Curs Engleza

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Curs Engleza

Învaţă şi foloseşte corectlimba engleză23CuprinsPrefaţă . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4PARTEA I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6MORFOLOGIA – VERBUL - TIMPUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6VERB - PRESENT TENSE SIMPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6VERB - PAST TENSE SIMPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9VERB - FUTURE TENSE SIMPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11VERB – PRESENT PERFECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13VERB – PAST PERFECT SIMPLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16PARTEA I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18MORFOLOGIA – VERBUL - ASPECTUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18VERB - PRESENT TENSE CONTINUOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

VERB - PAST TENSE CONTINUOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19VERB- FUTURE CONTINUOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21VERB – PRESENT PERFECT COTINUOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22VERB – PAST PERFECT COTINUOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24VERB - FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25PERSOANA ŞI NUMĂRUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29ARTICOLUL ŞI ALŢI DETERMINANŢI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45COMPLEMENTELE CIRCUMSTANŢIALE DE LOC, TIMP, MOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67TEST FINAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70Cheia exerciţiilor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76TIMPURILE LIMBII ENGLEZE - fişă exemplu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91Verbul TO WORK -model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93Bibliografie: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 944

PrefaţăGramatica de faţă îşi propune să ofere mai mult decât un simplu set de reguli gramaticaleale limbii engleze, iar prin metoda originală de prezentare să ajute în crearea unui sentiment desiguranţă în ceea ce priveşte corectitudinea gramaticală în exprimare.Numai în acest fel adulţii pot scăpa de un sentiment de inhibiţie cu

care au rămas, probabildin şcoală.Realitatea, situaţiile reale de exprimare de la care se porneşte conferă originalitate. Secontinuă cu exemple, modele şi explicaţii gramaticale menite să conducă la stăpânirea unuiaspect gramatical al limbii engleze.

Atenţie! Nimic nu se pierde!Fiecare aspect gramatical este însoţit de cel puţin un exerciţiu astfel încât punerea înpractică să conducă la o finalitate pe termen lung a stăpânirii acelui aspect gramatical. Cel carestudiază are de asemenea cheia exerciţiului la sfârşit.

Multitudinea de exerciţii comparative variate sunt menite să sprijine înţelegereaelementelor teoretice prin aplicaţii practice.Citind această lucrare, veţi fi confruntat cu probleme de gramatică şi de vocabular, veţidescoperi în ce măsură puteţi formula idei, vă puteţi exprima corect şi coerent în limba engleză şiveţi afla care sunt aspectele care vă creează dificultăţi. Modelul vă va însoţi la tot pasul. Lasfârşitul cărţii aveţi un model de verb conjugat la timpurile modului indicativ. De asemenea aveţişi o fişă cu regulile de formare a timpurilor, la afirmativ, negativ şi interogativ.

Autenticitatea exerciţiilor propuse oferă o structurare a cunoştinţelor în seturi grupate peprobleme gramaticale. Scurte prezentări teoretice şi o serie de exemple însoţesc aceste seturi deexerciţii. Acestea vin să ilustreze tiparele structurale de bază ale limbii engleze.Deoarece va trebui să folosiţi din când în când dicţionarul, veţi avea ocazia să văîmbogăţiti substanţial cunoştinţele de vocabular.

Timpul pe care sunteţi dispus să îl alocaţi este bine distribuit pe probleme gramaticale.Nu vă ia mai mult de 10 minute să parcurgeţi un aspect gramatical.

Intuiţia dumneavostră va funcţiona foarte bine în stăpânirea corectă a gramaticii.

Conştiinciozitatea vă va fi răsplătită printr-un rezultat excelent la testul final propus lasfârşitul cărţii care oferă 150 întrebări asupra cunoştinţelor de gramatică şi de vocabular.

Rezolvarea testului vă va da cu siguranţă o imagine satisfăcătoare asupra stadiului la care aţiajuns în însuşirea limbii engleze.

Atingerea obiectivului dumneavoastră este scopul principal al acestei cărţi care vă pune ladispoziţie într-o formă concisă şi accesibilă, informaţiile necesare pentru a putea folosi limbaengleză corect din punct de vedere gramatical şi pentru a asigura acurateţea şi nuanţarea atât denecesare în comunicare prin intermediul oricărei limbi.5

INTRODUCEREMă numesc Gramatica limbii engleze şi scopul meu principal este să vă informez asupraregulilor referitoare la forma cuvintelor. Am două fiice: Morfologia şi Sintaxa. O să faceţicunoştinţă mai ales cu prima dintre ele.Ea este deosebit de importantă deoarece primul lucru care se învaţă în gramatica unei limbistrăine este cum se formează categoriile gramaticale de bază: timpurile verbului, pluralulsubstantivelor, comparaţia adjectivelor, pronumele, numeralul, etc.Morfologia cuprinde regulile privitoare la forma cuvintelor şi la modificările formale alecuvintelor studiate pe părţi de vorbire; sintaxa cuprinde regulile privitoare la îmbinareacuvintelor în propoziţii şi fraze.6

PARTEA IMORFOLOGIA – VERBUL - TIMPULVERB - PRESENT TENSE SIMPLEVERBUL – TIMPUL PREZENT SIMPLUCITIŢI TEXTUL DE MAI JOS :READ THE TEXT :I live with my husband and my children at the countryside. I am a doctor. I usually go to work inthe morning. I have many friends in the village. My friend, Louise, she is a teacher. She goes toschool in the afternoon, every day of the week: on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, onThursday and on Friday. She does not go to school in the week end. She teaches English. Myfather, my mother, my brother and my sister live here, too. They are farmers. I like/enjoy living

in nature.Haideţi să observăm câteva din cuvintele din text, apoi vom analiza verbele.Let’s have a look at some words from the text, then we will see the verbs.a. Pronumele: (Pronouns)Cuvintele: I, she, they sunt pronume personale.Iată pronumele personale ale limbii engleze:I – euYou – tuHe – elShe – eaIt – el/ea (pentru obiecte, animale)We – noiYou – voiThey – ei, eleb. Zilele săptămânii (Days of the week):Monday - LuniTuesday - Mar ţiWednesday - MiercuriThursday - JoiFriday - VineriSaturday - SâmbătăSunday – Duminică7c. Momente ale zilei (Moments of the day)- In the morning – dimineaţa- In the afternoon – după-amiaza- In the evening – searad. Membrii familiei (Family members)father /dad / daddy – tatămother / mum / mummy / mom - mamăparent / parents – părinte, părinţichild / children – copil, copiison - fiudaughter- fiicăbrother - fratesister - sorăgrandfather / granddad / grandpa - bunicgrandmother / grandma / granny - bunicăgrandson - nepotgranddaughter - nepoatăuncle- unchiaunt - mătuşăcousin – verişor, verişoarănephew - nepot

niece - nepoatăe. Verbele la Prezent Simplu (Verbs at Present Tense Simple) :I live, I am , I go, I have, she is, She goes, She does not go, She teaches, They live, They are, IlikeI live with my husband and my children at the countryside.Locuiesc cu soţul şi copiii mei la ţară.I am a doctor.- Sunt doctor.I usually go to work in the morning. - Eu merg de obicei la lucru dimineaţa.I have many friends in the village. - Am mulţi prieteni în sat.My friend, Louise, she is a teacher. - Prietena mea, Louise, este profesor.She goes to school in the afternoon, every day of the week: on Monday, on Tuesday, onWednesday, on Thursday and on Friday.- Ea merge la şcoală după-amiaza, în fiecare zi asăptămânii: luni, marţi, miercuri, joi şi vineri.She does not go to school in the week end. - Ea nu merge la şcoală în week-end.She teaches English. - Ea predă limba engleză.My father, my mother, my brother and my sister live here, too.-Tatăl meu, mama mea, fratelemeu şi sora mea locuiesc aici, de asemenea.They are farmers. - Ei sunt fermieri (agricultori).I like/enjoy living in nature. - Îmi place să trăiesc în natură.Verbele accentuate sunt la Present Tense Simple.Folosim acest timp verbal pentru a exprima:♥ O acţiune generală, repetabilă: - exemplu: I read daily. – Citesc zilnic.♥Adevăruri general valabile: The Earth spins round. – Pământul se învârte.8♥ O acţiune regulată, obişnuită, în perioada prezentă.What do you do? (Cu ce te ocupi?) I am a student. –Sunt elev.What time do you usually have breakfast? - La ce oră iei de obicei micul dejun?♥ Acţiuni viitoare planificate în prezent ca urmare a unui program oficial.The plane takes off at 7:35.- Avionul decolează/va decola la ora 7:35.Conjugarea unui verb la Present Tense Simple:To work = a lucra, a munciAfirmativI workYou workHe/she/it worksWe work

You workThey workNegativI do not (don’t) workYou do not (don’t) workHe/she/it does not (doesn’t) workWe do not (don’t) workYou do not (don’t) workThey do not (don’t) workInterogativDo I work?Do you work?Does he/she/it work?Do we work?Do you work?Do they work?Cu Present Simple Tense folosim adverbe cum ar fi: always, often, sometimes, usually, seldom,on Saturdays, rarely, never, every day, etc.Examples:1. Philip gets up at 6 o'clock every morning.(în fiecare dimineaţă)2. I go to school every day. (în fiecare zi)3. She sometimes goes out on Friday night (vineri noaptea).4. I usually sleep late on Sunday morning.(de obicei)5. Peter works for 8 hours every day. (în fiecare zi)6. My children often watch TV in the afternoon. (adesea, des)7. He always forgets his keys. (întotdeauna)Exerciţii – PracticeSituation: My friend and I don’t do things in the same way:Example:Affirmativeget up early/lateI get up early, but my friend gets up late9Interrogativeget up early/lateDo you get up early? Does he get up late?Negativeget up early/lateI don’t get up early. My friend doesn’t get uplate1. leave home at 12 o’clock/1 o’clock2. go to work by car/by train3. speak English well/badly4. get home at six/seven5. have two kids/three

ACUM LUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!VERB - PAST TENSE SIMPLETIMPUL TRECUT SIMPLUCITIŢI TEXTUL DE MAI JOS :READ THE TEXT :Last year I lived with my husband and my children at the countryside. I was a doctor. I used togo to work in the morning. I had many friends in the village. My friend, Louise, she was a goodteacher in the village. She went to school in the afternoon every week day. She did not go toschool in the week end. She taught English. My father, my mother, my brother and my sisterlived here, too. They were farmers. I liked /enjoyed living in nature.Verbele accentuate sunt la timpul trecut simplu:I lived - am locuitI was – eram/am fostI used to go – obişnuiam să mă duc/mă duceamI had – am avutShe was – a fostShe went – se ducea/mergeaShe did not go – ea nu mergeaShe taught - a predatThey lived - au locuitThey were - au fost/erauI liked – mi-a plăcut♥ Verbele la Past Tense Simple arată o acţiune trecută, terminată, efectuată într-o perioadă detimp trecută, terminată. Este timpul naraţiunii.Se traduce, de obicei, cu perfectul compus din limba română.Ex. Yesterday I went for a walk. - Ieri am mers la plimbare.Last year I traveled to England. Anul trecut am călătorit în Anglia.10To work (a lucra, a munci) la Past Tense SimpleAfirmativI/you/he/she/it/we/they workedNegativI/you/he/she/it/we/they did not workInterogativDid I/you/he/she/it/we/they work?Forma prescurtată a lui did not este didn’t (I didn’t work).Verbele limbii engleze pot fi regulate sau neregulate.Past Tense Simple se formează prin adăugarea terminaţiei – ed în cazul verbelor regulate.Ex. to work – worked

Dacă verbul este neregulat, Past Tense trebuie învăţat din tabelul de verbe neregulate careindică cele trei forme de baza ale verbului: forma I – infinitiv, forma II- Paste Tense, forma III –participiul trecut.Ex. to speak – spoke – spokenIată o listă cu formele de Past Tense pentru verbe regulate şi neregulate:Verbe regulate:I, you, he, she, it,we, you, they+ verb +-edAtenţie le pronunţie! Pay attention to the pronounciation!{t}a) wash – washed – washed (a se spăla)cook – cooked – cooked (a găti){d}b) play – played – played (a se juca)listen – listened – listened (a asculta){id}b) need – needed – needed (a avea nevoie)skate – skated - skated (a patina)Verbe neregulate:a){e} {e}meet met met (a întâlni)leave left left (a pleca)say said said (a spune)read read read (a citi)send sent sent (a trimite)spend spent spent (a petrece)b){æ} { æ }have had had (a avea)sit sat sat (a sta jos)11c){ ә }write wrote written (a scrie)speak spoke spoken (a vorbi)break broke broken (a sparge)d){æ} {۸}run ran run (a alerga)begin began begun (a începe)drink drank drunk (a bea)

sing sang sung (a cânta)swim swam swum (a înota)e){i:n}be was/were been (a fi)see saw seen (a vedea)f)do did done (a face)go went gone (a merge)eat ate eaten (a mânca)forget forgot forgotten(a uita)g)get got got (a obţine, a primi)get up got up got up (a se trezi)find found found (a găsi)h){ei}make made made (a face)lay laid laid (a pune)come came come (a veni)give gave given (a da)Examples:Last year I bought a car and went to Boston. I spent my holiday there.Cele mai folosite adverbe pentru Past Tense Simple sunt:yesterday, last (month, year,) ago, (two days ago, 2 months ago, two years ago), on...., in....(onMonday, in 1987 )Examples:I saw a movie yesterday. – Am văzut un film ieri.I didn't see the play last year. – Nu am văzut piesa anul trecut.I traveled to Japan two years ago. Am călătorit în Japonia acum doi ani.He went on holiday in August. A mers în vacanţă în august.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Situation: Daniel went on holiday in July (last month).Tell how he spent his holiday (Use Past Tense Simple).Example:Daniel (go) on holiday in July.Daniel went on holiday in July.1. He (spend) three days in the Danube Delta last month.2. Daniel (get up) early in the morning and (do) morning exercises.123. Then he (wash) and (eat/have) breakfast with his parents.4. After that he (go fishing) with his friends Irina and Larry.5. He (swim) in the Danube in the evening.6. The weather (be) fine all the time.

7. Daniel (make) a lot of friends there.8. He (come back) home in September to go to school.Put the sentences into the negative and interrogative forms.Examples:Negative form:Daniel (go) on holiday in July.Daniel did not go on holiday in July.Interrogative form:Daniel (go) on holiday in July.Did Daniel go on holiday in July?VERB - FUTURE TENSE SIMPLEVERBUL – TIMPUL VIITOR SIMPLUCITIŢI TEXTUL DE MAI JOS:READ THE TEXT:Next year I will live with my husband and my children at the countryside. I will be a doctor. Iwill go to work in the morning. I will have many friends in the village. My friend, Louise, shewill be a teacher in the village. She will go to school in the afternoon every week day. She willnot go to school in the week end. She will teach English. My father, my mother, my brother andmy sister will live there, too. They will be farmers. I will enjoy living in nature.Verbele accentuate sunt la timpul viitor simplu:I will live – eu voi locuiI will be – eu voi fiI will go – eu voi mergeI will have – eu voi aveaShe will be – ea va fiShe will go – ea va mergeShe will not go – ea nu va mergeShe will teach – ea va predaThey will live – ei vor locuiThey will be – ei vor fiI will enjoy - îmi va face plăcere13♥ Future Tense Simple (Viitorul simplu) exprimă un eveniment, o acţiune care are loc într-unmoment viitor, apropiat de momentul vorbirii.Example:I will visit him tomorrow. - O să-l vizitez mâine. (Îl voi vizita mâine.)We shall overcome. - Vom învinge.În engleza modernă forma shall este foarte puţin utilizată.Cea mai des folosită în Engleza vorbită şi scrisă este forma prescurtată

'll.I'll go to the seaside next week. - Săptămâna viitoare voi pleca la mare.You'll spend the holiday in the mountains. - Voi veţi petrece vacanţa la munte.Forma negativă se formează cu will not sau forma won't în faţa verbului principal la prezent.I will not (won't) drink wine. - Nu voi bea vin.She will not (won't) play football. - Ea nu va juca fotbal.Forma interogativă se formează prin inversiunea dintre auxiliarul will şi subiect.Will you work here? - Vei lucra aici?Will she sing beautifully? - Va cânta ea frumos?To work ( a lucra, a munci) la Future Tense Simple:AfirmativI/you/he/she/it/we/they will workNegativI/you/he/she/it/we/they will not workInterogativWill I/you/he/she/it/we/they work?Adverbele cele mai utilizate pentru a exprima o acţiune viitoare cu Future Tense Simple sunt:tomorrow, next (month, year)I'll finish this report tomorrow. - Voi termina acest raport mâine.Will he come next week? - Va veni el săptămâna viitoare?Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Situation 1: Grandpa does not hear very well what Daniel is saying. Complete his questions andDaniel’s answers.Example:Daniel: I’ll go to the Physics lab tomorrow.Grandpa: Where will you go tomorow?Daniel: To the Physics lab grandpa!Daniel: Grandpa:1. I’ll work in the lab tomorrow. Where.........?2. I’ll do an interesting experiment tomorrow. What.........?3. I’ll obtain hydrogen in the Chemistry lesson. What .........?144. I’ll learn interesting things next week. When .........?5. I’ll study hydrogen next week. What .........?6. I’ll ask the teacher a lot of questions. Who .........?Situation 2. Daniel contradicts everything Irina says about her friend Larry.Example:Irina: Larry will go fishing tomorrowDaniel: Larry won’t go fishing tomrrow.

