Sustainability of Projects

Post on 08-Oct-2015

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Sustenabilitate (informatica)

Transcript of Sustainability of Projects

SustenabilityCreativity top & Creative feature

Acquire Knowledge Develop Curiosity Become Interested Passion Dedication Profes- sionalism

Creativitate & Caracteristica A dobndi cunotine Dezvoltarea curiozitii A deveni interesat Pasiune Profesiona-lism

Evoluia temperamentului versus Creativitatea Dobndirea cunotintelor Dezvoltarea curiozitatii Devenire Interesat Devenire Pasionat Atingerea Profesionalismului

Creative feature & Creativity top

Inspiration Imagery Imagi-nation Intuition Insights Improvi-sation Incu-bation

Inspiratia Ideatia Imaginatia Intuitia Perspicacitatea Improvizatia Incubatia

Personalities with Creative feature Choleric Sanguine Phlegmatic Melancholic

Emotions and Characters Happiness Fear Surprise Disgust Sadness Anger

Bucurie Team


Dezgust Tristete Furie

Evolution of Emotions Self-awareness Managing emotions Motivation Empathy Handling relationships

Evoluia / Caracteristici Apariia strii intuitive Dezvoltarea strii intuitive Dobndirea strii emoionale Recunoaterea strii emoionale

IS-CBIS phase /// IS-CBIS component part Input Storage Processing Output

Faza SIISC/ Componenta SIIS Evidenierea contiinei Memorizarea contiinei Procesarea contiinei Distribuirea contiinei


Tabel 1. Sistemul inteligent computerizat n societatea informaional (SICSI) Faza SICSI -- /--/--/ -- Componenta SICSIDobndirea i introducerea informaiei Stocarea informaiei Procesareainformaiei Distribuirea informaiei

HardwareMous, microfonRAM, Hard discProcesorul central, ntreinerea produsului-programPrinter,monitor.

SoftwareDrivere a tastaturei, mousului ...Codificarea algoritmuluiDepanarea, digitizarea informaieiDriverele difuzorului, printer-ului, camerei de filmat

OameniiFormularea problemeiDocumentarea produsului-programAnaliza rezultatelorprodusului - program

Knowledgeware (date / informaii)Formalizarea problemeiBiblioteci virtuale, muzeeManuale digitizate, imagini, video-clipuriGalerii de arta pe internet

Brainware(metode, module,algoritmi, proceduri)TelealegeriMemorizareamodulelor algoritmului produsului - programInterpretarea resurselor,protecia mediului nconjurtorTeleasiguraree-Teaching, e-Learning

Groupware(comunicaii)Pota electronic,educaie i nvmnt la distanComutarea pachetelor de date,e-Money.World Wide Web. e-Comer, e-Banking, e-Learning.Internet, e-Trading,distribuirea rezultatelor produsului - program

Tabel 2. Sistem informatic inteligent n Societatea Contiinei (SIISC) Faza SIISC\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Componenta SIISCEvidenierea contiineiMemorizarea contiinei Procesarea contiinei Distribuirea contiinei

Hardware-ul contiinelorOrganele de colectare a cunostinelor pentru evoluiile contiinei Fixarea contiinei in cele dou emisfere a creieruluiConectarea neuronal a contiinelor din dou emisfere a creieruluiConectarile neuronal a contiineicu subcontientul si incontientul

Software-ul contiinelorDriverele organelor de colectare a contiinelorInscrierea contiinei n memorieProcesarea contiinei n ambele emisfere a creieruluiDriverele organelor de trensmitere a contiinei in subcontient

Capital uman n societatea contiineiIniierea proceselorcontienteDocumentarea si cristalizarea contiinelorFormarea contiinei de grup, de societateEvaluarea contiineide grup, contientizarea lor in societate

Knowledgeware (date, informaii, cunotine,contiine)Formalizarea contiinelor Acumularea cunotinelor in contiin isubcontient

Transformarea datelor, informaiilor, cunotinelor ncontiine Trecerea subiectelor contiinei individuale si colective in subconstient

