A Doua Sansa Primar Limba Engleza Cursant 3

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Uniunea European Ministerul Educaiei i Cercetrii Proiect Phare Acces la educaie pentru grupuri dezavantajate Programul A doua ans

Carmen Costina

Limba englezPassport to English

Ghidul cursantuluiNivelul III

Centrul Step by Step, Bucureti, 2006

Aceste materiale, publicate n cadrul Proiectului Phare Acces la educaie pentru grupuri dezavantajate 2003, au fost realizate de WYG International Ltd echipa de asisten tehnic a Ministerului Educaiei i Cercetrii pentru a fi folosite n cadrul programului educaional A doua ans nvmnt primar. Membrii echipei care a elaborat materialele sunt: Cristiana Boca, coordonatoarea componentei nvmnt primar Mihaela Bucinschi, autoare Limba i literatura romn Daniela Chircu, autoare Limba rromani Carmen Costina, autoare Limba englez Ania Dulman, autoare Matematic Gabriela Dumitru, autoare Cunoaterea mediului Cristiana Ilie, autoare Istorie. Geografie Camelia Stnescu, autoare Limba rromani Iudit Sera, autoare Limba englez dr. DoinaOlga tefnescu, autoare Educaie civic Paul Vermeulen, expert componenta Elaborare curriculum i materiale educaionaleDescrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei COSTINA, CARMEN Limba englez : Passport to English : ghidul cursantului : modul 3 / Carmen Costina. - Bucureti : Step by Step, 2006 Bibliogr. ISBN (10) 973-1706-25-9; ISBN (13) 978-973-1706-25-2 811.111

Coordonator editorial: Mihaela Marin Design copert: Dinu Dumbrvician Design i dtp: Gabi Iancu Ilustraii: Sorin rlea Foto copert: Central Audiovisual Library of the European Commision European Community, 2005 Secvenele de coninut care sunt semnalizate cu CD-ului audio inclus n Ghidul cadrului didactic. se pot parcurge cu ajutorul

Aceast publicaie face parte din Programul Phare 2003 Acces la educaie pentru grupuri dezavantajate, componenta A doua ans Editorul materialului: Ministerul Educaiei i Cercetrii Data publicrii: septembrie 2006 Coninutul acestui material nu reprezint n mod necesar poziia oficial a Uniunii Europene. Ministerul Educaiei i Cercetrii, 2006 ISBN (10) 973-1706-25-9 ISBN (13) 978-973-1706-25-2 Cartea poate fi copiat pentru scopuri educaionale, dar nu pentru scopuri comerciale. n orice circumstan, este necesar acordul deintorului de copyright, Ministerul Educaiei i Cercetrii, pentru a reproduce integral sau pri din prezentul ghid.

ContentsIntroduction ......................................................................................4 U n i t


Families ..............................................................................7Lesson 1. Nice to meet you ..............................................................8 Lesson 2. Meet my family...............................................................10 Lesson 3. What do you like doing in your free time? ..................12 Lesson 4. A weekend with my family............................................14 Check your progress 1 ....................................................................16

U n i t


Towns .............................................................................17Lesson 5. Around the town............................................................18 Lesson 6. Means of transport.........................................................20 Lesson 7. Shops ...............................................................................22 Lesson 8. How much is it? ..............................................................24 Check your progress 2 ....................................................................26

U n i t


Having fun.......................................................................27Lesson 9. Help!................................................................................28 Lesson 10. Sports ............................................................................30 Lesson 11. Hobbies .........................................................................32 Lesson 12. Holiday plans ................................................................34 Check your progress 3 ....................................................................36 Get ready! .......................................................................................37 Vocabulary ......................................................................................38

Limba englez III Passport to English


Introduction"English is the language of the future, the language of the computer. You have the right to English. Make it your right!" Benjamin Zephaniah, (British poet, writer, actor)

Dragi tineri,

Felicitri c ai ales s urmai cursurile de limba englez din cadrul programului A doua ans. Nevoia de micare i informaie din lumea contemporan, dar i necesitatea comunicrii eficiente cu cei din jur, fac ca studiul unei limbi strine s devin un element de care nu ne putem lipsi, dac dorim s facem fa cu succes provocrilor profesionale, dar i personale. n orice domeniu am lucra, se face simit nevoia de a nelege o limb strin. Atunci cnd cltorim sau primim oaspei dintr-o ar strin ne descurcm mult mai uor dac putem comunica ntr-o limb de larg rspndire, cum este limba englez. n plus, cunoaterea unei limbi strine ne ajut s nelegem mai bine modul de gndire al persoanelor de alt naionalitate i chiar s ne redescoperim pe noi nine n raport cu cellalt. Experiena nvrii unei limbi strine v va ajuta s nvai mai uor i alte limbi strine, n funcie de provocrile crora va trebui s le facei fa. Acest curs v va sprijini n invarea limbii engleze prin exerciii i activiti de comunicare care se bazeaz pe cunotine anterioare minime. Dac nu ai nvat pn acum niciodat limba englez, nu trebuie s v ngrijorai, pentru c profesorul vostru va adapta leciile n funcie de cunotinele i nevoile voastre. Dac dimpotriv, avei deja cunotine de baz, v va face plcere s v sprijinii colegii, descoperind lucruri noi mpreun cu ei. Fiecare dintre noi avem stiluri de nvare diferite. V sugerm s analizai n permanen modul n care nvai: observai care sunt activitile pe care le considerai uoare i care sunt cele care presupun mai mult efort. Poate c nvai mai uor atunci cnd cineva v prezint i explic clar nite reguli, sau poate c nvai mai uor imitnd un model. Unii vor prefera activitile scrise, alii pe cele orale, unii activitile individuale, alii pe cele n pereche sau echip. V recomandm s facei nsemnri periodice ntr-un jurnal de nvare, n care s notai activitile care v-au plcut, cele pe care le-ai considerat uoare sau grele, etc. Acest lucru v va oferi ocazia de v nregistra succesele, dar i de a trece peste dificulti. 4

Programul A doua ans Nivel primar






De asemenea, putei nota n jurnal cuvintele sau expresiile care credei c v vor fi utile ntr-o anumit situaie. Mai presus de toate, nu v lsai descurajai atunci cnd simii c nu v descurcai de la bun nceput aa cum v-ai dori. Pentru a nva o limb strin este nevoie de timp, dar i de foarte mult perseveren. Folosii orice ocazie avei (n clas sau n situaii reale) de a exersa cuvintele sau expresiile nvate. Pentru a v ajuta n acest sens, fiecare lecie se ncheie cu sugestii de utilizare a noiunilor nvate. Realiznd ideile de la seciunea Try this!" putei s v mbogii portofoliul, care va fi evaluat la sfritul cursului. De asemenea, pentru a v sprijini n obinerea de rezulate ct mai bune, la finele fiecrui capitol exist o fi de autoevaluare. Rezolvarea acesteia v va ajuta s identificai ce anume trebuie s mai exersai. La finalul acestui curs, vei reui s: nelegei un text simplu ascultat sau citit; Producei cteva mesaje simple n situaii de comunicare uzuale (oral sau n scris); Citii suficient de cursiv un text scurt cu glas tare. Succes!

