Fez Marrakesh2

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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from fez to marrakesh. The Kingdom of Morocco is a country located in North Africa which is less formally known as simply Morocco. It has a population of nearly 33 million and an area of 710,850 km², and also primarily administrates the disputed region of the Western Sahara. The history of the country's known human civilization spans over 8000 years, and it was founded by the Berbers who are the original inhabitants.Morocco has a rich indigenous culture and civilization, and its cuisine has long been considered to be one of the most diverse in the world. The population is probably 40% to 55% Berber , partly mixed with ethnic Arabs. Although Arabic is the official language, modern studies show that the Arabization process in Morocco was mostly linguistic. The imperial cities of Morocco are old capitals of one or more dynasties, e.g. Fès, which was the capital of Morocco several times, Marrakech that was the capital of the Saadiens, after being that of the Almohades and of the Almoravides, Meknès capital of Alaouites. Rabat is the current capital of Alaouites.

Transcript of Fez Marrakesh2

Zidurile oraşului Marrakesh

Bougainvileea şi Jacaranda


710.850 km²

30.000.000 locuitori

CapitalaCapitala: Rabat

Cel mai înalt vârf din Marele Atlas, Toubkal, are 4165 m

45% din suprafaţa ţării este deşert

Limba oficialăLimba oficială: limba arabă, dar se vorbeşte foarte mult şi franceza

Ora localăOra locală: GMT

MonedaMoneda: dirham (1€~10,85 dh) Se folosesc bancnote tipărite în mai multe feluri şi de dimensiuni diferite.

ReligieReligie: islamică Arabii au ocupat Marocul la începutul secolului VIII, impunând triburilor berbere islamul Populaţia, islamizată, cuprinde arabofoni în câmpie şi berberi, uneori încă nomazi, în zonele muntoase.

ParlamentParlament unicameral


Daniela Iacob

Mariana Mureşan

Gabriela Cristescu


Sanda Foişoreanu

♦ Muzică marocană