/cm2 sau 5000 10000 kPa).

    The linear deformation modulus E = 154.18 daN/cm2.

    Modulul de deformatie liniara E are valoarea de 154.18 daN/cm2.

    According with the special literature and having the experience of some previous works in the area, as well as the laboratory test results interpretation performed on disturbed and non disturbed soil samples collected from the drillings and the light dynamic penetration tests, we mention that in Park 6 Bordei Verde have been intercepted loessoid soils as silty clays and clayey silts, generally consistent palsatic, palstic consistent to soft plastic till the depth of 4 5 m. The analyzed soils are very wet to water saturated. Under this depth the soils become consistent plastic to compact plastic and in the boreholes 1 and 3, under the depth of 5.40 5.50 m were met sanndy soils, with medium ramming and rammed. It weer met water seepages at depth of 4.10 4.50 m. The fillings thickness varies from 0.70 (borehole 3) to 1.70 m (