Post on 28-Oct-2015

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Articolul care urmează îi aparţine în exclusivitate celebrului doctor Leonard Horowitz.


Despre autor:

Dr. Leonard Horowitz este un faimos expert internaţional în materie de sănătate publică,

ştiinţe ale comportamentului, noi maladii şi terorism bacteriologic. Licenţiat la Harvard, el este membru al echipei de cercetători ai acestei Universităţi.

El este cunoscut pentru mai multe cărţi, dintre care una este deja best-seller. Titlul ei este: „Virusuri emergente, SIDA şi Ebola – boli accidentale sau intenţionate?”. Această carte a permis deschiderea unei anchete oficiale în Statele Unite pentru verificarea adevărurilor zguduitoare pe care ea le conţine. Lucrările sale referitoare la riscurile grave care sunt asociate vaccinărilor au determinat deja cel puţin trei state din Lumea a Treia să-şi modifice politicile în ceea ce priveşte vaccinarea. El a avut ocazia să depună o mărturie memorabilă în faţa Senatului Statelor Unite cu privire la crearea virusului SIDA în laborator la ordinele francmasoneriei mondiale.

În aprilie 2003, maladia SARS (sindromul acut respirator sever) sau aşa-zisa pneumonie atipică, sosită zice-se din Asia, a lovit lumea. Despre SARS s-a spus la aceea vreme că e

cea mai recentă boală dintr-o serie de maladii noi care au fost provocate de o serie de misterioşi “super germeni” mutanţi. Un studiu ştiinţific atent al caracteristicilor medico-sociologice ale acestei epidemii a revelat unele lucruri care erau ascunse la prima vedere. Pneumonia atipică prezintă de fapt toate caracteristicile unui nou experiment criminal care a fost realizat de către “bioteroriştii” în halate albe. Cei care au dat ordin din umbră ca acest experiment criminal să fie implementat sunt fără îndoială francmasonii.

Era astfel evident că această manipulare umană fără precedent a fost totodată destinată să îndoctrineze în masă populaţia şi să o manipuleze din umbră. Toate aceste aspecte arată planurile sinistre care au fost urmărite de către francmasoneria mondială. Este semnificativ faptul că de-a lungul epidemiei de “pneumonie atipică” mass-media nu a încetat să vorbească de “agenţii bacteorologici” noi care ar fi putut cauza dispariţia a jumătate din populaţia mondială. Studiind în profunzime subiectul controlului

populaţiei, inclusiv obiectivele actuale ale principalelor corporaţii industriale multinaţionale, am observat că aceste aşa-zise “preziceri” corespund îndeaproape cu câteva obiective oficiale secrete în materie de reducere a populaţiei mondiale cu peste cinci miliarde de oameni, care a fost hotărâtă cu câtva timp în urmă de către francmasoneria mondială. Ceea ce nu ştiu decât foarte puţini oameni de ştiinţă care au fost angrenaţi în aceste proiecte este faptul că virusul SARS a fost creat în prealabil în laborator pentru a servi acestor scopuri. Francmasonii au hotărât că este necesar să inventeze şi alţi viruşi, atunci când au ajuns la concluzia că SIDA ucide mult prea lent. Planurile lor criminale sunt evidente în această direcţie.

În anul 2003, pentru prima data în istoria Canadei, lupta împotriva unei epidemii - maladia SARS (ai cărei viruşi au fost în prealabil realizaţi în laborator) - în această ţară a fost dirijată direct de către ONU şi Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii. Între diferitele organizaţii ce au fost implicate în

acţiunile de combatere a epidemiilor există puternice legături pe plan administrativ şi financiar. De exemplu, am constatat că familia Rockfeller (care conduce la vârf francmasoneria mondială şi care a finanţat în secret producerea în laborator prin manipulare genetică a acestor viruşi aşa cum anterior a făcut cu SIDA), Fundaţia Carnegie şi principalii conducători ai industriei farmaceutice mondiale au controlat atât cercetările canadiene cât şi lupta împotriva SARS în Canada. În felul acesta ne putem da seama că de fapt nici o pandemie sau o epidemie de talie mondială nu a putut fi niciodată separată de contextul său economic sau politic. Aceasta arată interesele sinistre pe care le are în secret în vedere francmasoneria mondială.

Este semnificativ faptul că unii „experţi” au prezis sosirea unei maladii de acest gen de decenii. Puţini ştiu însă că în realitate conducătorii francmasoneriei mondiale au hotărât în urmă cu câteva decenii reducerea drastică a populaţiei acestei planete prin contaminarea criminală a oamenilor cu

anumiţi viruşi care urmau să fie creaţi în laborator. Ceea ce mi-a trezit imediat suspiciunile în ce priveşte pneumonia atipică, a fost momentul în care a survenit. SARS a apărut deloc întâmplător în acelaşi timp cu lansarea „războiului împotriva terorismului” şi cu războiul anglo-american împotriva Irakului. Acest aspect dezvăluie modul de a acţiona din umbră al francmasonilor. Totodată această maladie (care a fost creată în laborator la ordinul francmasonilor) a fost o ocazie perfectă pentru a distrage atenţia opiniei publice de la faptul că administraţia Bush l-a acuzat pe Saddam Hussein că ar deţine un arsenal impresionant de arme biologice, printre care antraxul şi virusul care produce febra de Nil.

Epidemia de pneumonie atipică avea deja toate caracteristicile pe care le-am prezentat anterior într-una dintre cărţile mele, care a fost publicată înainte de atentatele de la 11 septembrie. Titlul acestei lucrări era: „Moartea în aer: Globalism, Terorism şi Războiul chimic.” Ideea esenţială a acestei cărţi este aceea că o anume formă de

“bioterorism” institiuţionalizat este totodată perfect compatibilă cu un război biologic sponsorizat în secret de către francmasoni într-un stat anume (iar acest stat a fost SUA), aşa cum eu am explicat detaliat în lucrarea respectivă.

Pentru mine este foarte clar la ora actuală că atât pneumonia atipică, cât şi gripa aviară care a fost lansată de curând, sunt produse cu anumite intenţii criminale nu numai cu consimţământul, ci şi cu ajutorul grupului industriilor medicale, farmaceutice, petrochimice şi militare, prin intermediul unor acţiuni ilegale care sunt finanţate şi dirijate din „culise” de către conducătorii francmasoneriei mondiale, printre aceştia aflîndu-se fără îndoială şi multimiliardarul francmason Rockfeller.

Atunci când am avut ocazia să depun mărturie despre aceste acţiuni criminale ale francmasonilor în faţa Congresului American, am putut să realizez direct în ce mod îi influenţează şi îi controlează pe reprezentaţii

noştri economici şi politici industria farmaceutică. Epidemiile artificiale care sunt comandate din „culise” de către francmasoni completează totodată efectul războiului politic împotriva terorismului. Un astfel de program criminal secret are două obiective esenţiale: obţinerea unor profituri imense şi reducerea populaţiei mondiale cu peste cinci miliarde de oameni. Acest genocid planetar a fost pus la cale de francmasoni în urmă cu câteva decenii.

O realitate politică uluitoare contra miturilor care sunt vehiculate de mass-media

Nebunia crescândă a lumii care ne înconjoară corespunde în întregime cu recomandările secrete ale conducătorilor francmasoneriei mondiale, cât şi cu acelea ale fondatorilor Noii Ordini Moniale, care au hotărât că trebuie să fie favorizate (în secret) anumite “dezastre fără război”. Să vedem acum despre ce este vorba, de fapt?

La sfârşitul anilor 60, în principalele cercuri industriale din SUA s-a început (la ordinele care au fost date în cel mai deplin secret de către conducătorii francmasoneriei mondiale) căutarea unor aşa-zişi “înlocuitori economici ai războiului clasic” care aveau drept scop principal reducerea populaţiei globului. În comparaţie cu efectele primului şi ale celui de-al doilea război mondial, distrugerile masive care ar putea fi provocate de către anumite dezastre naturale cum ar fi: uraganele, epidemiile sau războaiele bacteorologice şi genetice, sunt privite din punct de vedere politic şi economic ca fiind foarte “rentabile”. Această viziune criminală a francmasonilor este năucitoare. Conflictele care sunt declanşate de genocidul pe care francmasonii îl implementează fără război, cum ar fi “lupta împotriva SIDA”, “lupta împotriva drogurilor”, “lupta împotriva terorismului”, “lupta împotriva cancerului” şi acum “lupta împotriva gripei aviare”, se folosesc de anumite programe sofisticate de propagandă prin care totodată este înfricoşată opinia publică. În finalul acestor campanii de manipulare care sunt declanşate la nivel planetar (din umbră, de către

francmasoni) oamenii sunt astfel păcăliţi şi ulterior ei acceptă docili anumite legi noi prin care se încalcă într-un mod flagrant unele libertăţi ale populaţiei. Această ocultă “revoluţie militară” care este declanşată de către conducătorii francmasoneriei mondiale urmăreşte printre altele generalizarea unor noi forme de sclavagism uman, fără ca populaţia lumii să îşi poată da seama că este supusă sclaviei.

Există un exemplu clasic în această direcţie, acela al pesticidelor extrem de toxice şi cancerigene care adeseori au fost utilizate pe scară largă mai ales în zonele locuite, sub pretextul că ele extermină ţânţarii care răspândesc “Febra de Nil”. Aceste produse secrete, extrem de toxice, care în termeni militari sunt considerate că nu sunt mortale, provoacă totuşi în timp moartea lentă a celor infestaţi. În felul acesta sunt omorâţi în secret o mulţime de oameni. Astfel societăţile farmaceutice criminale îşi îngraşă în acelaşi timp conturile cu banii murdari care sunt obţinuţi din vânzarea medicamentelor (care în realitate sunt

aproape ineficiente) ce luptă împotriva bolilor care sunt provocate de aceste pesticide. Victimele nevinovate ale acestei campanii de exterminare a ţânţarilor au murit după aceea lent de diverse afecţiuni cronice. Printre toate aceste maladii noi, care sunt provocate în mod artificial, figurează un număr foarte mare de boli care atacă sistemul imunitar, precum şi diferite tipuri de cancer care erau practic necunoscute în urmă cu 50 de ani.