Limba englez III Passport to English


Passport to English1 Did you know? a. English is the official or semi-official language in 60 countries. d. 80% of computer information is in English.

b. English has a very large vocabulary - maybe the largest in the world.

c. 3/4 of the world's mail is written in English.

e. English is the main language used in science and technology, international sports, pop music, airports and control towers, etc.

2 English around you: a. Do you see signs in English?

3 There are many international words that come from English: internet, radio, exit, enter, mouse, computer Do you know any other words like these? 4 For your learning diary: Start your learning diary with writing down some of the reasons why you study English. How many languages can you speak? What helps you when learning a new language?

b. Do you listen to English music? c. Do you see/read newspapers written in English? d. Do you listen to English programmes on TV/radio? e. Do you have contact with people who speak English? 6Programul A doua ans Nivel primar




In this unit, you will learn how to: Greet people; Give personal information (name, age, address, phone number); Introduce people; Describe people; Speak about your favorite activities.Limba englez III Passport to English


L e s s o n


Nice to meet youT HINK ! Do we greet everybody in the same way? How do you greet your parents? Your friends? Your teachers? A clerk at the bank? In what situations do you need to introduce yourself?

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL LEARN: How to greet people in English. How to introduce yourself. How to spell your name in English.

W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW :The English Alphabet:Listen and repeat:

Useful wordsfirst name family name to greet to shake hands to spell

Expressions Saying HelloHello! / Hi! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!

Saying GoodbyeGood bye. Bye. / See you. See you later. Good night.

IntroductionsWhat's your name? My name is ... I am ... Where are you from? Nice to meet you!

L ISTEN AND LEARN !Listen to the following dialogues. Practise reading them with intonation. Hello, my name is Cosmin. What's your name? Oh, hello. My name is Anna. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from? I'm from Great Britain. And you? I'm Romanian. Look, I think it's your turn. That's right. OK, see you later! See you! 8Programul A doua ans Nivel primar





Good afternoon, sir! Good afternoon. What's your name? My name is Cosmin Stoica. How do you spell it? It's C-O-S-M-I-N, S-T-O-I-C-A. I see. What's your nationality, Mr Stoica? I'm Romanian. And what's your address? I live at 5, Eminescu Street, Iasi. Thank you sir, your interview is at 4 p.m. on Monday. Thank you. Good bye. Good bye.

Y OUR TURN !1 Fill in this form. Then ask your partner for his/her details (use the dialogue above as a model). First name:_________________________ Family Name: ______________________ Nationality: ________________________ Address: ___________________________ First name:_________________________ Family Name: ______________________ Nationality: ________________________ Address: ___________________________

2 Practise spelling: UK USA GB






3 In your learning diary, write the new words and expressions you want to remember.

C HECK THIS !Tick what you can do now: I can understand and respond when people greet me; I can spell my name; I can understand when people say and spell their name.

T RY THIS !Greet your English teacher in English from now on!

Limba englez III Passport to English


L e s s o n


Meet my familyT HINK ! Families are important for all of us. Why?

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL LEARN: How to read numbers. How to describe people. How to introduce your family.

W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW :Family relationshipsGrandmother / grandfather Mother / father Wife / husband Daughter / son Sister / brother

Describing peopleHe/she has got.. black/brown/blue/green eyes black/brown/red/grey hair

ExpressionsThis is my ........ His name is....... He is .. years old. Her name is ...... She is ... years old.

Reading numbers1 one 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 two 3 three 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 32 43 56 68 73 89 97 9 nine 10 ten

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty

40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety ..

thirty-two forty-three fifty-six sixty-eight seventy-three eighty-nine ninety-seven

100 one hundred

L ISTEN AND LEARN !Listen to the following dialogues. Practise reading them with intonation. This is my father. His name is Ion. He is 46 years old. He's got grey hair and black eyes. This is my mother. Her name is Maria. She is 44 years old. She's got brown hair and blue eyes.


Programul A doua ans Nivel primar

FThis is my sister. Her name is Simona. She is 14 years old. She's got brown hair and green eyes.




This is me. My name is Cosmin. I am 19 years old. I've got short black hair and brown eyes.

This is my aunt, Emilia, my mother's sister. She is 38 years old. She's got blond hair and blue eyes.

This is my uncle, Paul. He's aunt Emilia's husband. He is 40. He's got brown hair and brown eyes.

Y OUR TURN !1 Who is it? a. She's got blond hair and blue eyes. b. He's got grey hair and black eyes. c. She's got brown hair and green eyes. d. He's got short black hair and brown eyes. e. She's got brown hair and blue eyes. f. He's got brown hair and brown eyes. ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

2 Fill in the blanks: a. Maria is my __________. She ___ 44 years old. b. Ion is my ___________ . ____ is 46 years old. c. ______________ is my sister. ____ is 14. d. Emilia is my ___________ . She's got blond __________ . e. Paul is Ana's ______________. He is ____ years old. 3 Write a short description of yourself. Then write about your deskmate. Hello! My name is ________ . I am ___ years old. I've got _________ hair and ________ eyes. This is my friend. ____ name is ______ ____ is ____ years old. ____'s got _________ hair and ________ eyes.

4 In your learning diary, write useful words and expressions from today's lesson.

C HECK THIS !Tick what you can do now: I can read numbers. I can describe myself and my family members (relationship, age, appearance). I can understand when people describe their family members.

T RY THIS !Draw your family tree. Write a short description of each family member.

Limba englez III Passport to English


L e s s o n


What do you like doing in your free time?T HINK ! How much free time do you get every day / week? What is your favourite activity?

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL LEARN: To speak about things you like doing. To ask people about things they like doing.

W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW :Names of activitiesReading Dancing Swimming Jogging Travelling Listening to music Chatting with friends Surfing the Internet Going out with friends

ExpressionsI like ........... . He likes ........ . She likes ....... . What do you like doing in your free time?

L ISTEN AND LEARN !Listen to the following dialogues. Practise reading them with intonation. I like reading. My favourite books are detective stories. I like playing football. I play football every week.

I like going out with my friends. I have very many friends. We like listening to music and dancing.

I also like computers. I like surfing the Internet and chatting with my friends.

My sister likes jogging. She goes jogging three times a week.

This is my new friend, Anna. She likes travelling.


Programul A doua ans Nivel primar





What do you notice about the word like when you speak about another person? I like... He / She likes... s

Y OUR TURN !1 How about you? What do you like doing in your free time? Choose the correct answer: a. Do you like reading books? Yes, I do. No, I don't. b. Do you like doing sports? Yes, I do. No, I don't. c. Do you like cooking? Yes, I do. No, I don't. d. Do you like visiting friends? Yes, I do. No, I don't. e. Do you like listening to music? Yes, I do. No, I don't. f. Do you like dancing? Yes, I do. No, I don't. 2 Ask four of your friends now. Fill in this information grid (put a tick ? or a cross next to your friend's name): Friend's name reading books doing sports cooking visiting friends travelling

3 What do your friends like doing? Report to the class. e.g. Dan likes reading books and visiting his friends. 4 Fill in the blanks with like/likes: a. I ________ watching TV. b. She _______ reading magazines. c. He ________ working on the computer. d. I _________ doing sports. e. Maria________ cooking. f. John ________ swimming. g. I _________ jogging.

5 For your learning diary: i. Write new words and expressions you need to remember ii. Write 3 sentences about what you like doing.

C HECK THIS !Tick what you can do now: I can name my favourite free time activities. I can ask people about their free time activities.