1. Larry will read his lesson later.2. Larry will go to the cinema next Sunday.3. He’ll go shopping tomorrow morning.4. He’ll help you tomorrow evening.5. He’ll have an experiment in the chemistry lab next week.6. He’ll wash the car on Sunday morning.7. He’ll buy a new car next year.8. He’ll take a new project next month.VERB – PRESENT PERFECTCITIŢI TEXTUL DE MAI JOS :READ THE TEXT:I have lived with my husband and my children at the countryside for a long time. I have been adoctor. I have gone to work in the morning. I have had many friends in the village. My friend,Louise, she has been a teacher in the village. She has gone to school in the afternoon everyweek day. She has not gone/hasn’t gone to school in the week end. She has taught English. Myfather, my mother, my brother and my sister have lived there, too. They have been farmers. Ihave enjoyed living in nature.Verbele accentuate sunt la timpul Present Perfect:I have lived – eu am locuitI have been – eu am fostI have gone – eu am mersI have had – eu am avutShe has been – ea a fostShe has gone – ea a mersShe has not gone/hasn’t gone – ea nu a mersShe has taught – ea a predatThey have lived – ei au locuitThey have been – ei au fostI have enjoyed – mi-a plăcut♥ Ŕ& dŔ& ř1,Present Perfect - exprimă o stare care a început în trecut şi care încă se continuă.We’ve been friends for a long time. - Suntem prieteni de mult timp.15♥ - exprimă o stare terminată în trecut, pentru care momentul când a avut loc nu prezintă interes;accentul este pus pe experienţa în sine trăită prin acţiunea respectivăI’ve never been to China. - N-am fost niciodată în China.♥ - exprimă o acţiune trecută al cărei rezultat este vizibil în prezentHe’s broken his arm. - Şi-a rupt braţul.To work (a lucra, a munci) la Present PerfectAfirmativ

I/you/we/they have workedhe/she/it has workedNegativI/you/we/they have not worked (haven’t worked)he/she/it has not worked (hasn’t worked)InterogativHave I/you/we/they worked?Has he/she/it worked?Expresii cu care se foloseşte adesea Prezentul Perfect Simplu:already, just, yetExemple:1. He has already finished his classes. - A terminat deja orele.2. Tom has just spoken on the phone with Mary.-Tom tocmai a vorbit la telefon cu Maria.3. They haven't written the exercise yet. Ei nu au scris exerciţiul încă.never, ever, oftenExemple:1. I have never heard such a thing.- Nu am mai auzit niciodată un astfel de lucru.2. Have you ever read this news? – Ai citit vreodată ştirea aceasta?3. I have often traveled by car to the countryside. – Am călătorit adesea cu maşina la ţară.ever and beforeExemplu:Have you ever heard this song before? – Ai mai auzit vreodată cântecul acesta?for and sinceExemple:1. I've had my own car for four years. – Am avut propria mea maşină timp de patru ani.2. She has been ill since yesterday. – Este bolnavă de ieri.until now, so far, up to nowExemple:1. I haven't had any Math problems up to now. – Nu am mai avut probleme la matematică pânăacum.2. So far, he hasn't complained about his wage. – Până acum nu s-a plâns de salariul său.3. Until now, I haven't heard about this English singer. – Până acum nu am auzit de acest cântăreţenglez.Exerciţii – Practice16LUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!I. Pune verbele din paranteză la Prezentul Perfect Simplu, ca în exemplul de mai jos:

Exemplu:Tom .......... (write) .......... his homework.Tom has just written his homework.1. I .......... (fix) .......... my car.2. Father .......... (leave) .......... home.3. They .......... (arrive) .......... to the theatre.4. We .......... (see) .......... our Math teacher.5. He .......... (begin) .......... to cry.II. Completează următoarele propoziţii ca în exemplul de mai jos, folosind timpul PrezentPerfect Simplu:Exemplu:This is the most beautiful girl I .......... (see)This is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.1. That is the most interesting movie he .......... (see)2. This is the best book she .......... (read)3. This is the biggest mall they .......... (visit)4. These are the most attractive souvenirs they .......... (buy)5. Those are the most wonderful monuments they .......... (see)VERB – PAST PERFECT SIMPLECITIŢI TEXTUL DE MAI JOS :READ THE TEXT:I had lived with my husband and my children at the countryside for a long time before I movedin Piteşti. I had been a doctor. I had gone to work in the morning. I had had many friends in thevillage. My friend, Louise, she had been a teacher in the village. She had gone to school in theafternoon every week day. She had not gone/hadn’t gone to school in the week end. She hadtaught English. My father, my mother, my brother and my sister had lived there, too. They hadbeen farmers. I had enjoyed living in nature. Now everything is over. I have moved in town.Verbele accentuate sunt la timpul Past Perfect, corespondentul timpului mai mult ca perfect dinlimba română:I had lived – eu locuisemI had been – eu fusesemI had gone – eu mersesemI had had – eu avusesemShe had been – ea fuseseShe had gone – ea merseseShe had not gone/hadn’t gone – ea nu mersese17She has taught – ea predase

They had lived – ei locuiserăThey had been – ei fuseserăI had enjoyed – îmi plăcuse♥ Past Perfect - exprimă o acţiune anterioară altei acţiuni din trecut sau anterioară unui momentdin trecutThe little boy said that he had seen a fairy in the garden. – Băieţelul a spus că văzuse o zână în grădină.The little spoke as if he had seen a fairy. – Băieţelul vorbea de parcă văzuse o zână.♥ - exprimă o dorinţă nerealizatăI wish/ wished I hadn't missed the flight. Îmi doresc să nu fi pierdut avionul.♥ - exprimă o acţiune anterioară unei acţiuniTom said that he would go to France after he had learned French a little bit.- Tom a spus că se vaduce în Franţa după ce va fi învăţat puţină franceză.Verbul to work (a lucra, a munci ) la Past Perfect:AfirmativI/you he/she/it /we/you/they had workedNegativI/you he/she/it /we/you/they hadn’t workedInterogativHad I/you/ he/she/it /we/you/they worked?Expresii cu care se foloseşte adesea Past Perfect Simplu:Before, never, everYou had studied English before you moved to New York. – Studiasei engleza înainte să te muţi în NY.I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Crete. – Nu văzusem niciodată o plajăaşa de frumoasă până nu am mers în Creta.Had Susan ever studied Chinese before she moved to China? – Studiase Susan vreodată chinezapână să se mute în China?Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Situation:Daniel and Irina spent their last summer holiday at the seaside. Irina went there for the first time,Daniel had been there before. Ask and answer questions about them:Example:be to the beachHad Daniel been to the beach before?Yes, he had.Had Irina been to the beach before?No, she hadn’t.

181. see the Black Sea 5. walk down the beach2. swim in the sea 6. stay at a hotel3. sunbathe on the beach 7. make the tour of Constanţa4. go fishing in the sea 8. visit Eforie Nord19

PARTEA IMORFOLOGIA – VERBUL - ASPECTULVERB - PRESENT TENSE CONTINUOUSCITIŢI TEXTUL DE MAI JOS :READ THE TEXT:In this moment I am living with my husband and my children at the countryside. My friend,Louise, she is at school now. She is teaching English. My father, my mother, my brother and mysister are in the field now. They are woking in this moment.Verbele accentuate sunt la timpul Present ContinuousI am living – eu locuiescShe is teaching - ea predăThey are woking – ei lucrează♥ Present Tense Continuous exprimă o acţiune desfăşurată ce are loc în momentul vorbirii.Example: I am writing now.I am studying English now- in this moment♥ o acţiune temporară ce are loc în prezent ca o excepţie de la regulă.Example: I usually wake up early but today I am waking up late.♥ o acţiune obişnuită care enervează.Example: She is always telling lies.Verbul to work (a lucra, a munci) la Present Tense Continuous:AfirmativI am workingYou/we/you/they are workinghe/she/it is workingNegativI am not workingYou/we/you/they are not workinghe/she/it is not workingInterogativAm I working?Are you/we/you/they working?Is he/she/it working?20Adverbele cele mai des utilizate cu prezentul continuu:now, in this moment, always,She is sending emails right now to all her friends. – Ea trimite emailuri

acum tuturor prietenilorsăi.We are not working in this moment, we are on strike. Nu lucrăm în acest moment. Suntem îngrevă.She's always coming in when we talk something important. Întotdeauna trebuie să intre încameră fix când vorbim noi lucruri importante.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢIISituation: Today is Monday. All the employees are at work, in various rooms of the building. It isnine o’clock in the morning. Say what they are doing at the moment.Example:Irina is in the director’s office. (give information)She is giving information at this moment/now.1. Larry is in his office (work)2. Daniel is in the secretariate (type a letter)3. Ioana is in the conference room (present a project)4. Maria is in the hall (speak on the phone)5. Matei is in the guests room (meet some clients)VERB - PAST TENSE CONTINUOUSCITIŢI TEXTUL DE MAI JOS :READ THE TEXT:I was living with my husband and my children at the countryside while my father, my mother,my brother and my sister were living in town. I was going to work in the morning. I was havingmany friends in the village. My friend, Louise was going to school in the afternoon every weekday but my sister was going in the afternoon. They were not going to school in the week end.Louise was teaching English while my sister was teaching History.Verbele accentuate sunt la timpul Past Tense Continuous (echivalentul imperfectului din limbaromână):I was living – eu locuiamThey were living – ei locuiauI was going – eu mergeamI was having – eu aveam21Louise was going – Louise mergeaMy sister was going – sora mea mergeaThey were not going – ei nu mergeauLouise was teaching – Louise predaMy sister was teaching – sora mea preda

♥ Past Tense Continuous se foloseşte pentru a exprima o acţiune care se desfăşura într-unmoment bine definit în trecut.While she was watching TV yesterday, her friend came to see her.Verbul to work (a lucra, a munci) la Past Tense Continuous:AfirmativI was workingYou/we/you/they were workinghe/she/it was workingNegativI was not workingYou/we/you/they were not workinghe/she/it was not workingInterogativwas I working?were you/we/you/they working?was he/she/it working?Adverbele cele mai des utilizate cu past continuous:At this time yesterday, this time last week,Examples:At seven o’clock yesterday morning, I was in the bathroom. I was washing my face. – La oraşapte ieri dimineaţă, eram în baie, îmi spălam faţa.This time last week you were reading the magazine. – Pe vremea asta săptămâna trecută tu citeairevista.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Situation: Yesterday afternoon all the employees were at work. Say what they were doing whenMr Smith, the boss, came in.Example:Larry and Irina/discuss about a marketing projectLarry and Irina were discussing about a marketing project when Mr Smith came in.221. Daniel and John / work in the office2. Matei and Maria / speak on the phone3. Ioana /write a report4. Martha / water the flowers5. Victor / talk to his colleague6. Angela/open the windows7. Mark and Chris /look at some pictures8. Fiona/read the newspapersVERB- FUTURE CONTINUOUSCITIŢI TEXTUL DE MAI JOS :

READ THE TEXT:I will be living with my husband and my children at the countryside at this time next year whenmy father, my mother, my brother and my sister will be living in town. I will be working in themorning, my friend, Louise will be going to school in the afternoon every week day but mysister will be going in the evening. They will not be going to school in the week end. Louise willbe teaching English while my sister will be teaching History.Verbele accentuate sunt la timpul Future Continuous:I will be living – voi locuiThey will be living – vor locuiI will be working – voi lucraLouise will be going – Louise va mergeThey will not be going - ei nu vor mergeLouise will be teaching – Louise va predaMy sister will be teaching – sora mea va predaVerbul to work (a lucra, a munci) la Future Tense Continuous:AfirmativI /we shall/will be workingYou he/she/it /they will be workingNegativI /we shall/will not be workingYou he/she/it /they will not be workingInterogativShall/will I /we be working?Will you he/she/it /they be working?♥ Future Tense Continuous exprimă o acţiune în desfăşurare într-un moment viitor, posteriormomentului vorbirii.Exemplu: I shall/will be walking at two o’clock this time next week.23Mă voi plimba mâine la ora două.săptămâna viitoare la ora asta.♥ - exprimă o acţiune în desfăşurare întreruptă de o acţiune momentană.Exemplu: When he comes, I will be eating. – Când va veni, eu voi fi în mijlocul mesei.♥ - exprimă o acţiune în desfăşurare în viitor în paralel cu o altă acţiune în desfăşurare, deasemenea în viitor.Exemplu: She will be walking while I am sleeping.- Ea se va plimba în timp ce eu voi dormi.Adverbele cele mai des utilizate cu Future Continuous:

when, while, at his time next week, month, year, etcExamples: You will be waiting for her when her plane arrives tonight. – Tu o vei aştepta cândsoseşte avionul diseară.I will be watching TV when she arrives tonight. –Când ea va sosi diseară, eu voi fi la televizor.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Puneţi verbele din paranteză la Future Continuous.Example: Mark ______________ on the computer when his mother arrives home. (to play)Answer: Mark will be playing on the computer when his mother arrives home.1) She ______________ him next week. (to meet)2) We ______________ in Piteşti just about now. (to arrive)3) At 8 o'clock on Tuesday they ______________ the new song. (to sing)4) He ______________when you call her. (to sleep)5) It ______________ when I reach Madrid. (to rain, probably)6) Mary ______________ a video when I arrive tonight. (to watch)7) You ______________ spaghetti soon. (to eat)8) This time next week he ______________ to Africa. (to fly)9) Mary ______________to the party on Sunday. (to come)10) Tomorrow at nine I ______________a test paper. (to write)VERB – PRESENT PERFECT COTINUOUSCITIŢI TEXTUL DE MAI JOS :READ THE TEXT:I have been living with my husband and my children at the countryside for 5 years. I have beengoing to work in the morning but my friend, Louise, has been going to school in the afternoonevery week day. She has been teaching English for 5 years at the same village school and she is24still enjoying this. My father, my mother, my brother and my sister have been living there, too.They are farmers. We like living in nature.Verbele accentuate sunt la timpul Present Perfect Continuous:I have been living – eu locuiescI have been going – eu mergLouise has been going – Louise mergeShe has been teaching – ea predăThey have been living – ei locuiesc♥ Present Perfect Continuous - exprimă o acţiune care s-a desfăşurat până acum şi va continuaprobabil şi în viitor.I have been working in the garden all day long. – Am muncit în grădină

toată ziua.They have been playing tennis for half an hour – Joacă tenis de jumătate de oră.♥ - exprimă o acţiune repetată frecvent, într-o perioadă de timp care se întinde din trecut până înprezentHe has been writing poems since he was a child.- Scrie poezii de când era copil.♥ - exprimă o acţiune trecută, încheiată recent, care este cauza unui efect simţit în prezentA: Why are your hands dirty?B: I’ve been repairing my bike.To work (a lucra, a munci) la Present Perfect ContinuousAfirmativI/you/we/they have been workinghe/she/it has been workingNegativI/you/we/they have not been working (haven’t been working)he/she/it has not been working (hasn’t been working)InterogativHave I/you/we/they been working?Has he/she/it been working?Expresii cu care se foloseşte adesea Present Perfect Continuous:sinceExemplu: You have been living in Paris since 1996. – Locuieşti în Paris din 1996.forExemplu: They have been watching TV for 3 hours. – Se uită la televizor de 3 farExemplu: So far, there have been arriving 10 passengers from London. Până acum au sosit 10pasageri din Londra.25everExemplu: Have you ever been listening to the radio? – Ai ascultat vreodată la radio?neverExemplu: I have never been travelling to France until now.- Nu am călătorit în Franţa pânăacum.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Completează spaţiile goale cu "FOR"(de) şi "SINCE"(din, de la). Pune verbele din paranteză laPrezentul Perfect Continuu:

Exemplu:Helen (study) English .......... last summer.Helen has been studying English since last summer.1. We (talk) about that horrible accident .......... half an hour.2. She (cook) a chicken soup .......... 1 hour.3. They (phone) the manager .......... the last five minutes.4. Mary (live) in Manhattan .......... June 1998.5. It (rain) .......... morning.VERB – PAST PERFECT COTINUOUSCITIŢI TEXTUL DE MAI JOS :READ THE TEXT:I had been living with my husband and my children at the countryside before I came in town. Ihad been going to work in the morning. My friend, Louise, she had been going to school in theafternoon every week day before leaving the countryside, too. She had been teaching English.My father, my mother, my brother and my sister had been living there, too. Now everything isover. I have moved in town.Verbele accentuate sunt la timpul Past Perfect Contionuous:I had been living – eu locuisemI had been going – eu mersesemShe had been going – ea merseseShe had been teaching – ea predaseThey had been living – ei locuiseră♥ Past Perfect Continuous - exprimă o acţiune în curs până la un moment dat trecut când a fostoprit de o altă acţiune a cărei urmări continuă şi azi.26They had been working on the new house before the fire destroyed it.(Ei) lucrau la casa cea nouă înainte să fie distrusă de foc.Verbul to work (a lucra, a munci ) la Past Perfect Continuous:AfirmativI/you he/she/it /we/you/they had been workingNegativI/you he/she/it /we/you/they hadn’t been workingInterogativHad I/you/ he/she/it /we/you/they been workingExpresii cu care se foloseşte adesea Past Perfect Continuous:For five minutes" , "for two weeks", etcYou had not been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.Ai aşteptat-o cel mult două ore când în final a sosit.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!

Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect continuous).She (sleep) for 10 hours when he woke us up.We (wait) at the station for 60 minutes when the train finally arrived.They (look for) her ring for three hours and then we found it in the bathroom.I (not / walk) for a long time, when it suddenly began to rain.How long (learn / she) English before she went to London?She (drive) less than an hour when he ran out of gas.They were very tired in the evening because they (help) on the farm all day.I (not / work) all day; so I wasn't tired and went to the disco at night.They (cycle) all day so their legs were sore in the evening.VERB - FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUSCITIŢI TEXTUL DE MAI JOS :READ THE TEXT:When my friends will come to live at the countryside I will have been living with my husbandand my children there for 5 years. I will have already been working for a couple of years as adoctor, Louise will have been teaching English in the afternoon for 5 years, too. Until next year,we will have been staying there for 6 years.27Verbele accentuate sunt la timpul Future Perfect Continuous:I will have been living – voi fi locuitI will have been working – eu voi fi lucratLouise will have been teaching – Louise va fi predatWe will have been staying – noi vom fi statVerbul to work (a lucra, a munci) la Future Perfect Continuous :AfirmativI / you he/she/it /we /they will have been workingNegativI / you he/she/it /we /they will not have been workingInterogativWill I / you/ he/she/it /we /they have been working?♥ Future Perfect Continuous - acest timp se foloseşte rar în vorbire, fiind o formă caracteristicălimbii scrise şi pune mai mult accentul pe perioada lungă de timp decât Future ContinuousSe traduce tot prin "voi fi lucrat", şi ca toate formele de timpuri continue implică o acţiune înderulare.Exemplu: By 2010 he will have been working for 40 years.- În 2010 el va fi lucrat de 40 de aniAdverbul cel mai des utilizat cu Future Perfect Continuous: forExample: By six o’clock p.m., she will have been selling blouses for

eight hours.- Până la ora 18ea va fi vândut bluze timp de opt ore.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Puneţi verbele din paranteză la Future Perfect Continuous sau la Future PerfectMike: Helen has been in the kitchen all day long.Ross: It doesn't sound like she's having a very good birthday party.Mike: She (cook) for over five hours by the time everyone arrives for dinner. Hopefully, she(finish) everything by then.Ross: Maybe we should give her a helping hand.2829PARTEA IMORFOLOGIA – VERBUL - DIATEZAI DIATEZA ACTIVĂII DIATEZA PASIVĂI Verbul este la diateza activă când subiectul gramatical săvârşeşte acţiunea, care se răsfrângeasupra subiectului (în cazul verbelor tranzitive).Exemplu: Lucy has written a letter.- Lucia a scris o scrisoare.II Verbul este la diateza pasivă când subiectul gramatical suferă acţiunea săvârşită de obiect.Exemplu: This letter has been written by Lucy. – Această scrisoare a fost scrisă de Lucia.Diateza pasivă se remarcă prin:- utilizarea verbului be sau get- complementul de agent introdus de prepoziţia byexemplu: She was met at the station by my brother. – Ea a fost aşteptată la gară de fratele meu.Conjugarea unui verb la diateza pasivă:Aspectul simplu:Present simple: I am seen. He is seen. We are seen.Past Simple: I was seen. We were seen.Present Perfect I have been seen. He has been seenPast Perfect: I had been seen.Future I shall be seen. We will be seen.Future Perfect I shall have been seen. He will have been seen.Aspectul continuu:Present Continuous: The classrooms are being cleaned now.Past Continuous: The school was being cleaned when we wanted to visit it.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!