Brainware (metode, modele, algoritmi i proceduri contiente)Receptionarea elementelor contiineiDepozitarea contiinei n memoria inteligentCreativitatea contiinei i tehnologii de interpretri contiente.Creativitatea contiinei, a subcontientului i a incontientului

Groupware (comunicaii contiente)Recepionarea contiinei individuale i de grupDepozitarea contiinei interaciunilor de grupContientizare si coordonarea proceselor contiente individuale i de grupTransmiterea contiinei umane i cristalizarea ei n subcontient

Tabel 3. Corelaiile dintre definiia contiinei din CDE [28] i caracteristicile reproducerii contiente cu funciile care deriv din ele.Caracteristica reproducerii contiente: Funcia\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////DEI-definiiaEtimologia cuvntului contiina: Funcia informaional-cognitiv a contiineiPrezena scopului n plan mental: Funcia finalist a contiineiScopurile se stabilesc nainte: Funcia anticipativ-predictiv a contiineiOrganizarea mintal a activitii: Funcia reglatoare a contiineiOmul nu re-produce realitatea n sine: Funcia creativ-proiectiv a contiinei




Spirit, gndire;

Stare lucid

Evoluiile EQ * S remarce emoiile* S simta emoiile* S sesizeze ce transmite emoia* S dezvolte i s urmreasc un nou fir al aciunii* S poat stpini emoiile

Cldirea i meninerea relaiilor


Fii tu insuiCompletareFlexibilitateFapteNeincredere in sine

ComunicaProvocareFlexibilitatea gindiriiAtitudine sociabilaPesimism

Accepta-ti partenerulCometitiaCautare de nouEmpatieLoial

Asuma-ti obligaiileCurajEntuziasmCapacitateResponsabil

Inva s ieriElaboreaza strategiiOptimismRabdareIertator

Aloc timpAnaliticCalculatEchlibrulCalculat

CaractereLuarea deciziei





CarctereIncrederea in sine

ColericEste sigur pe sine

SangvinicSe increde in propriile forte

FlegmaticAre unele dubii

MelancolicNu se increde in rpopriele forte


Managementul Parcipativ

ColericEste un bun manager

SangvinicEste un manager + echipa sa

FlegmaticAre nevoie de sprijin pentru a fi manager

MelancolicNu are calitati de manager



vointa accentuata, procese afective intense, intensitatea reactiilor,pasionalitateaexcitabilitate, iritabilitate, agresivitate, inegalitatea trairilor

Sngvinicsociabilitate, buna dispozitie, reactivitate accentuata, dinamismfluctuatia trairilor, superficialitate, sugestibilitate, inconstanta

Flegmatictolerante, rabdare, perseverenta, echilibrureactivitate redusa, adaptabilitate dificila, monotonie afectiva, inclinatia spre stereotipie

Melancolicprocese afective intense si durabile, sarguinta, perseverenta, responsabilitate mobilitate redusa, predispozitii inspre anxietate, neincredere in sine pesimism

Inteligena Creativ (IQ).Evoluie vsCaraceristiciA dobindi cunostinteDezvoltareacuriozitatii Inregistreaza-te InteresatPasiuniProfesionalism

InspiratieDescoperireFolosire de ideiPrograme noiDiverse hobbyNoi idei de implimentat in practica

Imagine CutareMeditareCercetare Descoperire Invenie

ImaginatieCercetare interesIntrebare Selectare Implimentare

IntuitieSimturiCercetarepromovareCorelare Implementare

PerseverenaDescoperire,CalculIncercare de descoperi ideiIdei NecooperareIncludere

ImprovizaieCalculDescoperire Formare Creare Completare

IncubatieInhibitieNepasionat IncubatIzolare Stopare

Inteligena ROBO Coleric cu creativitateEvoluie vsCaraceristiciA dobindi cunostinteDezvoltareacuriozitatii Inregistreaza-te InteresatPasiuniProfesionalism