T RY THIS !Talk to your family about their favourite free time activities. Prepare a short presentation of what they like doing for next class.

Limba englez III Passport to English


L e s s o n


A weekend with my familyIN THIS LESSON YOU WILL LEARN:

To describe ongoing activities. The names of different rooms in the house.

W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW :Rooms in the houseLiving room Dining room Bedroom Bathroom Kitchen

ActivitiesCooking Washing the dishes Watching TV Repairing Doing homework

ExpressionsWhere is ........... ? What is he/she doing? She/He is ....... in the ............... .

T HINK ! What are your favourite weekend activities?

Living room

Dining room




L ISTEN AND LEARN !It's Saturday morning. All my family are at home, doing different things: Mother is in the kitchen. She is cooking. Hmm, it smells delicious! My sister is in her bedroom. She is doing her homework. She is in the 8th grade. I am in the living room. I am reading a PC magazine. Father is in the bathroom. He is repairing the tap.


Programul A doua ans Nivel primar





Y OUR TURN !1 Who is doing what? Where? Match (draw lines): a. Mother is repairing the tap b. Father is cooking c. Simona is reading a magazine d. Cosmin is doing her homework in the bedroom. in the living room. in the kitchen. in the bathroom.

2 Copy the correct sentences in the spaces provided. a. Mother _____________________________________ . b. Father _____________________________________ . c. Simona_____________________________________ . d. Cosmin_____________________________________ . 3 Look at these people. What are they doing? Where is he? __________________ . What's he doing? __________________ . Where is she? ___________________ . What's she doing? ___________________ .

Where is she? __________________ . What's she doing? __________________ .

Where is he? ___________________ . What's he doing? ___________________ .

4 For your learning diary: Write new words and expressions you learned in this lesson.

C HECK THIS !Tick what you can do now: I can name the rooms of a house. I can describe what people are doing.

T RY THIS !Have you got a photo album? Attach small labels to some of your photos, describing what you are doing. e.g. You can see me swimming.

Limba englez III Passport to English


Check your progress



Before you do these exercises, review what you have learned in Unit 1(Families): I can introduce myself; I can speak about my family members; I can describe people and ongoing activities.I Match the following questions with the suitable replies: 1. Hello! a. I'm Romanian. 2. What's your name? b. I live at 6, Primaverii street. 3. What nationality are you? c. I like listening to music. 4. Where do you live? d. Hello! 5. What do you like doing in your free time? e. My name is Valentin Pop.

II Tick the correct picture:

1. He's got short black hair. 2. She's got two daughters. 3. He's got a brother and a sister. 4. She's got blond hair.III Complete the sentences:

She is _____________ in the ____________.

I am _____________ in my ___________.

He is _____________ in the ____________.

He is ____________ in the ___________ .

IV Write (and speak) about yourself: What's your name?________________________________________ What's your nationalty? ____________________________________ Where do you live? _______________________________________ What do you look like? _____________________________________ What about your family?___________________________________ What do you like doing? ___________________________________


Programul A doua ans Nivel primar




In this unit, you will learn about: Buildings in a town; Means of transport; Shops and goods.Limba englez III Passport to English


L e s s o n


Around the townT HINK ! What important buildings are there in your town / village? On your street? What are the functions of each building? Have you ever shown visitors around your town / village? How did you feel?

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL LEARN: To recognize and use names of different buildings in a town. To describe and locate a building.

W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW :Useful wordspost office, police station, bank, school, hospital, restaurant, hotel, church, houses, blocks of flats, parking space

Adjectivesold / new / modern small / big / tall

ExpressionsThere is / There are Is there a near here? Where's the post office? It's over there. It's near the It's next to the .

PrepositionsNear / far In front of / behind / next to Round the corner On the left / on the right

L ISTEN AND LEARN !Cosmin is showing Anna around the town. They are in the main street.


Programul A doua ans Nivel primar





Anna: Cosmin: Anna: Cosmin: Anna: Cosmin: Anna: Cosmin: Anna:

How many people are there in your town? There are about 50,000 people, it's not a very big town. What is that tall modern building over there? It's a bank. And next to it there's a restaurant. Is there a post office near here? Yes, there is. It's over there, near the police station. How far is it from my hotel? Oh, it's not very far. Maybe ten minutes away. That's good. I would like to buy some postcards for my family.

Y OUR TURN !1 Can you unscramble these buildings names? LOSOHC TELHO CRUHCH KANB LISHPOTA TRANTRESAU ________ _______________ ______ _________ _____________ 2 Draw lines and match: where should you go if you need to: buy some postcards? restaurant see a doctor? post office eat? hotel sleep overnight? bank get some money out? hospital 3 Fill in the empty spaces with the following words to describe the picture on the right: church, tall, left, right, front, is The police station is on the _____. Next to it, there ___ a small modern school. Behind the school there is a ________. On the _______ there is a bank. It's a very ______ building. In _______ of the bank there is a parking space. 4 For your learning diary: Write as many building names as you remember. What other building names do you need to know? Look them up in a dictionary (or ask your teacher) and write them in your learning diary, too.

C HECK THIS !Tick what you can do now: I can name different buildings in a town; I can use adjectives to describe a building; I can use prepositions to locate different buildings in a town.

T RY THIS !Draw a plan of your street/town/village. Mark the most important buildings and write a short presentation for tourists who might visit your place.

Limba englez III Passport to English


L e s s o n


Means of transportT HINK !How do you get to school/ work? Which is your favourite means of transport? Why? Which means of transport do people use where you live?

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL LEARN: To recognize different means of transport. To speak about the means of transport you normally use. To inquire about means of transport other people use.

W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW :Means of transport:

car bicycle/bike


taxi tram(way)

trolleybus tube on foot

L ISTEN AND LEARN !Find out how Cosmin's family travel to work or school:

I travel to work by bus. 20

I travel to work by car.

I ride my bike to school.

Programul A doua ans Nivel primar





I go to school by bus.

I go to work on foot.

I go to work by trolleybus.

Y OUR TURN !1 Look at the pictures of means of transport. Practice asking questions with your partner, like this: "Is this a car?" "Yes, it is." or: "No, it's not. It's a bus!" 2 What means of transport can you use where you live? In my town/village you can travel by ___________, _____________, ____________, ____________, or ___________. 3 True or false? a. Cosmin's mother travels to work by taxi. b. Cosmin rides his bike to school. c. Simona goes to school by bus. d. Uncle Paul travels to work by car. e. Cosmin's father goes to work on foot. 4 How do you get to school/work? Write your answer here: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Find out about your colleagues now. Ask them questions, then draw a graph (like the one in the example) to show which means of transport people in your class use:10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



number of students







means of transport

C HECK THIS !Tick what you can do now: I can name different means of transport; I can speak about the means of transport I normally use; I can ask people about the means of transport they use.

T RY THIS !Discuss the graph with your friends. Which means of transport do most people in your class use? How many people walk to school?

on foot


Limba englez III Passport to English


L e s s o n


ShopsT HINK ! What kind of shops are there near your house? Small ones? Big supermarkets? Would you like to have your own shop? Why? What kind of shop?

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL LEARN: To identify various shops/goods; To ask/answer about where you can buy different things.