1. Treceţi următoarele propoziţii la diateza pasivă, transformând complementul persoanei însubiect.30Exemplu:The guide is showing them the museum.They are being shown the museum.They have appointed him president.She has given me a good dictionary.They will tell you what time the bus leaves.I’ll pay the carpenter for his work.He promised them new bicycles.2. Traduceţi următoarele propoziţii în limba engleză, folosind verbe la diateza pasivă:Exemplu:Această problemă trebuie analizată.This matter must be looked into.Nu s-a dormit în acest pat.Copiii au fost bine îngrijiţi.Câinele a fost călcat de un autobuz.Vor râde de tine dacă vei purta rochia asta.PERSOANA ŞI NUMĂRULSpre deosebire de verbul românesc, verbul englez are puţini indici formali care să marchezepersoana şi numărul. Singura desinenţă specifică este –s/es pentru persoana a III-a singular,indicativ prezent.I play, you play, he plays, she plays, we play, you play, they play.I wash, you wash, he washes, she washes, we wash, you wash, they wash.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Folosiţi pronumele personal corect.Exemplu: ___ often reads books. (Lisa)She often reads books.1) ___is dreaming. (George)2) ___is green. (the blackboard)3) ___are on the wall. (the posters)4) ___is running. (the cat)5) ___are watching TV. (my mother and I)6) ___are in the garden. (the flowers)7) ___is riding his horse. (Marc)8) ___is from Bucharest. (Victoria)9) ___has got a sister. (Diana)10) Have ___ got a computer, Tom?31

MODUL – THE MOODI. MODUL INDICATIV (The Indicative Mood)I. Modul indicativ prezintă acţiunea, starea, etc. exprimată de verb ca reală , îndeplinităchiar.Exemplu:- He returned the book to the library after he had read it.- A înapoiat cartea la bibliotecădupă ce a citit-o.- I can return the book now. I have read it. – Pot să înapoiez cartea la bibliotecă acum. Amcitit-o.- He will return the book to the library next Monday. He will have read it by then.- Vaînapoia cartea la bibliotecă lunea viitoare. O va fi citit până atunci.II MODUL SUBJONCTIV (The Subjunctive Mood)Modul subjonctiv prezintă acţiunea ca posibilă când acţiunea este proiectată în viitor , sauireală, când acţiunea trebuia să aibă loc în trecut.SUBJONCTIVUL PREZENT♥ exprimă o acţiune considerată posibilă, deci nu contrară realităţii.Exemplu: It is necessary that he be here.- Este necesar ca el să fie aici.come in time.- să vină la timp.SUBJONCTIVUL TRECUT♥ coincide ca formă cu Past Tense Simple.Exemplu: I wish he/they told the truth.- Aş dori să spună adevărul.Observaţie: Verbul be are formă unică pentru toate persoanele: wereExemplu: I wish he/they were here.SUBJONCTIVUL ANALITIC♥ exprimă o acţiune posibilă, presupusă, pentru a sublinia ideea de acţiune şi nu acţiuneapropriu-zisă sau îndeplinirea ei, care sunt redate cu indicativul.Exemplu: The idea is that sport facilities should be improved. (subjonctiv)The fact is that sport facilities will be improved. (indicativ)Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!1. It is very important that all employees _______________ in their proper uniforms before 6:30a.m.A. are dressed B. will be dressed C. be dressed2. I wish my sister _________ here.A. were B. was323. The coach insisted that Mario _______ the center position, even

though he's much too shortfor that position..A. plays B. play4. Mary hoped that the meeting _______________.A. was adjourned B. be adjourned5. My mother would know what to do. Oh, would that she _______ here with us now!A. were B. was6. If only Mark ______ a little more responsible in his choice of courses!A. was B. were7. If Mrs. Smith ________ ill that night, the Smiths would not have gone to the cinema.A. were B. had been8. Her employees treated Mrs. Smith as though she _______ a queen.A. was B. were9. I wish I _________ better today.A. feel B. feltINFINITIVUL - THE INFINITIVEto + verb = infinitiveInfinitivul are doua forme: infinitivul lung (The Long Infinitive), marcat de particula to şiinfinitivul scurt (The Short Infinitive) fără particula to. Acesta se foloseşte de obicei după verbede percepţie : hear, see, watch, notice, observe, perceive, sau după have, let, make.Exemplu: To err is human. – A greşi este omenesc.I made her work harder. – Am făcut-o să muncească mai mult.GERUNZIUL - THE GERUNDGerunziul, adesea cunoscut sub denumirea de formă în –ing reprezintă un substantiv formatdintr- un verb la care se adaugă terminaţia –ing.Exemplu: I adore reading your books.I detest going to supermarkets.I quit smoking.I can’t remember doing/having done this exercise before.♥ - are categoriile gramaticale de timp şi diateză:- Diateza activă:Gerund: I enjoy learning English.- Îmi place să învăţ engleza.Perfect Gerund He denies having taken the books. – Neagă că a luat cărţile.-Diateza pasivă:Gerund: He can’t stand being interrupted.- Nu suportă să fie întrerupt.Perfect Gerund He denies having been invited. – Neagă că a fost invitat.♥ - caracteristici substantivale:

Exemplu: The sound of a loud knocking at the door interrupted us.her coming in interrupted us.a baby’s crying interrupted us.33Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Pune verbul din paranteze la gerunziu sau la infinitivul lung (to-).Exemplu: They go on _______ (read) the book.They go on reading the book.1) I can't imagine Peter (go) by bike.2) He agreed (buy) a new washing machine.3) The question is easy (answer).4) The man asked me how (get) to the railway station.5) I look forward to (see) you at the weekend.6) Are you thinking of (visit) Paris?7) We decided (run) through the dark forest.8) The teacher expected Sarah (study) hard.9) She doesn't mind (work) the night shift.10) I learned (ride) the bike at the age of 3.PARTICIPIUL TRECUT - PAST PARTICIPLE- Este forma nepersonală a verbului care denumeşte acţiunea ca rezultat. Se formează de lainfinitiv la care se adaugă terminaţia –ed (în cazul verbelor regulate), şi forma a III-a încazul verbelor neregulate.Exemple: He is an aged man. – Este un om în vârstă.He is a learned man – Este un om învăţat.A drunken man is unpleasant to look at. – Un om beat este neplăcut la vedere.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!1. Completaţi corect formele de participiu trecut.the (lose) sonan (interest) audiencea (break) legan (empty) bottlea (close) doora (decorate) roomtwo (pack) bagsthe (write) lettersthe (sell) carthe (buy) apples34VERBELE AUXILIARE - AUXILIARY VERBSAu următoarele caracteristici:

♥ sunt golite de sens lexical: I shall leave after he comes.- Voi pleca după ce vine el.♥ înlociuesc verbele noţionale în răspunsuri scurte şi întrebări disjunctive:Do you like this book? Yes, I do.He has written a good composition, hasn’t he?♥ apar adesea sub forme reduse:I’ve got a book.- I have got a book.I haven’t got a book. – I have not got a book.He’s come.- He has comeHe’s here.- He is here.Verbele auxiliare:1. be/was/were/been2. have/had/had3. shall/should4. will/would5. may/might6. let7. do/doesExemple:1. Infinitive: be readingPresent: He is readingPast: He was readingFuture: He will be readingConditional: He would be readingInfinitive Perfect: have been readingPresent Perfect: He has been readingPast Perfect: He had been readingFuture Perfect: He will have been readingConditional Perfect: He would have been reading2. Perfect Infinitive: have readPerfect Gerund: having readPresent Perfect: He has readPast Perfect: He had readFuture Perfect: He will have readConditional Perfect: He would have read3. Future: I shall giveFuture Perfect:I shall have givenConditional: I should giveConditional Perfect: I should have given4. Future: I will giveFuture Perfect: I will have givenConditional: I would giveConditional Perfect: I would have given5. Hurry up, so that we may arrive in time.- Grăbeşte-te ca să ajungem la timp.

They hurried so that we might arrive in time.- S-au grăbit ca să ajungem la timp.6. Let me think! – Lasă-mă să mă gândesc.7. Do you live in this town?- Locuieşti în acest oraş?35Does he work here? – Lucrează aici?Did he attend this school? – A urmat această şcoală?I don’t like it. – Nu-mi place.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Alegeţi auxiliarul potrivit:What ________ you done?I ________ not like this song.________ she know that you are here?The lesson ________not started yet.________you drink milk?Who ________ eaten my biscuits?It ________ not matter.They ________ not want to play outside.We ________ not seen you for a long time.My friend ________sent me some photos.The train ________ just arrived.________ you understand?They ________been learning English for two years.________ you heard that?My uncle ________ not eat fish.I ________ not live here.________anybody rung up for me?She ________ not play the piano.How ________ we get there?Where ________ he live?VERBELE MODALE - MODAL VERBS♥ Verbele: can, may, must, ought to, shall, will şi parţial need şi dare formează grupul de verbemodale. Aceste verbe nu formează infinitivul cu particula 'to'.can - a putea, cu înţelesul de a fi în stare. În vorbirea curentă mai ales în întrebări se foloseşte înlocul lui 'may' (înseamnă şi conservă şi 'to can' = a face conservă)may - a putea, cu întelesul de a avea voie. (înseamnă şi luna mai). În plus se foloseşte în urări, deexemplu poate fi tradus prin 'fie' .must - a trebui, a fi necesar (înseamnă şi must- suc de struguri), poate fi tradus uneori şi prinprobabil (sau 'trebuie ca')ought to- ar trebui, ar fi cazulshall - este o întărire a unui ordin dacă este spus apăsat. Altfel

formează viitorul persoanei întâi.În acest ultim caz de obicei se înlocuieşte cu 'will'.will - formează viitorul, particula 'voi' din româneşte. I will come = Voi veni. Se foloseşte şi laformarea viitorului. (înseamnă şi „testament” şi „voinţă”).need - a trebui, cu înţelesul de a avea nevoiedare - a îndrazni, a provoca pe cineva36Exemple:I know I can.- Ştiu că pot.May I have this dance? (Pot să am acest dans) - Îmi acordaţi acest dans?May the force be with you! - Fie ca forţa să te însoţească! din filmul StarWars, adică să ai noroc.If you must, you must - Dacă trebuie, trebuie.I must be dreaming - Trebuie că visez (probabil că visez).You ought to stop smoking. – Ar fi cazul/ar trebui/îţi recomand să nu mai fumezi.You shall not kill = Nu vei omorî (să nu omori).I will survive = Voi supravieţui.Need I go on? - E nevoie să continui?How dare you talk like this! - Cum îndrăzneşti să vorbeşti aşa!♥ Caracteristicile generale ale verbelor modale♥ Nu acceptă particula to pentru infinitiv, nu au participiu şi nici forma cu -ing. Din aceastăcauză multe timpuri lipsesc acestor verbe.Foarte important: Verbul care urmează unui verb modal nu are to în faţă. Adică, în limba românăse spune: Trebuie să mănânc. În limba engleză se spune: I must eat.Atenţie: I need to eat - need aici nu e verb modal).Din exemplele de mai sus vedem că această regulă a verbelor modale e respectată: I know I can(fără 'to'), May I have this dance? (fără 'to') etc.♥ Forma negativă nu cere do. Adică în cazul celorlalte verbe se pune un do not sau does notpentru negaţie.I eat meat - Mănânc carne.I do not eat meat - Nu mănânc carne.I can not eat meat - Nu pot să mănânc carne. (particula do cade)♥ Forma interogativă nu cere do.Do you eat meat? - Mănânci carne?Can you eat meat? - Poţi să mănânci carne?Must you eat meat? - Trebuie să mănânci carne?♥ Aceste verbe nu se schimbă după persoană: I can, you can, he/she can etc. Adică persoana atreia singular nu primeşte 's'.

♥ Aceste verbe se pot contracta cu particula not din propoziţii negative.can't = can not, mustn't = must not, won't = will not sunt verbele modale care folosesc cel maimult această regulă.♥ Pentru formarea celebrului 'nu-i aşa' din engleză e necesar folosirea acestor verbe. Forma 'nu-iaşa' depinde de verbul modal folosit în prima parte a întrebării. I can go, can't I? - Pot să mă duc,nu-i aşa? sau He will go, won't he? - Va merge, nu-i aşa?CAN/COULD exprimă♥ capacitatea fizică sau intelectualăDaniel can speak three foreign languages. Daniel ştie trei limbi străine.Irina could run faster than you last year. Irina putea să alerge mai repede decât tine anul trecut.Viitor: I’ll be able to skate next year.Condiţional: Would you be able to manage by yourself if it was necessary ?Could you manage by yourself if it was necessary ?Te-ai putea descurca singur dacă ar fi nevoie ?Observaţie ! Diferenţa de sens între could şi was/were able to se pierde la negativ sau cu verbede percepţie:I couldn’t swim yesterday as the weather was very bad.37I wasn’t able to swim yesterday as the weather was very bad.I couldn’t see him in the dark.I wasn’t able to see him in the dark.♥ permisiuneaA: Can I borrow your pen ? B: Of course you can.♥ permisiunea în trecutOn Sundays we could stay in bed until ten o’clock.- Duminică aveam voie să stăm în pat până laora 10. În acest sens, can/could poate fi înlocuit de be allowed to, be permitted to: On Sundayswe were allowed to stay in bed until ten o’clock.MAY/MIGHT♥ folosit pentru a cere (a) sau a acorda (b) permisiunea (mai oficial decât can):a) May I go ? Pot să plec ?b) You may go. Poţi să pleci.♥ exprimă o cerere, o rugăminte politicoasă (may este mai politicos şi oficial decât can/could):May I use your phone ? Îmi daţi voie să dau telefon ?♥ exprimă o posibilitate prezentă sau viitoareHe may come today- Se poate să vină azi.

♥ might este folosit în cereri insistente sau atunci când vorbitorul este iritat de neîndeplinireaunei acţiuniYou might give me an answer. (Please, give me an answer)MUST / HAVE TO / NEEDMUSTMust se foloseşte pentru a exprima:1) obligaţia: They must stop because the traffic light is red now.Must exprimând obligaţia poate fi înlocuit de have to sau ‘ve got to.2. deducţia logică: She must be at home. She left two hours ago.HAVE TO. Între must şi have to există următoarele diferenţe de sens:a) Must exprimă o obligaţie impusă de către vorbitor, pe când have to exprimă o obligaţie impusădin exterior:I must go. (It’s my decision).We have to go. (The shop is closing).b) Must exprimă o obligaţie importantă, urgentă:I must be at the hospital at two. It’s most important.Have to exprimă o obligaţie obişnuită, repetată (habitual obligation):I have to be at the hospital at seven o’clock every morning. I begin work at seven.Prezent: You must stay home for a few days. You’ve got flu.You have to stay home when you have flu.Past Tense: He had to stay home last week. He was quite ill.Viitor: You must stay home tomorrow if you don’t feel better.You’ll have to stay home when you feel feverish again.HAVE GOT TOÎn vorbirea familiară, se adaugă got la have to, iar have se contrage obţinându-seI’ve got/I haven’t got to phone her.NEED/NEEDN’T♥ folosit pentru a exprima lipsa obligativităţiiYou needn’t come early to work= You don’t have to come early. (nu era nevoie)SHALL/SHOULD.38♥ Shall este folosit: pentru a exprima obligaţie, în stil oficial (acte, regulamente, etc. la persoanaa II-a şi a III-a)The employer shall supply the necessary documents in due time.Angajatorul va furniza documentele necesare în timp util.♥ Shall este folosit în propoziţii interogative, la persoana I singular sau plural:a)- pentru a cere un sfat, o sugestie, un ordin:Where shall we put the flowers ? Unde să punem florile ?Shall we go to the cinema tonight ? (Ce spui), mergem la cinema

diseară ?What shall we do ? Ce trebuie să facem ?b)- pentru a face o ofertă: Shall I help you ? Să te ajut ?♥ Should este folosit pentru a exprima:a) obligaţia, necesitatea logică de înfăptuire a unei acţiuni, de obicei sub formă de sfat de cătrevorbitor:The novel is very interesting. You should read it.Romanul este foarte interesant. Ar trebui să-l citeşti.He shouldn’t tell lies. N-ar trebui să mintă.b) o presupunere: He should be there by now. Ar trebui să fi ajuns acolo deja.OUGHT TO♥ La fel ca şi should, ought to exprimă obligaţia sau datoria, de obicei sub forma unui sfat dat decătre vorbitor:You ought to start packing before 12 o’clock to make the check out.WILL/WOULD♥ exprimă o comandă:You will do that immediately!♥ exprimă insistenţa: He will work as a doctor no matter what!♥ o invitaţie:Will you have another slice of pizza?♥ o cerere, o rugăminte: Will you sign the papers, please?♥ o rugăminte foarte politicoasă- cu would: Would you do me a favor?♥ insistenţa, hotărârea de a efectua ceva în trecut:He would continue writing for hours, no matter what I said.♥ probabilitatea: That would be his pen.- Probabil că acela este stiloul lui.USED TO exprimă♥ o acţiune repetată, un obicei trecut care nu mai este repetat în prezent:I used to call him when I was a student, I don’t do this anymore.Obişnuiam să îl sun când erma student, nu mai fac asta acum.♥ o acţiune repetată, un obicei trecut care încă mai este repetat în prezent:They used to go there every year and it is likely to find them there, too.Obişnuiau să se ducă acolo în fiecare an şi e posibil să îi găseşti acolo.BE TO folosit pentru a exprima♥ o comandă sau instrucţiuni într-un mod impersonal:He is to stay in the building till midnight.Trebuie/va sta /urmează să stea în clădire pînă la miezul nopţii.♥ o acţiune planificată: The meeting is to start at 7:30.- Întâlnirea urmează să înceapă la 7:30.DARE♥ este folosit cu sensul de a îndrăzni, a avea curajul, mai ales în propoziţii interogative:How dare you say that? – Cum îndrăzneşti să spui asta?

Exerciţii – Practice39LUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!EX. 1. Alegeţi varianta corectă de răspuns.1.We ______________ go to the party. We're going to a wedding.A won't be able toB will can'tC couldn'tD want be able to2. He __________ pass the exam if he studied harder.A canB will be able toC would be able to3. I __________ remember his name.A 'm not able toB can'tC fish4. They ____________ go. The weather was too bad.A weren't able toB can'tC couldn't5. Sorry, Teacher. I ____________ do it yet.A wasn't able toB couldn'tC haven't been able toEX.2. Alegeţi între must şi have to:1. I _______be at the meeting by 10:00. I will probably have to take a taxi if I want to be ontime.2. You _______submit the application if it has not been completely filled out. If the form is notcomplete, you will be rejected and you _______reapply at a later date.3. Tina: Look at these flowers - they're beautiful! But, there's no card. Who could have sentthem?Stephanie: It _______David. He's the only one who would send you flowers, you know.4. You _______forget to pay the rent. Mr Daniel is very strict about paying on time.5. You _______be like this! Why don't you try saying "please" once in a while.EX 3. Alegeţi verbul modal potrivit situaţiilor de mai jos:1. Mike's flight from Paris took more than 7 hours.He _________ quite exhausted after such a long flight.2. The books are optional. My teacher said we _________ read them if we needed extra credit.