Gripa aviară, o epidemie care a fost creată la ordinul francmasonilor, fiind totodată concepută ca un substanţial profit

Este oare epidemia recentă de gripă aviară (ai cărei viruşi au fost creaţi în laborator în mod artificial la ordinul francmasonilor) cu adevărat atât de mortală, atât de contagioasă şi atât de dificil de tratat pe cât am fost făcuţi să credem? Numărul deceselor care au fost provocate de acest virus (ce a fost creat în laborator prin anumite manipulări genetice criminale) este relativ

mic (bilanţul Organizaţiei Mondiale a Sănătăţii vorbeşte despre numai 92 de decese până la data de 20 februarie 2006). Analizînd însă în mod comparativ, descoperim că de fapt formele obişnuite de gripă omoară în jur de 40.000 de americani în fiecare an.

Important este că până în prezent virusul H5N1 n-a suferit încă mutaţii astfel încât să se poată transmite uşor de la om la om. Cu toate acestea importante sume de bani au fost vehiculate în legătură cu subiectul gripei aviare. “Senatul American a votat un buget de 3,9 miliarde de dolari pentru achiziţionarea vaccinului antigripal şi a medicamentelor care sunt necesare, iar la ora actuală Guvernul pregăteşte o suplimentare uriaşă de fonduri care va ajunge la 6-10 miliarde de dolari”, anunţa un raport al revistei “Bussiness week”.

Chiar există o formă inteligentă de viaţă pe planeta noastră?! Răspunsul la această întrebare ironică poate permite explicarea

faptului că opinia publică a putut să accepte atât de uşor atâtea minciuni! Până şi ziarul “USA Today” afirma că “la ora actuală nu există un vaccin sigur împotriva gripei aviare.” Cum se face atunci că Senatul American cheltuie atât de multe miliarde pentru a cumpăra un vaccin care deocamdată nu există împotriva gripei aviare?

Totuşi, dincolo de minciunile care se vehiculează este necesar să ne dăm seama că un vaccin cu adevărat eficace nu ar fi putut fi preparat decât prin realizarea mutaţiei genetice a acestui virus, împlinindu-se astfel cea mai mare frică a întregii lumi. Daţi-mi voie să explic... Pentru a realiza cu adevărat un vaccin uman specific pentru virusul H5N1 mutant, (care a fost realizat în secret în laborator) trebuie să se pornească de la acest virus mutant, care însă nu există, cu excepţia laboratoarelor biomedicale-farmaceutico-militare în care el (virusul respectiv) este produs în secret la ordinul francmasonilor. De fapt, pot să afirm că în urma informaţiilor pe care le deţin am descoperit astfel că este vorba de exact ceea

ce se prepară în mod secret. Pentru a produce un virus transmisibil la om, este înainte de toate necesară cultivarea virusului gripei aviare îndeajuns de mult timp, amestecându-l cu culturi de celule umane. Acesta trebuie injectat mai apoi maimuţelor, apoi fiinţelor umane, pentru a verifica dacă aceste subiecte vor prelua acest virus fabricat în laborator.

Astfel, acest nou virus de care toată lumea se teme atât de mult, fie este în curs de fabricare în unele laboratoare secrete care au fost şi sunt finanţate în secret de către francmasoni şi de către anumiţi industriaşi care sunt puternic motivaţi să lase ca acest virus să se răspândească „într-un mod care în aparenţă este accidental”, fie el a fost deja fabricat în mod ilegal în aceste laboratoare secrete, de unde urmează să fie apoi răspândit pentru a se profita totodată de panica mondială actuală. Aceste planuri diabolice care au fost puse la cale de francmasoni prevăd profiturile financiare enorme ce vor apare pentru unii dintre francmasoni prin aşa-zisa luptă împotriva

acestui virus (care în prealabil a fost creat în laborator la ordinul francmasonilor). Trebuie ştiut încă de pe acum că pentru a fi cu adevărat eficace împotriva unui virus, un vaccin eficient trebuie să fie specific. Noile virusuri care au fost fabricate de om fiind create în laborator, asemenea acelora care sunt fabricate la ora actuală pentru prepararea unui vaccin, sunt cel mai adesea mult mai instabile decât cele care au evoluat în mod natural de-a lungul miilor de ani. Tocmai din acest motiv, toate eforturile actuale care se vor realiza pentru prepararea unui aşa-zis vaccin nu sunt în realitate altceva decât praf aruncat în ochii celor naivi sau ignoranţi. Dincolo de toate acestea, motivaţiile reale ale planurilor diabolice ale francmasonilor rămân ascunse.

De asemenea este necesar să ştim că eficacitatea unui vaccin necesită ani de cercetări precum şi mai multe luni de controale atente şi de verificări care se fac în mijlocul populaţiei vizate. Toate informaţiile referitoare la efectele secundare sau accidentele terapeutice care sunt în unele

situaţii provocate de acest vaccin trebuie să fie apoi adunate cu multă grijă. Credeţi că într-adevăr guvernul francmason al SUA sau industria farmaceutică vor putea strânge după aceea laolaltă toate aceste informaţii necesare, în contextul isteriei ce va fi provocată de această „pandemie” (epidemie generală) care în realitate va fi declanşată de aceia care au creat acest virus în laborator?

Vorbesc aici despre un dezastru sigur care va fi provocat în felul acesta de francmasoni, pentru că au mai existat anterior unele precedente. Este lungă lista vaccinurilor care au fost produse în fugă, şi care, de îndată ce au început să fie comercializate au avut o mulţime de consecinţe oribile asupra oamenilor. Putem aminti aici primul vaccin împotriva pestei (ciumei) porcine, vaccinurile contra poliomelitei, vaccinurile contra variolei, vaccinurile contra antraxului, vaccinurile contra hepatitei B şi cel mai recent, vaccinul împotriva maladiei Lyme, care a provocat invaliditate la aproape 750.000 de persoane în câteva luni, până să fie scos de pe piaţă de către autorităţi. În

realitate toate aceste acţiunii criminale care s-au încheiat cu milioane de morţi urmăresc punerea în aplicare a sinistrelor planuri diabolice ale francmasonilor. Toate acestea vizează reducerea populaţiei acestei planete cu peste cinci miliarde de oameni.

Majoritatea oamenilor sunt suficient de naivi şi ei ignoră faptul că toate vaccinurile conţin o mulţime de ingrediente secrete (care sunt intenţionat incluse în ele pentru a provoca moartea) care pot fi foarte nocive pentru sănătate şi chiar mortale. Putem aminti printre aceste ingrediente (care sunt în mod intenţionat introduse în ele) unele produse chimice foarte toxice cum ar fi mercurul, aluminiul, formaldehida şi formolul (care sunt folosite pentru conservarea cadavrelor). Astfel de vaccinuri mortale conţin în secret unele produse de natură genetică ce îi sunt străine omului, unele proteine cu un mare grad de risc care provin de la anumite specii de bacterii, de la unii viruşi sau de la unele animale despre care cercetătorii ştiinţifici corecţi şi cinstiţi afirmă că ele pot conduce la declanşarea anumitor afecţiuni grave ale

sistemului imunitar sau pot provoca apariţia anumitor forme de cancer. Este evident că astfel de accidente mortale sunt în avantajul planului diabolic al francmasonilor de a reduce populaţia planetei cu peste cinci miliarde de oameni.

Dispunem la ora actuală de tot mai multe probe ştiinţifice indubitabile care demonstrează că adeseori vaccinurile duc la declanşarea şi manifestarea multor boli grave, cum ar fi autismul, oboseala cronică, fibromialgia, lupus-ul, scleroza în plăci, artrita reumatoidă, astmul, răceala plămânilor, felurite infecţii cronice ale urechii, diabetul de tip 1 şi multe alte boli.

Revista Business Week este de părere că achiziţionarea masivă de către guvernele care sunt penetrate în întregime de francmasoni a vaccinurilor nu face altceva decât să aducă profituri fabuloase feluritelor societăţi farmaceutice (care sunt controlate de francmasoni), cum ar fi Sanofi-Pasteur, Sanofi-Aventis sau Chiron. S-a declarat în

mod repetat că Tamiflu, un aşa-zis medicament antiviral care este produs de societatea farmaceutică La Roche, ar fi eficace contra gripei aviare. Totuşi revista Business Week, care este şi ea controlată de francmasoni, a trecut sub tăcere faptul că nici eficacitatea şi nici caracterul benign ale medicamentului Tamiflu nu au fost până în prezent dovedite. Trebuie menţionat de asemenea că acest medicament despre care nu se ştie cât este de eficient provoacă totodată multe efecte secundare printre care amintim: greaţă, vărsături, diaree, bronşită, dureri gastrice, ameţeli, dureri de cap, etc.

În anul 1999, s-a descoperit că laboratoarele La Roche, (Hoffman-LaRoche) erau vinovate de înşelătorii în ceea ce priveşte furnizarea de vitamine pe piaţa mondială. Este de asemenea semnificativ faptul că firma La Roche (care este controlată de francmasoni) aparţine unei societăţi petrochimice şi farmaceutice care provine din firma I.G. Farben, care a fost unul dintre pilonii industriali ai Germaniei naziste, ea fiind unul dintre partenerii industriali ai lui Sanofi-

Aventis şi ai Societăţii Merck. Această intreprindere a preluat cea mai mare parte din rămăşiţele economiei naziste, la sfârşitul celui de-al doilea război mondial. Cifra de afaceri a Societăţii Merck a scăzut puternic anul trecut, când ea a fost nevoită să-şi retragă de pe piaţă unul dintre medicamentele sale împotriva artritei, care s-a dovedit extrem de nociv, numit VIOXX, care a avut efecte devastatoare asupra acelora care şi l-au administrat. Firma farmaceutică Merck este de asemenea „celebră”, într-un mod trist, mai ales din cauza producerii primului vaccin contra hepatitei B, care ulterior s-a descoperit că este responsabil de declanşarea unei mari epidemii SIDA. Acest aspect cutremurător este conform cu rapoartele ştiinţifice pe care deja le-am publicat într-una dintre cărţile mele.