InspiratieVointaCompetitiaProvocareDiverse hobbyProcese afecive intense

Imagine CautareMeditatiaAmbitiaPasionalitateReprezentat de foc

ImaginatieAmbitieInteres activProvocareCuriosiInteligenta

IntuitieLogicaAnaliticiVointaReactivitate accentuataCompetitie

PerseverenaStatisticaElaboreaza strategiiProvocareExcitabilitateSarcini concrete



Inteligena ROBO Sangvinic cu creativitateEvoluie vsCaraceristiciA dobindi cunostinteDezvoltareacuriozitatii Inregistreaza-te InteresatPasiuniProfesionalism

InspiratieFlexibilitatea gindiriiEntuziasmCautare de nouDinamismNoi idei de implimentat in practica

Imagine Dispozitie CercetareCuriozitateReacticitate accentuataEnergie maxima

ImaginatieSociabilitate FlexibilitateAventuraDistractieActivitate


PerseverenaCalcula Incercare de descoperi ideiActivSuperficiali-tateMultumire de sine


IncubatieInhibitiePutin pasionatIncubatIzolare Stagnare

Inteligena ROBO Flegmatic cu creativitateEvoluie vsCaraceristiciA dobindi cunostinteDezvoltareacuriozitatii Inregistreaza-te InteresatPasiuniProfesionalism


Imagine AptitudiniImaginea de ansambluTolerantePasionalEchilibru

ImaginatieLimbajulSituatii noiPersoaneFlrgmaticaAptitudine


PerseverenaPerceptieSlaba Situatii concretePrevederiAptitudini sociale

ImprovizatieExpresivitatePerseverentaStereotipuriPasionalAdaptibilitate dificila

IncubatieInhibitieNepasionat IncubatMonotonie afectiva Stopare

Tabelul 6. Inteligena ROBO Melancolic cu creativitateEvoluie vsCaraceristiciA dobindi cunostinteDezvoltareacuriozitatii Inregistreaza-te InteresatPasiuniProfesionalism

InspiratiePrecautiProcese aferenteSirguinta LoialCapabilitate

Imagine Conform normelorCalmPerseverentaValoriResponsabil

ImaginatieCercetare interesIntrebare Moravuri Implimentare

IntuitiePerseverantaGrijaSimt al datorieiLoialitateImplementare

PerseverenaCalculaleProceseSirguintaNecooperareIncludere n sine

ImprovizatieActivitateCumpatare Formare de idei Creare Completare

IncubatieInhibitieNepasionat Pesimism Mobilitate redusa Neincredere in sine

Morality in Consciousness Society(a) Accept differences in others. Too many people in this world make fun of others, whether they feel awkward with or unaccustomed to someone's clothing, hairstyle, style of speech, gait, name, or even serious work ethic or someone's point of view, to name a few. Some of the most famous of these examples include Galileo, as well as a religion that started due to someone whose beliefs differed from those of others. However, they should remember the "Ugly Duckling" story. Hans Christian Anderson loved children, and in his stories, he was the ally of his protagonists, giving them what they wanted. For example, in the Match girl story, even though the girl dies at the end, he still managed to give that girl the gift of being happy, which was really what that Match girl wanted. If you are willing to be patient with others and just accept them the way they are, it really will give you practice in being an anthropologist, for that is really all that anthropologists do. They study cultures. Some even study cultures that are not familiar to them. In doing so, you learn. It is often quite amazing and bewildering how people are willing to go off traveling to foreign lands in the hopes of learning about new customs and habits, but at the same time, ridicule, embarrass, tease, and ignore people in their home land just because they see something in them that is very different from themselves. Of course, you may want to ignore people who are rude to you and do not treat you fairly, but some people also do the same to people who may wear plastic frame glasses instead of the "in vogue" metal frame ones, or who enjoy wearing sports pants instead of jeans.

(b) Respond promptly to others. Do reply to other people's emails and phone calls no matter how busy you are. Even if you wish no more to deal with those people, you should still reply to them. You should then just not initiate any emails or phone calls in return. That way, people will probably be able to take the hint that you do not want to deal with them anymore. Even if they do not take the hint, you should always respond to someone. It is very rude, no matter how busy, to not respond. And do respond within a reasonably short period of time.

(c) Leave some "free" time. If you are too busy to reply to other people, it means that you have crammed too many things into your life and you should rethink and rework your schedule. You must always leave some empty time for emergencies to pop up, or just to have a good time. This time you can use just to enjoy yourself and the company of others.