But we _________read them if we don't want to.3. Daniel _________ hear a word because the crowd was cheering so loudly.4. The refrigerator isn't working. It _________damaged during the move.5. Mike: _________you hold your breath for more than a minute?Jack: No, _________.6. You _________be rich to be famous. Some of the most successful people I know haven't got apenny.407. I've redone this math problem at least ten times, but my answer is wrong according to theanswer key. So, the answer in the book _________wrong!8. You _________do the job if you didn't speak three languages fluently.9. You _________worry so much. It doesn't do you any good. Either you get the promotion, oryou don't. If you don't, just apply for another job.10. You _________ leave the table once you have finished your dinner and politely excusedyourself.11. Jenny's engagement ring is speechless! It _________cost a fortune.12. _________we move into the living room? There's a beautiful view of the forest from there.13. You had better take along some cash. The shop _________accept credit cards.14. The machine _________start moving by pressing the left button.15. I _________stand these people - I don ’t understand their priciples, so you get rid of them!16. Do you always have to say the first thing that pops into your head._________ you think once in a while before you open your mouth?17. Daniel and Mathew said they would come over right after work, so they _________be hereby 5:00.18. You _________ no longer suffer this injustice! Freedom shall be yours!19. If I had gone to an University in England, I _________participated in their Englishimmersion program.20. The lamp _________be broken. Maybe the light bulb just burned out or something.41

PARTEA IMORFOLOGIA - SUBSTANTIVULDefiniţie: Substantivul:a) denumeşte obiecte în sens foarte larg, adică fiinţe, lucruri,

fenomene (woman, desk, rain, go,happiness);b) are categorii gramaticale de gen, număr şi caz;c) poate îndeplini în propoziţie funcţiile de subiect, nume predicativ, atribut, apoziţie,complement, element predicativ suplimentar, sau poate fi echivalentul unei propoziţii sau fraze.Clasificare:a) substantive simple: boy, meal, day;b) substantive formate din derivare cu sufixe sau prefixe: childhood, disgust, unhappiness;c) substantive formate prin compunere (substantivele compuse): schoolboyd) substantive formate prin conversiune, din alte părţi de vorbire:- adjective: the good, the evil, the rich, the poor;- verbe la infinitiv: cook, fall;- verbe la Gerund: reading, boxing;- verbe la participiul trecut: the injured;e) substantive formate prin contragere: ad (advertisement), fridge (refrigerator), gym(gymnasium), lab (laboratory), liv (livingroom), poly (polytechnic), pub (public house);f) abrevieri: MP (Member of Parliament), Dr (doctor), Mr Brown (Dl. Brown), Mrs Brown (dnaBrown), Miss Brown (dra Brown), Ms Brown (apelativ pentru femei, căsătorite saunecăsătorite)g) substantive comune şi substantive proprii- Substantivele comune pot fi:- substantive colective, care denumesc obiecte constând din mai multe elemente de acelaşi fel:family, people;- substantive concrete, care denumesc obiecte sau substanţa constitutivă a unor obiecte: table,wood, steel;- substantive abstracte, care denumesc abstracţiuni: difficulty, worry, peaceSubstantivele (numele) proprii au capacitatea de a individualiza un obiect dintr-o categorie deobiecte de acelaşi fel, denumind în principiu un singur element dintr-o categorie. În limbaengleză, substantivele proprii denumesc:- nume de persoane: John, Larry, Daniel;- denumiri geografice- nume de localităţi: London, Paris- nume de ţări şi continente: Romania, France, Europe

- nume de ape şi munţi: London River, Carpathians- diviziuni temporale- lunile anului: January, February, March, April, June, July, August, September, October,November, December- zilele săptămânii: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday- sărbători: Halloweend) nume de cărţi, ziare, reviste: The English Magazine, Nine o ’Clocke) nume de instituţii42Numărul substantivelor :I. Substantive numărabile (Count nouns)II. Substantive nenumărabile (Mass nouns).I. Substantivele numărabile denumesc noţiunile ca unităţi separate, care pot fi numărate: aboy, two boys, a few boys, etc. Au următoarele caracteristici:a) sunt variabile ca formă, având atât numărul singular, cât şi numărul plural:museum - museums, child - children;b) pot fi precedate de numerale cardinale sau cuantificatori:one book, three books, several apples, a lot of brushes;c) la numărul singular se acordă cu verbe la singular:The book is on the table. /The apples are in the basket.Formarea pluralului substantivelor numărabile:Formele de plural sunt de două feluri:A. regulate, când pluralul se formează prin adăugarea desinenţei -s la forma de singular: book - books.B. Neregulate, când pluralul se formează în alte moduri:- Substantivele terminate în -s, -z, -x, -ch, -sh adaugă es: bus - buses; glass - glasses; buzz -buzzes; box - boxes; watch - watches; brush – brushes- când -o e precedat de o vocală: cuckoos; kangaroos; radios; scenarios; studios, zoos;- adaugă -es la substantive ca: echoes, heroes, mosquitoes, Negroes, potatoes, tomatoes- Substantivele terminate în -y precedat de o consoană transformă pe y în i şi adaugă -es: city -cities; factory - factories. Transformarea nu are loc după vocale: boy - boys, play - plays;1) -th→ ths: bath - baths; mouth - mouths; path - paths;2) -f(e) [f]→ ves [vz]: calf - calves; elf - elves; half - halves; knife - knives; leaf - leaves; life -lives; loaf - loaves; self - selves; shelf - shelves;3) -se [s]→ ses [ziz]: house - housesII. Substantivele nenumărabile

- denumesc noţiuni văzute ca un întreg.- pot fi concrete: sugar, coal, steel sau abstracte: beauty, kindness.Substantivele nenumărabile au următoarele caracteristici:a) sunt invariabile ca formă: tea, information, cattle.b) neavând contrastul singular - plural, ele nu pot fi numărate cu ajutorul numeralelor sau alaltor cuantificatori: I need (some) tea. I need (some) information. I need (some) scissors.c) Se acordă cu verbul singular: Chinese tea is very good. Ceaiul chinezesc este foarte bun,sau la plural: The scissors are on the table. Foarfeca este pe masă.d) Unele substantive englezeşti fac parte atât din clasa substantivelor numărabile, cât şi din acelor nenumărabile, cu diferenţe de sens:She is a beauty. (Ea) este o frumuseţe.Beauty is to be admired. Frumuseţea trebuie admirată.She has got a new iron. Are un nou fier de călcat.This tool is made of iron. Această unealtă este din fier.În limba engleză fac parte din clasa substantivelor invariabile la singular unele substantivecare sunt numărabile sau invariabile la plural în limba română:- advice, business, furniture, homework, income, information, knowledge, luggage,merchandise, money etcHe always gives me good advice. Totdeauna îmi dă sfaturi bune.You must do your homework carefully. Trebuie să-ţi faci cu atenţie lecţiile.43I need further information. Am nevoie de informaţii suplimentare.His knowledge of English is poor. Cunoştinţele lui de engleză sunt slabe.Numărul substantivelor invariabileSubstantivele invariabile nu au opoziţia singular - plural. Ele au numai singular: gold, saunumai plural the police, cattle etc.Cuantificarea substantivelor invariabile la singular se poate realiza cu ajutorul unorcuvinte ca: a piece of, an item of, a bar of, a bag of etc.Substantive concrete:a piece of bacona slice of cakea piece of breada loaf of breada piece of landa strip of landa piece of furniture

an article of furniturea bit of grassa blade of grassa piece of papera sheet of paperSubstantive abstracte:a piece of advicea word of advicea piece of informationan item of newsan item of businessa bit of businessa piece of worka bit of worka word of abusea fit of passionan attack of feverGenul substantivelor (Gender of Nouns)- genul este marcat formal: boy - girl, lion - lioness,- se poate identifica de obicei cu ajutorul pronumelor care se referă la substantive şi care auforme diferite după gen:The librarian is at his desk. He is writing something. (el)The librarian is at her desk. She is writing something. (ea)Clasificare:A. substantive nume de persoaneB. substantive nume de animaleC. substantive nume de ess: actor/actresscount/countessgod/goddessmaster/mistresswaiter/waitress-ine: hero/heroine;-er: widow/widower-groom: bride/bridegroom44- alte substantive nume de persoane au o singură formă atât pentru

masculin cât şi pentrufeminin. Ele aparţin genului comun: artist, chairman, cook, cousin, doctor, foreigner, friend,quest, musician, parent, teacher, writer. Apartenenţa la genul masculin sau feminin seprecizează în context.B: horse: stallion/mareox: bull/cowsheep: ram/ewepig: boar/sowdeer: stag/hindlion/lionesstiger/tigresscock/hendog/bitchdrake/duckcock sparrow/hen sparrowhe goat/she goatTom cat/she catC: Sunt masculine substantivele care denumesc:a) pasiuni intense şi acţiuni violente: anger, fear, murder.b) fenomene naturale puternice: ocean, river, sun.c) nume de fluvii: the Danube, the Thames.d) nume de munţi: the Carpathians, the Cheviot.Sunt feminine:a) substantivele care sugerează o caracteristică feminină, un caracter blând, afectuos, cele careindică fertilitatea: affection, devotion, faith, hope, justice;b) substantivele care denumesc trăsături negative de caracter: ambition, folly, jealousy, revenge,vanity;c) substantive abstracte ca: fortune, liberty, mercy, nature, peace, scienceCazul substantivelor:În limba engleză, categoria gramaticală a cazului este marcată prin:- desinenţă: the child’s book- cartea copilului- topică: The man (N) opened the window (Ac).- Bărbatul a deschis fereastra.- prepoziţii: I bought it for Mary.- Am cumpărat-o pentru Mary.Cazul nominativ (The Nominative Case)The girl is waiting for her friend.- Fata îşi aşteaptă prietenul.Cazul acuzativ (The Acusative Case)I ate a pizza an hour ago.- Am mâncat o pizza acum o oră.Cazul dativ (The Dative Case)În limba engleză, cazul dativ este marcat de prepoziţia to sau for sau prin topică:

She gave some sweets to the children. – Le-a dat nişte dulciuri copiilor.I bought a present for my mother.- Am cumpărat un cadou pentru fratele meu.I lent her (D) a book (Ac).- I-am împrumutat o carte.Cazul genitiv (The Genitive Case). Substantivul în cazul genitiv exprimă în principal ideea deposesiune:Marc’s car is new.- Maşina lui Marc este nouă.t he girl’s dress; the pupil’s question – rochia fetei, întrebarea elevuluifor goodness’ sake; for convenience’ sake – pentru numele lui Dumnezeu, de dragul comodităţiiObservaţie: Apostroful nu este obligatoriu în acest caz.45Apostroful singur, fără desinenţa -s se adaugă:- la forma de plural a substantivelor regulate: the boys’ bicycles (bicicletele băieţilor);the drivers’ attention (atenţia şoferilor)- la substantivele nume de persoane terminate în -s: Dickens’ life (viaţa lui Dickens);Charles’ books (cărţile lui Charles).Obs: 1. La numele proprii terminate în -s se poate întâlni şi genitivul cu ‘s:Dickens’s novelsExerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!EX 1. Scrie forma de genitiv în spaţiile libere:Example: I met _______ sister yesterday. (Mary)Answer: I met Mary's sister yesterday.1) This is _______ book. (Peter)2) Let's go to the _______. (Smiths)3) The room is upstairs. (children)4) _______sister is twelve years old. (John)5) _______and _______ bags have blue stickers. (Susan - Steve)6) _______ shoes are on the second floor. (men)7) My _______ car was not expensive. (parents)8) _______CD player is new. (Charles)9) This is the _______ bike. (boy)10) These are the _______ pencils. (boys)EX 2. Puneţi forma de plural corespunzătoare substantivelor:Put in the correct form of the plural of the given nouns.Example: car - ___ Answer: car - cars1) half - 2) kilo -3) woman - 4) mouth - 5) foot - 6) sheep - 7) penny - 8) bus - 9) day - 10) fish –EX. 3.Completaţi spaţiile cu următoarele cuvinte:advice, chocolate, jam, lemonade, meat, milk, oil, rice, tea, tennis

Example: a cube of _____Answer: a cube of sugar1) a piece of _____2) a packet of _____3) a bar of _____4) a glass of _____5) a cup of _____6) a bottle of _____7) a slice of _____8) a barrel of _____9) a game of _____10) a jar of _____EX 4.Creaţi substantive nenumărabile din literele de mai jos.Exemplu: ira = airaet ikn ilo fgo eber einw doow acek aclo ahir46ARTICOLUL ŞI ALŢI DETERMINANŢIDeterminanţii propriu-zişi ai substantivuluiArticolul hotărât the childArticolul nehotărât a child, an elephantArticolul zero men, books, schoolsAdjectivul demonstrativ this tree, that tree, these trees, those treesAdjectivul posesiv my, your, his, her, our, your, their car, its tailAdjectivul interogativ what /which/whose car do you want?Adjectivul nehotărât each, person every, person, either side, some notebooks, any idea ,no idea, neither studentArticolul nu poate fi o parte de vorbire independentă, el contribuind doar la determinarea unicăsau individuală a substantivului pe care îl însoţeşte.Articolul este redat prin articolul hotărât the, articolul nehotărât a sau an sau prin articolul zero.Aceste articole se folosesc pentru a realiza:1) referinţa unică (unique reference) şi 2) referinţa individuală (individual reference)1) The girl was running very fast. - Fata alerga foarte repede.2) Where are the books I gave you? – Unde sunt cărţile pe care ţi le-am dat?There is a pen on the table. There is an orange on the table.There are (some) books on the tableObservaţie: a) articolul hotărât the, articolul nehotărât a( n) sau articolul zero pentrusubstantivele numărabile:The cow gives us milk.A cow gives us milk.Cows give us milk.b) articolul zero pentru substantivele nenumărabile:Milk is good for our health.Articolul hotărât (The Definite Article)Articolul hotărât are forma unică theEx:the door, the window, the table, etcThe United Kingdom, the United States, the Art Gallery, The Sahara,

etc.Articolul nehotărât (The Indefinite Article)Articolul nehotărât are două forme: a şi anEx: a story, a magazine; a water-melon, a yearan architect, an egg, an orange, an hour, an heir, an honest manArticolul zero (The Zero Article)În unele cazuri, substantivele nenumărabile, substantivele numărabile la plural şi numele propriipar neînsoţite de articol:She drinks tea every day. Clothes do not make the man.În astfel de cazuri, absenţa articolului echivalează ca funcţie cu prezenţa unui articol. Acesta estede obicei numit articolul zero.Omisiunea articolului (The Elypsis of the Article)Ex: a) I like honey. Îmi place mierea. (articolul zero = funcţia generică)I like the honey they sell here. Îmi place mierea care se vinde aici. (articolul hotărât the)47Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!A, an, the sau articolul zero. Pune răspunsul corect:This coat was designed by ___ famous New York artist.Can you tell me how to get to ___ bank from here?___ city museum is closed today.He is one of ___ smartest people I know.I recommend you eat ___ apple pie at this restaurant.___ milk is good for you.Would you like to see ___ movie?___ apple a day keeps ___ doctor away.I can't believe I failed ___ yesterday's test!Do you have ___ dictionary that I can borrow?ALŢI DETERMINANŢI :Adjectivul demonstrativ (The Demonstrative Adjective)♥ This – acesta, aceasta♥ That – acela, aceea♥ These – aceştia, acestea♥ Those – aceia, aceleaThis house is more expensive than that one. – Această casă este mai scumpă decât aceea.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Completaţi cu this/that/ these/ those1. _______beach was quite empty last year.2. _______exhibition will be open until the end of May.3. _______people come from that hotel over there.4. What does_______ notice say?

5. _______exhibition closed a month ago.6. He was dismissed on the 13th. _______ night the factory went on fire.7. Do you see _______birds at the top of the tree?8. _______are the old classrooms. Those are the new ones.9. _______is my cousin, Jessica.10. Wasn't _______ a horrible thing to say?Adjectivul posesiv (The Posesive Adjective)♥ înlocuieşte posesorul şi determină numele obiectului posedat:Peter’s bike is excellent for him to keep fit.His bike is excellent ...Adjectivul posesiv se acordă în gen şi număr cu numele obiectului posedat:Her book - cartea ei;48His bike - bicicleta lui;Their toys - jucăriile lor.Comparaţi:Adjectiv posesiv Pronume posesivThis is my book. This book is mine.That is your book. That book is yours.That is her/his/its food. That food is hers/his.This is our classroom. This classroom is ours.That is their classroom. That classroom is theirs.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Completaţi propoziţiile cu adjective posesive:1 He's from Spain. ____name's Alberto.2 They're married. ____ children's names are Lauren and Daniel.3 We're brothers. ____ parents are French.4 She's eight. ____ brother's nine.5 I'm British. ____ name's Peter.6 You're students. ____ books are in the classroom.Adjectivul interogativ (The Interrogative Adjective)♥ determină numele obiectului asupra căruia se cer informaţii:who are forme flexionare pentru caz,which şi what sunt invariabile.Caz Pronumewho what whichNominativ who what whichGenitiv whose what whichDativ to whom (formă literară) who ... to (vorbire curentă) what whichAcuzativ whom (formă literară) who (vorbire curentă) what whichExemplu: What film did you see last night ?- Ce film ai văzut aseară?Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Completaţi spaţiile cu adjectivul interogativpotrivit.

1. _________________ time is the flight ?2. _________________ girl has a red bag ?3. _________________ mother is a nurse ?4. _________________ subject do you like ?5. _________________ books are these ?49Adjectivul nehotărât (The Indefinite Adjective)♥ determină substantivul într-un mod global (all the pens, every child) sau parţial (each pupil,either side)Some = ceva, nişte, puţină, unii, unele, câţiva, câteva, vreun, vreo, se întrebuinţează în propoziţiiafirmative şi indică existenţa unui număr restrâns de lucruri, fiinţe, a unei cantităţi restrânse.There are some books on his desk.Any = vreun, vreo, nici un(ul), nici o, nici una, se întrebuinţează:- în propoziţii afirmative cu sensul: oricare, orice: Any student in your class could answer thequestion.- în propoziţii interogative şi negative: There isn’t any milk in the cup.Every = fiecare (se referă la membrii unui grup fără a-i individualiza)Every woman in the room has the right to speak.Each = fiecare (se referă la membrii unui grup luaţi individual)Each pupil must bring some plants to school.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Completaţi cu "any", "some", "no" or "none":Exemplu: Are there any onions?No, there aren't any.1. Do ______ black people work in your company?Yes, there are ______.2. She hasn't ______ clothes to wear to the party.No problem, I can give her ______.3. Mary, there is ______ gas in the car.Oh, no. We had better get ______.4. Are there ______ good movies this weekend?No, there are ______.5. I want to take a shower; is there ______ hot water?I'm sorry, there is ______ hot water.50NUMERALUL –THE NUMERAL♥ este partea de vorbire care exprimă un număr, determinarea numerică a obiectelor (numeralulcardinal) sau ordinea obiectelor prin numărare (numeralul ordinal)a. Numeralul cardinal: one, two, three etc.b. Numeralul ordinal: the first, the second etc.

a. Numeralul cardinal:0 zero (nought)1 one 11 eleven 10 ten2 two 12 twelve 20 twenty3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty (no "u")5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty (note "f", not "v")6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty (only one "t")9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety (note the "e")100 one hundred200 two hundred… …900 nine hundred1,000 one thousandb. Numeralul ordinal:0th zeroth or noughth 10th tenth1st first 11th eleventh2nd second 12th twelfth 20th twentieth3rd third 13th thirteenth 30th thirtieth4th fourth 14th fourteenth 40th fortieth5th fifth 15th fifteenth 50th fiftieth6th sixth 16th sixteenth 60th sixtieth7th seventh17th seventeenth 70th seventieth8th eighth 18th eighteenth 80th eightieth9th ninth 19th nineteenth 90th ninetiethc. Numeralul fracţionar (The Fractional Numeral)♥ sunt redate sub forma unor fracţii. Numărul fracţiei este exprimat printr-un numeral cardinal,iar numitorul printr-un numeral ordinal:1/2 = a/one half = o jumătate, o doime;1/3/ = a/one third = o treime1.5 = one point nought fived. Numeralul colectiv (The Collective Numeral)♥ arată că obiectele sunt considerate în grup şi nu izolatNumeralele colective sunt: couple, pair, team, dozen, score, yokeEx: two dozen of eggs, several pair(s) of shoes51e.Numeralul multiplicativ (The Multiplicative Numeral)once - odată; twice - de două ori; three times - de trei ori, four times, five times, etc.Numeralul distributiv (The Distributive Numeral)f. Numeralul distributiv (The Distributive Numeral)♥ exprimă gruparea numerică a obiectelor.exemplu: two at a time; two by two; by twos; two and two; in tows (in

pairs):The pupils left the classroom two by two/in twos. Elevii au părăsit clasa câte doi.g. Numeralul adverbial (The Adverbial Numeral)♥ arată: de câte ori are loc o acţiune: once, twice, three times (thrice); ten times, a hundredtimes; once more; once again; twice as fast etc.They have French twice a week. Au franceza de două ori pe săptămână.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!1. ________ of people sat quietly in the hall.? Hundred ? Hundreds ? Five hundreds ? Five hundred ?2. Eggs are cheap. I bought __________.? two dozens ? two dozen ? two a dozen ? two dozens of them?3. He wrote a __________ report.? five-thousand-words ? five-thousands-word? five-thousands-words ? five-thousand-word4. Next week, we are going to study __________.? Lesson Nine ? Lesson Ninth ? Lesson Nineth ? the nineth lesson5. About ________ of the workers are young people.? third-fifths ? three-fifth ? three-fifths ? third-fifth6. About ___________ old people died of the flu last winter.? two thousand of ? two thousand ? two thousands ? two thousands of7. The scientist is in his _________.? thirties ? thirtys ? thirty's ? thirtieths8. "C" is _______ letter of the English alphabet.? a third ? third ? the third ? the third of the9. He's been in the United States for __________.? one year and a half ? one year and half? one year and an half ? one and half years10. The experiment will last for one hundred fifty days. Today is __________ day.? the one hundred fourty-ninth ? the one hundred forty-nineth? one hundred forty ninth ? the one hundred forty-ninthPRONUMELE -THE PRONOUN♥ poate înlocui substantive: The man is here; He is here♥ desemnează direct vorbitorul şi ascultătorul (I, you) sau desemnează global sau parţial obiectesau fenomene (all, each);♥ are categoriile gramaticale de persoană, gen, număr şi caz;Clasificarea pronumelor:52Pronumele personalPronumele reflexivPronumele posesiv