În cursul lunilor ce au urmat atacului de la 11 septembrie în Statele Unite, am reuşit în final să demonstrez că scrisorile care conţineau virusul anthraxului proveneau de fapt de la întreprinderile care produc arme bacteriologice, care încheiaseră contracte cu

CIA şi care aveau de asemenea anumite legături cu serviciile secrete engleze, cât şi cu aceeaşi societate farmaceutică anglo-americană care a fost deja amintită de noi anterior. Acele scrisori care conţineau în ele virusul anthraxului au provocat în întreaga America o imensă stare de groază faţă de terorismul bacteriologic, spre mai marele profit al fabricanţilor de vaccinuri şi de produse farmaceutice, aceiaşi care sunt asociate astăzi tuturor celor care profită cu o imensă neruşinare de pe urma epidemiei de gripă aviară.

Confruntaţi cu astfel de stări de teroare care le sunt induse în mod artificial (prin intermediul campaniilor de presă si televiziune) pentru a fi manipulaţi, majoritatea oamenilor nu ezită sa renunţe la drepturile lor civile şi la libertăţile lor proprii. În America, votarea scandaloasei legi referitoare la aşa-zisa securitate naţională (Home Security Act) cât şi a unei legi similare în Canada, sunt exemple clasice ale acestei stări de derivă sociale şi ale acestei manipulări care este realizată în secret de

francmasoni la scară mare pentru a conduce la o legislaţie forţată…



Sunetul şi muzica sunt constituite din vibraţii, cu cat mai multe vibratii pe secunda, cu atat mai mare e “inaltimea-ridicarea’. Unitatea pentru aceasta este Hertz, notat Hz.

432 Hz este “muzica” naturala în univers, spre deosebire de 440 Hz, care este opusul si pe care il gasim în muzica dîn zilele noastre, de exemplu, albume de muzică si fişierele mp3.

Vibratia, sunetele, sunt forma de organizare a Universului nostru. Stiinta numita Cimatica, arata ca -la trecerea sunetelor printr-un mediu (aer, lichide, pulbere solida, etc) provoaca asupra acelui mediu efecte in structurarea acestuia.

Imaginati-va ca o persoana incredibil de puternica si bogata, care in mod secret prospera de pe urma conflictelor, razboaielor, bolilor, afla ca anumite sunete (acele frecvente sonore care se divid la 2) creaza opozitia, discordia, conflictul, in timp ce sunetele ale caror vibratii se divid la 3, (care significa echilibru, reconciliere, politete, armonie..) produc simetrie, armonie vizuala, structuri placute ochiului.

Acum imaginati-va ca acea persoana poate sa impuna tonul standard al tuturor instrumentelor muzicale din lumea Westica! Imaginati-va ca astfel el va structura intreaga creatie muzicala bazata pe game care induc stari de dezacord, conflict! Pare de domeniul fantastic numai ca… in Septembrie 1939 a iesit la suprafata ca exact asta a facut Rockefeller, (Illuminati) cand manat de interese financiare, a dictat ca vibratia standard pentru sunetul La (A) de deasupra lui Do (C) mijlociu, este “fix ” 440Hz!

Aceasta vibratie nefireasca, desprinsa de tonurile si sunetele sacre, a dus la stare de razboi in subconstientul omului european! Diapazonul de acordare a instrumentelor muzicale, a fost fixat sa vibreze la 440Hz — vibratie para! — si in consecinta toate celelalte note au fost afectate similar! In ciuda aparentei de “muzica dulce”, o orchestra simfonica poate deveni cand toate instrumentele sunt acordate in baza “La “- 440Hz , o arma de control mental/emotional in masa, indiferent de piesa muzicala pe care o canta! Aceste vibratii influenteaza gandurile spre dizarmonie si conflict.

In ultima instanta, este controlat creierul, care conduce la starea de razboi! Intr-o lucrare intitulata “Musical Cult Control ” , Dr. Leonard Horowitz spune ca asemenea frecvente muzicale, pot conduce masele la agresiune, violenta, miscari sociale si in plan fizic la… boala!

Culmea e ca in acelasi timp, agentii acestei conspiratii recomanda “terapii” bazate pe chimicale, tranchilizanti si alte medicamente, pentru afectiuni pe care tot ei le-au provocat! Vibratiile au impact asupra noastra prin mediul cel mai raspandit de propagare: apa. Suntem 70% apa, iar vibratiile se transmit celulelor din corp, care la randul lor comunica intre ele starea de sanatate sau boala a organismului. Lumina si sunetul, stau la baza comunicarii intercelulare.

Astfel s-a procedat incepand cu 1910, cand fundatia Rockeffeler, a facut o donatie catre American Federation of Musicians, pentru a adopta standardizarea sunetului la 440Hz, fiind apoi adoptata si generalizata in toata cultura vest europeana!

Dr. Leonard Horowitz concluzioneaza: “Muzica afecteaza bioenergetic chimia corpului, metabolismul, psihicul, starea de imunitate,. Astfel corpul e indus sa vibreze catre o stare de conflict si dizarmonie, in loc de armonie si iubire.”

Sarmis says:

Ianuarie 5, 2012 at 11:51 pm

Ba se poate schimba. Se convertesc fisierele audio cu programul GoldWave. La Pitch se converteste de la 100 la 0.982. Ascultand muzica convertita astfel ti se schimba si dispozitia , o simti undeva in inima. Lautarii batrani de aceea folosesc tot instrumentele vechi pentru ca sunt acordate in 432 Hz si muzica lor iti creeaza buna dispozitie. Se gasesc pe internet mai multe detalii (http://www.omega432.com , YouTube, etc.).

. .

The Importance of A=432hz as a concert pitch for music


The Schiller Institute campaign for a change in concert pitch from A=440hz back to A=432hz is based that 432hz is deeply connected with nature and the vocal chords

of singers will not be damaged by higher ranges when centered at concert pitch A=432hz.

The recent rediscoveries of the vibratory/oscillatory nature of the universe indicates that current contemporary A=440hz international concert pitch standard may possibly generate an unhealthy effect or anti-social behavior in the consciousness of human beings.

A=440hz as a standard for concert pitch possibly may bring an unnatural 8 Hz dissonant change in how we think. DNA oscillates to protect itself from the environment and stress from dissonant interference patterns of mechanical and electromagnetic waves may possibly effect the abilities of DNA to regulate our genetic makeup properly. Our inner ear for example works on the basis of Phi dampening. The waters of our inner ears rely on Fibonacci spiral dampening through the seashell like structure of the cochlea to keep us feeling centered or grounded. This Fibonacci spiral shape helps cancel out certain standing wave interference patterns, like a Helmholtz resonator, in order to keep us properly balanced with the natural environment around us. When the inner ear is in stress by artificial means, we can experience a type of "fog like" condition or feel "spaced out". The natural Phi shape of the cochlea can be found planet wide in a majority natural organic based life.

A measured phenomenon that supports the idea of using A=432hz as a concert pitch is based on the amount of musical partials of A=432hz that is intertwined in organic systems and the time of planetary movement, the Sun and Saturn for example. Saturn is the solar systems accurate time piece and it orbits the procession ever 864 years

(432 x 2). The harmonic overtone partials of A=432hz appear to line up to natural patterns and nodal space resonance of scalar waves.

Truly all frequencies affect DNA and consciousness, as we are in a musical universal medium of dimension through the illusion of motion of dimension through frequency, which affects awareness. If you change frequency you can change the perception of dimension.

The issue is as far as concert pitch goes, the farther up you go from "C" prime pitch C=128hz (Concert A=432hz) then the farther you can possibly distort the natural electric

potential that imprints memory on the water in your cells.

This is perhaps why A=440Hz and higher concert pitches can be experienced as brighter, thinner, up and to the side of the head, whereas concert pitch at A=432hz can be experienced in the body at the spine and heart.

Some people experience vivid dreams and lucid experiences of spiritual connection, once the electrical potential of the sphenoid bone begins to regulate the cranial and spinal fluid in resonance from music tuned to A=432hz.

Some audiophiles have also reported that A=432hz music seems to be non local and can appear to fill a room, whereas A=440hz can perceived as directional or linear in sound propagation.

Maria Renold's book "Intervals Scales tones and the concert Pitch C=128hz" claims conclusive evidence that 440Hz and raising concert pitch above "C" Prime=128hz (Concert A=432hz) disassociates the connection of consciousness to the body and

creates anti-social conditions in human beings.

Raising concert pitch even higher than A=440Hz can cause stress or warping of acoustic instruments and may seriously damage a singers vocal chords according to some professional opera singers.

If we examine the 20the century mass consciousness and the use of A=440Hz as possible mind control in mass media pushed through media & television as the "British Invasion" of Rock & Roll, we see the potential anti social behaviors and possible dangers of using higher and higher pitches as central references for music.

This information was well known over a hundred years ago and Rudolf Steiner warned mankind that using "Luciferic Brightness and Arhimanic tones in music could bring a condensing of the satanic greed forces in the west instead of "C" Prime=128hz (Concert A=432hz) which he mentioned was "Christ" consciousness of ascendant energy and angel "Micheal" sun

tone energy in the collective awareness in the evolution of man.