W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW :Names of shopsbaker's butcher's dairy grocer's greengrocer's newsagent's chemist's supermarket

Goodsbread, rolls meat, ham milk, cheese, yoghurt flour, sugar, coffee fruits and vegetables newspapers, magazines medicines, cosmetics

ExpressionsWhere can I buy ...? You can buy ... at the ... . What can you buy at the ... ?

L ISTEN AND LEARN !Anna needs to do some shopping. She's got a long shopping list:


Programul A doua ans Nivel primar





Cosmin offered to help: Anna: Where can I buy some milk? Cosmin: You can buy milk at the dairy. Anna: OK, I need some sugar and coffee. Where can I buy them? Cosmin: You can buy sugar and coffee at the grocer's. Anna: Right. What else do I need? Let me see, some shampoo and a hairbrush. Where can I buy them? Cosmin: Let's go to the chemist's. Anna: Oh, good, I also need some medicines.

Y OUR TURN !1 Continue the dialogue between Anna and Cosmin to finish the shopping list. Practise asking and answering questions, like this: Where can I buy? You can buy at the . . 2 True or false? Anna needs some coffee, but she doesn't need any milk. She needs some medicines and a hairbrush. Anna needs some rolls and butter. She doesn't need any sugar. Anna needs some apples, but she doesn't need any bananas. She doesn't need any fresh meat. 3 Complete these dialogues with suitable answers and questions: What can you buy at the greengrocer's? _________________________________ Where can you buy medicines? _________________________________ Can you buy cheese at the dairy? _________________________________ Can you buy milk at the greengrocer's? _________________________________ _________________________________ ? You can buy cheese at the dairy. _________________________________ ? You can buy apples at the greengrocer's. _________________________________ ? No, you can't. _________________________________ ? Yes, you can. T T T T T T F F F F F F

4 For your learning diary: Write as many shops and goods as you remember. What other words do you need to know? Look them up in a dictionary (or ask your teacher) and write them in your learning diary, too.

C HECK THIS !Tick what you can do now: I can identify various shops/goods; I can ask and answer questions about where you can buy different things.

T RY THIS !Make a short presentation (a poster) about the shops in your street. What kind of goods can you find in each of them? Use a dictionary to look up any words you might need. hint!Limba englez III Passport to English


L e s s o n


How much is it?T HINK !What do tourists usually buy when they visit Romania? Did you notice?

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL LEARN: To ask for things in a shop. To ask/answer about prices.

W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW :Useful expressions:Customer Can I see that...? / Can you show me that ... ? I'd like to buy ...... for my .... . I need ... How much is it? That's all. Where is the cash desk? Could I get a (plastic) bag, please? Shop assistant Can I help you? What can I do for you? Anything else? Here you are. / Here you go. You're welcome. Pay at the cash desk, please. That's 20 euros/euro altogether Here's your change.

L ISTEN AND LEARN !Anna is in a souvenir shop. She would like to buy gifts for her family and friends back home.

Can I help you?TOWEL

Yes, please. I'd like to buy some gifts for my family. Certainly, we've got pots, towels, folk blouses, necklaces, all sorts of things. I like that folk blouse, how much is it? That's 200 Lei. OK, I'll buy that for my mother. Anything else?





Yes, for my brother I'd like...


Programul A doua ans Nivel primar





Y OUR TURN !1 Work in pairs. Continue the conversation between Anna and the shop assistant. What do you think she would like to buy for her family or friends? 2 Match the questions with the suitable replies: Can I help you? It's 3.50. How much is it? That's all, thank you. Where is the cash desk? Yes, please. I'd like a T-shirt. Could I get a plastic bag? It's over there. Anything else? Certainly, here you are. 3 Circle the price you hear: a. a. seven euros d. eight lei fifty b. thirty lei e. three dollars seventy-five c. two euros fifty f. six pounds ten 4.50 $ 3.75 2.50 6.10 8.50 Lei

g. ten dollars twenty-five h. four pounds fifty

$ 10.25


30 Lei

4 Write a suitable reply for these questions: Can I help you? _______________________________ How much is that pot? ________________________________ Where is the cash desk? ________________________________ Anything else? ________________________________

remember20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred 200 two hundred


21 twenty-one 32 thirty-two 43 forty-three 54 fifty-four 65 sixty-five 76 seventy-six 87 eighty-seven 98 ninety-eight 105 one hundred and five 250 two hundred and fifty

C HECK THIS !Tick what you can do now: I can ask for things in a shop; I can ask/answer about prices.

T RY THIS !Search the Internet to find out what kind of souvenirs people buy from different places (ex. London, Paris, etc.) Make a poster about it. hint! Attach price tags to each souvenir. You can find information about prices on the Internet, too.Limba englez III Passport to English


Check your progress



Before you do these exercises, review what you have learned in Unit 2 (Towns): I can describe and locate buildings; I can speak about the means of transport I normally use; I can ask for things in a shop.I

Write the letter of the correct picture next to each sentence: ___ There is a parking place in front of the hotel. ___ The restaurant is on the left. ___ There is a hospital behind the school. ___ My house is near the church. ___ There are some block of flats on the rigth. B




II Complete the sentences:

I go to school ______________________. She goes to work ____________________. He goes home _______________________. I sometimes ride my ______________________ to work.III This is Mara's shopping list:

Tick the shops that she needs: greengrocer's butcher's baker's chemist's grocer's dairy newsagent's

1 kilo of fresh meat a loaf of bread a bottle of milk 2 kilos of potatoes 1 kilo of sugar

IV Finish these conversations: Mara at the dairy: Can I help you? Yes, please. I'd _________________ . Here you are. Thank you. How ________________. That's 5 lei.

Mara at the baker's: Can I help you? Yes, ___________________________. Here you are. ______________________________. That's 2 lei.


Programul A doua ans Nivel primar




In this unit, you will learn about: Helping people; Doing sports; Hobbies; Holiday plans.27

Limba englez III Passport to English

L e s s o n


Help!T HINK !Are you a helpful person? Talk to your colleagues about situations when you helped somebody or somebody helped you and it really made a difference.

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL LEARN: To offer your help; To thank/reply to thanks; To accept/refuse politely.

W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW :Useful expressions:Can you help me, please? Certainly/Sure; Sorry, but I can't. Let me help you! / Do you need any help? Thank you (very much). / Thanks! You're welcome! / That's OK. / Not at all. / Any time.

Personal pronouns:I you he she it we they me you him her it us them

L ISTEN AND LEARN !Do you need any help?

Here, Anna, let me help you! Oh, thank you, that's very nice.

Cosmin: Here we are! Anna: Thank you very much, Cosmin. You're welcome.

Do you need any help? Yes, can you set the table, please? Certainly.

Mother: Thank you for your help, dear. Father: Not at all.


Programul A doua ans Nivel primar

HCosmin, can you help me with my homework, please? Sorry, but I can't help you now. I'm busy.




Simona: I did it. Thanks a lot, brother! Cosmin: Yeah, sure! Any time!

