Tag Uri HTML

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Tag Uri HTML

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Folosind formularele webdesignerul sau administratorul site-ului poate colecta diverse informatii de la vizitatori. Cele mai importante atribute ale etichetei <form> sunt action si method .

action metioneaza adresa scriptului (aflat pe server) care va interpreta formularul. Aceste scripturi pot fi scrise in

limbajele PHP sau Pearl.

method indica metoda folosita de browser pentru transmiterea formularului. Poate lua valorile get si post .

get - datele sunt trimise prin adaugarea la adresa indicata de action. Permite trimiterea unor mici cantitati de date.

 post - datele sunt trimise separat si sunt permise cantitati mari de date.

Exemplu: formular cu 2 campuri, buton Trimite si buton Sterge

HTML  Afisare 

<form action="script.php" method="post">

Nume:<input type="text" name="nume">

Prenume:<input type="text" name="prenume"><br>

<input type="submit" value="Trimite"><input type="reset"





Trimite Sterge 

Eticheta <input> poate avea atributele:

type - indica tipul datelor care vor fi introduse (text=text, submit=trimite, reset=sterge, password=parola,

hidden=nu este vizibil, checkbox=caseta de validare, button=buton, radio=selectarea unui singur element dintr-un

grup, file=fisier pentru upload)

name - numele asociat cimpului respectiv. Este folosit la prelucrarea datelor de catre scriptul mentionat in action size - numarul de caractere vizibile din camp

maxlenght - numarul maxim de caractere introduse in camp

readonly - datele prezente in camp nu pot fi modificate

Exemplu: formular continand toate valorile atributului <input>

HTML  Afisare 

<form action="script.php" method="post">

Nume:<input type="text" name="nume">

Prenume:<input type="text" name="prenume"><br>

Telefon:<input type="text" name="telefon"><br>

Fax:<input type="text" name="fax"><br>

Email:<input type="text" name="email"><br>

Sexul: Masculin<input type="radio" name="sex"

value="m"> Feminin<input type="radio" name="sex" value="f">

Studii: <select> <option value="scoala">Scoala profesionala <option

value="liceu">Liceu <option value="facultate">Facultate </select>

Accesati Internetul de la:

Serviciu<input type="checkbox" name="serv">

Acasa<input type="checkbox" name="acasa">

Internet cafe<input type="checkbox" name="cafe">

Fisier: <input type="file" name="file">

Observatii:<textarea name="obs" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea>

<input type="submit" value="Trimite"><input type="reset"








Sexul: Masculin Feminin



Accesati Internetul de la:



Internet cafe




Trimite Sterge


Constructia select introduce un meniu derulant (lista de selectie) la care valorile sunt declarate prinoption.

In campul textarea se poate introduce text si are atributele cols (numar de coloane) si rows (numar de randuri).

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<small>Example</small>  Example (Tip) 


<strike>Example</strike> Example



<form method=post action="/cgi-bin/example.cgi"><center>

Select an option:<select><option>option 1</option><option selected>option 2</option><option>option 3</option><option>option 4</option><option>option 5</option><option>option 6</option>


Top of Form

Select an option: (Tip) 

option 2 

Bottom of Form






<marquee bgcolor="#cccccc" loop="-1"

scrollamount="2" width="100%">Example


<form> form

<form action="mailto:you@yourdomain.com">Name: <input name="Name" value="" size="10"><br>

Email: <input name="Email" value="" size="10"><br><center><input type="submit"></center></form>

Top of Form

Name: (Tip) 



Bottom of Form


<embed src="yourfile.mid" width="100%" height="60"align="center">


Example 6:

<form method=post action="/cgi-bin/example.cgi">Select an option:<br><input type="radio" name="option"> Option 1<input type="radio" name="option" checked> Option 2<input type="radio" name="option"> Option 3<br><br>

Select an option:<br><input type="checkbox" name="selection"> Selection 1<input type="checkbox" name="selection"checked> Selection 2

<input type="checkbox" name="selection"> Selection 3<input type="Submit" value="Submit"></form>

Top of Form

Example 6: (Tip) 

Select an option:

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Select an option:

Selection 1

Selection 2

Selection 3


Bottom of Form

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<embed> When embedding sound in your page, the sound file must be in the same directory as

your web page. If your sound file is located in another directory, you must include the directory within

your link. Example: yourdirectory/sound.mid

<form> Forms are processed via a CGI script that resides on your server within your cgi-bin. Visit

the Webmaster Resource section for a list of sites offering free scripts.

<marquee> You can change the background color of your marquee by changing the HTML color

code #CCCCCC to the left. The loop determines how many times the words will scroll and is set to -1,

which is indefinite. It can be set to whatever you would like. The SCROLLAMOUNT determines the

speed your text will scroll.

<option> You can create a default selection in your OPTION list by adding the word selectedright

after the word OPTION between the lesser than and greater than symbols. In this example, option 2 is

the default selection.

<small> To decrease the size of your word even further, you can add two SMALL tags side by side.

<input> You can create a default selection in your RADIO and CHECKED list by adding the word

CHECKED right after the OPTION elements between the lesser than and greater than symbols. In this

example, option 2 and selection 2 are the default selections.