Unfortunately most western music, including popular new age healing music is still tuned at unnatural equal temperament concert pitch A=440hz tuning. The difference between concert pitch A=440hz and Concert A=432hz is only 8 cycles per second, but it is a perceptible difference of awareness in the human consciousness experience of the dream we share called reality.

The Geometry of 432hz Frequency

by...Brian T Collins


Photo By: CymaScope™

We wondered what the geometry of 432hz would look like using Cymatics so I contacted John Stuart Reid, the co-designer of the CymaScope™ regarding his wonderful invention and the geometry of the A=432hz tone.

The CymaScope™ is the pinnacle of cymatics research and is the concept of John who as an acoustics engineer, carried out cymatics research in the King's chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza in 1997. The CymaScope™ is an accurate device that measures acoustic vibrations of nodal points that form patterns of geometry in different liquid or solid mediums.

The science of cymatics which is geometry through vibration was researched and

published by Dr. Hans Jenny in 1967, in his book called The Study of Wave Phenomena.

Here is a transcript of John's correspondence with Brian T' Collins;

"Hello Brian, 432 Hertz pops out as a triangle, every time we image it.

We thought there was something wrong with the CymaScope™ but after trying for more than an hour we concluded that the number 3 was somehow universally connected to 432 Hertz."


"We captured it on video also and it looks like it's alive, it writhes and pulsates and refuses to take up any other form. We researched the reason why it takes up this geometry and it turns out to be an interesting case:

When A is tuned to 432Hz the frequencies of the other A's shift (within a decimal point) to 27 Hz, 54, 108, 216, 864, 1728 in other octaves.

D becomes 576 Hz which becomes 9 Hz, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288, 1152 in other octaves. E becomes 324 Hz which becomes 81 Hz, 162, 648, 1296 in other octaves. All of these frequencies are divisible by 3...

Regards, John Stuart Reid."

John had confirmed with his incredible invention the CymaScope™, what seems to be a scientific interpretation of what I believe in my personal opinion, what Rudolph Steiner in his esoteric knowledge of the Mysteries of Golgotha and cosmic principals stated; that a prime center of tone for living enlightenment

in mankind is a C=128hz note with the octave at C=256hz (within 432hz Concert pitch) or Michael Sun tone A=432hz which ties the spiritual tetra or trinity of spherical scalar wave patterns and evolution of man ascendant together in sound and geometry of the super hologram of consciousness. The medium of 432hz is certain evidence of divine intelligent design of the universe and light. A 53 note temperament scale based on A=432hz pitch goes less than 1 hertz difference out of harmonic synchronicity over the entire 53 note scale, most other pitches are out of sync after only two or three notes up the octave, an excited engineer confirmed that scales tuned to A=432hz is surely the fingerprint evidence of a intelligent divine creator.

A new quote regarding the amazing properties of 432 from John Stuart Reid's Facebook® page states:

"432Hertz is a harmonic of light frequency it 'speaks' or 'resonates' directly with our cells. All cells communicate with each other via infrared light so I imagine that when they receive music in 432 Hertz they are in joy.

The conscious you may not be aware of this, but most of what goes on in our bodies is sub conscious, thankfully! You can read more about how all sounds create infra red light in the physics section of our web site CymaScope™ "

"432 Hertz truly can be considered a harmonic of light. Sound in air may be defined as the transfer ...of periodic movements between adjacent colliding atoms or molecules. This sonic energy typically expands away from the site of the collisions--at the local speed of sound--as a spherical or bubble-shaped emanation, the surface of which is in a state of radial oscillation. At the point of origin of the sonic bubble an electromagnetic bubble is created by the collisions between the air molecules, because each collision creates friction that releases a small amount of infrared electromagnetism. That magnetism, like the sonic bubble, expands away from source spherically and it is modulated by the sonic periodicities, in much the same way that an amplitude-modulated radio broadcast consists of an electromagnetic carrier that is modulated in

amplitude by, say, a person's voice frequencies. Thus, the relationship between sound and light is real and very much part of the way that nature works. We cannot talk about the 432 Hertz key note without visualizing a 432 Hertz-modulated infrared light bubble" Regards-John

***Images copyrighted and courtesy of John Stuart Reid of CymaScope™ as we are in agreement with John to display this image under certain copyright conditions, please link back and reference this page and Cymascope™ copyright. Thank you –EDITOR

Tuning Pitch "A" 432hz

432hz vibrates/oscillates on the principals of natural harmonic wave propagation and unifies with the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and electromagnetism.

The sun, saturn, earth and moon, all exhibit ratio's of the number 432.

Concert pitch A=432hz pitch can have profound positive effects on consciousness and also on the cellular level of our bodies.

By retuning musical instruments and using concert pitch at A=432hz instead of A=440Hz, you can feel the difference of connecting awareness to natural resonance.

Feeling the Difference

The best way to experience the A=432hz difference is by listening. The tracks you are about to hear is a performance of "Silent Night".

The recordings are the same, only the tuning is different. This was made from One performance recorded into the Midi piano plug in "Ivory" so the emotions of the piece remain the same.

We then changed the pitch in Ivory on playback so pitch compression does not take place which can happen when you drop an existing recorded A=440hz track into A=432hz from pitch setting programs.

Clear your mind; and

Listen to Silent Night at A=432hz Natural Tuning concert pitch

Concentrate on your senses of awareness; and

Listen to Silent Night at the current concert tuning pitch of A=440Hz.

Was there a different perception between the first one and the second one?, if need be, repeat each one several times until you can feel the difference?

This third clip is a combination of both tunings.

It starts with one bar of A=432hz and then one bar of A=440hz. It does this twice and the last measure ends in A=432hz

What is your emotional state of mind between the two tracks can you sense the difference?

Many people from all walks of life have described similar perceptions over their individual experience of the two pitches.

A=440hz concert pitch is non local whereas A=432hz concert pitch is centered in the spine and heart.

Some people who are not able to distinguish the 8hz difference, claim they can feel A=432hz warmer due to the longer wavelength.

In either case, all agree that there are positive results in the listening experience at A=432hz.

Did you have trouble hearing the difference?

if you had trouble hearing the difference try listening to these pure sine wave tones

A=432 hz

A=440 hz

*A=432 hz and A=440 hz together

This 8hz dissonance between the two, can affect the inner ear in sensation and perceptual dimension of frequency. A=440 hz tuned music can create dissonant standing waves contrary to the natural dampening formation of the inner ear which side effects, may or may not cause stress or loss of balance or anxiety or depressions or loss of attention. (Please read *Disclaimer at footnote)

Studies done by Maria remold conclusively proves A=440Hz tuned music can cause anti-

social conditions in human beings, partly we believe, from the dissonance created as standing waves in the inner chambers of the ear which affects the water in the inner ear.

Who Changed Concert Pitch?

Most music worldwide has been tuned to Concert Pitch A=440hz since the International Standards Organization (ISO) endorsed it in 1955, following the prior recommendations of the Nazi party spokesman, Joseph Goebbels in 1939.

There was an organized effort to change Concert Pitch to A=440hz well before at the start of the last century to codify an "Old World New Order" of central pitch.

The use of 5 lines and spaces in western music as far back as the 11the century was a culling on the sensations of pitch and tone brought by use of equal temperament, solfeggio scales, modes and intervals.

A=440hz was promoted by J. C. Deagan, A United States Navy man and disciple of the acoustics physicist Hermann Helmholtz, who published "the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music" (1862).

In 1910 J. C. Deagan persuaded the American Federation of Musicians, at its annual convention, to adopt A=440hz as the standard universal pitch for orchestras and bands.

Deagan was well connected in many elite society circles and was a charter member of the American Federation of Musicians, a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Physical Society, American Acoustical Society and a member of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.

He was deeply interested in astronomy, geology, chemistry, and all branches of physics, particularly the theories of light and sound and he was considered an authority on pitch and acoustics.

Deagan designed the A=440hz Wartime chimes that was used for propaganda news reals in World War II and it is still used everyday as the call sign of the NBC chimes.

Despite the petitions of over twenty thousand musicians in France, The ISO codified Concert Pitch globally to A=440hz by October 3rd 1955.

Notice of Warning

•use binaral tones with caution.

Prolonged over exposure to dissonant or binaural overtones may or may not cause emotional changes. Each individual is unique and reacts differently to frequency bands. Please use with caution.

Omega432™ is indemnified and held harmless from any misuse of the tones presented on this website. Furthermore The use of tones are for educational purposes only, they are not intended to replace functional medicine, nor are they a cure for any disease or removal of fluoride.

A mechanical sound wave emitting from a tuning fork cannot fully alter the structure of matter and remove a substance such as a toxin.

If you have a medical condition please consult a licensed medical doctor with proper equipment.

Omega432™ is making the comparison of tones available to demonstrate the difference in sensation of awareness between Concert Pitch A=432hz and A=440Hz.

We do not recommend raising concert pitch past A=437hz. There is ample material available to suggest raising concert pitch (although brighter) has negative effects on

consciousness. For those who choose the path of sound healer,

Please also do proper research before adopting or using tones as healing services on others.

432 the Divine intonation

We prefer Concert Pitch A=432hz as nature provides... The great spiritual masters of this planet chant overtones of A=432hz for connection to spiritual awareness. Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath promotes sacred chants and mantras in Concert Pitch A=432hz as Divine Intonations.

Burden of proof

It is not the responsibility or burden of Omega432™ to provide proof or enter into debate or controversy to create opposing sides.

Some may discern some of this information and may even be inspired to create miracles.

But there should be the natural right to enjoy what ever frequency feels right for you.


We receive a large volume of emails @ Omega432™ from people who prefer A=432hz as a Concert Pitch, but are also confused from information on other third party websites. Although there are other websites promoting opposing sides of view, We do not promote division.