Y OUR TURN !1 Choose a suitable word to fill in the following sentences: her him us you me them a. Anna needs some help with learning Romanian. Can you help ____? b. I can't do this exercise. Can you help _____, please? c. John is working in the garden. Let's help _____ . d. We are trying to find a bank. Can you help _____ ? e. Those bags look very heavy. Here, let me help _____. f. They are very busy with the housework. Let's help _____ . 2 Fill in these sentences with only one suitable word: very me not need help any welcome can a. Here, let _____ help you. e. Thank you ______ much! b. I _____ some help with this. f. Oh, ____ at all. c. _____ you help me, please? g. Thanks! You're ___________. d. Sorry, but I can't _____ you now. h. _____ time! 3 Imagine conversations for the following situations: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

4 In pairs, practise offering/asking for help. Accept or refuse politely.

C HECK THIS !Tick what you can do now: I can offer my help or ask for somebody's help; I can say yes or no politely; I can thank somebody for helping me.

T RY THIS !Do you know these Beatles songs, Help! and With a little help from my friends? Why don't you find the lyrics on the Internet and learn them? hint! Type the name of the songs + Beatles + lyrics in a search engineLimba englez III Passport to English




SportsT HINK ! What are your favourite sports? Sportspeople? Why do you admire them? Do you think sportspeople are good role models for young people? Why?

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL LEARN: To speak about your favourite sports; To speak about your abilities; To ask people about their abilities.

W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW :Names of sportsswim / run / jog / ski / skate play: football / basketball / volleyball / tennis / hockey do: gymnastics / judo / karate

ExpressionsI can .... . Can you ...? Yes, I can. / No, I can't He /she can ... .

How often?Every day / week / month Once / twice a week Three times a week Sometimes / rarely

L ISTEN AND LEARN !Cosmin: Anna: Cosmin. Anna: Cosmin: Anna: Cosmin: Anna: Do you like sports, Anna? Yes, I love sports. It's very healthy to do some kind of sports. How about you? Me too. What sports do you do? I go jogging three times a week, and I play tennis at weekends. How about you? I play football with my friends every week. And I sometimes go swimming. Can you swim? Yes, I can. I like swimming, too. Great, how about a swim on Saturday? Sure!

Y OUR TURN !What sports can you do?

swim karate judo 30Programul A doua ans Nivel primar

jog skate

ski run





football gymnastics tennis hockey basketball volleyball

1 Work in pairs. Practice asking and answering questions, like this: Can you swim? Yes, I can. Can you play football? Yes, I can. Can you do gymnastics? No, I can't. 2 Work in a group of four now. Write about yourself in the first row, then ask your friends questions and fill in the rest of the table. Name e.g. Cosmin What sports do you do?I play football I go swimming

How often do you..?every week sometimes

3 Report your findings to the class now. e.g. Mihai plays tennis every week; Georgiana does gymnastics every day, etc. 4 For your learning diary: Write down

mbe o you reme d



You learned this in lesson 3, unit 1: I go swimming. She goes jogging. He does karate.

C HECK THIS !Tick what you can do now: I can speak about my favourite sports; I can say what I can do; I can ask people about what they can do.

T RY THIS !Make a poster with pictures showing different sports and write their names in English. hint! Why not add pictures of the kind of equipment you need for each sport?Limba englez III Passport to English




HobbiesT HINK ! Have you got a hobby? Tell your friends about it.

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL LEARN: How to speak about your hobbies; How to ask people about things they like doing.

W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW :Names of activities Possessive adjectives:my your his her its our their


Listening to music Dancing Playing an instrument


Collecting stamps

Taking pictures

Riding horses

L ISTEN AND LEARN !What are their hobbies?

My hobby is reading.

Your hobby is playing the piano.

Her hobby is taking pictures.

His hobby is working on the computer.

Our hobby is collecting stamps. 32Programul A doua ans Nivel primar

Your hobby is dancing.

Their hobby is riding horses.





Y OUR TURN !1 Fill in the empty spaces:

My hobby is _________________.

Ana's hobby is _________________.

Ion's hobby is _________________.

Maria's hobby is _________________.

2 Correct the following sentences, as in the example: Cosmin's hobby is dancing. Anna's hobby is taking photos. Ion's hobby is cooking. Maria's hobby is driving. No, it's not, his hobby is reading. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

3 Fill in with the right word, as in the example: I like reading books. My hobby is reading. She likes dancing. _____ hobby is dancing. _____ likes singing. His hobby is singing. They like playing the guitar. ______ hobby is playing the guitar. ____ like driving. Our hobby is driving. What's ____ hobby? Do ___ like travelling?

rememberPersonal pronoun I you he she it we you they


4 Find out about your classmates now. Ask questions about their hobbies and take notes. Report your findings to the class. e.g. Alina, what's your hobby? I like taking photos. Alina likes taking photos. Her hobby is taking photos.

Possessive adjectives: my your his her its our your their

5 Write about yourself and people you know. _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

C HECK THIS ! I can speak about hobbies; I can use the words my/your/his/her/our/their correctly.

T RY THIS !Many people have hobbies that don't have anything to do with their jobs. For example, Bill Clinton's hobby is playing the saxophone. Use the Internet to find out about some famous people's hobbies.Limba englez III Passport to English




Holiday plansT HINK !Which has been your best holiday so far? Why was it a great holiday?

IN THIS LESSON YOU WILL LEARN: To speak about your holiday plans; To express preferences; To ask people about their preferences.

W HAT YOU NEED TO KNOW :Useful wordsholiday journey luggage passport / visa train/bus/plane tickets foreign country tourist information to pack

Expressions:to go on holiday to book tickets to apply for a visa to go to the mountains / seaside / country / on a camp / abroad in spring / summer / autumn / winter in July / August, etc.

Expressing preferences:I'd like to... Where would you like to go? What would you like to do? Would you like to go with us?


in spring

in summer

in autumn

in winter

Cosmin and his family are making holiday plans. I'd like to go to the country in autumn. I can relax there. I'd like to go to the mountains in summer. I like climbing mountains.

I'd like to go to the seaside in August. I like swimming in the sea.

I'd like to visit Paris. I like visiting cities. There are so many interesting things you can see.


Programul A doua ans Nivel primar





Y OUR TURN !1 Write about your ideal holiday: Where would you like to go? When would you like to go there? What would you like to do? _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

2 Ask your classmates about their holiday preferences, then report to the class, like this: Alex would like to go to the country in autumn. He would like to pick fruits. 3 What do you need to do in these situations? Choose from the following to finish these sentences: - pack your luggage; - book your tickets; - apply for a visa; - show your passport; a. If you want to go to a foreign country, you need to _________________. b. If you want to go by plane, you need to _______________ in advance. c. If you want to go on a camp, you need to ________________ wisely. d. When you cross the border, you need to ________________ .

Months of the year:January February March April May June July August September October November December

4 Read the following sentences: a. Next autumn Maria will go to the country. She'll relax in the backyard. b. In July Ion and Maria will go to the mountains. They'll climb mountains together. c. Cosmin will go to the seaside in August. He'll go with his friends. d. Simona will visit Paris next summer. She'll go on a trip with her classmates. Now, answer the following sentences, as in the model: a. Who will go to the seaside? Cosmin will _____________ . b. Who will go to the mountains? ________________________ . c. Who will visit Paris? ________________________ . d. Who will go to the country? ________________________ .

C HECK THIS ! I can speak about my holiday plans; I can express preferences; I can ask people about their preferences.

T RY THIS !Make a poster with pictures of famous tourist attractions in Romania or any country of your choice.