Pronumele relativPronumele interogativPronumele demonstrativPronumele nehotărât pozitiv universal :each, all, everyafirmativ: many, much, few, little, several, enough, one, seria someneafirmativ: seria any, either,negativ: seria no, neitherPronumele personal:Nominativ Dativ/AcuzativI meyou youhe himshe herit itwe usthey themExemple: You like me and I like you.- Ţie îţi place de mine şi mie îmi place de tine.Pronumele reflexiv♥ are terminaţia -self la singular şi -selves la pluralPersoana Singular PluralI myself ourselvesa II-a yourself yourselvesa III-a himself (masc.)herself (fem.) themselvesitself (neutru)Exemple: He looked at himself in the mirror.Pronumele posesiv♥ înlocuieşte atât numele obiectului posedat cât şi al posesoruluiFormele pronumelui posesiv sunt:PersoanaI singular mineI plural oursa II-a singular/plural yoursa III-a masculin singular hisplural theirsfeminin singular hersplural theirsExemplu:Is this his pen? No, it’s not ours. Ask Irina if is hers. Is it yours, Irina?Adjective posesive Pronume posesive Pronume personalIt's my food It's mine It belongs to meIt's your food It's yours It belongs to youIt's his food It's his It belongs to himIt's her food It's hers It belongs to herIt's its food -- It belongs to it

53It's our food It's ours It belongs to usIt's your food It's yours It belongs to youIt's their food It's theirs It belongs to themPronumele interogativwho este folosit pentru fiinţewhat pentru lucruriwhich pentru fiinţe şi lucrurihow much pentru cantităţihow many pentru numărwhat kind of pentru calităţi, etcExemple:Who are they waiting for?- Pe cine aşteaptă ei?What did he tell you? – Ce ţi-a spus?What time is it? – Cât este ceasul?Which of these books do you prefer ? – Pe care din aceste cărţi o preferi?From what country does he come from? – Din ce ţară vine?Pronumele relativ♥ se referă la un substantiv sau înlocuitor al acestuia menţionat anterior şi face legătura întrepropoziţia în care se află şi cea pe care o însoţeşte:I know people who don’t like this kind of food.I know people that don’t like this kind of food.Pronumele relative sunt: who, which şi thatNominativ Dativ/Acuzativ GenitivWho Who(m) WhoseExemplu: I don’t know whose car is this one.- Nu ştiu a cui este maşina aceasta.whoever -oricine. Whoever speaks must translate. Oricine vorbeşte trebuie să traducă.Whichever- oricare. He will take whichever is his. O/Îl va lua pe oricare este a/al lui.Pronumele nehotărât♥ desemnează global (all) sau parţial (each, either) obiecte sau fenomeneSome = ceva, nişte, puţin, puţină, unii, unele, câţiva, câteva, vreun, vreo, se întrebuinţează înpropoziţii afirmative, interogative (ptr a pune accentul pe ceva)Exemplu:She bought some. (vegetables, items, etc)Did you visit some of the museums the tourist guide recommended ?Any = vreun, vreo, niciun(ul), nicio, niciuna se întrebuinţează:în propoziţii afirmative cu sensul: oricare, orice: Any of you could answer this question.în propoziţii interogative şi negative: Have you got any ? I haven’t got

any.♥ Compuşii lui some, any şi no:somebody/someone - anybody/anyone - nobody/no one nonesomething - anything - nothingExemple:I saw somebody in your room.I saw something in your room.I saw nobody in your room.I saw nothing in your room.Each = fiecare: Each of them - Fiecare (dintre ei)Either (forma negativă neither) = fiecare: Have you seen either of them ? L-ai văzut pe vreunuldintre ei (doi) ?54Every =fiecare: Every pupil must do his homework.All = tot, toată, toţi, toate: I’ve seen them all. Le-am văzut pe toate.One = un, unul, una cineva:There were two children in the room: one was good and one was bad.Pronumele negativnobody, no one (nimeni), none (nici unul), neither (nici unul din doi), nothing (nimic): Exemple:Neither of them is right. Nici unul dintre ei (doi) nu are dreptate.What have you bought ? Nothing. Ce-ai cumpărat ? Nimic.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!EX1. Folosiţi pronumele personale potrivite.Atenţie la cuvintele din paranteză.Example: ___ often reads books. (Lisa)- She often reads books.1) ___is dreaming. (George)2) ___is green. (the blackboard)3) ___are on the wall. (the posters)4) ___is running. (the dog)5) ___are watching TV. (my mother and I)EX.2.Alegeţi pronumele posesiv corectExample: I have got a pet. ___ name is Cookie.- I have got a pet. Its name is Cookie.Hi Daniel,___ name is John. This is ___ friend Jason. He's 32. ___ sister is 34 and ___ workplace is verynear. Jason and I work in the same office. There are 150 employees in ___ company.EX.3. Alegeţi pronumele reflexiv corect din lista de mai jos:myself - yourself - himself - herself - itself - ourselves - yourselves - themselves1) Robert made this T-shirt ___ .2) Lisa did the homework ___

3) We helped ___ to some cola at the party.4) Emma, did you take the photo all by ___ ?5) I wrote this poem ___ .6) He cut ___ with the knife while he was doing the dishes.7) The lion can defend ___ .8) My mother often talks to ___ .9) Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help ___ .10) Alice and Doris collected the stickers ___ .EX.4. Alegeţi pronumele relativ corect: who, which or whose:1) I talked to the boy ____ car had broken down in front of the building.2) Mr John, ____ is a taxi driver, lives in the neighbourhood.3) We often visit our aunt in Bucharest ____ is in the south of Romania.4) This is the boy ____ comes from France.5) That's Irina, the girl ____ has just arrived at the airport.6) Thank you very much for your e-mail____ was very interesting.7) The man, ____ father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.558) The children, ____ shouted in the street, are not from our school.9) The car, ____ driver is a young man, is from England.10) What did you do with the money ____ your parents lent you?EX 5. Alegeţi pronumele corecte din lista de mai jos:myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves or each other.Example: Daniel and Irina have known __________ since 2007.Answer: Daniel and Irina have known each other since 2000.1) John and Angela haven't met ____ for a very long time.2) My friends enjoyed ____ at the party.3) Daniel repaired computer car ____.4) We helped ____ with our written task.5) People often give ____ presents at Christmas.6) I bought ____ a new record player.7) Katie, did you do the homework ____?8) They looked at ____ and smiled.9) They often write e-mails to ____ because they're best friends.10) She only thinks of ____. She's a little bit selfish.ADJECTIVUL- THE ADJECTIVE♥ este partea de vorbire care:a) exprimă o calitate a unui obiect (an interesting class, a young man)b) are categoria gramaticală a comparaţiei: He is taller than his sister.Comparaţia adjectivelor (The Comparison of Adjectives)1. Adjectivele monosilabice primesc -(e)r la comparativ şi the -(e)st la superlativ:small - smaller - the smallest ( mic-mai mic-cel mai mic)short - shorter - the shortest (scurt- mai scurt-cel mai scurt)Observaţie: La ortografiere pot apărea unele modificări:big - bigger - the biggest (mare-mai mare- cel mai mare)

hot - hotter - the hottest (fierbinte- mai fierbinte-cel mai fierbinte)fat - fatter - the fattest (gras-mai gras-cel mai gras)thin - thinner - the thinnest (subţire-mai subţire-cel mai subţire)happy - happier - the happiest (fericit-mai fericit- cel mai fericit)angry - angrier - the angriest (nervos- mai nervos- cel mai nervos)2. Adjectivele formate din două sau mai multe silabe formează comparativul şi superlativul cuajutorul lui more şi the most:careful - more careful - the most careful (grijuliu- mai grijuliu- cel mai grijuliu)difficult - more difficult - the most difficult (dificil- mai dificil- cel mai dificil)3. Adjectvele compuse formează gradele de comparaţie în felul următor:a) când primul element este un adjectiv care îşi păstrează sensul, acesta se schimbă la comparativşi superlativ:well-known – better-known - the best-known (binecunoscut)ill-paid - worse-paid - the worst-paid (prost plătit)intelligent-looking, - more intelligent-looking - the most intelligent-looking (privire inteligentă)56b) când cele două elemente formează un tot din punct de vedere al sensului comparaţia serealizează cu ajutorul lui more şi the most:heart-broken - more heart-broken - the most heart-broken (inima frântă)♥ comparativului de egalitate şi inferioritate:My room is as large as hers (la fel de mare ca)My homework is not as easy as yours.This film is less interesting than the previous one. (mai puţin interesant decât)♥ superlativul absolut se construieşte cu ajutorul adverbelorvery, too, highly, extremely, utterly:The film was very amusing. It is extremelly difficult to make such a film.4.Adjective neregulategood - better - the best ( bun- mai bun- cel mai bun)bad - worse - the worst (rău- mai rău- cel mai rău)much- more- the most (mult- mai mult- cel mai mult)old- older- the oldest (bătrân, vechi- mai bătrân, vechi- cel mai bătrân, vechi)old – elder- the eldest (în vârstă- mai în vârstă- cel mai în vârstă)little -less - the least (puţin, mai puţin- cel mai puţin)far - farther - the farthest (depărtat – mai depărtat- cel mai depărtat) sau further - the furthest

Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).My house is ____ than yours.This red flower is ____ than that yellow one.This is ____ magazine I have ever read.Non-smokers usually live ____ than smokers.Which is ____ insect in the world?A holiday by the sea is ____ than a holiday in the mountains.It is strange but often a coke is ____ than a beer.Who is ____ man on earth?The weather is even ____ than last summer.He was ____ student of all.ADVERBUL – THE ADVERB♥ a)arată o caracteristică a unei acţiuni, a unei stări sau a unei calităţi;b) poate avea categoria gramaticală a comparaţiei;c) îndeplineşte funcţia sintactică de complement circumstanţialExemplu: Is this idea really good?Locuţiuni adverbiale:as a rule = de obicei; by the way = apropo; as a matter-of-fact = de fapt; at once = imediat; oncein while, now and then = din când în când; to-and fro = încoace şi încolo...Adverbele de mod sau timp se formează prin adăugarea sufixului -ly la forma adjectivului:slow- slowly, week- weeklyExcepţii: true - truly; due - duly; whole – wholly, beautifully, etc.Adverbele de mod (Adverbs of manner). Adverbele de mod indică modalitatea propriu-zisă:well, badly, quickly, slowly etc.Ele mai pot fi adverbe:- de întărire: actually, certainly, obviously, really;57- de amplificare: absolutely, completely, greatly, barely, hardly;- de afirmaţie sau negaţie: yes, no, of course, not at all;- de probabilitate: maybe, perhaps, probally.Adverbele de loc (Adverbs of Place)Unele adverbe de loc indică locul propriu-zis: here, there, somewhere.Altele indică direcţia: aside, foward(s), backward(s), righ, left.Majoritatea adverbelor de loc pot fi folosite pentru a exprima atât locul cât şi direcţia:Loc: He doesn’t live far (Nu locuieşte departe).Direcţie: He didn’t go far (Nu s-a dus departe).Adverbele de timp (Adverbs of Time). Adverbele de timp indică:- momentul acţiunii: now, nowadays, today, then;

- succesiunea în timp: afterwards, before, eventually, formerly, previosly, soon;- durata: lately, recently, since, still, yet;- frecvenţa: definită: weekly, three times a day;nedefinită: often, usually, seldom, once in a while.Comparaţia adverbelor:Comparativ: fast - faster; early – earlierquickly - more quickly; carefully - more carefullyComparativul de egalitate: She dances on ice as quickly as her brother.Comparativul de inferioritate: She dances on ice less carefully than her brother.Superlativul absolut: se formează cu ajutorul unor adverbe ca very, quite, most care precedadverbul respectiv.Superlativul relativ: (the) most intelligently (of all).(the) least + adverbComparaţia neregulată a adverbelor:Gradul pozitiv Gradul comparativ Gradul superlativwell (bine) better (mai bine) (the) best (cel mai bine)badly (rău) worse (mai rău) (the) worst (cel mai rău)much (mult) more (mai mult) (the) most (cel mai mult)Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Găsiţi adjectivul din prima propoziţie şi completaţi spaţiile libere cu adverbul corespunzător:Joanne is happy. She smiles____ .The boy is loud. He shouts ____.Her English is fluent. She speaks English ____.Our mum was angry. She spoke to____ us .My neighbour is a careless driver. He drives____ .The painter is awful. He paints____ .Jim is a wonderful piano player. He plays the piano____ .This girl is very quiet. She often sneaks out of the house ____.She is a good dancer. She dances really ____.This exercise is simple. You ____ have to put one word in each space.58PREPOZIŢIA - PREPOSITION♥ leagă părţi de vorbire diferite: substantive, adjective, verbe sau adverbe de substantive sausubstitute ale acestora:In the picture, I can see a woman who is sitting at a table. She is sitting on a chair.There is another chair next to the woman.Unele cuvinte sunt urmate în mod obligatoriu de anumite prepoziţii:a) Substantive:

- interest, progress, satisfaction + in;- cause, chance, opportunity + of;- exception, invitation, kindness + to;b) Adjective:- anxious, enthusiastic + about;- alarmed, amazed, astonished, clever, good + at;- bound, eager, famous, fit, sorry + for;- disappointed, rich, successful + in;- afraid, ashamed, aware, characteristic, fond, full, jealous, proud, sure, tired, typical, worthy +of;- affectionate, appropiate, attentive, contrary, cruel, deaf, indifferent, kind, parallel, polite, rude,thankful + to;- angry, busy, charmed, consistent, delighted, dizzy, faint, identical, pale, satisfied, stiff, wet +with;c) Verbe:- aim, arrive, fire, gaze, glance, look + at;- account, ask, blame, care, leave long + for;- conceal, die, differ, escape, hide, prevent, protect + from;- abound, believe, end, fail, originate, succeed (+-ing), + in;- accuse, boast, cure, deprive, die, remind take care + of;- agree, comment, concentrate, congratulate, mediate + on;- adapt, adjust, apply, attribute, belong, cling, conform, consent, link, listen, prefer, reduce, refer,report, sell, sail, subscribe, turn + to;- complete, flush, glow, shake, shiver, side, subscribe, supply, threaten, tremble + with.Prepositions ExampleIn in the kitchen, in London, in the book,in the car, in a taxiAt at the door, at the station, at the table, at a concert, at 45On on the table, on the left, on the first floor, on the bus,by, next to, beside Jane is standing by / next to / beside the car.Under the bag is under the tableBelow the fish are below the surfaceOver put a jacket over your shirt, over 16 years of age,Above a path above the lakeAcross walk across the bridge, swim across the lakeThrough drive through the tunnelTo go to the cinema, go to London ,go to bedInto go into the kitchen / the houseTowards go 5 steps towards the houseOnto jump onto the tableFrom a flower from the garden, a present from JaneOf a page of the book, the picture of a palace

59By a book by Mark TwainOff get off the trainOut of get out of the taxiBy by car, by busAbout talking about youPrepositions of place: at, in, within, by, beside, next to, near, close to, against, over, above, on,top of; under, beneath, below, underneath, in front of, before; behind, after, between, amongPrepositions of time at, on, in, by, before, after¸ from... to, till/until, during, for, (all)through/throughout, overPrepositions of manner With (cu), without (fără), in... manner/wayPrepositions of direction: to, into, onto, towards, through, across, over, up, down, along, past, by,about, around, off, out of, fromPrepositions of reference: as to, as for, regarding, in regard to, concerning (formal), About, on(despre):Prepositions of cause: because of, on account of (formal), from, out of, for, through (din cauzăde)Prepositions of concession: in spite, despite (formal), for all, with all (familiar) ( în ciuda, cutoată / toate...Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!EX.1. Alege prepoziţia de loc corectă:We live ____ London.Would you like to go ____ the cinema tonight?No, thanks. I was ____ the cinema yesterday.We are going ____ holiday next week.There is a bridge ____ the river.The flight ____Bucharest ____ Lecce was ____ Berlin.____ my wall, there are many picture postcards.Who is the person ____ this picture?Come ____ the sitting room, we want to watch TV.The town lies 530 meters ____sea level.EX.2. Alege prepoziţia de timp corectă:1. What are you doing ____ the weekend?2. I don't know yet. Maybe I'll go to the cinema ____ Saturday.3. That's interesting. I haven't been to the cinema ____ so many years.4. We could go there together ____ the afternoon.5. That would be great. But I would prefer to go there ____ the evening. I am visiting my

grandma ____Saturday.6. That's okay. The film starts ____ eight o'clock.7. I can pick you up ____ half ____ seven. How long does the film last?8. It lasts ____ two hours and forty-five minutes.9. ____eight ____ a quarter to eleven.10.That's right. But I must hurry home ____ the film. I have to be home ____ eleven o'clock.60CONJUNCTIA - THE CONJUNCTION(lat.: conjunctio, con = impreuna; junctio = legatura)Conjuncţiile coordonatoare :a) copulative: and - şi; as well as - precum; both... and - atât... cât şi; not only... but also - nunumai...dar şi;b) disjunctive: or - sau; ori; either...or - sau... sau; neither...nor - nici...nici;c) adversative: but - dar, ci;exemple: I see a boy and a girl. = Văd un băiat şi o fată.He speaks English as well as German. = El vorbeşte engleza precum şi germana.Conjuncţiile subordonatoare- universale: that - că; if, whether – dacă- specializate: de loc: where - unde; wherever - oriunde;b) de timp: when - când; since - de când; till/until - până când; while/as - în timp ce; before -înainte ca; after - după ce;c) de mod: (exactly) as; (just) as - (aşa) cum; (exact) cum;d) de cauză: as, since, because - deoarece, fiindcă;e) de scop: so that, in order that/so (that) (mai formal) - (pentru) ca, cu scopul ca.f) condiţionale: if - dacă; provided (that) / on condition (that) as long as/so longs as - cu condiţia;unless - afară dacă, numai dacă nu;g) consecutive: so that - încât; so (familiar) - încât; so/such... (that) - aşa/astfel... încât;h) concesive: though, although (mai formal), while, whereas (formal), even if.though - deşi, cutoate că,chiar dacă;i) comparative: - mai (mult)... decât; as if/as though - ca şi cum, de parcă.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!EX.1. Alegeţi conjuncţia coordonatoare potrivită din următoarele: and, but, or, so1. Daniel was cold, _____he put on a coat.