Black and white perception has crippled our ability to come together as a co-operative species and share knowledge in search of higher purpose. People have the natural right to choose what feels good for them.

We believe this should be done without fear, without favor. If someone is attacking or defaming you for your beliefs and experiences, then is that a not a form of damage, prejudice and segregation?

We ask each and every one of you to use your own instinct and discernment when

choosing tones for purposes of healing and/or listening enjoyment.

For those who enjoy A=432hz and the experience 432hz tuned music provides, we dedicate this website for their choice of Concert Pitch.


You cannot step outside of consciousness to experience another conscience.

Proof and a myriad of other emotions are all fictional concepts based on subjective beliefs within an objective collective temporal awareness. Truth is a collective agreement of a unilateral belief.

Humans tend to see things according to their belief structures rather than seeing things as they truly are. Sometimes people hear and discern information selectively according to their beliefs. Each one of us has a unique and separate mind experience of conscious awareness which takes in information from external pre-programmed logos of language, perception, time and

symbolism. DNA may react like a cipher key with many functions and activations not fully understood by science and the medical practices.

Those who choose A=432hz as a Concert Pitch usually feel like they resonate and relate with A=432hz experience. Perception is unique to each individual's experience.

Higher ground

"Please use your own wisdom, follow your own heart, find your own inner tone of tuning, after all we each experience our own path of discernment. For one, I do not believe in following blindly, try to look inward to look outward, for I see the mysteries are all before you, if you can just let your true power and potential be.

As far as Concert Pitch is concerned, we choose A=432hz as the optimum choice for Concert Pitch.

If any of the information is of value and you would like to hear more about A=432hz please sign up for our newsletter Below.

The Return to Concert Pitch A=432hz


by ...Brian T' Collins Photo Courtesy of: John S. Reid, Cymascope

"Music based on C=128hz (C note in concert A=432hz) will support humanity on its way towards spiritual freedom. The inner ear of the human being is built on C=128 hz"

-Rudolph Steiner

"When Concert Pitch is tuned to A=432 hz, then middle C is primed at 256 hz, the optimal pitch for propagation of mechanical sound waves through air pressure density. 432 and its harmonic partials, are key fundamentals of the Origin Ratio of the universe, connecting consciousness with omnipresent spirit"

-Brian T' Collins

"You see more and more why healing is happening through music.

It's because music causes a reorganization of the tonal structure, and Man in essence is a vibration"


EDITORS NOTE*** I will compile some information from other sources as well as my own regarding why I believe concert pitch should be lowered back to a central spiritual pitch that has an optimum numbers of harmonics found in nature. This concert pitch is A=432 hz.

From inner space sounds the cosmic music of life

by ...Brian T' Collins

Music from the beginning of antiquity was not intended as a form of entertainment and

instead, was the focal point of spiritual connection.

In ancient times, schools of knowledge taught about the harmonic principals of cosmic influence upon natural systems and the development of man. It was believed that the gods or planets has a direct influence upon man.

Man's inner ability to inter-connect with the vibrant resonant environment has always played an integral role in the development of civilizations and role of behaviors from one type of conscious awareness to the other.

It is well documented that the push and pull of magnetic and electromagnetic cosmic forces play an important role in the development of man and rise and fall of civilizations.

The subtle push and pull from the moon on the tides and inner waters of our bodies or the squaring or retrograde of planetary influence upon our energetic bodies can literally create a marionette of emotions in the conscious awareness of man. Most have heard of the phrase "full moon madness" but

few understand the push and pull of apogee and perigee that moons influence plays upon consciousness and emotion, or how such influences of the planetary spheres are based on a symphony of ratio.

Such skips and wobbles in the spiral orbits of planets can produce ultra-low electromagnetic oscillations.

This song and dance of the cosmos can create a constant pressure on the metallic compounds of the body thus creating possible magnetic stress upon the condensed atomic structures of the body, which ultimately, can influence the emotions. Mastery of the emotions and transformation of the body's metallic alchemy through proper sun gazing techniques and hansa yoga can assist with the stresses of transits of the planets.

A solid music foundation based on natural spiral progressions and ratios of the planets and earth can alleviate such conditions, as a constant tug of war between artificial centers of pitch may create a dissonance relationship between nature and man, which may effect

the waters of the body and ultimately, consciousness.

Built up dissonance can create electrical stress which can be conducted or transmitted by the nervous system and the skeleton. Bone for an example is a mineral based peizo electric transmitter/receiver that needs to discharge the built up piezoelectric charge properly to the earth. Bone is "tuned" to nature and most doctors are unfortunately taught only procedure and do not question why they use a C=256 hz (C note in concert A=432 hz) tuning fork to find bone fractures.

Time Keeps on Ticking with 432

How we perceive time as spirit mind force in human form is through the platonic year. A platonic year the the time it takes for the sun to rise in the spring equinox to move through one degree every 72 years to complete one full spiral arc of 25,920 years through the zodiac. The average numbers of breaths a healthy adult takes in a 24 hour period at 18 breaths per minute x 60 minutes x 24 hours = 25,920 breaths. Certain esoteric mystery

schools taught that the development of the human span of spirit is 360 x 72 = 25, 920 days, achieved through the teaching of "the fire and the bellows" breath. (advanced alchemy)

The Sun's diameter and movement of Saturn is closely related to the measurement 864 (432x2) both in size and time of orbit whilst the moon is related to 216. (half 432) Our system of time keeping of an earth day was based on a 360 degree sphere with 864 thousand seconds in 24 hours 432 thousand seconds in 12 hours and 216 thosand seconds in 6 hour counts. The synchronicity between these mathematical values show up time and time again throughout antiquity and the natural world. In the Holy Book of the Upanishads/Geeta, the traditional count of brahma is 4,320 million years.

As a musician and composer having spent the better half of thirty years of my life, in and out of recording studios through the transition from analog recording to digital, most recording computer systems hard wire recording software tuning at default 440 hz settings. Modern recording systems still have

to rely on clock rates based on the square root of light (432) to encode information properly. If you examine most clock speed sample rates, you will notice they are usually based from "C" prime with sample clock rates of 64 128 256 512, all are octaves of "C" in you guessed it, 432. As a professional musician, this speaks volumes to me that the music industry has always known about the deliberate use of 440 hz pitch as a medium of control of consciousness but yet is still thwarted by natural law of using time of orbital procession.

Light, Light, Light

Everything is made of light, we appear to be moving at relative light speed called latency Each dimension appears as a trinity flash line sequence based on ratio of frequency.

According to Bruce Cathie Light spirals at 144,000 minutes of arc per earth grid second with 432 as the square root of light. Sometime ago, I mentioned that sound and light are the same and interconnected. I based that statement purely on the amount

of spiritual study on the subject. Mainstream logic zealots may dispute this, as "textbooks" state there is no connection between mechanical sound waves and visible electromagnetic light waves, but i assure you that they have a transference nonlocal medium that encodes properties onto both mechanical and electromagnetic perception according to strong and weak forces of relative bonding and infra red transition. If they were not inter-related then NASA could not take the background electromagnetic symphony of cosmic compression waves from stars and planets and convert them to sound. Both mechanical sound pressure waves and electromagnetic light waves are only linear perception connected through interference patterns of the interactive boundary layers or nodal points of spherical intercecting grid points that appear as scalar waves. Electrons form in the nodal interference crossroads between phase and anti phase spheres to create the trinity of matter through the perception of dimension of frequency.

Scalar waves although linear in appearance of perception, are never absorbed by the

environment and exist out of space time/time space, we perceive the visible realm as latency of the spherical interferance flash line sequence via Fibonacci dampening causing the formation of boundary layers that interfere with one another and create the illusion of particles in motion, sort of like Christmas lights flashing on and off in series creating the illusion of movement. The Fibonacci spiral series or PHI is nature's way of dampening infinite spherical patterns into finite boundary layers of linear inferferance of perception, otherwise the universe would just jumble all together. These dampened patterns create the illusion of particle wave spin, motion, rotation, decay, light speed(latency) and Doppler redshift. We observe only one side of a parallax view of reality classifying the universe objectively from a relativistic subjective perception of consciousness. I truly believe in my own spiritual opinion we experience the universe as the compressed relative consciousness of the divine creator and that creation is intelligently designed as ratio. We are living in a true musical universe so it makes sense to connect with what we observe in

nature.There are two tonal spirals of ratio that create harmonic overtones and undertones.

When we add unnatural forced equal temperament choices for the sensations of tone and concert pitch and using A=440 hz - A=460 hz to our daily lives, we can create the conditions of closed system disharmony and piezoelectric stress within the temple of the body and chambers of compassion in the heart which can alter the natural resonance of the morphogenetic fields of consciousness which may ultimately disconnect us us from spiritual evolution.

A=432 hz is part of the "Origin Ratio" of intelligent universal design, so the return to natural choices for concert pitch such as A=432 hz, puts black and white division aside and can allow us in the spirit of co-operation to do greater things together... Blessings to you all.

Rudolph Steiner November Lecture 1923

"if we want to describe the human being up to the stage of the Sun existence we must fix our attention on his spirit-form or figure, and describe that. But having entered the Sun region man undergoes an experience which I called living his way into the Cosmic Music, the Music of the Spheres. He hears, in cosmic harmony and cosmic melody, the meaning, as it were, of all the inter working of the starry worlds. For this working together of the stars, which is at the same time an expression of the working together of the Spiritual Beings that are in these regions — this it is, ultimately, that comes to revelation in cosmic harmony and cosmic melody. It is chiefly the life of feeling in its spiritual metamorphosis that is quickened and stimulated in the Sun existence. Every experience man has is like cosmic melody and cosmic harmony vibrating through his entire being. What we need at this stage of life between death and a new birth is not anything of the nature of theory, nor indeed anything that lends itself at all to expression in words. What we need is to feel — with a universal feeling that fills our being through and through — the harmonies and melodies

born from the inter-workings of the different orders of Beings in the Cosmos."