Limba englez III Passport to English


Check your progress



Before you do this, review what you have learned in Unit III (Having fun): I can offer my help or ask for somebody's help; I can speak about sports/abilities/hobbies; I can speak about my holiday plans.I Match the pictures to the words:

Swimming Jogging Travelling Taking pictures Reading Riding horses D E F A B C

II Choose the correct reply to complete the following conversations:

1. Can you help me, please? a) You're welcome. b) Sure. c) Thank you. 2. What's your hobby? a) He likes jogging. b) I like swimming. c) She collects stamps. 3. Where would you like to go on holiday? a) I'd like to go to the seaside. b) I'd like to go in July. c) I don't like the mountains.

4. Can you swim? a) Yes, I can. b) Yes, I do. c) No, I don't. 5. How often do you play football? a) Next summer. b) Every week. c) In September. 6. These bags are very heavy. a) That's OK. b) Any time. c) Here, let me help you.

III Read the text. Are sentences 1-5 true or false?

Cosmin and Anna will go to England together next summer. They will visit London and Anna's hometown, Leeds. They are going to travel by plane. Anna will book the tickets in February. Cosmin is not British, so he needs a visa for England. He will go to Bucharest to apply for a visa next month. He is very happy he's going to see London. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. They will visit England in February. Cosmin would like to visit London. Anna needs a visa for England. Cosmin will book the plane tickets. Cosmin will apply for a visa next summer. True True True True True False False False False False


Programul A doua ans Nivel primar

Get ready!Ai reuit s parcurgei cursul de limba englez din cadrul Programului A doua ans. Felicitri! Este momentul s facei din nou nsemnri n jurnalul de nvare. Pentru a comunica bine ntr-o limb strin, avem nevoie de patru abiliti de baz: nelegerea dup auz, cititul, vorbitul i scrisul. n care dintre cele patru abiliti simii c ai fcut progresele cele mai mari? De care dintre cele patru abiliti avei nevoie cel mai mult n ceea ce facei (n munc, vizite etc.)? Ce fel de exerciii sau activiti v-ar putea ajuta s v mbuntii abilitile de care avei nevoie cel mai mult? nainte de evaluarea final, reluai fiecare lecie i analizai n special seciunea introductiv "What you will learn" i cea final "Check this!". Acest lucru v va ajuta s identificai ariile n care nu v simii nc destul de bine pregtit, permindu-v s v canalizai eforturile ntr-acolo. Reluai apoi exerciiile din fiele de auto-evaluare. Dac ai dat deja teste de parcurs, revedei corecturile i explicaiile profesorului dumneavoastr. Asigurai-v c le-ai neles. Dac e nevoie, cerei explicaii suplimentare. Revedei cuvintele i expresiile folosite n fiecare lecie. Folosii vocabularul de la sfritul manualului dac nu v amintii nelesul unora dintre acestea. n final, ncercai s compunei exerciii asemntoare cu cele din fiele de auto-evaluare. Fcnd acest lucru, vei sesiza unde pot aprea probleme. Lucrai mpreun cu unul din colegii de clas i facei schimb de exerciii. Rezolvai fiecare exerciiile compuse de cellalt i apoi discutai mpreun. Acolo unde nu suntei sigur care este varianta corect, consultai seciunea respectiv din manual sau solicitai sprijinul profesorului. n final, adoptai o atitudine pozitiv fa de evaluare: rostul acesteia nu este s sancioneze nereuita ci s sprijine nvarea.

Limba englez III Passport to English



abroad = n strintate add (to) = a aduga address = adres afternoon = dup-mas answer (to) = a rspunde apply (to) for = a candida, a aplica ask (to) = a ntreba bag = plas, geant baker's = brutrie behind = n spatele big = mare blouse = bluz bracelet = brar bread = pine brother = frate building = cldire butcher's = mcelrie buy (to) = a cumpra camp = tabr cash desk = casierie certainly = desigur chat (to) = a povesti check (to) = a verifica cheese = brnz chemist's = farmacie choice = alegere church = biseric city = ora mare classmate = coleg de clas clerk = funcionar climb (to) = a se cra coffee = cafea collect (to) = a coleciona cook (to) = a gti cosmetics = produse cosmetice country = ar dairy = magazin de lactate daughter = fiic describe (to) = a descrie detail = detaliu diary = jurnal draw (to) = a desena drive (to) = a conduce maina equipment = echipament evening = sear everybody = toat lumea expression = expresie family name= nume de familie famous = celebru far = departe 38Programul A doua ans Nivel primar

favourite = preferat fill in (to) = a umple, a completa find (to) = a gsi first name = prenume flat = apartament flour = fin foreign = strin from = din, de la front (in * of) = n faa fruits = fructe gift = cadou, dar goods = bunuri greengrocer's = aprozar greet (to) = a saluta grocer's = bcnie guess (to) =a ghici ham = unc healthy = sntos heavy = greu help (to) = a ajuta help = ajutor here = aici hint = indiciu holiday = vacan homework = tem de cas house = cas how = cum how many = ci, cte how much = ct, ct husband = so inquire (to) = a investiga introduce (to) = a prezenta jog (to) = a alerga uor know (to) = a ti label = etichet later = mai trziu left = stnga listen (to) = a asculta live (to) = a locui, a tri locate (to) = a localiza luggage = bagaje magazine = revist match (to) = a potrivi maybe = poate, posibil means = mijloc meat = carne medicines = medicamente meet (to) = a ntlni milk = lapte money = bani

month = lun morning = diminea mountain = munte nationality = naionalitate near = aproape necklace = colier need (to) = a avea nevoie new = nou newsagent's = chioc de ziare newspapers = ziare next (the) = urmtorul nice = drgu night = noapte notice (to) = a observa offer (to) = o oferi old = n vrst; vechi once = o dat, odat pack (to) = a mpacheta parking space = parcare passport = paaport pay (to) = a plti photo = fotografie picture = imagine play (to) the guitar = a cnta la chitar police station = poliie politely = politicos post office = pot postcard = ilustrat preference = preferin price = pre rarely = rareori recognize (to) = a recunoate remember (to) = a ine minte repair (to) = a repara reply (to) = a replica, a rspunde ride (to) = a clri right = corect, drept roll = corn row = rnd run (to) = a alerga same (the) = la fel, acelai seaside = (la) mare see (to) = a vedea set (to) the table = a pune masa shake hands (to) = a da mna shop = magazin shop assisstant = vnztor short = scurt, scund show (to) = a arta sister = sor

skate (to) = a patina sleep (to) = a dormi small = mic smell (to) = a mirosi sometimes = uneori son = fiu speak (to) = a vorbi spell (to) = a spune pe litere stamp = timbru street = strad sugar = zahr swim (to) = a nota take (to) pictures = a face fotografii tall = nalt tap = robinet then = apoi, atunci there = acolo thing = lucru tick (to) = a bifa ticket = bilet towel = prosop, tergar town = ora travel (to) = a cltori tree = copac, arbore try (to) = a ncerca turn = rnd twice = de dou ori useful = util, folositor usually = de obicei vegetables = legume village = sat visa = viz waiting room = sal de ateptare walk (to) = a merge pe jos want (to) = a vrea, a dori watch (to) = a privi way = mod, fel week = sptmn what = ce where = unde when = unde which = care why = de ce wife = soie wisely = cu nelepciune with = cu word = cuvnt work (to) = a munci,a lucra work = serviciu, slujb year = an yoghurt = iaurtLimba englez III Passport to English


A UDIO S CRIPTPASSPORT TO ENGLISHDid you know? a. English is the semi-official language in 60 countries. b.English has a very large vocabulary maybe the largest in the world. c. Three quarters of the worlds mail is written in English. d.80% of computer information is in English. e. English is the main language used in Science and Technology, international sports, pop music, airports and control towers etc.

