Incercarea de a Schimba Oamenii

Post on 17-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Incercarea de a Schimba Oamenii

n cazul n care manifeti tendina de a-i schimba pe oamenii din jur, acord-i un rgaz, pentru a deslui motivele subiacente acestui imbold!18 Martie 2015ncercarea de schimbare a semenilorA le da "fru liber", tuturor fiinelordeMadisyn Taylor

Percepia noastr asupra omenirii, ca ntreg, este, ntr-o mare msur, dualist. Zugrvim oamenii, din tuee groase unii sunt aidoma nou, mprtindu-ne opiniile i atitudinile; ceilali sunt diferii. Devotamentul nostru fa de valorile la care am aderat este, adeseori, att de puternic, nct nutrim cu uurin convingerea conform creia calea noastr este calea cea dreapt. S-ar putea s ne surprindem propria frustrare, fiind contrariai i deranjai de cei care scruteaz lumea dintr-un punct de vedere diferit; i care, totodat, recurg la strategii originale, n confruntarea cu provocrile vieii. Orict de fervent am crede c aceti oameni ar fi mai fericii i mai mplinii, sub cluzirea noastr, trebuie s rezistm tentaiei de a ncerca s i schimbm. Fiecare fiin uman a fost binecuvntat cu o fire singular, neasemuit, care nu poate fi modificat prin aciunea forelor exterioare. Suntem cei ce suntem, la orice punct din existena noastr, dintr-un anume motiv; i niciofptur umannu este n msur s afirme, cucertitudine, cum ar trebui fie o alt fiin.

Motivele pentru care ncercm s ne schimbm, unul pe cellalt, sunt numeroase. ntruct ne-am deprins, de-a lungul timpului, s ne delectm n starea de nflorire, n frumuseea i diversitatea vieilor noastre, s-ar putea s ne fi format, de asemenea, convingerea c suntem autorizai s vorbim n numele sursei superioare. Cu toate acestea, suma total a cunotinelor noastre nici mcar nu se compar cu ceea ce nu tim; iar capacitatea noastr de nelegere, asupra destinelor celorlali, este, la rndul ei, limitat. Potenialul pe care l ntrezrim n oamenii care fac parte din existena noastr nu este nicidecum similar propriului potenial; i, prin urmare, le facem acestor fiine un deserviciu, atunci cnd emitem supoziii cu privire la inteniile, preferinele i elurile lor. Puterea noastr rezid n abilitatea de a-i accepta pe ceilali, cu toate bizareriile lor, n pofida deosebirilor dintre noi; precum i n renunarea la tendina de a controla fiecare faet a existenei noastre. Putem iubi oamenii pentru ceea ce sunt, acceptnd unicitatea fiecruia dintre ei; ori i putem iubi de la distan, n virtutea calitii de fiine umane.

Abilitatea ta de a-i influena semenii poate ctiga n complexitate i rafinament; ntruct oamenii dimprejur simt c le respeci dreptul de a fi ei nii; ns, tu vei petrece mai mult timp contemplndu-i profunzimile luntrice, scrutnd nluntrul singurei fiine pe care o poi schimba: tu nsui.

March 18, 2015Changing OthersReleasing the ReignsbyMadisyn Taylor

Our perception of humanity as a whole is, to a large extent, dualistic. We paint people with a broad brushsome are like us, sharing our opinions and our attitudes, while others are different. Our commitment to values we have chosen to embrace is often so strong that we are easily convinced that our way is the right way. We may find ourselves frustrated by those who view the world from an alternate vantage point and make use of unusual strategies when coping with life's challenges. However ardently we believe that these people would be happier and more satisfied following our lead, we should resist the temptation to try to change them. Every human being has been blessed with a unique nature that cannot be altered by outside forces. We are who we are at any one point in our lives for a reason, and no one person can say for certain what another should be like.

The reasons we try to change one another are numerous. Since we have learned over time to flourish in the richness of lives we have built, we may come to believe that we are qualified to speak on behalf of the greater source. The sum total of our knowledge will never compare to what we do not know, however, and our understanding of others lives will forever be limited. The potential we see in the people who are a part of our lives will never be precisely the same as our own, so we do these individuals a disservice when we make assumptions about their intentions, preferences, and goals. Our power lies in our ability to accept others for all their quirks and differences and to let go of the need to control every element of our existence. We can love people for who they are, embracing their uniqueness, or we can love them as human beings from afar.

Your ability to influence people may grow more sophisticated because others sense that you respect their right to be themselves, but you will likely spend more time gazing inward, into the one person you can change: yourself.