(d) Care about others as if they were you. You should basically be a caring individual. By being a caring individual, you should be able to sense sadness in others if they feel sad, happiness in others if they feel happy, or loneliness in others if they feel lonely. In one word, you should be able to empathize how they feel. If you wish, you may want to aid them. If they are sad, you may want to comfort them. If they are happy, you may want to talk to them so that they can share in their joy. If they are lonely, then you may want to be with them. Having a sense of caring and a sense of companionship with fellow human beings and being able to really share those feelings with others, being really to able help others in many different waysthat is what really sets humans apart from other creatures.

This is not to ask you to superficially act like you care for others. Never act outwardly and do it through appearances on the surface. It should come from you heart, this sense of camaraderie with fellow human beings. We are all in the same boat. We are all here to live a productive, fulfilling life. We are all here to liked and loved.(e) Treat everyone similarly. You should also try to treat others equally. Whether they are rich or poor, young or old, you should always be friendly towards others. Of course, you may not want to touch someone with leprosy, but in general, you should try to treat everyone else as equals. This is not to say that you should like everyone to the same extent, or that you should do favors for boisterous, arrogant people, but that you should generally speak to others in similar tones (try not to be insincere anytime; but if you do not have something nice to say to your enemy, then you should. as tradition states, say nothing). You should also be willing to lend a helping hand if required (just be careful though that you do not fall prey to people who are trying to cheat you). Another example of treating similar people equally is that if you are a parent, you should treat all your children without favoritism. Perhaps it may be a bit difficult to do since all of us are subject to biases, but this is a weakness that can be easily overcome with some practice.

(f) Never engage in violent acts. You can always speak your way around a situation. You can always negotiate. You can always be willing to listen to other people's points of view.

(g) Have an inner sense of thankfulness. It is also immensely important to have a sense of gratitude. One should always remember the good things others have done for you. You may or may not want to repay them for their aid. However, you should always remember it. Do not be embarrassed to mention it frequently to that person who helped you. It's all right to say thank you. In fact, that phrase probably is never heard enough times in this world. (There are some people, though, who may not like to hear those words too often, for some strange reason.) This sense of gratitude is important because it shows you where you came from, how you derived some of your current thought processes, or how you achieved some of your present greatness. It gives you your roots.

(h) Have a sense of commitment. Act consistently with your words. In other words, do what you say you will do. This is an extremely important concept, for it shows the integrity of your character. If even once you break your promise, others will have a negative impression about you and how seriously you take commitments. If there is a key assignment for you in the future, it is unlikely that others will feel that they can depend on you. They will likely delegate that assignment to someone else. So often people break their promises or take their commitments so lightly. Even if it had no negative consequences, doing what you say that you will do is one of the basic tenets that should be internalized by all human beings.

Do what you say you will do, for people will learn to trust you. They may give you important assignments, they may share secrets with you, they will depend on you. Creativity top & Creative feature

Acquire Knowledge Develop Curiosity Become Interested Passion Dedication Profes- sionalism

Creativitate & Caracteristica A dobndi cunotine Dezvoltarea curiozitii A deveni interesat Pasiune Profesiona-lism

Evoluia temperamentului versus Creativitatea Dobndirea cunotintelor Dezvoltarea curiozitatii Devenire Interesat Devenire Pasionat Atingerea Profesionalismului

Creative feature & Creativity top

Inspiration Imagery Imagi-nation Intuition Insights Improvi-sation Incu-bation

Inspiratia Ideatia Imaginatia Intuitia Perspicacitatea Improvizatia Incubatia

Personalities with Creative feature Choleric Sanguine Phlegmatic Melancholic

Emotions and Characters Happiness Fear Surprise Disgust Sadness Anger

Bucurie Team


Dezgust Tristete Furie

Evolution of Emotions Self-awareness Managing emotions Motivation Empathy Handling relationships

Evoluia / Caracteristici Apariia strii intuitive Dezvoltarea strii intuitive Dobndirea strii emoionale Recunoaterea strii emoionale