Exercise 2. Listen and repeat.UK, USA, GB, EU, NATO, HIV, NYPD, JFK

Now listen and point:EU, JFK, USA, GB, NYPD, NATO, UK, HIV.

Unit 1. Lesson 2. MEET MY FAMILYIn this lesson you will learn: How to read numbers How to describe people How to introduce your family



In this unit, you will learn how to: Greet people Give personal information (name, age, address, phone number) Introduce people Describe people Speak about your favourite activities

Useful language/ Listen and repeatFamily relationships Grandmother / grandfather Mother / father Wife / husband Daughter / son Sister / brother Describing people He/she has got.. black/brown/blue/green eyes black/brown/red/grey hair

Unit 1. Lesson 1. NICE TO MEET YOUIn this lesson you will learn: How to greet people in English How to introduce yourself How to spell your name in English

ExpressionsThis is my ... His name is ... He is .. years old. Her name is ... She is ... years old. Reading numbers 1 one 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 3 4 5 6 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 43 56 68 73 89 97 7 8 9 10 two three four five six seven eight nine ten twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty thirty-two forty-three fifty-six sixty-eight seventy-three eighty-nine ninety-seven

Useful wordsfirst name family name to greet to shake hands to spell

Expressions saying HelloHello! / Hi! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!

Saying GoodbyeGood bye. Bye. / See you. See you later. Good night.

IntroductionsWhats your name? My name is Cosmin. I am Anna. Where are you from? Nice to meet you!

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

Listen and learn:Hello, my name is Cosmin. Whats your name? Oh, hello. My name is Anna. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from? Im from Great Britain. And you? Im Romanian. Look, I think its your turn. Thats right. OK, see you later! See you!

40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety .. 100 one hundred

Listen and learnThis is my father. His name is Ion. He is 46 years old. Hes got grey hair and black eyes.


Programul A doua ans Nivel primar

This is my mother. Her name is Maria. She is 44 years old. Shes got brown hair and blue eyes. This is my sister. Her name is Simona. She is 14 years old. Shes got brown hair and green eyes. This is me. My name is Cosmin. I am 19 years old. Ive got short black hair and brown eyes. This is my aunt, Emilia, my mothers sister. She is 38 years old. Shes got blond hair and blue eyes. This is my uncle, Paul. Hes aunt Emilias husband. He is 40. Hes got brown hair and brown eyes. Exercise one 1. Who is it? a. Shes got blond hair and blue eyes. b.Hes got grey hair and black eyes. c. She got brown hair and green eyes. d.Hes got short black hair and brown eyes. e. Shes got brown hair and blue eyes. f. Hes got brown hair and brown eyes.

Useful language/ Listen and repeatRooms in the house Living room Dining room Bedroom Bathroom Kitchen Activities Cooking Washing the dishes Watching TV Repairing Doing homework Expressions Where is he? What is he/she doing? She/He is in the kitchen .

Listen and learnMother is in the kitchen. She is cooking. Hmm, it smells delicious! Father is in the bathroom. He is repairingthe tap. My sister is in her bedroom. She is doing her homework. She is in the 8th grade at school. I am in the living room. I am reading a PC magazine. Exercise three. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions. Where is he? Hes in the living room. Whats he doing? Hes watching TV. Where is she? Shes in the living room . Whats she doing? Shes reading a book . Where is she? Shes in the bedroom. Whats she doing? Shes dancing. Where is he? Hes in the kitchen. Whats he doing? Hes washing the dishes.

Unit 1. Lesson 3. WHAT DO YOU LIKE DOING IN YOUR FREE TIME?In this lesson you will learn: How to speak about things you likedoing How to ask people about things they like doing

Useful language/ Listen and repeatNames of activities Reading Dancing Swimming Jogging Travelling Listening to music Chatting with friends Surfing the Internet Going out with friends

Expressions I like ........... . He likes ........ . She likes ....... . What do you like doing in your free time?

Listen and learnI like reading. My favourite books are detective stories. I like playing football. I play football every week. I like going out with my friends. I have very many friends. We like listening to music and dancing. I also like computers. I like surfing the Internet and chatting with my friends. My sister likes jogging. She goes jogging three times a week. This is my new friend, Anna. She likestravelling. Exercise one What do you like doing in your free time? Do you like reading books? Do you like doing sports? Do you like cooking? Do you like visiting friends? Do you like listening to music? Do you like dancing?

Unit 1. CHECK YOUR PROGRESSExercise one/ check your answer:Match the following questions with the suitable replies: Hello! Hello! Whats your name? My name is Valentin Pop. What nationality are you? Im Romanian. Where do you live? I live at 6, Primaverii Street. What do you llike doing in your free time? I like listening to music.

Unit 1. Lesson 4. A WEEKEND IN MY FAMILYIn this lesson you will learn: How to describe ongoing activities. The names of different rooms in the house.

Exercise two. Tick the correct picture:1. Hes got black short hair. 2. Shes got two daughters. 3. Hes got a brother and a sister. 4. Shes got blond hair.

Limba englez III Passport to English




Listen and learnI I I I I I travel to work by bus. travel to work by car. ride my bike to school. go to school by bus. go to work on foot. go to work by trolleybus.

In this unit, you will learn about: Buildings in a town; Means of transport; Shops and goods.

Unit 2. Lesson five. AROUND THE TOWNIn this lesson you will learn: To recognize and use names of different buildings in a town; To describe and locate a building.

Exercise three. True or false? Circle the correct letter: a. Cosmins mother travels to work by taxi. b. Cosmin rides his bike to school by bus. c. Simona goes to school by bus. d. Uncle Paul travels to work by car. e. Cosmins father goes to work on foot.

Useful language/ Listen and repeatpost office, police station, bank, school, hospital, restaurant, hotel, church, houses, blocks of flats, parking space Adjectives old/new/modern small/big/tall Prepositions Near/far In front of/behind/next to Round the corner On the left/on the right Expressions There is / There are Is there a church near here? Wheres the post office? Its over there. Its near the Its next to the .

Unit 2. Lesson 7. SHOPSIn this lesson you will learn: To identify various shops and goods; To ask and answer about where you can buy different things.

Useful language/ Listen and repeat/ Names of shopsbakers butchers dairy grocers greengrocers newsagents chemists supermarket

Goodsbread, rolls meat, ham milk, cheese, yoghurt flour, sugar, coffee fruits and vegetables newspapers, magazines medicines, cosmetics Expressions Where can I buy dairy? You can buy bread at the bakers . What can you buy at the grocers ?

Listen and learnCosmin is showing Anna around the town. They are in the main street. Anna: How many people are there in your town? Cosmin: There are about 50,000 people, its not a very big town. Anna: What is that tall modern building over there? Cosmin: Its a bank. And next to it theres a restaurant. Anna: Is there a post office near here? Cosmin: Yes, there is. Its over there, near the police station. Anna: How far is it from my hotel? Cosmin: Oh, its not very far. Maybe ten minutes away. Anna: Thats good. I would like to buy some postcards for my family.

