Curriculum Vitae

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Transcript of Curriculum Vitae


I Date biografice

Nume: CZIBULA (ŞERBAN) Prenume: GABRIELAData naşterii: 30 aprilie 1969Locul naşterii: mun. Mediaş, jud. SibiuNaţionalitatea: românăStarea civilă: căsătorităDomiciliu: str. Năsăud nr. 22, ap. 105, Cluj-NapocaTelefon: 0740-575.507

II Studii medii

1983 - 1987 Studiile liceale la Liceul de Matematică-Fizică “Axente Sever” Mediaş, absolvit cu examen de bacalaureat cu media 10

1975 - 1983 Clasele primare şi gimnaziul la Şcoala Generală nr. 5, Mediaş, jud. Sibiu

III Studii universitare

1 Martie 2003 susţinerea publică a tezei de doctorat “Tehnici de realizare a Sistemelor

Inteligente”, coducător ştiinţific prof. dr. MILITON FRENŢIU doctor în Informatică, distincţia “cum laude”

1998 - 2003 Stagiul de pregătire în cadrul studiilor de doctorat la Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică, Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca

1987 - 1992 Studii superioare la secţia de informatică a Facultăţii de Matematică, Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca; am absolvit facultatea cu diplomă de merit, cu media anilor de studii 9.98 şi cu media 10 la examenul de licenţă

IV Activitatea ştiinţifică în timpul studiilor

În timpul gimnaziului şi liceului am participat la olimpiadele de matematică şi fizică. La marea majoritate dintre ele am ajuns la faza judeţeană, unde am ocupat de mai multe ori locuri între I şi III. Am activat în cadrul cercului de matematică al elevilor. În timpul facultăţii am participat cu rezultate bune la Concursuri de Programare.

V Activitate profesională

Poziţii ocupate

octombrie 2009 – Profesor la Catedra de Limbaje şi Metode de Programare a Facultăţii de Matematică şi Informatică, Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca

octombrie 2005 – septembrie 2009Conferenţiar la Catedra de Limbaje şi Metode de Programare a Facultăţii de Matematică şi Informatică, Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca

februarie 2002 - octombrie 2005Lector la Catedra de Limbaje şi Metode de Programare a Facultăţii de Matematică şi Informatică, Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca

octombrie 1998 - februarie 2002Asistent la Catedra de Limbaje şi Metode de Programare a Facultăţii de Matematică şi Informatică, Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca

ianuarie 1998 - septembrie 1998Informatician la S.C. “Sport Ancada Prodimpex” Cluj-Napoca

septembrie 1992 - ianuarie 1998 Profesor de informatică la “Şcoala Naţională de Gaz” Mediaş

VI Activitate didactică

În timpul activităţii mele la “Şcoala Naţională de Gaz” am predat următoarele discipline: “Programarea Calculatoarelor” - limbajul de programare Pascal la clasele a IX-a şi a X-a; “Sisteme de Calcul”, clasa a IX-a; “Bazele Informaticii”, clasele a X-a şi a XII-a; “Programarea Calculatoarelor” - limbajul de programare C la clasa a XI-a; “Informatică de Gestiune” - limbajul FoxPro la clasa a XII-a; “Informatică aplicată” - clasa a XII-a; laboratoare la materiile “Programarea Calculatoarelor” la clasele a IX-a, a X-a, a XI-a ţi

la materia “Informatică de Gestiune” la clasa a XII-a.

În timpul activităţii mele la Catedra de Informatică a Universităţii “Babeş-Bolyai” am predat următoarele discipline: “Algoritmică şi programare”, seminar şi laborator pentru anul I de studii (informatică); “Programarea Calculatoarelor”, seminar şi laborator pentru anul I de studii (informatică şi

matematică-informatică); “Programare Orientată Obiect”, seminar şi laborator pentru anul I de studii (informatică şi

matematică-informatică); “Fundamentele programării”, curs, seminar şi laborator pentru anul I de studii

(informatică); “Metode evoluate de Programare”, laborator pentru anul II de studii (informatică); “Programare Logică şi Funcţională”, curs şi laborator pentru anul II de studii (informatică

şi matematică-informatică); “Inteligenţă Artificială”, curs, seminar şi laborator pentru anul IV de studii (informatică); “Birotică”, curs şi laborator pentru anul III de studii (matematică); “Proiect Colectiv”, laborator pentru anul III de studii (informatică); “Proiect Individual”, laborator pentru anul II de studii (informatică);

“Structuri de Date”, curs şi seminar pentru anul I de studii (informatică şi matematică-informatică);

“Agenţi Inteligenţi Cooperativi”, curs şi laborator, în limba engleză, pentru studii aprofundate (master);

“Tehnici de realizare a Sistemelor Inteligente”, curs şi laborator pentru anul IV de studii (informatică şi matematică-informatică).