IS-CBIS phase /// IS-CBIS component part Input Storage Processing Output

Faza SIISC/ Componenta SIIS Evidenierea contiinei Memorizarea contiinei Procesarea contiinei Distribuirea contiinei

Chapter 6 Sustainability INTRODUCTION THE SIXTH CHAPTER REPRESENTS Business Sustainability in Conscience Society the Society which will be created in 2019 2035 years, the Society in which We will live and create. Sustainability concerned robotical, MORAL AND ECOLAGICAL PRINCIPLE of Business evolution in Consciousness Society. There are 8 moral principles that were recorded in the table, according to which I should perform my business. Ecological principles comprise the fact that educational and recreational process of camp wont damage nature surroundings; the product should be ecologically pure and not damage clients health. The project is crowned by the robots part- the part about my assistant. 6.1 Morality in the conscious societyThis is the table of all necessary moral principles to bring you success in business and relationships with people. activity






Accept differences in othersProduction of goods(i.e. giving lectures, seminares, laboratories) accepting Differences in others.Learning process(knowledge accumulation, increase the quality of lessons, getting result & giving marks) accepting differences.Memorizing and Keeping information in braines, libraries & computers, accepting difference in possibilities to access to inf. & in perceiving it.The teachers will distribute information among children accepting their individuality, interests & differences.

Respond promptly to othersI should produce lectures responding every question of students exactly.During processing lectures teachers will respond promptly to all participants.Keeping lectures will be performed responding promptly to little clients. Distributing information among pupils responding promptly to students

Leave some "free" timeThere will be free time(weekends) while producing lect.Children also will have weekends while studying.All workers in libraries,atcomputers will have holidays.Teachers will have holidays while changing of seasons

Care about others as if they were youWhile producing my affairs I should understand teachers mood.While studying process teachers should understand childrens mood.Teachers and library workers will aid clients in finding information to lectures.While distributing teachers should assist pupils to perceive information

Treat everyone similarlyI should treat my personnel without favoritism.While studying process teachers will treat everyone equalThe information is available similarly to every student. While distributing information teacherWill be loyal to all.

Never engage in violent actsWith no quarrels with personnelWith no quarrels among pupils&teacherWith no quarrels among other staff.With no quarrels among personnel

Have an inner sense of thankfulnessThe sense of helpfulness among director and staff.The sense of thankfulness among pupils and teachers.The sense of thankfulness among other staff.The sense of thankfulness among personnel.

Have a sense of commitmentDirector will be demanding to himselfTeachers should be demanding to theirselves.Other staff will be demanding to theirselves.Pupils will have a sense of commitment.

Conclusion: the table shows all moral conditions at which my business affairs will operate. Creating any property we shouldnt care just about financial problems of it, bats also pay attention to relationships and all factors above which influence if your business is going well or not so. 6.2 Ecology in the conscience society This is the table of ecological principles which should be respected by each proprietor. Ecological area


Water Air Soil

KitchenWe will introduce special separate containers for waste products which will renewed every 2 days and avoid every possibility of throwing it in lakes and river. But before The food and beverages will be prepared without any additions of additives and preservatives not to contribute a formation of harmful emissions to destroy air and clients health.Avoidance of throwing waste products in nature and also using additives

English lectures, lab works, tests, moviesThere is no substantial effect of holding lessons on river and lakes surrounded. There is no substantial effect of holding lessons on air. If only we speak about the paper that being used in studying process, It obligatory shouldnt be thrown in the environment, but in special containers after what will be utilized and reused.There is no substantial effect of holding lessons on soil.

Activities, Creative tasks(projects), excursionsExcursions and activities in childrens leisure time including swimming should be observed by teachers. Their commitment is to preserve the rivers without any damaging.There will be special 3 types of containers with subdivision special for plastic, paper and glass. They will be exported and renewed each 2 days. But there will be also a special subdivision in containers for harmful waste, some of which should be neutralized before exportation because of emitting radioactive substances.

Conclusion Each property should obligatory to be planned in such a way not to bring harm effect ton environment because otherwise tour business, I think. Doesnt have a sense. My property is supposed to be equipped with all facilities to provide with ecological pureness all surroundings and to support clients health.