2. Maria tried to translate the text, _____ it was too difficult.3. To get from Piteşti to Bucharest, you can take a bus, _____ you can go by car.4. I bought a bottle of wine, _____ we drank it together.5. The teacher was not very nice, _____ the mark was good.6. I went to buy my favorite CD, _____the shop didn't have it.7. Irina needed some money, _____ she took a part-time job.8. There's so much noise in the building lately! Maybe it's because of the new family who hasjust moved in , _____ maybe it's just coincidence.9. Julie has a guitar, _____ she plays it really well.10. The concert was cancelled, _____ we went to a disco instead.EX.2 Alegeţi conjuncţia subordonatoare potrivită:Daniel couldn't buy any presents ________ he didn't have any money.a. even though b becauseI don't drink coffee ________ it makes me nervous.a. as b. although________ it was snowing, I wasn’t cold.a. Although b. Because________ She doesn't speak English, she can't translate that text.61a. Whereas b. SinceDaniel passed the exam first time ________ his brother had to retake it four times.a. as b. whilePaula got the job she wanted ________ she had no experience.a. even though b. asI will be late today ________ my car has broken down.a. because b. though________ my wife likes to travel abroad, I prefer to stay at the countryside for my vacations.a. Whereas b. SinceINTERJECŢIA- INTERJECTIONClasificare:Cu ajutorul interjecţiilor se exteriorizează:1) senzaţii şi sentimente:a) bucurie: Ah ! Ooh ! Jippee ! Hurray ! (a, ah, ura!).b) surpriză: Oh ! Wow ! (a, ah, oh!). Oh, what a nice dress !c) mirare: Oh, dear ! Dear me ! Indeed ! (vai dragă, vai de mine, într-adevăr) Oh, dear, I can’tfind my purse. Dear me ! What are you doing over there ?d) admiraţie: Whew !(ah, doamne): Whew, how beautiful she is !e) înţelegere: Aha ! (a, aha!): Aha, these gloves are exactly what I was looking for.f) dispreţ: Fie ! Pshaw ! What a shame! (Ptiu, pah, ce ruşine!): Fie upon you ! You ought to be

ashamed at what you have done.g) dezgust: Ugh! (îh!): Ugh, how dirty your hands are !h) aprobare: Well done ! Congratulations ! (Foarte bine! Felicitări!) Well done, Peter ! You’vepassed all your exams brilliantly.i) dezaprobare: Nonsense! What a nuisance! (Prostii ! Ce pacoste!): What a nuisance! Now I’llhave to do it all over again!j) regret: Ah! Oh! What a pity! (a!, oh! ce păcat!): What a pity you couldn’t come! It was a goodplay.k) durere: Ouch! Ow! (vai, ah, aoleu!): ouch, it hurts!2) manifestări de voinţă:a) o rugăminte, un îndemn: Oh! Help! (oh! Ajutor!); Ssh! Hush! Silence! (Sst, linişte!): Hush!The baby’s sleeping!b) o încurajare: Cheer up! Come on! (Curaj! Haide!): Come on, don’t be afraid! You’ll be fine.c) o avertizare: Look Out! Fire! (Atenţie! Foc!): Fire ! The house is on fire!3) se reproduc sunete şi zgomote din mediul înconjurător: Bow - wow !Miaow! Baa! Buzz! (Ham - ham ! Miau! Beh! Bzzz!): Bang! Click! Crash!Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Alegeţi interjecţia potrivită situaţiilor de mai jos. Puteţi folosi interjecţii ca: ah, hello, dear, eh,allas, hmm, oh, well, er, uh-huh, ouch, etc.1. " ____, that feels good"2. " ____, she's dead now"3. " Oh ____ ! Does it hurt ?"624. "What do you think of that, ____ ?"5. "Lima is the capital of.... ____...Peru"6. " ____ John, How are you today ?"7. " ____, I'm not so sure"8. " ____ , please say 'yes' !"9. " ____, what did he say "10. " 85 divided by 5 is... ____...17"11. "Shall we go ? " " ____"12. " ____ ! That hurts !"63


♥ Părţile de propoziţie se clasifică în:1) părţi principale de propoziţie: subiectul şi predicatul;2) părţi secundare de propoziţie: complementul direct, indirect, prepoziţional, elementulpredicativ suplimentar, complemente circumstanţiale (de timp, loc, mod, cauză etc.) şi atributul.SUBIECTUL – THE SUBJECT♥ Subiectul este partea principală de propoziţie despre care se spune ceva cu ajutorulpredicatului.Exemple:He is a really nice guy.My dog attacked the burglar.David plays the pianoThe police interviewed all the witnesses.The man who had followed us inside walked over to the telephone.Subiectul simplu: manSubiectul complex: the man who had followed us insideSubiectul compus: The man and the woman walked over to the telephone.PREDICATUL - THE PREDICATE♥ Predicatul este partea principală de propoziţie care atribuie subiectului o acţiune, o stare sau oînsuşire.Predicatul nominal este alcătuit din: un verb copulativ + un nume predicativ.Verbe copulative:a. verbul be: He is clever. El este deşteptb. verbe ale devenirii: become, get, grow, turn: Her hair has turned grey. A încărunţit. She isgetting old. Îmbătrâneşte.c. Verbe ale continuării în aceeaşi stare : continue, keep, remain, hold, stay.He kept silent. Tăcea.d. verbe ale aparenţei: appear, look, seem: She seemed ill. Părea bolnavă. He looks pale. Estepalid.Numele predicativ este exprimat:a) printr-un substantiv sau echivalent al acestuia:My nephew has become a doctor.b) printr-un adjectiv, singur sau cu o complinire: She was happy. She was eager to come.c) printr-un participiu trecut: The village seemed deserted.64Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!

EX.1.Încercuiţi subiectele şi subliniaţi predicatele din propoziţiile de mai jos.1. Yesterday, Ross and Monica took their children to the zoo.2. The elephants, the lions, and all of the other animals were outside.3. The president of the bank looked everywhere for the papers.4. They listened quietly.5. The yellow race car with red stripes finished the first in the race.6. After his speech, the president of the meeting shook hands with all members of the crowd.EX.2. Potriviţi subiectul cu predicatul. Mai multe variante sunt posibile. Un exemplu este făcutpentru a vă ajuta:Subjects PredicatesThe dirty yellow cat stood outside the hotel all night.We prowled through the dark alley.Tom and his brother lived in the attic last winter.The taxi driver baked delicious apple pies.Anna's elderly mother were late yesterday.The green tree snake sold used cars.The detective in the gray raincoat was from the Middle East.Seven rats waited patiently for his victim.COMPLEMENTUL DIRECT -THE DIRECT OBJECTI haven’t seen him for a long tim. Nu l-am văzut de mult.I drink milk every day. Beau lapte în fiecare zi.We enjoyed ourselves at the cinema. Ne-am distrat la cinematograf.We sing a song every day.- Interpretăm un cântec în fiecare zi.Did she ask you any questions ? Ţi-a pus vreo întrebare ?Cuvintele subliniate sunt complemente directe. Răspund la una din întrebările pe cine?, ce?O altă metodă pentru a afla dacă un cuvânt este sau nu complement direct, este aceea de atransforma fraza respectivă la diateza pasivă. Complementul direct va trebui sa devină subiectulpropoziţiei la diateza pasivă.Exemplu:1. Todd sang a song.=> Passive: A song was sung by Todd.2. Ashley became a rock star." a rock star " nu este complement direct şi deci nu poate deveni subiectul propoziţiei la diatezapasivă.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Identificaţi complementul direct, apoi traduceţi propoziţiile.1. The computer programmer is testing his new software.2. We suddenly realized that someone was listening.

653. Amy has decided to go to university.4. They can't read what you've just written.5. This exercise involves clicking on the screen.COMPLEMENTUL INDIRECT- THE INDIRECT OBJECTPlease, send an email to me. Te rog trimite-mi un email.He sold his car to his best friend. Şi-a vândut maşina celui mai bun prieten.She bought a new shirt for her husband. A cumpărat o cămaşă nouă soţul ei.Cuvintele subliniate sunt complemente indirecte. Răspund la întrebarea cui? sau pentru cine?Acestea pot fi precedate sau nu de prepoziţii:Exemplu: Tom sold us his old house. She bought her brother a new shirt.Complementul indirect este exprimat de regulă printr-un substantiv sau echivalent al acestuia,precedat de prepoziţia to sau for:We offered presents to our teacher.We offered flowers to her.She bought books for her children.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Identificaţi atât complementele directe cât şi indirecte din propoziţiile de mai jos:1. I owe you some money.2. The students read English writers in their literature class.3. Tell them the news now.4. Will you give Mary the candy? (Hint: change it to a statement)5. Mrs. Jones gave the students a difficult homework.6. The principal excused the boys early last Wednesday.7. Who taught them about the Civil War?8. Mr. Smith gave us a long speech about science.9. Have you written many letters this summer?10. Mr. John gave his son the keys to his car.11. I like rain.12. Traffic controllers in the towers at the airport control air traffic.COMPLEMENTUL PREPOZIŢIONAL - THE PREPOSITIONAL OBJECT♥ Complementul prepoziţional este exprimat prin:a) un substantiv sau echivalent al acestuia precedat de o prepoziţie: He is looking for his suit. Îşicaută costumul. I ran after her. Am fugit după ea.b) o construcţie infinitivală sau gerundială, precedată de o prepoziţie:Would they agree to leave at once? Ar fi de acord să plecăm imediat?

He boasts of being the best football player in the school. Se laudă că este cel mai bun jucător defotbal din şcoală.c) o propoziţie subordonată: He boasts that he is the best football player in the school.♥ Complementul prepoziţional este întrebuinţat după:66a) verbe intranzitive cu prepoziţie obligatorie: care for, complain of, depend on, hintat, insist on, long for, look at, pass for, warn of, wonder at, worry about :The success of the meeting will depend on the speaker ’s inspiration.b) verbe intranzitive cu două prepoziţii: agree with smb about smth, argue withsmb about smth.He agreed with me about the plan.c) verbe tranzitive cu prepoziţie obligatorie: acquaint smb with smth, advise smb.about smth, assure smb of smth, blame smb for smth, bother smb. with smth,convince smb, of smth, entrust smb with smth, mistake smb. for smth, warn smbabout smth:I convinced him about the plan.d) adjective sau participii care îndeplinesc funcţia de nume predicativ într-unpredicat nominal, urmate de o prepoziţie obligatorie:about: He was reasonable about her She is good at He is interested in astronomy.of: Romania’s foreign trade is based on co-operation and equal rights.with: He is angry with your behaviour.Alte adjective şi participii urmate de aceste prepoziţii sunt:- angry, glad, happy, mad, annoyed, pleased worried + about;- angry, clever, hopeless, terrible, alarmed, amused, annoyed, delighted, pleased + at;- efficient, fortunate, lucky, persistent, (un)successful + in;- afraid, certain, conscious, fond, glad, convinced, scared + of;- dependent, insistent, keen, lent, set + on;- busy, (un)comfortable, (in)compatible, content, furious, (un)happy, impatient, sick, uneasy,annoyed, bored, concerned, delighted, disaplointed, excited, exhausted, horrified, obsessed,occupied, overcome, pleased, satisfied, upset + with.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!

Completaţi spaţiile libere cu prepoziţia potrivită:He reminds me _____ your brother in some ways. You have similar temperaments.The „must not” message is designed to prevent people _____entering.The judge banned him _____ driving for six months.This new software enables the user _____ get lots of reports for the management.I don't smoke at home; I don't want to encourage the children _____ smoke.The team manager wouldn't allow the press _____ interview his players.The police wouldn't provide the press _____ any details about the crime.The salesman failed to interest me _____ any of his products.CONSTRUCŢIILE COMPLEXE - COMPLEX CONSTRUCTIONSAcuzativ cu - infinitiv- participiu prezent- participiu trecutNominativ cu - infinitiv- participiu prezentInfinitiv cu for - to67Nominativul absolut cu -infinitivul- participiu prezent- participiu trecutConstrucţiile gerundialea) În construcţiile infinitivale ne interesează acţiunea în sine, faptul petrecut, care este văzut caîncheiat:We saw him sleep (= that he fell asleep). Am văzut că a adormit.b) în construcţiile cu participiul în -ing, acţiunea este văzută în desfăşurare: We saw him dancing(= that he was dancing). L-am văzut dansând.c) în construcţiile cu participiul trecut, acţiunea este privită ca un rezultat: We found the dogdead. Am găsit căţelul acuzativul cu nominativul nominativul absolutAc + infinitivI saw him cross the street.N+ infinitivDaniel seems to speakEnglish fluently.N + infinitivHe sent the tests first, thecomments to come later.Ac + part. prez.She could hear her friendlaughing.

N+ part. prezHe was seen smoking in theliving.N absolut + part. prezentThe investigation beingdone, the policemen headedto the station.Acuzativ cu participiutrecut:I want this homework doneimmediately.N absolut + part.trecut:The game finished, theplayers left the footballground.Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!EX.1.Recunoaşteţi construcţiile folosite în exemplele de mai jos:1. The day being rainy, we didn’t go out.2. The two women, their business concluded, retired to the bar.3. The Prime Minister happened to be in Greece at the time.4. I would like him to come.5. The letter being written, he left to the post office.EX.2. Transferaţi construcţiile Acuzativ cu infinitiv în construcţii Nominativ cu infinitiv.Exemplu: They knew her to be a good teacher.She was known to be a good teacher.1. We expected the manager to speak first. 2. They thought him to be gifted in singing. 3. I heardhim walk slowly in the dark. 4. We advised him to go to the hospital as soon as possible 5. Theytold us not to worry. 6. The manager asked him to explain the semester report. 7. They saw himsteal the money. 8. You consider his thoughts to be very weird.68COMPLEMENTELE CIRCUMSTANŢIALE DE LOC, TIMP, MOD– ADVERBIALS♥ Complementul circumstanţial de loc indică locul, punctul de plecare, direcţia sau limitaunei acţiuni sau stări.♥ Complementul circumstanţial de timp indică:a) momentul acţiunii: now, nowadays, today, then;b) succesiunea de timp: afterwards, before, eventually, formerly, previously, soon.

c) durata: lately, recently, since, still, yet;d) frecvenţa: weekly, three times a day, often, usually, seldom, once in a while.♥ Complementul circumstanţial de mod indică modul în care se îndeplineşte o acţiunesau apare o însuşire.Complementul circumstanţial de loc (The Adverbial of Place) este exprimat prin:a) un adverb sau o perifrază advebială de loc: He is here. He was walking to and fro.b) un substantiv cu sau fără prepoziţie:Helen is in town for the moment./ They went home.c) un substantiv în cazul genitiv precedat de o prepoziţie: We buy vegetables at the greengrocer's.d) o propoziţie circumstanţială de loc: We do our shopping where everybody else does.Complementul circumstanţial de timp (The Adverbial of Time) este exprimat prin:a) un adverb de timp: My parents arrived yesterday.b) o perifrază adverbială de timp: They visit their relatives from time to time.c) o construcţie adverbială: Tom was born in 1965.d) nominativul absolut cu participiul trecut: His homework written the boy went out to play.e) un participiu prezent sau trecut, precedat de o conjuncţie temporală:He doesn’t feel quite well when sailing by their ship.f) un gerund precedat de o prepoziţie: On leaving the house, she asked me to make certain thelights were off..g) un substantiv introdus într-o conjuncţie temporală: While in Romania he learned to manage byhimself.3) o propoziţie circumstanţială de timp: He is always air sick when he travels by plane.Complementul circumstanţial de mod (The Adverbial of Manner)- indică felul, modalitatea în care decurge acţiunea sau starea: well, badly, quikly, slowly.Ele mai pot reda şi alte sensuri:- cantitatea: enough, much, a little;- întărire: actually, certainly, really;- amplificare: absolutely, completely, greatly, highly, barely, scarcely;- de afirmaţie sau negaţie: yes, no, of course, not at all;- probabilitate: maybe, perhaps, possibly.Exemplu: The merchandise was slowly moved into the warehouse.Complementul circumstanţial de mod comparativ (The Adverbial

of Comparison) esteexprimat:a) printr-un substantiv sau pronume precedat de prepoziţia like: I slept like a baby..b) printr-un substantiv cu prepoziţie, un adjectiv, un verb la infinitiv sau participiu prezent/trecutintroduse prin as if, as though: She cried as if in a terrible danger.69c) un substantiv, un adjectiv, pronume sau numeral, o construcţie infinitivală sau gerundialăintroduse prin conjuncţiile as, not so/as, than: She is as smart as her parents.d) o propoziţie circumstanţială de mod comparativă:She smiled as if she were extremely happy, but....Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!Rewrite the sentences and put the adverbs in correctly.Rescrieţi propoziţiile şi puneţi adverbul la locul potrivit. Menţionaţi felul adverbelor.We were in London. (last week) →He walks his dog. (rarely) →She waited. (patiently) →My father goes fishing. (always) →Your bedroom is. (upstairs) →We don't go skiing. (in summer) →Cats can hear. (well) →I saw him. (there) →The girl speaks English. (fluently) →I have seen that film. (never) / (before) →ATRIBUTUL - THE ATRIBUTEAtributul modifică sau determină un substntiv sau pronume care îndeplineşte în propoziţiefuncţia de:1) subiect: The tall girl is my sister-in-law.2) o parte secundară de prepoziţie:a) complement direct sau indirect: They made an extraordinary attempt.b) complement circumstanţial (de loc, timp etc.): They often go out quiet evenings.Atributul prepus: this exercise, my youngest brother,etcAtributul postpus: Did you find anything new ? Ai găsit ceva nou ?Exerciţii – PracticeLUCREAZĂ SINGUR ŞI VERIFICĂ LA SFÂRŞITUL CĂRŢII!1. Those are probably _______ boys in the school.Fanciest/ fanciest/ most fanciest2. Uncle Daniel is really _______ man.

an old sweet/a sweet, old/ a sweet old3. Dacia used to be _______ car.a fine German / a German, fine/ a fine, German4. All the family was home for the holidays. What could make for _______ Christmas?a merrier/ the merriest/ a merrier5. They were raised in _______ house in Bucharest.a comfortable, little/ a little, comfortable/ a comfortable little6. Four weddings and a funeral is the _______ movie I've ever seen.most excited/most exciting/most exciteable7. She wanted to take a course with _______professor.70that interesting new Japanese economics / that Japanese interesting, new economicsthat interesting,new, Japanese, economics8. Of all the mechanics in the shop, he is surely _______ .the less competent/ the least competent/ the competentest.9. In the fall, the valleys tend to be _______than the hilltops.foggy/more foggier/foggier10. My cold is definitely _______ this morning.worse/ worst/worser71TEST FINAL1.Q: What ____________ you ____________ (do)? I'm you do are you doing did you do2. Q: ____________ you always ____________ (get up) at 6 o'clock?Do you always get up Are you always getting up Do always you get up3. Q: ____________ Daniel ____________ (have, got) a motorbike?Does John have got Has John got Have John got4. Q: At the moment he ____________ (have) having having has5. Q: John doesn't like playing basketball, but he ____________ (love) playing loving love loves6. Q: Last winter he ____________ (go) by train from Rome to London.goed has gone went7. Q: Mary ____________ (not, be) at work at the moment. She's at home.isn't being isn't doesn't be8. Q: Next Wednesday my sister ____________ (go) to Paris.went goes is going9. Q: They ____________ (take) their children to Italy last year.did take took taked10. Q: What time ____________ he ____________ (arrive) home last Thursday?did he arrives did he arrive does he arrive11. Q: What ____________ they ____________ (do)? They're they doing are they doing do they do12. Q: When ____________ you ____________ (go) to France last year?

you went did you go did you went13. Q: ____________ you ____________ (have, got) any brothers or sisters?Has you got Do you have got Have you got14. Q: John doesn't like going to the beach, but he ____________ (love) going to the mountains.loves doesn't love is loving15. Q: Next Sunday John ____________ (come) to visit his family.comes is coming will come16. Q: Peter ____________ (be) on holiday now. He isn't at home.will be is is going to be17. Q: She ____________ (teach) her husband cooking last summer.did teach teached taught18. Q: ____________ he always ____________ (have) breakfast at 7 o'clock?Is he always having Does he always has Does he always have19. Q: Last winter she ____________ (drive) to Bulgaria.drove drived did drive20. Q: ____________ you ____________ (have, got) a good summer job?Do you got Have you got Has you got21. Q: Where ____________ she ____________ (study) french last year?did she study did she studied has she studied22. Q: Mary likes visiting relatives, but she ____________ (like) talking on the telephone.doesn't like likes isn't liking23. Q: She ____________ (watch) a documentay at the moment.watched watches is watching24. Q: He ____________ (take) his friend to the theater last week.tooked has taken took25. Q: Mary ____________ (not, be) on holiday now. She's at home.isn't won't be isn't being7226. Q: What ____________ you ____________ (do)? I'm playing the you doing do you do are you doing27. Q: Next Saturday my brother ____________ (visit) the new museum.will visit visits is going to visit28. Q: ____________ you always ____________ (finish) work at 8 o'clock?Do you always finish Are you always finishing Did you always finished29. Q: They ____________ (ride) the train to England last spring.did ride rode have ridden30. Q: What ____________ you ____________ (do) this evening? I'm doing my English homework.will you do do you do are you doing31. Q: ____________ she often ____________ (telephone) in the evening?Does she often telephone Is she often telephoning Will she often telephones32. Q: ____________ they ____________ (have, got) a van?Have they got Do they have got Has they got33. Q: At the moment they ____________ (read) a magazine.are going to read reads are reading