Listen and learnAnna needs to do some shopping. Shes got a long shopping list. Cosmin offered to help: Anna: Where can I buy some milk? Cosmin: You can buy milk at the dairy. Anna: OK, I need some sugar and coffee. Where can I buy them? Cosmin: You can buy sugar and coffee at the grocers. Anna: Right. What else do I need? Let me see, some shampoo and a hairbrush. Where can I buy them? Cosmin: Lets go to the chemists. Anna: Oh, good, I also need some medicines. Exercise two. True or false? Circle the correct letter. Anna needs sone coffee, but she doesnt need any milk. Anna needs some medicines and a hairbrush. She doesnt need any sugar. Anna needs some apples, but she doesnt need any bananas. She doesnt need any fresh meat.

Exercise three/ check your answersThe police station is on the left. Next to it, there is a small modern school. Behind the school there is a church. On the right there is a bank. Its a very tall building. In front of the bank there is a parking space.

Unit 2. Lesson 6. MEANS OF TRANSPORTIn this lesson you will learn: To recognize different means of transport; To speak about the means of transport you normally use; To inquire about means of transport other people use.

Useful language/ Listen and repeatMeans of transport Bicycle/ bike Car Bus Tram(way) Taxi Trolleybus On foot


Programul A doua ans Nivel primar

Unit 2. Lesson 8. HOW MUCH IS IT?In this lesson you will learn: To ask for things in a shop; To ask and answer about prices.

Useful language/ Listen and repeatUseful expressions: Can you help me, please? Certainly/Sure; - Sorry, but I cant. Let me help you! / Do you need any help? Thank you (very much). / Thanks! Youre welcome! / Thats OK. / Not at all. / Any time. Personal pronouns: I me you you he him she her it it we us they them

Useful language/ Listen and repeat/ CustomerCan I see that blouse? / Can you show me that pot? Id like to buy a gift for my friend. I need an umbrella. How much is it? Thats all. Where is the cash desk? Could I get a (plastic) bag, please? Shop assistant Can I help you? What can I do for you? Anything else? Here you are. / Here you go. Youre welcome. Pay at the cash desk, please. Thats 20 euros/euro altogether Heres your change.

Listen and learnDo you need any help? Here, Anna, let me help you! Oh, thank you, thats very nice. Do you need any help? Yes, can you set the table, please? Certainly. Cosmin, can you help me with my homework, please? Sorry, but I cant help you now. Im busy. Cosmin: Here we are! Anna: Thank you very much, Cosmin. Youre welcome. Mother: Thank you for your help, dear. Father: Not at all. Simona: I did it. Thanks a lot, brother! Cosmin; Yeah, sure! Any time! Exercise two. Check your answers: a. Here, let me help you. b. I need some help with this. c. Can uou help me , please>? d. Sorry, but I cant help you now. e. Thank you very much. f. Oh, not at all. g. Thanks! / Youre welcome. h. Any time!

Listen and learnAnna is in a souvenir shop. She would like to buy gifts for her family and friends back home. Can I help you? Yes, please. Id like to buy some gifts for my family. Certainly, weve got pots, towels, folk blouses, necklaces, all sorts of things. I like that folk blouse, how much is it? Thats 200 Lei. OK, Ill buy that for my mother. Anything else? Yes, for my brother Id like one of those necklaces. Exercise three. Listen and point. a. seven euros b. thirty lei c. two euros fifty d. eight lei fifty e. three dollars seventy-five f. six pounds ten g. ten dollars twenty-five h. four pounds fifty

Unit 2. Check your progress.Look at the picture. Raise your hand when you hear a true sentence. There is a parking place in front of the police station. The restaurant is on the left. There isnt any hospital behind the school. My house is near the church. There are some block of flats on the right.

Unit 3. Lesson 10. SPORTSIn this lesson you will learn: To speak about your favourite sports; To speak about your abilities; To ask people about their abilities.

Useful language/ Listen and repeat? Names of sportsswim/run/jog/ski/skate play: football/basketball/volleyball/tennis/hockey do: gymnastics/judo/karate Expressions I can .... . Can you ...? Yes, I can. / No, I cant He /she can ... How often? Every day/week/month Once/twice a week Three times a week Sometimes/rarely

UNIT Three


In this unit, you will learn about: Helping people; Doing sports; Hobbies; Holiday plans.

Unit 3. Lesson 9. HELPIn this lesson you will learn: To offer your help To thank and reply to thanks To accept and refuse politely

Limba englez III Passport to English


Listen and learnAnna and Cosmin are talking about sports: Cosmin: Do you like sports, Anna? Anna: Yes, I love sports. Its very healthy to do some kind of sports. How about you? Cosmin. Me too. What sports do you do? Anna: I go jogging three times a week, and I play tennis at weekends. How about you? Cosmin: I play football with my friends every week. And I sometimes go swimming. Can you swim? Anna: Yes, I can. I like swimming, too. Cosmin: Great, how about a swim on Saturday? Anna: Sure!

Unit 3. Lesson 12. HOLIDAY PLANSIn this lesson you will learn: To speak about your holiday plans; To express preferences; To ask people about their preferences.

Useful language/ Listen and repeat/ Useful wordsholiday journey luggage passport / visa train/bus/plane tickets foreign country tourist information to pack

Exercise two. Model conversation.Whats your name? My names Cosmin What sports do you do? I play football and I go swimming. How often do you play football? I play football every wek. And how often do you go swimming? Oh, I sometimes go swimming. Thank you. Not at all.

Expressions: to go on holiday to book tickets to apply for a visa to go to the mountains / seaside / country / on a camp / abroad in spring / summer /autumn / winter in July / August etc. Expressing preferences: Id like to go abroad. Where would you like to go? What would you like to do? Would you like to go with us?

Listen and learn

Unit 3. Lesson 11. HOBBIESIn this lesson you will learn: How to speak about your hobbies How to ask people about things they like doing

Useful language/ Listen and repeat/ Names of activities:Reading Travelling Listening to music Collecting stamps Possessive adjectives: my your his her Dancing Taking pictures Playing an instrument Riding horses its our their

Cosmin and his family are making holiday plans. Id like to go to the country in autumn. I can relax there. Id like to go to the mountains in summer. I like climbing mountains. Id like to go to the seaside in August. I like swimming in the sea. Id like to visit Paris. I like visiting cities. There are so many interesting things you can see. Exercise three. Check your answers. a. If you want to go to a foreign country, you need to apply for a visa. b.If you want to go by plane, you need to book your tickets in advance. c. If you want to go on a camp, you need to pack your luggage. d.When you cross the border, you need to show your passport.

Listen and learnWhat are their hobbies? My hobby is reading. Your hobby is playing the piano. Her hobby is taking pictures. His hobby is working on the computer. Our hobby is collecting stamps. Your hobby is dancing. Their hobby is riding horses.

Unit 3. Check your progressExercise 2: Choose the correct reply: 1. Can you help me, please? 2. Whats your hobby? 3. Where would you like to go on holiday? 4. Can you swim? 5. How often do you play football? 6. These bags are very heavy.

Exercise two. Check your answers:Cosmin hobby is dancing. No, its not, his hobby is reading. Annas hobby is taking photos. No, its not, her hobby is collecting stamps. Ions hobby is cooking. No, its not, his hobby singing. Marias hobby is driving. No, its not, her hobby is reading books.


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