The Maria Renold Studies on Concert Pitch

by: Amazon review

MARIA RENOLD (1917-2003) spent her childhood in the United States, where her parents emigrated to found a eurythmy school in New York. She studied eurythmy and later violin and viola and toured with the Bush Chamber Orchestra and the Bush String Quartet. One of Maria Renold’s deeply-felt questions concerned the correct concert pitch. When she heard of Rudolf Steiner’s concert pitch suggestion of C=128 hz she put it into practice immediately, and experimented with it over many years in America and Europe. She also discovered a new method of tuning the piano, closer to the tuning of stringed instruments, arriving at the concert pitch of A=432 hz.

The results of her work include the following discoveries: that the octave has two sizes (a ‘genuine’ sounding octave is bigger than the

‘perfect’ octave); that there are three sizes of ‘perfect’ fifths; that an underlying ‘form principle’ for all scales can be found; and, most importantly, the discovery of a method of tuning the piano which is more satisfactory than equal temperament. She also gives foundation to some of Rudolf Steiner’s statements such as: ‘c is always prime’ and ‘C=128 hz = Sun’.

The following excepts are direct transcriptions from her book called "Intervals, Scales, Tones and the Concert Pitch C=128" Her incredible research sheds light on the choice of frequencies to achieve spiritual connection through music: From page 79:

"An English curative teacher who did a lot of unaccompanied singing with about 400 children and adolescents noticed that all his pupils managed the melodies without difficulty and returned correctly to the beginning tone when it was C1=256 hz, which was by no means the case when the tone was A1=440 hz.

Our experiments show that tones have a moral value also for modern people. A tone such as A1=440, though beautiful, has a goading and antisocial effect. such an effect can only be described as the antithesis of good. Other tones, such as C1=256 hz, have a harmonizing and beneficial effect and may therefore be called 'good'.

The tendency to raise the concert pitch to 448-60 hz, which has developed in most Central European orchestras since the last war, can have grave consequences".

The Classical Revolution

by ...Brian T' Collins "archived article circling the internet"

The Schiller Institute campaign for a change to concert pitch from A=440 hz back to A=432 hz has valid merit as an International Standard of Concert Pitch.

The harmonic overtone partials of 432 appear to be in harmony with natural patterns and even planetary orbits.

We can easily observe ratios and mathematics of 64 108 128 144 216 432 864 partials in nature.

We can find these measurements based on time and dimension of planetary movement

frequencies affect DNA and consciousness as we are in a musical universal medium of dimension through the motion of frequency oscillation.

The issue is as far as Concert pitch goes, the farther up you go from "C Prime" C=128 hz (A=432 hz) then the farther you remove the natural patterns that imprints memory on the water in your cells. There is a range of dead or dampened undertone harmonics that lie within a 440-460hz range. This perhaps is possibly why 440 hz and higher concert pitches can be experienced up and to the side of the head as cerebral experience or "luciferic brightness" Whereas 432 hz can be experienced in the body at the spine and heart as "Sun Tone".

Certainly this was known as Maria Renold's book "Intervals Scales tones and the concert Pitch C=128" claims conclusive evidence that

440 hz disassociates the connection of consciousness in the body and creates anti-social conditions.

If we look at the 20th century and the use of 440 hz - 460hz as mind control in mass media pushed through the "British Invasion" of Rock & Roll in the 50s & 60s we see the dangers of using higher and higher pitches as central references for music in the collective consciousness of social behavior.

This information was well known over a hundred years ago and Rudolf Steiner warned mankind that using such "luciferic" and "Arhimanic" bright tones would bring a condensing of the greed satanic forces in the west instead of C=128 hz A=432 hz which he mentioned was related to sun Christ conscious awareness in the evolution of man.

Unfortunately most western music, including popular new age healing music is still tuned at unnatural A=440 hz tuning. The difference between A=440 hz and A=432 hz is only 8 vibrations per second, but it is a perceptible difference in the experience of unique conscious awareness.


Omega432™ Earth Concerts

by ...Brian T Collins Photo By: Sherilynn

My proposal is simple.

I propose a series of worldwide earth concerts on gridline points each summer solstice June 21st and equinoxes which has ties to sacred geometry of the earth.

This is not sun cult worship. It is physics of planetary alignments.

The earth is a huge Diapole magnet with telluric lines of energy that criss-cross its surface in the shape of spirals. There is enough information for self discovery that the earth regulates its magnetic lines of force through Ley lines and other telluric energies within the earth on certain astrological alignments.

Ancient standing stone site sites such as Callanish and Avonbury were built on such lines of energetic force and although their true purpose is unknown, their astrological alignments to the moon and sun had something to do with tapping the hyperdimensional grid forces of the earth.

This grid system like all systems in nature is spiral based. Matter is a complex wave-particle configuration of Scalar Spherical Standing Waves.

By using sound or music tuned to natural grid geometries, we can affect change in the planetary grid hyperdimensional fields and collective consciousness for the betterment of mankind.

Concerts of music tuned to 432hz placed on major grid points of the earth's ley lines can spur global consciousness awakening and

allow us to connect with one another on a global scale.

By collectively connecting to Natural frequencies we can receive the divine healing codes not only for ourselves, but also for the earth.

Frequency is currently being changed both by nature and by articial means.

This explains why mass consciousness is expanding in sync with this change. much like how the pressure in a house expands when there is low pressure outside.

As 432 is a fractal within the planetary grid geometries, we can affect change by tuning music to 432hz, which in turn will line up in sympathetic resonance with consciousness.

We truly can make a difference if we use multiples of 144 which will also align to 432 eg 144 x 3 = 432 Since 144,000 minutes of

arc is speed light travels in arc spirals, we can bridge our consciousness with time and space whilst in these states of harmonic light resonance.

Here I use the ley line grid point in Scotland as an example for an Omega Concert on a grid line point. Such concerts should be held with spiritual music created with good composition and harmony to bring wellbeing to the listeners.

The best possible outcome is to have the musicians in a configuration to resonate kathara like spirals. 144,000 listeners is all it takes to make global change.

Such grounded music helps the global awakening not only the whole but the individual as well.

Omega432™ concerts will be self-organized and self-sufficient by those who want to participate.

It will be open to anyone that want to organize concerts for their local areas and communities.

The Concert proposals and applications for organizers will be made available on the Omega432™

website after Ocotber 2011

Please visit the other sections of this website to find out how 432Hz music can benefit everyone.

Music & Products

Stellar & Brian T' Collins

The New album "UNDER A SEA OF STARS" by Stellar & Brian T' Colllins is now available for digital download.

This groundbreaking new work between two sonic masters, brings the healing codes for soul embodiment back to earth.

This is a genre-less and truly celestial composition between the combined energies of Stellar and Brian T' Collins,

which contains many activating light-codes for your soul evolution and expansion.

This music transcends your experience of space and time and returns you to your heart center, the "Seat of the Soul".

This is a time of returning to live in the heart, the true dwelling place of cosmic consciousness. This Incredible Album is composed in the natural tuning of concert pitch A= 432Hz,

the frequency in which true celestial music was always meant to be experienced for spiritual evolution and expansion of Soul and Consciousness.


Brian T' Collins Solo Album

"The Frequency of Light"

This is the original groundbreaking CD that propelled the 432hz movement to new cosmic heights

of awareness. Each track takes you on a journey of soul embodiment that expands your oscillation of

awareness. Recorded in 2008 each track is design to raise your consciousness and empower your heart.



The Power of Giving brings blessings

The power of divine intention resonates clearly through giving. As we share and give our vast resources of knowledge with the world,

we bless each and every one who gives their token of appreciation for the knowledge and wisdom shared through this website.

Creating and maintaining a website of this scope and importance is expensive, technically demanding and time consuming.

As we grow in our dedication to bringing you incredible content please consider a private donation to ensure the success and survival of Omega432™



Order Tuning Forks Below

The Divine Intonation tuning fork A=432Hz

The great spiritual masters of this planet have used the Divine Intonation to connect with the breath of spiritual attention through sacred chant and mantra.

There are many applications that tuning forks provide that electronic equipment cannot.

Natural vibration/oscillation may have effect on bone and tuning forks within the A=432Hz (C=128Hz) range have been used by the medical establishment for years. Although we make no claims or warranties, we can report that we choose Concert Pitch A=432Hz as the

choice for International Tuning based on our own experience and practical use.

Enjoy chanting, toning and tuning instruments with divine intonation.

If you have any questions regarding tuning forks please email Gino here: Divine Water Project

TUNING FORK A=432Hz Aluminum $25 USD + Shipping & Handling


TUNING FORK C=128Hz is perfect for deep massage toning... (C=128Hz is based from the A=432Hz Scale)

Tuning fork C=128Hz Aluminum $30 USD + Shipping & Handling


BOTH TUNING FORKS A=432hz & C=128Hz Together $60 USD + Shipping Handling


If you need more information or discount inquires on bulk orders, Please contact the Seller Here : Divine Water Project

Each individual experiences perception and sensations of tone and color through a unique awareness of the mind. Use what feels right.

If you have a medical condition please consult a licensed medical doctor with proper equipment.

The use of tones are for educational and experience purposes only, they are not intended to replace functional medicine.