34. Q: I ____________ (teach) my students about the mammals yesterday.taughted taught have taught35. Q: Maria doesn't like working in the office, but she ____________ (love) working at home.loves doesn't love isn't loving36. Q: Next Tuesday my sister ____________ (have) dinner at that new going to have will have has37. Q: She ____________ (fly) to the USA last summer.flied has flown flew38. Q: Irina ____________ (not, be) at the office tomorrow. He's on holiday.isn't going to be won't been isn't39. Q: What ____________ she ____________ (do) yesterday evening?did she do does she do is she doing40. Q: ____________ Daniel ____________ (have, got) a television?Have Daniel got Has Daniel got Does Daniel has got41. Q: Where ____________ they ____________ (go) on holiday last winter?did they went have they gone did they go42. Q: Alice loves walking in the countryside, and she ____________ (like) going to the swimmingpool.doesn't like like likes43. Q: At the moment she ____________ (listen) to some music.listens is listening has listened44. Q: ____________ he always ____________ (play) tennis on Sundays?Do he always play Does he always plays Does he always play45. Q: I __________________ TV when the telephone rang.watched was watching are watching have watched46. Q: I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I've _______ eaten breakfast.Yet still already ever47. Q: My father let me ____________ late when I was a stay out stayed out stay out staying out48. Q: Would you like ___________ chicken?any a some one49. Q: He has _______ friends in London.Few few of a lot much50. Q: She _________________ dinner by the time we arrived.had finished finished have finished finishing51. Q: What shall we do tonight? How about ___________ a film?to see see seeing going7352. Q: _______ you ever ________ to Paris?Did ... go Have .... go Have ... gone Shall .... go53. Q: Have you finished your work ______?Yet already still just54. Q: Jack is really ______________ geography, especially Japanese history.interested at interesting in interested in interested for55. Q: These images ______________ by an artist named John Smith.

are photographed were photoed photographed were photographed56. Q: He'll give you a call as soon as he __________.will arrive arrives is arriving is going to arrive.57. Q: He found his watch ___________ the papers on the table.In among between through58. Q: Would you mind ______________ me a hand?to give give giving given59. Q: I think Piteşti is ____ exciting ____ ... as so ... than as ... than so ... as60. Q: He _________ he wanted to come.told said me said told to me61. Q: What ______________ at work?do you have to do must you do have you to do do you62. Q: How is he? - Daniel? He __________.'s fine s tall with blond hair 's quite a shy person actually 's twenty three63. Q: He will meet you _________ the station at 9 o'clock front ahead in front of behind of64. Q: If you want to be healthy, you _______ smoke or drink alcohol.needn't couldn't shouldn't mustn't to65. Q: He's _____________ politics.interested interesting interested to interested in66. Q: Where was Dany yesterday? - I don't know. He ________________ seeing the doctor.might has been might have been couldn't have been mustn't have been67. Q: Yes, that is the woman _________ horse almost trampled her!which whose who that68. Q: Would you like me to ______________ the kids next week?look to look at look after look into69. Q: I missed the bus, so I _________ take the next one.musted must had to had70. Q: Why are your hands so dirty? - Well, I __________________ in the garden for the last twohours.have worked worked am working have been working71. Q: Fiestas ______________ in an old city in Germany for many years now.have been making have made have been made are made72. Q: Let me ___________! I didn't really want to eat all the cakes, I just couldn't help say you say you explain me explain73. Q: Yes, we have bought the tickets to the concert and we _______________ next Saturday. I'm soexcited.will go won't go shall be going are going74. Q: Most people like rugby, but ____ my opinion it's too chaotic.Of from in with75. Q: Are you travelling to Prague ____ business or ____ holiday?For on to in76. Q: Have you read the article _____ Time magazine ____ Google?

on – on to – on in – on from – on77. Q: What's that book _____?74about to from of78. Q: I stayed ____ the Ritz Hotel ________ my stay in New – to to – while at – while at – during79. Q: I looked this word ____ in the dictionary, but I still don't understand its meaning.from on up over80. Q: We need some sugar. We're almost completely ____ it.out out of over through81. Q: Luckily, I made it to the station ___ time to catch the last for at to82. Q: My house is ___ the end of the street ___ the – on at – in in – at at – on83. Q: The post office doesn't open _____ 9 a.m.For until still just84. Q: Are you ___ or ___ the prime minister?pro – con for – against with – against proto – contra85. Q: Were you ____ time for your appointment? Or were you late?to on at of86. Q: Throw the ball ___ Daniel, beneath to against87. Q: I got ____ home late last night.To at _ in88. Q: Please talk __ the manager and don't shout __ me!to – to at – to to – at with – to89. Q: You can start the computer ___ pressing that button.with to by from90. Q: She was born ____ Spain ___ March 16, – in in – to in – on to – in91. Q: He was born ___ Germany ___ – to on – in in – in in – at92. Q: Be careful! You're going to set the paper ___ fire!to on in with93. Q: I need to learn these verbs ___ heart ___ – on by – to from – by by – by94. Q: She'll be finished ____ the end of the week.By from to in95. Q: You must take the medicine _____ the next five minutes.Since until within at96. Q: I haven't seen Larry ___ ages!At in since until97. Q: It is years ____ I last played tennis.For when since at98. Q: Jack will be out _____ 3.30.Since at from until99. Q: Daniel _____ (live) in New York for the past 15 years.

has lived lives lived100. Q: Jane ____ (work) for H&M before she came to work for us.Works worked has worked101. Q: Are there ______ peaches in the kitchen?Much any some a102. Q: That is _____ interesting book.The a an -103. Q: I went ______ church last Sunday.At in to on75104. Q: What _____ he like? - He is very friendly.Does did is has105. Q: I ________ a new car last month.bought have bought buyed did bought106. Q: How ________ money do you have in your wallet?many few much some107. Q: She came ______ home late last night.- at to in108. Q: Daniel is a nice boy, and I like _____.- him his it109. Q: I get up ______ eight o'clock every day.In on at to110. Q: I like __________ music.Listen listen to listening to to listening to111. Q: What __________ in your free time?you do do you do are you doing does you do112. Q: My father _______ in a software company.Works work is working is worked113. Q: Would you like _______ coffee?Any an some to114. Q: I _____ drive a car.can't to can want have115. Q: He likes watching TV ______ the at during in116. Q: I drove my car _____ the garage.In at into onto117. Q: _________. Is there a bank near here?Please Excuse me Pardon Hey118. Q: I live in ______.italy Italy Italian italian119. Q: The bank is at the end of this street _____ the in on over120. Q: The bank is _______ the post office.near of next to next close121. Q: There are ______ magazines on the table.any an some a122. Q: I would like _____ rice.a one some any

123. Q: I went to London three years _____.last ago time past yet124. Q: I would love to visit Prague sometime. Unfortunately, I ____ (be/never) there.have never been was never will never be125. Q: Daniel _____ (play) tennis for five years when he _____ (be) at school.has played – was played – was has played - has been126. Q: : Do you like ______ Chinese food?- an some the127. Q: I _____ (work) in Spain for 5 years. I ____ (begin) work as soon as I – began have worked - have begun have worked – began128. Q: I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I _____ (eat/already).didn't eat already have already eaten haven't already eaten129. Q: When Daniel was at school, he _____ (learn) to play the piano. He _____ (play) it ever since.has learned - has played learned - has played learned – played76130. Q: Could you give me some advice? I _____ (buy) this sweater yesterday. Do you think I shouldtake it back?Bought have bought buyed131. Q: George lives in New York. Before she _____ (move) here, she ____ (live) in Seattle for 3years.moved - has lived moved – lived has moved – lived132. Q: Peter ____ (go) to Paris last year. That means that he ____ (be) to Paris 3 times!went - has been went – was has gone – was133. Q: Just a moment! I _____ (not think) of a good idea yet!haven't thought didn't think don't think134. Q: Irina _____ (believe) that for ages!believes has believed was believed135. Q: How long _____ (you/live) there before coming here?have you lived did you live do you live136. Q: She _____ (write) the email but doesn't know how to send it.has written writes written137. Q: I ____ (just/have) something done to my hair. Do you like it?have just had just have had just have138. Q: Hurry up! The concert _____ (begin) and we are late.Begins has begun began139. Q: Andra _____ (record) many albums and will probably make many more.records has recorded recorded140. Q: Nat King Cole _____ (record) many albums during his great career.records has recorded recorded141. Q: How many magazines ____ (read) this year?

did you read do you read have you read142. Q: How many books ____ (read) last year?do you read have you read did you read143. Q: ____ (newspaper/arrive)? Yes, Daniel is reading it at the moment.Did the newspaper arrived Does the newspaper arrive Has the newspaper arrived144. Q: Where ____ (you/find) that book? - I _____(find) it in the library.have you found - have found did you find – found did you find - have found145. Q: ____ (you/smoke) a lot before becoming a non-smoker?Have you smoked Did you smoked Did you smoke146. Q: He _____ (leave) the shop a few minutes ago.was left left has left147. Q: She ____ (not leave) the house yet.has left hasn't left didn't leave148. Q: I _____ (not know) you ____ (be) here! _____ (you/be) here long?haven't known - were - Have you beendidn't know - were - Have you beendidn't know - have been - Have you been149. Q: _____ (you/see) today's paper?Do you see Have you seen Are you seeing150. Q: I'm tired. I _____ (not get) much sleep last night.haven't got didn't get wasn't get77Cheia exerciţiilorPresent Tense SimpleAfirmativ:I leave home at 12 o’clock but my friend leaves home at 1 o’clock.I go to work by car but my friend goes to work by train.I speak English well but my friend speaks English badly.I get home at six but my friend gets home at seven.I have two kids but my friend has three.Interogativ:Do you leave home at 12 o’clock? Does he leave home at 1 o’clock?Do you go to work by car? Does he go to work by train?Do you speak English well? Does he speak English badly?Do you get home at six? Does he get home at seven?Do you have two kids? Does he have three kids?Negativ:I don’t leave home at 12 o’clock. My friend doesn’t leave home at 1 o’clock.I don’t go to work by car. My friend doesn’t go to work by train.I don’t speak English. My friend doesn’t speak English badly.I don’t get home at six. My friend doesn’t get home at seven.I don’t have two kids. My friend doesn’t have three kids.Past Tense SimpleAfirmativ

He spent three days in the Danube Delta last month.1. Daniel got up early in the morning and (do) morning exercises.2. Then he washed and ate/had breakfast with his parents.3. After that he went fishing with his friends Irina and Larry.4. He swam in the Danube in the evening.5. The weather was fine all the time.6. Daniel made a lot of friends there.7. He came back home in September to go to school.Interogativ1. Did he spend three days in the Danube Delta last month?2. Did Daniel get up early in the morning and do morning exercises?3. Did he wash and eat/have breakfast with his parents?4. After that did he go fishing with his friends Irina and Larry?5. Did he swim in the Danube in the evening?6. Was the weather fine all the time?7. Did Daniel make a lot of friends there?8. Did he come back home in September to go to school?78Future Tense SimpleSituation 1Daniel: Grandpa:1. I’ll work in the lab tomorrow. Where will you work?2. I’ll do an interesting experiment tomorrow. What will you do?3. I’ll obtain hydrogen in the Chemistry lesson. What will you obtain?4. I’ll learn interesting things next week. When will you learn?5. I’ll study hydrogen next week. What will you study?6. I’ll ask the teacher a lot of questions. Who will you ask ?Situation 2 -1. Larry will not /won’t read his lesson later.2. Larry will not /won’t go to the cinema next Sunday.3. He will not /won’t go shopping tomorrow morning.4. He will not /won’t help you tomorrow evening.5. He will not /won’t have an experiment in the chemistry lab next week.6. He will not /won’t wash the car on Sunday morning.7. He will not /won’t buy a new car next year.8. He will not /won’t take a new project next month.Present PerfectI. Pune verbele din paranteză la Prezentul Perfect Simplu:1. I have just fixed my car.2. Father has just left home.3. They have just arrived to the theatre.4. We have just seen our Math teacher.5. He has just begun to cry.II. Completează urmatoarele propoziţii folosind timpul Prezent Perfect Simplu:

1. That is the most interesting movie he has ever seen.2. This is the best book she has ever read.3. This is the biggest mall they have ever visited.4. These are the most attractive souvenirs they have ever bought.5. Those are the most wonderful monuments they have ever seen.Past Perfect1. Had Daniel seen the Black Sea before?Yes, he had.Had Irina seen the Black Sea before?No, she hadn’t.2. Had Daniel swum in the sea before?Yes, he had.Had Irina swum in the sea before?No, she hadn’t.793. Had Daniel sunbathed on the beach before?Yes, he had.Had Irina sunbathed on the beach before?No, she hadn’t.4. Had Daniel gone fishing in the sea before?Yes, he had.Had Irina gone fishing in the sea before?No, she hadn’t.5. Had Daniel walked down the beach before?Yes, he had.Had Irina walked down the beach before?No, she hadn’t.6. Had Daniel stayed at a hotel before?Yes, he had.Had Irina stayed at a hotel before?No, she hadn’t.7. Had Daniel made the tour of Constanţa before?Yes, he had.Had Irina made the tour of Constanţa before?No, she hadn’t.8. Had Daniel visited Eforie Nord before?Yes, he had.Had Irina visited Eforie Nord before?No, she hadn’t.Present Continuous1. Larry is working in his office now.2. Daniel is typing a letter in the secretariate3. Ioana is presenting a project in the conference room.4. Maria is speaking on the phone in the hall now.5. Matei is meeting some clients in the guests room.Past Tense Continuous

1. Daniel and John were working in the office when Mr Smith came in.2. Matei and Maria were speaking on the phone when Mr Smith came in.3. Ioana was writing a report when Mr Smith came in.4. Martha was watering the flowers when Mr Smith came in.5. Victor was talking to his coleague when Mr Smith came in.6. Angela was opening the windows when Mr Smith came in.7. Mark and Chris were looking at some pictures when Mr Smith came in.8. Fiona was reading the newspapers when Mr Smith came in.Future Continuous1) She will be meeting him next week. (to meet)2) We will be arriving in Pitesti just about now. (to arrive)803) At 7 o'clock on Monday they will be singing the new song. (to sing)4) He will be sleeping when you call her. (to sleep)5) It will probably be raining when I reach Madrid. (to rain)6) Mary will be watching a video when I arrive tonight. (to watch)7) You will be eating spaghetti soon. (to eat)8) This time next week he will be flying to Africa. (to fly)9) Peggy will be coming to the party on Sunday. (to come)10) Tomorrow at nine I will be writing a test paper. (to write)Present Perfect Continuous1. We have been talking about that horrible accident for half an hour.2. She has been cooking a chicken soup for 1 hour.3. They have been phoning the manager for the last five minutes.4. Mary has been living in Manhattan since June 1998.5. It has been raining since morning.Past Perfect ContinuousShe had been sleeping for 10 hours when he woke us up.We had been waiting at the station for 60 minutes when the train finally arrived.They had been looking her ring for three hours and then we found it in the bathroom.I had not been walking for a long time, when it suddenly began to rain.How long had she been learning English before she went to London?She had been driving less than an hour when he ran out of gas.They were very tired in the evening because they had been helping on the farm all day.I had not been working all day; so I wasn't tired and went to the disco at night.They had been cycling all day so their legs were sore in the evening.Future Perfect ContinuousMike: Helen has been in the kitchen all day long.Ross: It doesn't sound like she's having a very good birthday party.Mike: She will have been cooking for over five hours by the time

everyone arrives fordinner.Hopefully, she will have finished everything by then.Ross: Maybe we should give her a helping hand.Diateza:1. He has been appointed president.I have been given a good dictionary.You will be told what time the bus leaves.The carpender will be paid for his work.They were promised new bicycles.2. This bed has not been slept in.The children were well looked after.The dog was run over by a bus.You will be laughed at if you wear this dress.81Persoana şi numărul1) He is dreaming.2) It is green.3) They are on the wall.4) It is running.5) We are watching TV.6) They are in the garden.7) He is riding his bike.8) She is from Bristol.9) She has got a brother.10) Have you got a computer, Mandy?Subjonctivul1. It is very important that all employees be dressed in their proper uniforms before 6:30 a.m.2. I wish my sister were here.3. The coach insisted that Mario play the center position, even though he's much too short forthat position..4. Mary hoped that the meeting be adjourned.5. My mother would know what to do. Oh, would that she were here with us now!6. If only Mark were a little more responsible in his choice of courses!7. If Mrs. Smith had been ill that night, the Smiths would not have gone to the cinema.8. Her employees treated Mrs. Smith as though she were a queen.9. I wish I felt better today.Infinitivul şi gerunziul1) I can't imagine Peter going by bike.2) He agreed to buy a new car.3) The question is easy to answer.4) The man asked me how to get to the airport.5) I look forward to seeing you at the weekend.

6) Are you thinking of visiting London?7) We decided to run through the forest.8) The teacher expected Sarah to study hard.9) She doesn't mind working the night shift.10) I learned to ride the bike at the age of 5.Participiul trecut:the lost sonan interested audiencea broken legan emptied bottlea closed doora decorated roomtwo packed bagsthe written lettersthe sold carthe bought apples82Verbele auxiliareWhat have you done?I do not like this song.Does she know that you are here?The lesson has not started yet.Do you drink milk?Who has eaten my biscuits?It does not matter.They do not want to play outside.We have not seen you for a long time.My friend has sent me some photos.The train has just arrived.Do you understand?They have been learning English for two years.Have you heard that?My uncle does not eat fish.I do not live here.Has anybody rung up for me?She does not play the piano.How do we get there?Where does he live?Verbele modaleEx.1.1.We couldn't go to the party. We're going to a wedding.2. He would be able to pass the exam if he studied harder.3. I can't remember his name.4. They weren't able to go. The weather was too bad.5. Sorry, Teacher. I haven't been able to do it yet.Ex. 2

1. I must be at the meeting by 10:00. I will probably have to take a taxi if I want to be on time.2. You mustn't submit the application if it has not been completely filled out. If the form is notcomplete, you will be rejected and you will have to reapply at a later date.3. Tina: Look at these flowers - they're beautiful! But, there's no card. Who could have sentthem?Stephanie: It must have been David. He's the only one who would send you flowers, you know.4. You mustn't forget to pay the rent. Mr Daniel is very strict about paying on time.5. You don't have to be like this! Why don't you try saying "please" once in a while.Ex 3.1. Mike's flight from Paris took more than 7 hours.He must be quite exhausted after such a long flight.2. The books are optional. My teacher said we could read them if we needed extra credit. But wedon't have to read them if we don't want to.3. Daniel couldn't hear a word because the crowd was cheering so loudly.4. The refrigerator isn't working. It must have been damaged during the move.5. Mike: Can you hold your breath for more than a minute?Jack: No, I can't.836. You don't have to be rich to be famous. Some of the most successful people I know haven't gota penny.7. I've redone this math problem at least ten times, but my answer is wrong according to theanswer key. So, the answer in the book must be wrong!8. You couldn't do the job if you didn't speak three languages fluently.9. You shouldn't worry so much. It doesn't do you any good. Either you get the promotion, oryou don't. If you don't, just apply for another job.10. You may leave the table once you have finished your dinner and politely excused yourself.11. Jenny's engagement ring is speechless! It must have cost a fortune.12. Shall we move into the living room? There's a beautiful view of the forest from there.13. You had better take along some cash. The shop may not accept credit cards.14. The machine can start moving by pressing the left button.