“Instruire automată”, curs şi laborator, în limba engleză, pentru studii aprofundate (master);

VII Activitate profesională extradidactică

În timpul activităţii mele la “Şcoala Naţională de Gaz”, Mediaş;- am îndrumat elevi pentru Olimpiadele Judeţene, Naţionale şi Internaţionale de

Informatică, obţinând următoarele rezultate în perioada 1992 - 1997: la Olimpiadele Judeţene: 1 loc III, 7 locuri II, 5 locuri I; la Olimpiadele Naţionale: 2 menţiuni, 1 premiu III, 1 premiu I; la Olimpiada Internaţională: 1 premiu II.

- am îndrumat elevi pentru Concursurile şcolare de Informatică (Programare şi Creaţie), obţinând în perioada 1992 - 1997 1 menţiune, 3 locuri III, 1 loc II şi 3 locuri I;

- am elaborat un pachet de produse program pentru Unităţile de Învăţământ program de salarizare, evidenţă personal; program de evidenţă a situaţiei şcolare; program de gestiune a bibliotecii; program pentru concursurile de admitere în liceu şi bacalaureat.

- am activat ca secretar de redacţie la “Revista Şcolii Naţionale de Gaz”;- am organizat şi îndrumat elevii în cadrul Cercului de Informatică organizat la “Şcoala

Naţională de Gaz” în perioada 1992 - 1997;- am publicat articole în Revista şi Gazeta de Informatică a Şcolii Naţionale de Gaz,

Mediaş;- am susţinut referate în cadrul Cercurilor Metodice Interjudeţene pe judeţul Sibiu;- am elaborat un program de evidenţă contabilă pentru firma “Assa-Ştefănel”, Mediaş.

În timpul activităţii mele la “Şcoala Naţională de Gaz”, Mediaş, am elaborat un program de evidenţă contabilă pentru firma “ASSA-ŞTEFĂNEL” din Mediaş.

În timpul activităţii mele la S.C. “Sport Ancada Prodimpex” Cluj-Napoca, am elaborat un program de gestiune a firmei.

În timpul activităţii mele la Catedra de Informatică a Universităţii “Babeş-Bolyai”:- am contribuit la organizarea ediţiilor 1999 şi 2000 ale Olimpiadei de Informatică, faza

judeţeană, judeţul Cluj (formularea subiectelor şi evaluarea concurenţilor);- am contribuit la organizarea ediţiilor 1999-2007 ale Concursului de Programare “Grigore

Moisil”, organizat în cadrul Facultăţii de Informatică (formularea subiectelor şi evaluarea concurenţilor).

În perioada 2000 - 2001 am colaborat la realizarea produsului program “DIC2001”, un dicţionar electronic, realizat de firma “MultiSoft” SRL, Cluj-Napoca.

VIII Domenii de interes ştiinţific

Printre domeniile mele de interes ştiinţific menţionez: Inteligenţa Artificială (Agenţi inteligenţi, Sisteme Multiagent, Instruire automată), Programare orientată obiect, Programare logică şi funcţională.

IX Activitate ştiinţifică


Lucrări ştiintifice: 124 36 publicaţii cotate ISI (dintre care 11 în reviste ISI şi 25 la conferinţe ISI), 67 publicaţii indexate BDI (INSPEC, ACM, DBLP, MathematicalReviews), 21 publicaţii neindexate

Carti stiintifice: 6Manuale: 1

Rezultate originale (teoretice şi aplicative)

Dintre cele mai importante rezultate ştiinţifice obţinute menţionez următoarele :