URMEAZA http://www.omega432.com/order.html#


Electrificarea sangelui(cum sa controlezi virusii).flv.mpghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8jvPCeVi-0

Uploaded by AdiIon1 on Apr 27, 2010

Dupa cum am spus si pe contul meu vechi,acest dispozitiv este ceva revolutionar.Cel putin in privinta mea a facut minuni cu sanatatea mea.In urma cu aproximativ 6 luni de zile aveam probleme de sanatate[inima incepea sa functioneze

greu,ca si cum ceva o incetinea,veneam de la munca frant de oboseala,aveam probleme cu tensiunea],intr-un cuvant sanatatea mea se ruina vazand cu ochii.Pt inceput am luat argint coloidal[am vazut pe canalul Dr.Leonard Horowitz un produs de al dansului],ceea ce mi-a facut foarte bine in privinta sanatatii[practic am scapat din multele probleme de sanatate],dar totusi simteam ca trebuie sa existe un aparat,un dispozitiv care sa faca asa ceva.Tot cautand am gasit pe canalul d-nei Tinfoilhatlady[eram subscris la dansa,dar ma uitam fugar si nu am bagat de seama] acest clip cu informatiile necesare asupra dispozitivului.Am comandat dispozitivul,iar de cand mi-a venit comanda,pot spune ca nu m-am inselat in privinta lui.Isi merita fiecare banut[este totusi o suma mare pt Romania,aproximativ 15 milione lei vechi cu tot cu plata drumului+ distilatorul necesar].Acum pot spune ca EU imi controlez sanatatea,nu altcineva.Este important de stiut ca tu singur poti sa mentii controlul asupra a tot ce tine de tine.Ce va pot spune?Comandati acest produs si va ve-ti convinge.Uitati aici link-ul aferent[puteti comanda aici cu cuponul de reducere de 10%

CA51749 al d-nei Tinfoilhatlady.Dca ve-ti comanda de aici cheltuiti maxim 10 mil. lei vechi cu tot cu drum,parerea mea.Totusi,vine doar silver pulser-ul simplu,fara distilator] http://www.sotainstruments.com/default.aspx?page=15&rtd=CA51749 Eu l-am comandat de aici[aici gasiti si distilatorul necesar pt a face argint coloidal.P.S comandati versiunea europeana] http://www.elixa.com/silver/CSG5.htm

Frecventele muzicale originale


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8 posts • Page 1 of 1

Frecventele muzicale originale

by georges » Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:28 pm

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oSePXRb ... re=related

Frecventele muzicale originale pt. fiecare nota sunt:

1. Ut (Do) = 396 = 9 (Elibereaza frica si vina)

2. Re = 417 = 3 (Dezleaga situatii si aduce schimbari in bine)

3. Mi = 528 = 6 (Transforma si aduce miracole,Repara ADN-ul)

4. Fa = 639 = 9 (Ajuta in relatiile dintre oameni)

5. Sol = 741 = 3 (Trezeste,amplifica intuitia)

6. La = 852 = 6 (Restaureaza ordinea spirituala)

De observat insiruirea numerelor “magice”3,6,9 numere pe care

intreaga munca a d-lui Nicola Tesla se bazeaza.

Aceste numere se bazeaza pe matematica "pierduta” al lui

Pitagora, care spunea ca exista doar 9 cifre in univers. 1

inceputul - 9 finalul. 10 este doar 1 si 0 care tine locul

decimal. Deci ar veni 10=1+0=1, 11=1+1=2 etc. . Mai multe

informatii gasiti si in munca lui Marko Rodin. (Leonard Horowitz - Healing Codes)

Ideea de baza este ca notele muzicale de azi sunt un pic

diferite nu sunt in armonie. Azi muzica pe care o auzim e

bazata pe frecventa A440 Hz, schimbata in jurul anilor 1917 de la 417Hz.

Frecventele originale au fiecare un corespondent in

culori/centre energetice din organism. Prin intonarea unor

cantece bazate pe aceste frecvente( in trecut psalmurile,

imnurile, rugaciunile) spiritul omului se apropie mai mult de


Frecventa A440Hz stimuleaza mintea, intelectul (degradeaza,

creeaza anxietate) si rupe legatura cu inima/intuitia/

spiritul care rezoneaza la o frecventa de 528hz. Incercati

muzica clasica a lui Beethoven,Haydn, Mozart si veti fi surprinsi cat de relaxanta si revigoranta este.

In prezent toata cunoasterea acestor frecvente este folosita

impotriva noastra, pentru a ne face mai docili, robotici, rupti de spiritual.

Atat muzica (frecvente), cat si alfabetul nostru este exact

inversul alfabetelor sacre ( ebraica, sanscrita) dupa cum

rezulta din unele calcule simple bazate pe coduri alfanumerice.

Sunetele - lb vorbita - daca este in forma ei sacra, data de

Dumnezeu, gen ebraica, are putere creatoare. Inversata, distruge.




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Re: Frecventele muzicale originale

by georges » Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:19 pm

Textul latin care a dat denumirea notelor - imnul sf. Ioan Botezatorul, scris de Paolo Diacono.

Guido d' Arezzo a dat nume notelor muzicale pe baza imnului gregorian folosind prima silabă a fiecărui rând:

Utqueant laxis

Resonare fibris

Mira gestorum

Famuli tuorum

Solve Polluti

Labii reatum

Sancte Iohannes

Traducere aproximativa

Astfel incat slujitorii tai

Sa cante cu voci inalte

Minunea creatiei tale

Si sa fie iertati de vina

buzelor pacatoase

Sfinte Ioane




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Re: Frecventele muzicale originale

by georges » Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:34 pm

According to Dr. Horowitz’s latest of sixteen books, Da Vinci’s most famous drawing, “The Vitruvian Man,” is a cryptograph providing “Divine direction” for advancing technologies crucial for civilization’s evolution.

The actual code that sparked Da Vinci’s creative genius, not mentioned in The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown or film by Ron Howard, is a set of mathematical-musical notes, numbers, and symbols that heralds civilization's capacity for Divine-human communion.

The real secreted code also directs the development of new technologies that can accomplish most amazing and desirable outcomes in the arts and sciences for humanity's physical salvation and spiritual evolution.

LOVE The Real Da Vinci Code provides unprecedented insight into Da Vinci’s reversed-writings, notebook encryptions, and famous Vitruvian drawing that has become the icon for natural living and holistic healing movements.

The “Christian controversy” raging over The Da Vinci Code is proven by these new

findings, according to Dr. Horowitz, to be “a superficial distraction from the emancipating truths Da Vinci encrypted for humanity’s protection and spiritual evolution.”

https://www.healthyworlddistributing.co ... t&catId=10




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Re: Frecventele muzicale originale

by georges » Fri Dec 17, 2010 2:38 pm

A passage from Roman architect Vitruvius (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio), describing the perfect human form in geometrical terms, was the source of inspiration for numerous renaissance artists. Only one of these, the incomparable Leonardo da Vinci, was successful in correctly illustrating the proportions outlined in Vitruvius' work De Architectura, and the result went on to become the most recognized drawings in the world, and came to represent the standard of human physical beauty. It was the version produced by Leonardo da Vinci, whose vast knowledge of both anatomy and geometry made him uniquely suited to the task. De Architectura established a system of ratios for the construction of 'perfect' buildings that exhibited Vitruvius' three necessary principles of durability, usefulness, and beauty. Vitruvius' s system proved a durable one, helping to spark a renewal of architectural interest in the renaissance. As Vitruvius believed that good architecture was in essence a continuation of the laws of nature, he demonstrated that his system applied to the formation of natural structures, including man.

Vitruvius, De Architectura: THE PLANNING OF TEMPLES, Book 3, Chapter I

1. The planning of temples depends upon symmetry: and the method of this architects must diligently apprehend. It arises from proportion (which in Greek is called analogia). Proportion consists in taking a fixed module, in each case, both for the parts of a building and for the whole, by which the method of symmetry is put to practice. For without symmetry and proportion no temple can have a regular plan; that is, it must have an exact proportion worked out after the fashion of the members of a finely-shaped human body.

2. For Nature has so planned the human body that the face from the chin to the top of the forehead and the roots of the hair is a tenth part; also the palm of the hand from the wrist to the top of the middle finger is as

much; the head from the chin to the crown, an eighth part; from the top of the breast with the bottom of the neck to the roots of the hair, a sixth part; from the middle of the breast to the crown, a fourth part; a third part of the height of the face is from the bottom of the chin to the bottom of the nostrils; the nose from the bottom of the nostrils to the line between the brows, as much; from that line to the roots of the hair, the forehead is given as the third part. The foot is a sixth of the height of the body; the cubit a quarter, the breast also a quarter. The other limbs also have their own proportionate measurements. And by using these, ancient painters and famous sculptors have attained great and unbounded distinction.

3. In like fashion the members of temples ought to have dimensions of their several parts answering suitably to the general sum of their whole magnitude. Now the navel is naturally the exact centre of the body. For if a man lies on his back with hands and feet outspread, and the centre of a circle is

placed on his navel, his figure and toes will be touched by the circumference. Also a square will be found described within the figure, in the same way as a round figure is produced. For if we measure from the sole of the foot to the top of the head, and apply the measure to the outstretched hands, the breadth will be found equal to the height, just like sites which are squared by rule.

4. Therefore if Nature has planned the human body so that the members correspond in their proportions to its complete configuration, the ancients seem to have had reason in determining that in the execution of their works they should observe an exact adjustment of the several members to the general pattern of the plan. Therefore, since in all their works they handed down orders, they did so especially in building temples, the excellences and the faults of which usually endure for ages.

Neither Leonardo nor Vitruvius make no mention of the Phallus as the center of the

square, but it plays an important role in Leonardo's success. The side of the square is 4 cubits or 24 palms as can also be measured on the ruler beneath the square, and deduced from the Vitruvius' text. The diagonal of such a square comes close to 34 palms (33.94... exactly). If we rotate the square around Phallos for 45 degrees we get the upper point of the circle, and from this we can calculate the diameter of the circle as 29 palms (the difference between the square and the circle is 5 palms).

The two squares, the drawn and the projection square, form an octagram Pell's series are the progressions that approximate the geometry of proportions originating from the octagram The first of Pell's series is:

1 - 2 - 5 - 12 - 29 - 70 - 169 ...