15. I can't stand these people - I don’t understand their priciples, so you get rid of them!16. Do you always have to say the first thing that pops into your head.Can't you think once in a while before you open your mouth?17. Daniel and Mathew said they would come over right after work, so they should be here by5:00.18. You shall no longer suffer this injustice! Freedom shall be yours!19. If I had gone to an University in England, I could have participated in their Englishimmersion program.20. The lamp might not be broken. Maybe the light bulb just burned out or something.Substantivul:Ex 1.1) This is Peter's book.2) Let's go to the Smiths'.3) The children's room is upstairs.4) John's sister is twelve years old.5) Susan and Steve's bags have blue stickers.6) Men's shoes are on the second floor.7) My parents' car was not expensive.8) Charles's CD player is new.9) This is the boy's bike.10) These are the boys' pencils.Ex. 2.1) half – halves 2) kilo – kilos 3) woman – women 4) mouth – mouths 5) foot – feet6) sheep – sheep 7) penny – pence 8) bus – buses 9) day – days10) fish – fishEx 3.1) a piece of advice 2) a packet of rice 3) a bar of chocolate4) a glass of milk 5) a cup of tea 6) a bottle of lemonade7) a slice of meat 8) a barrel of oil 9) a game of tennis10) a jar of jamEx.4.ira = air aet = tea ikn = ink ilo = oil fgo = fogeber = beer einw = wine doow = wood acek = cake aclo = coal ahir = hair84ArticolulThis coat was designed by a famous New York artist.Can you tell me how to get to a bank from here?The city museum is closed today.He is one of the smartest people I know.I recommend you eat the apple pie at this restaurant.

___ milk is good for you.Would you like to see the /a movie?An apple a day keeps the doctor away.I can't believe I failed the yesterday's test!Do you have a dictionary that I can borrow?Adjectivul demonstrativ1. THIS beach was quite empty last year.2. THIS exhibition will be open until the end of May.3. THESE people come from that hotel over there.4. What does thatnotice say?5. THAT exhibition closed a month ago.6. He was dismissed on the 13th. THAT night the factory went on fire.7. Do you see THOSE birds at the top of the tree?8. THESE are the old classrooms.Those are the new ones.9. THIS is my cousin, Jessica.10. Wasn't THAT a horrible thing to say?Adjectivul posesiv1 He's from Spain. His name's Alberto.2 They're married. Their children's names are Lauren and Daniel.3 We're brothers. Our parents are French.4 She's eight. Her brother's nine.5 I'm British. My name's Peter.6 You're students. Your books are in the classroom.Adjectivul interogativ1. What time is the flight ?2. Which girl has a red bag ?3. Whose mother is a nurse ?4. What subject do you like ?5. Whose books are these ?Adjectivul nehotărât1. Do any black people work in your company?Yes, there are some.2. She hasn't any clothes to wear to the party.No problem, I can give her some.3. Mary, there is no gas in the car.Oh, no. We had better get some.4. Are there any good movies this weekend?No, there are none.855. I want to take a shower; is there any hot water?I'm sorry, there is no hot water.Numeralul1. hundreds 6. two thousand2. two dozen 7. thirties3. five-thousand-word 8. the third4. Lesson Nine 9. one year and a half

5. three-fifths 10 the one hundred forty-ninthPronumeleEX. 1.1) He is dreaming.2) It is green.3) They are on the wall.4) It is running.5) We are watching TV.EX.2.My name is John. This is my friend Jason. He's 32. His sister is 34 and her workplace is verynear. Jason and I work in the same office. There are 150 employees in our company.EX.3.1) Robert made this T-shirt himself.2) Lisa did the homework herself3) We helped ourselves to some cola at the party.4) Emma, did you take the photo all by yourself?5) I wrote this poem myself.6) He cut himself with the knife while he was doing the dishes.7) The lion can defend itself.8) My mother often talks to herself.9) Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help yourselves.10) Alice and Doris collected the stickers themselves.EX. 4. 1) I talked to the boy whose car had broken down in front of the building.2) Mr John, who is a taxi driver, lives in the neighbourhood.3) We often visit our aunt in Bucharest which is in the south of Romania.4) This is the boy who comes from France.5) That's Irina, the girl who has just arrived at the airport.6) Thank you very much for your e-mail which was very interesting.7) The man, whose father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.8) The children, who shouted in the street, are not from our school.9) The car, whose driver is a young man, is from England.10) What did you do with the money which your parents lent you?EX.5. 1) John and Angela haven't met each other for a very long time.2) My friends enjoyed themselves at the party.3) Daniel repaired computer car himself.4) We helped each other with our written task.865) People often give each other presents at Christmas.6) I bought myself a new record player.7) Katie, did you do the homework yourself?8) They looked at each other and smiled.9) They often write e-mails to each other because they're best friends.

10) She only thinks of herself. She's a little bit selfish.AdjectivulMy house is bigger than yours.This red flower is more beautiful than that yellow one.This is the most interesting magazine I have ever read.Non-smokers usually live longer than smokers.Which is the most dangerous insect in the world?A holiday by the sea is better than a holiday in the mountains.It is strange but often a coke is more expensive than a beer.Who is the richest man on earth?The weather is even worse than last summer.He was the cleverest student of all.AdverbulJoanne is happy. She smiles happily .The boy is loud. He shouts loudly.Her English is fluent. She speaks English fluently.Our mum was angry. She spoke to us angrily .My neighbour is a careless driver. He drives carelessly.The painter is awful. He paints awfully.Jim is a wonderful piano player. He plays the piano wonderfully.This girl is very quiet. She often sneaks out of the house quietly.She is a good dancer. She dances really well.This exercise is simple. You simply have to put one word in each space.PrepoziţiaEX. 1.We live in London.Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?No, thanks. I was at the cinema yesterday.We are going on holiday next week.There is a bridge across the river.The flight from Bucharest to Lecce was via Berlin.On my wall, there are many picture postcards.Who is the person in this picture?Come into the sitting room, we want to watch TV.The town lies 530 meters above sea level.EX.2.1. What are you doing at the weekend?2. I don't know yet. Maybe I'll go to the cinema on Saturday.3. That's interesting. I haven't been to the cinema for so many years.4. We could go there together in the afternoon.875. That would be great. But I would prefer to go there in the evening. I am visiting my grandmaon Saturday.6. That's okay. The film starts at eight o'clock.7. I can pick you up at half past seven. How long does the film last?

8. It lasts for two hours and forty-five minutes.9. From eight till a quarter to eleven.10.That's right. But I must hurry home after the film. I have to be home by eleven o'clock.ConjuncţiaEX.1.1. Daniel was cold, so he put on a coat.2. Maria tried to translate the text, but it was too difficult.3. To get from Piteşti to Bucharest, you can take a bus, or you can go by car.4. I bought a bottle of wine, and we drank it together.5. The teacher was not very nice, but the mark was good.6. I went to buy my favorite CD, but the shop didn't have it.7. Irina needed some money, so she took a part-time job.8. There's so much noise in the building lately! Maybe it's because of the new familz who hasjust moved in ,or maybe it's just coincidence.9. Julie has a guitar, and she plays it really well.10. The concert was cancelled, so we went to a disco instead.EX.2.Daniel couldn't buy any presents because he didn't have any money.I don't drink coffee as it makes me nervous.Although it was snowing, I wasn’t cold.Since she doesn't speak English, she can't translate that text.Daniel passed the exam first time while his brother had to retake it four times.Paula got the job she wanted even though she had no experience.I will be late today because my car has broken down.Whereas my wife likes to travel abroad, I prefer to stay at the countryside for my vacations.Interjecţia1. " AH , that feels good"2. " ALAS, she's dead now"3. " Oh DEAR ! Does it hurt ?"4. "What do you think of that, EH ?"5. "Lima is the capital of.... ER....Peru"6. " HELLO John, How are you today ?"7. " HMM, I'm not so sure"8. " OH , please say 'yes' !"9. " WELL, what did he say "10. " 85 divided by 5 is... UM...17"11. "Shall we go ? " " UH-HUH "12. " OUCH ! That hurts !"Subiectul şi predicatulEX.1.1. Yesterday, (Ross and Monica )took their children to the zoo.

2. (The elephants, the lions, and all of the other animals) were outside.883. (The president of the bank )looked everywhere for the papers.4. (They) listened quietly.5. (The yellow race car with red stripes) finished the first in the race.6. After his speech,( the president of the meeting) shook hands with all members of the crowd.EX.2.1. The dirty yellow cat prowled through the dark alley/ lived in the attic last winter.2. We stood outside the hotel all night./ baked delicious apple pies./ were late yesterday.3. Tom and his brother stood outside the hotel all night./ baked delicious apple pies./ were lateyesterday./ sold used cars.4. The taxi driver stood outside the hotel all night./ was from the Middle East.5. Anna's elderly mother baked delicious apple pies./ was from the Middle East.6. The green tree snake was from the Middle East.7. The detective in the gray raincoat stood outside the hotel all night./ waited patiently for hisvictim.8. Seven rats lived in the attic last winter.Complementul direct1. The computer programmer is testing his new software.Programatorul îşi testează noul soft.2. We suddenly realized that someone was listening.Deodată ne-am dat seama că cineva asculta.3. Amy has decided to go to university.Amy s-a hotărât să meargă la facultate.4. They can't read what you've just written.Ei nu pot citi ceea ce tocmai ai scris.5.This exercise involves clicking on the screen.Acest exerciţiu implică a da click pe ecran.Complementul indirect1. Indirect object: you. Direct object: some money2. Direct object: English writers (no indirect object)3. Indirect object: them. Direct object: news4. Indirect object: Mary. Direct object: candy5. Indirect object: students. Direct object: homework6. Direct object: boys (no indirect object)7. Direct object: them (no indirect object)8. Indirect object: us. Direct object: speech9. Direct object: letters (no indirect object)10. Indirect object: son. Direct object: keys

11. Direct object: rain (no indirect object)12. Direct object: traffic (or air traffic)89Complementul prepoziţionalHe reminds me of your brother in some ways. You have similar temperaments.The „must not” message is designed to prevent people from entering.The judge banned him from driving for six months.This new software enables the user to get lots of reports for the management.I don't smoke at home; I don't want to encourage the children to smoke.The team manager wouldn't allow the press to interview his players.The police wouldn't provide the press with any details about the crime.The salesman failed to interest me in any of his products.Construcţii complexe:EX.1.a. nominativul absolutb. nominativul absolut3- N+ infinitiv4- Ac + infinitive5- N absolut + part. prezentEX.2.1. The manager was expected to speak first. 2. He was thought to be gifted in singing. 3. He washeard walking slowly in the dark. 4. He was advised him to go to the hospital as soon as possible5. We were told not to worry. 6. He was asked him by the manager to explain the semesterreport. 7. He was seen stealing the money. 8. His thoughts are considered to be very weird.Complementul circumstanţial de loc,timp, modThey were in Paris. (last week) → They were in Paris last week.- adverbial of timeShe walks his dog. (rarely) → She rarely walks his dog. - adverbial of mannerShe waited. (patiently) → She waited patiently. - adverbial of mannerMy father goes fishing. (always) → My father always goes fishing. - adverbial of timeYour bedroom is. (upstairs) → Your bedroom is upstairs. - adverbial of placeWe don't go skiing. (in summer) → We don't go skiing in summer. - adverbial of timeCats can hear. (well) → Cats can hear well. - adverbial of mannerI saw him. (there) → I saw him there.- adverbial of placeThe boy speaks English. (fluently) → The boy speaks English fluently. -

adverbial of mannerI have seen that movie. (never) / (before) → I have never seen that movie before. - adverbial oftimeAtributul1. Those are probably the fanciest boys in the school.2. Uncle Daniel is really a sweet old man.3. Dacia used to be a fine Romanian car.4. All the family was home for the holidays. What could make for a merrier Christmas?5. They were raised in a comfortable little house in Bucharest.6. Four weddings and a funeral is the most exciting movie I've ever seen.7. She wanted to take a course with that interesting new Japanese economicsprofessor.8. Of all the mechanics in the shop, he is surely the least competent .9. In the fall, the valleys tend to be foggier than the hilltops.10. My cold is definitely worse this morning.90TEST FINAL1. are you doing2. Do you always get up3. Has John got4. is having5. loves6. went7. isn't8. is going9. took10. did he arrive11. are they doing12. did you go13. Have you got14. loves15. is coming16. is17. taught18. Does he always have19. drove20. Have you got21. did she study22. doesn't like23. is watching24. took25. isn't

26. are you doing27. is going to visit28. Do you always finish29. rode30. are you doing31. Does she often telephone32. Have they got33. are reading34. taught35. loves36. is going to have37. flew38. isn't going to be39. did she do40. Has Thomas got41. did they go42. likes43. is listening44. Does he always play45. was watching46. already47. stay out48. some49. Few50. had finished51. seeing52. Have ... gone53. Yet54. interested in55. were photographed56. arrives57. among58. giving59. as ... as60. said61. do you have to do62. 's fine63. in front of64. shouldn't65. interested in66. might have been67. whose68. look after69. had to70. have been working71. have been made

72. explain73. are going74. in75. on76. in – on77. about78. at – during79. up80. out of9181. in82. at – on83. until84. for – against85. on86. to87. _88. to – at89. by90. in – on91. in – in92. on93. by – by94. by95. within96. in97. since98. until99. has lived100. has worked101. any102. an103. to104. is105. bought106. much107. -108. him109. at110. listening to111. do you do112. works113. some114. can115. in the116. into

117. Excuse me118. Italy119. on120. next to121. some122. some123. ago124. have never been125. played – was126. -127. have worked – began128. have already eaten129. learned - has played130. bought131. moved – lived132. went - has been133. haven't thought134. has believed135. did you live136. has written137. have just had138. has begun139. has recorded140. recorded141. have you read142. did you read143. Has the newspaper arrived144. have you found - have found145. Did you smoke146. left147. hasn't left148.didn't know - were - Have you been149. Have you seen150. didn't get92TIMPURILE LIMBII ENGLEZE - fişă exempluPRESENT TENSE SIMPLEAffirmative: S + V (s/es for IIIrdperson sg):He goes to school everyday.She drinks milk everyday.Interrogative: Do/Does + S +VDo I go to school everyday?Does she go to school everyday?Negative: S + Do/Does + Not + VI do not go to school everyday.

He doesn’t read this noveleveryday.- Acţiune generală, repetabilă: Iread daily.- Adevăruri general valabile: TheEarth spins round.- Acţiuni viitoare planificate înprezent ca urmare a unui programoficialPRESENT TENSE CONTINUOUSAffirmative: S + Be (present) + V ing:I am eating now.Interrogative: Be (present) + S + V ing:Am I eating now?Negative: S + Be (present) + Not + V ing:I am not eating now- Acţiune care se petrece în momentulvorbirii: I am reading.- Acţiune temporară: This week, I am doingthe homework, you are doing the cleaningand he is going shopping.- Acţiune viitoare planificată în prezent(neoficial):We are spending the week end in thecountry.PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLEAffirmative: S + Have/Has (IIIrdperson sg) + V3I have met Mr. Brown.She has met Mrs. Brown.Interrogative: Have/Has + S + V3Have you met my girlfriend?Has he met his cousin?Negative: S + Have/Has + Not +V3I haven’t read his last novel.She hasn’t left already.- Acţiune începută în trecut,terminată în trecut, (neprecizattimpul): I have eaten. (ammâncat)- Acţiune terminată în perioada detimp neterminată :I have already read thenewspaper today.- Acţiune începută în trecut care

se continuă şi în prezent: I havemet her.PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUSAffirmative: S + Have/Has + Been + VingYou have been waiting here for two hours.She has been waiting here for two hours.Interrogative: Have you been waiting here fortwo hours?Negative: S + Have/Has + not + Been + VingYou have not been waiting here for twohours.- Acţiune începută în trecut care se continuăşi în prezent:DIFERENŢA DINTRE PRESENTCONTINUOUSŞI PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS:1. Plouă= It is raining2. Plouă de mult / de…= It has been rainigfor…PAST TENSE SIMPLEAffirmative: S + V2You went to your friend yesterday.Interrogative: Did + S + VPAST TENSE CONTINUOUS (imperfect)Affirmative: S + Be (past) + V ingI was watching TV when she came.Interrogative: Be (past) + S + V ing93Did you go to work yesterday?Negative: S + Did + Not + VThey didn’t go to work yesterday?Acţiune trecută terminată înmoment precizat: (ago, last,yesterday, in 2004): I met her in1981.Were you reading when I entered the room?Negative: S + Be (past) + Not + V ingHe wasn’t eating when she phoned.Acţiune trecută în desfăşurare în prezent:When you entered my room, I was watchingTV.PAST PERFECT SIMPLE(m.m.c.p.)Affirmative: S + Had + V3They had watched TV for half anhour.

Interrogative: Had + S + V3Had they watched TV for half anhour?Negative: S + Had + Not + V3They hadn’t watched TV for halfan hour.Acţiune trecută terminată înainteaaltei acţiuni trecute:ex: I hadalready eaten for long when youcame.PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUSAffirmative: S + Had + Been + V ingShe had been living in that house since 1993.Interrogative: Had + S + Been + V ingHad she been living in that house since 1993?Negative: S + Had + Not + Been + V ingShe had not been living in that house since1993.Acţiune trecută începută înaintea altei acţiunitrecuteşi continuându-se şi în momentul începeriicelei de-a doua:I had been watching TV for 2 hours whenyou came.FUTURE TENSE SIMPLEAffirmative: S + Will/Shall + VThey will go to the seasidetomorrow.Interrogative: Will/Shall + S + VShall we go to the mountains nextweek?Negative: S + Will/Shall + Not +V They will not read this noveltomorrow.FUTURE CONTINUOUSAffirmative: S + Will/Shall + Be + V ingThey will be going to the mountains.Interrogative: Will/Shall + S + Be + V ingShall we be reading this novel tomorrow?Negative: S + Will/Shall + Not + Be + V ingYou will not be reading this poem.FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLEAffirmative: S + shall/will + have+ V3They will have gone by now.Interrogative: Shall/will + S +

have + V3Will you have gone by now?Negative: S + shall/will+ Not +have + V3They will not have gone by now.FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUSAffirmative: S + shall/will + have been + VingThey will have been building that house for 2years next Christmas.Interrogative shall/will + S + have been + VingWill they have been building that house for 2years next Christmas?Negative: S + shall/will + not + have been +V-ingThey will have been building that house for 2years next Christmas.Exprimă faptul că o acţiune se va afla înca îndesfăşurare la un anumit moment în viitor.94Verbul TO WORK -modelIndicativePresentI workyou workhe/she/it workswe workyou workthey workPast TenseI workedyou workedhe/she/it workedwe workedyou workedthey workedPresent continuousI am workingyou are workinghe/she/it is workingwe are workingyou are workingthey are workingPast continuousI was workingyou were workinghe/she/it was working

we were workingyou were workingthey were workingPast perfect continuousI had been workingyou had been workinghe/she/it had been workingwe had been workingyou had been workingthey had been workingPresent perfectI have workedyou have workedhe/she/it has workedwe have workedyou have workedthey have workedPast perfectI had workedyou had workedhe/she/it had workedwe had workedyou had workedthey had workedFutureI will workyou will workhe/she/it will workwe will workyou will workthey will workFuture perfectI will have workedyou will have workedhe/she/it will have workedwe will have workedyou will have workedthey will have workedFuture continuousI will be workingyou will be workinghe/she/it will be workingwe will be workingyou will be workingthey will be workingFuture perfect continuous

I will have been workingyou will have been workinghe/she/it will have been workingwe will have been workingyou will have been workingthey will have been workingPresent perfect continuousI have been workingyou have been workinghe/she/it has been workingwe have been workingyou have been workingthey have been workingInfinitiveto workParticiplePresent Pastworking worked95Bibliografie:Leon Leviţchi, Ioan Preda - Gramatica limbii engleze, Ed. Ştiinţifică 1967;Alice Bădescu - Gramatica limbii engleze, Ed.Ştiinţifică, 1963;Georgiana Gălăţeanu, Ecaterina Comişel, - Gramatica limbii engleze, pentru uz şcolar, Edituradidactică şi pedagogică – Bucureşti,1982Catedra de limbă şi literatură engleză. Universitatea din Bucureşti - Gramatica limbiiengleze, Ed. Ştiinţifică, 1962;Ioana Ştefănescu - Lectures in English Morphology, Univ. din Buc., 1978.96