refert engleza

Post on 26-Sep-2015

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Transcript of refert engleza

Universitatea de Stiine Agronomice si Medicina Veterinara - Bucuresti

Universitatea de Stiine Agronomice si Medicina Veterinara - Bucuresti

Facultatea de Medicina Veterinara

Specializarea: Controlul si Expertiza Produselor Alimentare


la dsciplina: Limba Engleza


How did you spend your winter holiday?

STUDENT: Crainic Raluca - Ioana

Anul: al II - lea

Grupa: 4202

Anul universitar: 2014-2015

Semestrul: I

How did I spend my winter holiday?

Winter...some people hate it, some people love it. Me personally, I love winter and I do not care about the cold weather outside, or the snow, I actually love it. I love the snow, I love watching children enjoying the snow and having fun. Sometimes I just love staying home with a hot chocolate and watching the snow falling from the sky, that actually relaxes me.

Nowadays, I spend winter a little bit different then when I was a children. When I was a kid, winter holiday used to be more fun, I used to gather around the block with my friends and make snow men and also play with the snow. We used to split into two teams and attack each other with snow balls. We stood out for hours and even forget to eat. We went home in the evening frozen but very happy.

This winter I tryed to split my time between my friends and my family. In the beginning of my winter vacantion, I spent time with my family, I even learned to cook. My mother and I spend time in the kitchen, cooking a lot of cookies and a big chocolate cake for Christmas day. I can say I was really proud that my mother taught me to cook because she is such a good cooker and makes the most delicious food in the whole world.

Christmas Eve was amazing, my whole family gathered around the dinner table and even my uncle who lives in England came home for Christmas. He is the most amazing man, and he is the most fun man in the world and we miss him all the time he is gone, so we were really happy to have him home for Chritmas. We had a lot of fun, we laughed and after the dinner was over, we all went ouside in the snow and made a big snow men.

On Christmas morning, I woke up excited to see if I got a gift for Christmas and there it was, under the Christmas tree, my gift and not only mine, all my family got gifts. We I unwrap my package, I was shocked to see that I got the dressed I dreamed of and I knew exactly who got it for me, my dear mom. My uncle brought me dark chocolate for England, my favorite. The next few days I spent them home, with my family on day time and in the night I went out with my friends. We planned a trip to the mountin, where we left three days after Christmas.

We left in the morning with the train and until there we had a lot of fun on the train. We played cards and told jokes and three ours later we arived at the mountin. We were ten crazy people running after cabs to take as to our cottages.

Once we arrived there, we put our ski costumes and rushed on the ski slope. I personally dont know how to ski and neither did some of my friends so we prefered the snowboards and the sledges. We had so much fun that day and even if we ve taken a lot of falls and even if we arrived frozen at the cottages, we drinked a big hot chocolate and the day didnt stoped there.

In the night, we decited to go at a karaoke club and I can say that was the most fun I had in my life because my friends have the worst voices in the whole world and I can say the same for me too. I was really fun to see my boy friends singing songs like I love rockn roll or Its my life. We sang all night and I can say the whole karaoke club was having fun with us and our bad, bad voices.

The next day in the morning, we went outside into the snow, split into two teams, boys against girls and had a big snowball fight and of course the girls won the fight, or at least I think so because we would never admit that the boys cad beat us at something. Me and my best friend made a big snow man and took a lot of photos that will make us remember this beautiful memories.

After lunch, we decided to go ice skating, where we had so much fun because some of my friends had no idea how to ice skate and they stumbled in their own two feet and took a lot of falls. I tryed to teach some of them, but they gave up really fast and just stood there and watched us, the one who knew how to ice skate, having a good time on the rink. We spend two - three ours there and then we went on the slope, where we spent the rest of the day until the evening.

When we went back to the cotages we went to a famous restaurant where they served Thai food. The place was very beautiful, the atmosphere was great, and the food was delicious. Also, they had there a singer that singed live and he was very talented. People actually stood up and danced on his slow dance songs.

Later, after we ate, we wanted to go back to our cotages, but we heard some people saying that in the center of the town, theres gonna be a big concert with some singers that we really like, so my friends and I decided to go there. When we arrived, the concert had began, but we had fun anyway, we danced and singed along with the singers. We had a really good time there and and we left happy back to our cotages.

The next day, in the morning, we packed our things and went to the train station, a little upset that our time on the slope ended and that we are one more step closer to go back to school. On our way home we reminded of each beautiful moment that we had at the mountin and watched all the great photos we took there. We were very deppresed that we had to go home, but the amazing time we had will not be forgotten.

After this beautiful vacantion on the mountin, I spent some time with my family, doing things together and the New Years Eve I spent it with my friends having a great party to celebrate New Year and at midnight we went ouside to and watched the beautiful fireworks.

The next days, until I started school, I just stood home trying to do my homeworks for my university and that kinda took all the rest of my winter holiday time.

I honestly can say that it was one of the best winter vacantion I had, because not only my whole family reunited at the Christmas dinner, but I had the chance to make some amazng memories with my friends and also because the wether was perfect for a winter holiday, we had a lot of snow and we enjoyed it as much as we could. Now, sadly, I have to go back to school where theres no fun expecting me, theres just a lot of study and exams, but it doesnt matter because my winter holiday was one of the best I ever had.