Both main numbers 24 (2x12) and 29 are members of this series. Leonardo used this progression to rationalise irrational geometry

of square root of 2 that rules the geometry of the octagram. As a proof, all other numbers are derived as a combination of the members of the series. The distance between the two centers, the navel and Phallos, is according to rationalized geometry 2,5 palms, and it seems that the position of palms touching the square in Thau formation of the figure equals 9,5 palms, again the measure derived from rational approximation of the geometry of the octagram by means of Pell series. Also the diagonal of the square is calculated from the series as 2x(5+12) = 34 palms.

The composition founded in octagram is one of the most spread cannons of proportions in ancient and classical architecture clearly presented by enormous opus of research done by Prof. Tine Kurent of Ljubljana School of Architecture, Slovenia. Almost every important christian church has dome placed on an octagram, and gematric value of Greek spelling for Jesus, ΙΗΣΟΥΣ = 888 associates the number 8 (octagram) with Jesus Christ.

Is it really so simple?

According to the proposed rationalization of Vitruvian Man is the geometrical construction also very simple. The composition is based on a square, which is duplicated and rotated for 45º to form an octagram. The distance between the base line of the first square and the apex of the rotated one simply represents the diameter of the circle.

Even Vitruvius mentions the value of the octagon, though in a bit obfuscating manner, while describing the winds:

Some have held that there are four winds: the Solanus from the equinoctial east, the Auster from the south, Favonius from the equinoctial west, and Septentrio from the north. But those who have inquired more diligently lay down that there are eight: especially indeed Andronicus of Cyrrha, who also, for an example, built at Athens an octagonal marble tower, and, on the several

sides of the octagon, had representations of the winds carved opposite their several currents. - Book I. c. VI: 4

Further on he describes that even the town-planning has to be done according to the octagonal scheme of the winds. It seems that Leonardo incorporated, in multiple layers, the whole cannon suggested by Vitruvius. It is a strange coincidence that the area of a square with a side of 24 palms is 576 square palms, which is gematric equivalent of Greek word for the wind meaning also Spirit, ΠΝΕΥΜΑ = 576.

The calculated area of the circle is 660 square palms, and the difference between the circle and the square is 660-576 = 84, which is invoking the gematric value of the master himself:

LEONARDO = 12+5+15+14+1+18+4+15 = 84.

The 'fundamental' measure of 24 palms comes directly from Vitruvius' definition of human height being 4 cubits or 24 palms. Number 4 is of great importance in the composition of the drawing, emphasized with a square. Number 24 is important because it is 1x2x3x4 = 24, comprising the multiplied members of the Tetraktys. Vitruvius postulates the smallest module the division of 10 which also resembles the Tetraktys along with the previously mentioned diagonal of the square, 34 palms long: (1x2x3x4)+(1+2+3+4) = 34 - the Tetraktys numbers multiplied and added up. Half way between 24 and 34 is the diameter of the circle, 29 palms: (24+34)/2 = 29.

The predominating module of the composition of human body is eight and many lines on the drawing coincide with the lines of the modular plain. The figure in the form of the letter Thau embraces 22 squares of the composition, whereas on each half remains 21 or 3x7 squares. 22 and 7 are connected through the rational approximation of π = 22/7.

Number 22 also invokes the total number of Hebrew alefbeth, and numbers 3, 7, and 12 are the numbers of divisions of Hebrew alefbeth into three groups of letters as described in Sepher Yetzirah - The Book of Formation, a fundamental kabbalistic treatise on the nature of letters and words, suspected to originate from 13th century but it could be a lot older. The 32 Paths of Wisdom described in Sepher Yetzirah comprise 10 Sephiroth and 22 Letters. 32 Paths are written in the circumference of the modular square 8x4 = 32. The figure is positioned in the shape of T(hau), the 22nd, last letter of alefbeth. The Tetraktys and the kabbalistic Tree of Life are comparable glyphs, both comprising the ten spheres.

Vitruvius is reporting that the navel is the exact center of the human body. The circle on Leonardo's drawing has it's center in the navel, but if the figure is 'squared' the center becomes the phallos which is, concerning this drawing from the compositional point of

view, more important, since it is the center of the underlying geometry that outlines the basic features of the figure.

The most fundamental composition consists of a circle, a square, and a triangle, a sigillum known to magicians and alchemist, sometimes called the Universal Seal of Light or the Seal of Hermes. The compositional triangle on this drawing is concealed, even though that it outlines important segments. It is drawn in the circle within the square and it coincides with the progression of squares as depicted on the illustration.

The main proportional lines come from the progression of squares, every second square is half the size of the original, and the measures thus obtained are the same as described by Vitruvius.

Distinguished is also the triangle with the size of a square and apex in the navel.

It seems that the drawing, or better the original design as explained by Vitruvius, contains many layers of geometry and symbolism that concord in one single image delineating the proportions of the human body. This idea of 'reason' governing 'form' was the fundamental theme of the Renaissance and is traceable in best architecture and art in general. It would not be odd if Leonardo had a close contact with scholars that spread the source of the Renaissance thought which didn't distinguish between art, science, and magick in terms of conflicting or opposing discourses as is the case today.

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Re: Frecventele muzicale originale

by georges » Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:05 pm


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Location: Bucuresti


Re: Frecventele muzicale originale

by georges » Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:08 pm





Posts: 249

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Location: Bucuresti


Re: Frecventele muzicale originale

by Mihai_Mihail » Thu May 05, 2011 11:15 pm

3D fara ochelari!



Posts: 136

Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:29 am


Re: Frecventele muzicale originale

by dorje » Sat May 07, 2011 4:22 am

Mihai_Mihail wrote:

3D fara ochelari!





Posts: 60

Joined: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:10 pm


Sunetul şi muzica sunt constituite din vibraţii, cu cat mai multe vibratii pe secunda, cu atat mai mare e “inaltimea-ridicarea’. Unitatea pentru aceasta este Hertz, notat Hz.

432 Hz este “muzica” naturala în univers, spre deosebire de 440 Hz, care este opusul si pe care il gasim în muzica dîn zilele noastre, de exemplu, albume de muzică si fişierele mp3

Vibratia, sunetele, sunt forma de organizare a Universului nostru. Stiinta numita Cymatics, arata ca la trecerea sunetelor printr-un mediu (aer, lichide, pulbere solida, etc) provoaca asupra acelui mediu efecte in structurarea acestuia.


Imaginati-va ca o persoana incredibil de puternica si bogata, care in mod secret prospera de pe urma conflictelor, razboaielor, bolilor, afla ca anumite sunete (acele frecvente sonore care se divid la 2) creaza opozitia, discordia, conflictul, in timp ce sunetele ale caror vibratii se divid la 3, (care significa echilibru, reconciliere, politete, armonie..) produc simetrie, armonie vizuala, structuri placute ochiului. Acum imaginati-va ca acea persoana poate sa impuna tonul standard al tuturor instrumentelor muzicale din lumea Westica! Imaginati-va ca astfel el va structura intreaga creatie muzicala bazata pe game care induc stari de dezacord, conflict! Pare de domeniul fantastic numai ca… in Septembrie 1939 a iesit la suprafata ca exact asta a facut Rockefeller, (Illuminati) cand manat de interese financiare, a dictat ca vibratia standard pentru sunetul La (A) de deasupra lui Do (C) mijlociu, este “fix ” 440Hz! Aceasta vibratie nefireasca, desprinsa de tonurile si sunetele sacre, a dus la stare de razboi in subconstientul omului european! Diapazonul de acordare a instrumentelor muzicale, a fost fixat sa vibreze la 440Hz — vibratie para! — si in consecinta toate

celelalte note au fost afectate similar! In ciuda aparentei de “muzica dulce”, o orchestra simfonica poate deveni cand toate instrumentele sunt acordate in baza “La “- 440Hz , o arma de control mental/emotional in masa, indiferent de piesa muzicala pe care o canta! Aceste vibratii influenteaza gandurile spre dizarmonie si conflict. In ultima instanta, este controlat creerul, care conduce la starea de razboi! Intr-o lucrare intitulata “Musical Cult Control ” , Dr. Leonard Horowitz spune ca asemenea frecvente muzicale, pot conduce masele la agresiune, violenta, miscari sociale si in plan fizic la… boala! Culmea e ca in acelasi timp, agentii acestei conspiratii recomanda “terapii” bazate pe chimicale, tranchilizanti si alte medicamente, pentru afectiuni pe care tot ei le-au provocat! Vibratiile au impact asupra noastra prin mediul cel mai raspandit de propagare: apa. Suntem 70% apa, iar vibratiile se transmit celulelor din corp, care la randul lor comunica intre ele starea de sanatate sau boala a organismului. Lumina si sunetul, stau la baza comunicarii intercelulare.

Astfel s-a procedat incepand cu 1910, cand fundatia Rockeffeler, a facut o donatie catre American Federation of Musicians, pentru a adopta standardizarea sunetului La-440Hz, fiind apoi adoptata si generalizata in toata cultura West europeana! Dr. Leonard Horowitz concluzioneaza: “Muzica afecteaza bioenergetic chimia corpului, metabolismul, psihicul, starea de imunitate,. Astfel corpul e indus sa vibreze catre o stare de conflict si dizarmonie, in loc de armonie si iubire.”

VEZI SI http://railnet.ro/viewtopic.php?p=17112

ASTA URMEAZA http://www.google.ro/search?as_q=Leonard+Horowitz&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&lr=lang_ro&cr=&as_qdr=all&as_sitesearch=&as_occt=any&safe=images&tbs=lr%3Alang_1ro&as_filetype=&as_rights=#q=Leonard+Horowitz&hl=ro&lr=lang_ro&as_qdr=all&tbs=lr:lang_1ro&prmd=imvnso&ei=b2lBT4WROY_P4QTP98mLCA&start=30&sa=N&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=1245653597048b64&biw=1360&bih=570