
Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Salutare

Salutare, deoarece sunt membru al acestui forum si pt ca am postat si am cerut sfaturi pe acest thread, vreau sa va spun si cum am rezolvat problema mea la cutia multitronic, o rezolvare norocoasa care sper sa ma tina. Am masina de aproximativ un an si imediat dupa ce am cumparato s-a aprins in bord PRNDS-ul, am dus-o la test si am avut eroarea 18149 P1741, care nu se stergea cu vag-comul, in rest cutia parea ca functioneaza "normal", bineinteles cu mici probleme(nu pleca de pe loc singura, trebuia sa accelerez). Am fost la reprezentanta si la mai multi specialisti, dar toti imi dadeau rezolvari diferite, de la schimbul calculatorului, al blocului de valve, al convertizorului, la schimbul discurilor din cutie, si cu preturi intre 500 si 1500 de euro. Pt. o perioada am renuntat la rezolvarea erorii si pt. ca cutia parea sa functioneze "normal" si nu ma deranja prea tare PRNDS-ul aprins tot timpul. La inceputul lunii februarie pt ca mi-am achizitionat o interfata vag-com si la sfatul unui coleg de pe forum am facut o resetare a calculatorului cutiei, si surpriza nu s-a mai aprins PRNDS-ul si nici nu a mai aparut eroarea P1741 in testarea cu vag com-ul ,dar aveam alta problema daca opream masina brusc printr-o franare mai puternica, la plecare, masina pleaca in socuri. Am circulat asa o perioada nestiind care este cauza, dupa care am gasit pe net ca ar trebuii sa-i fac o rescriere a valorilor de adaptare a cutiei, si imediat cum am facut aceasta operatiune s-a vazut schimbarea, cutia functioneaza bine nu mai pleaca in socuri, ba chiar pleaca singura si din rampa.Aceasta postare a mea nu vreau sa fie luata ca un sfat de cei care au probleme si nici sa nu credeti ca ii critic pe acei mecanici la care am fost(de asta nici nu am dat nume si chiar ii consider specialisti) este doar o rezolvare norocoasa.Scuze pt ca am facut o postare atat de lunga. Multumesc.

6-Speed Automatic Transmission (01J/Multitronic)Contents [hide] 

1 Coding

2 Adaptation

3 Special Procedures

o 3.1 Defined Test Drive

4 Replacement

o 4.1 Special Notes


To Code this transmission, make sure Ignition is ON, but Engine is NOT running.

When replacing this module use the coding from the original unit or the repair manual coding charts.


Special Procedures

Defined Test Drive


Ignition ON and Engine ON.

No Fault Codes stored.

Transmission Oil Temperature must be between 60 °C and 90 °C.

If the procedure does not succeed in the first try, make sure the temperature is above 80 °C.

All driving and braking has to be done in partial load, avoid full throttle/braking!

Normally the adaptation needs to be carried out when:

Transmission Control Module has been recoded

Input Shaft has been replaced

Hydraulic Unit has been replaced

Transmission Control Module has been replaced

Transmission has been replaced


[02 - Transmission]

[Adaptation - 10]

Channel 00



[Done, Go Back]

[Measuring Blocks - 08]

Block 010 (in 1st Row)

Block 011 (in 2nd Row)


Check fields 2, specification is ADP OK.

Move the selector lever in position D and drive with partial load 20 m / 70 ft forward, then brake to


Hold the brake for 10 seconds.

Move the selector lever in position R and drive with partial load 20 m / 70 ft reverse, then brake to


Hold the brake for 10 seconds.

The procedure needs to be repeated at least 5 times and can be repeated up to 10 times until the measuring

values show ADP OK.

[Done, Go Back]

[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]


Run and save a complete Auto-Scan and save it prior to module removal. See the Online Manual Auto-


Code the module with the Coding from the original module found in the Auto-Scan.

Complete the Adaptation as shown above followed by the Defined Test Drive.

Note: The (4F) chassis Audi A6 uses Component Protection and will result in the 18109/P1701- Transmission

Control Unit: Locked fault after module replacement. The transmission will have limited functions prior to the

dealer SVM process required for unlocking Component Protection

Special Notes

The CVT TCM must be ordered by VIN due to the specific programming related to the engine

configuration, market/country configuration and 6 or 7 plate clutch system. The Component field will display

some of the mentioned information when scanning it with VCDS. Installing the incorrect TCM will have

undesirable results.

If the Adaptation values are not stored to the TCM in the NAR (North American Region) Audi A4, A4 Cabrio

and A6 models ranging from 2002 through 2008 see TSB: 37-08-20 (2015849/2). This TSB explains some

of the conditions that may cause an unsuccessful adaptation drive.