Agenţi inteligenţi şi Sisteme multiagent: folosirea Modelelor Markov Ascunse ca modele matematice pentru agenţi inteligenti care învaţă; agent inteligent instruit pe baza antrenării Modelelor Markov Ascunse; agent inteligent pentru dezambiguarea sensurilor cuvintelor; agent ALSO bazat pe logică; agent inteligent de învăţare prin întărire URU (Utility-Reward-Utility); agent de învăţare în timp real RTL (Real Time Learning Agent); agenţi inteligenţi adaptivi pentru interfeţe utilizator; agent pentru asistarea utilizatorului prin predicţia comportamentului utilizator; sistem multiagent de suport decizional pentru evoluţia sistemelor informatice; 3 cărţi în domeniul sistemelor inteligente, a agenţilor inteligenţi şi a sistemelor multiagent, 1 manual în domeniul Inteligenţei Artificiale (4 ediţii).

Logică: o noua arhitectură logică pentru agenti inteligenţi (Arhitectura Logica folosind Stive de Obiective); antrenarea gramaticilor independente de context folosind Modele Markov Ascunse; determinarea extensiilor în logici default folosind o abordare bazată pe restricţii.

Instruire (învăţare) automată: algoritmul de învăţare în timp real RTL (Real Time Learning Algorithm), teorema de covergenţă a algoritmului; învăţare cooperativă în Data Mining; algoritmul de învăţare prin întărire URU (Utility-Reward-Utility), teorema de convergenţă a algoritmului; abordări de învăţare pentru problema comis voiajorului.

Analiza clusterilor: tehnici de clustering pentru fragmentarea orizontală adaptivă în baze de date orientate obiect; clustering ierarhic incremental bazat pe nuclee; clustering partiţional incremental bazat pe nuclee; algoritmi de clustering adaptiv.

Analiza asocierilor: algoritm pentru descoperirea regulilor de asociere ordinale de orice lungime dintr-un set de date; reguli de asociere ordinale pentru detecţia erorilor.

Prelucrarea limbajului natural: sistem pentru dezambiguarea sensurilor cuvintelor; un experiment de dezambiguare pentru limba română; tehnici de clustering a cuvintelor pentru

sisteme de Question Answering, algoritmi de dezambiguare în lanţ a cuvintelor şi algoritmi pentru recunoaşterea inferenţelor textuale, algoritmi pentru sumarizare automată.

Ingineria Soft: o interfaţă pentru programarea simulărilor de învăţare prin întărire; o interfaţă de programare pentru determinarea regulilor de asociere ordinale; o abordare de clustering bazata pe model vectorial în Aspect Mining pentru identificarea funcţionalităţilor transversale; o interfaţă de programare pentru clustering partiţional; o interfaţă de programare pentru predicţia diagnosticului medical; algoritmi de clustering pentru îmbunătăţirea structurii de clase a unui sistem informatic prin identificarea refactorizărilor necesare; algoritmi de clustering pentru problema identificării funcţionalităţilor transversale; algoritmi bazati pe căutare pentru identificarea şabloanelor de proiectare; o abodare bazată pe reţele neuronale pentru configurarea dinamică a structurilor de date; 2 cărţi în domeniul programării logice şi funcţionale şi 1 carte în domeniul fundamentelor programării.

Modelare formală: modelarea formală a problemei de aspect mining, modele matematice pentru problemele de restructurare a sistemelor informatice şi identificarea şabloanelor de proiectare.

X Participări la conferinţe

1. CANS '2008, Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems. Medical Applications of the Complex Systems. Biomedical Computing, Târgu-Mureş, Romania, November 8-10, 2008

2. KEPT 2007, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, June 6-8, 2007

3. 1st IEEE International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control, Băile Felix, Oradea, June, 2006

4. The 7th International Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing , Timişoara, Romania, September 26-29, 2006

5. The 20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey, October 26-28, 2005

6. The Fifth Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Debrecen, Hungary, June 9-12, 2004 – conferinţă invitată

7. Intelligent Information Systems - New Trends in Intelligent Text Processing and Web Mining, Zakopane, Poland, June 2-5, 2003

8. Appia-Gulp-Prode 2003 - Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, Reggio Calabria, Italia, September 3-5, 2003

9. Simpozionul Zilele Academice Clujene, Cluj Napoca, June 2002 10. The 4th International Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific

Computing , Timişoara, Romania, October 9-12, 200211. Advanced Educational Technologies, AET Workshop, Târgu Mureş, March 8-16, 2001 12. The Fourth Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Felix, Romania,

June 5-10, 2001 13. The Second International Workshop of Central and Eastern Europe on Multi-Agent

Systems, Krakow, Polonia, September 26-29, 2001

XI Activităţi editoriale

1. Referent pentru revista Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, 2004-2009.2. Referent pentru conferinţa ISCIS'05, The 20th International Symposium on Computer and

Information Sciences, Turkey, 2005 (ISI) Zafer Bingul, Cuneyt Oysu, Comparison of Stochastic and Approximate

Algorithmsfor One-Dimensional Cutting Problems - for ISCIS'05, The 20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Turkey, 2005

Xinyu Zhao, Zuoquan Lin, A Logical Model for Rational Agents Incorporating Belief, Capability and Promise - for ISCIS'05, The 20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Turkey, 2005 (ISI)

3. Referent pentru conferinţa KEPT 2007, “Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques”, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

4. Referent pentru conferinţa CANS '2008, Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems. Medical Applications of the Complex Systems. Biomedical Computing, Târgu-Mureş, Romania, 8-10 Noiembrie, 2008

5. Referent pentru conferinţa KEPT 2009, “Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques”, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

6. Membră în colectivul ştiinţific al revistei “BRAIN. Broad research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience”, EduSoft, 2010

7. Referent al revistei JRPIT, Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology (ISI), 2010

XII Membru în comisii de doctorat

1. Referent la teza de doctorat “Agenţi cu capacităţi cognitive”, doctorand Iantovics Barna, conducător ştiinţific prof. dr. Dan Dumitrescu, 2007

2. Referent la teza de doctorat “Aspect Mining. Formalisation, New Approaches, Evaluation”, doctorand Cojocar Grigoreta, conducător ştiinţific prof. dr. Militon Frenţiu, 2008

3. Referent la teza de doctorat “Combinatorial optimization with bio-inspired computing”, doctorand Pintea Camelia-Mihaela, conducător ştiinţific prof. dr. Dan Dumitrescu, 2008

4. Referent la teza de doctorat “Textual Entailment”, doctorand Adrian Iftene, conducător ştiinţific prof. dr. Dan Cristea, 2009

5. Referent la teza de doctorat “Algoritmi evolutivi în VLSI-CAD”, doctorand Doina Logofătu, conducător ştiinţific prof. dr. Dan Dumitrescu, 2010

XIII Membru în comitete de organizare sau comitete ştiinţifice ale conferinţelor

1. Membră în comitetul de organizare şi comitetul ştiinţific al conferinţei KEPT 2007, “Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques”, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

2. Membră în comitetul ştiinţific al workshop-ului BICS '2008, Bio-Inspired Computational Methods Used for Difficult Problem Solving. Development of Intelligent and Complex Systems, Târgu-Mureş, Romania, 5-7 Noiembrie, 2008

3. Membră în comitetul ştiinţific al workshop-ului CANS '2008, Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems. Medical Applications of the Complex Systems. Biomedical Computing, Târgu-Mureş, Romania, 8-10 Noiembrie, 2008

4. Membră în comitetul de organizare şi comitetul ştiinţific al conferinţei KEPT 2009, “Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques”, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 2009

5. Membră în comitetul ştiinţific al simpozionului internaţional UICS '2009, Understanding Intelligent Complex Systems, Târgu-Mureş, Romania, 22-23 Octombrie, 2009

6. Membră în comitetul comitetul ştiinţific al conferinţei ConsILR 2010, “Resurse lingvistice şi instrumente pentru prelucrarea limbii române”, Bucureşti, 2010

XIV Coordonări de contracte finanţate din sursă naţională

1. Contribuţii în domeniul Sistemelor MultiAgent folosind psihologie cognitiva, agenţi de interfaţă şi paradigma programării orientate pe aspecte, Grant tip TP-T nr 30943/12.07.2007, Grant intern Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, 2007-2010, 75000 RON (aprox. 23.900 Euro)

2. Cercetari in directia optimizarii adaptive a sistemelor informatice folosind tehnici de invatare automata si sisteme multiagent, Proiect PNCDI II – Proiecte de cercetare exploratorie, Cod CNCSIS ID_2286/2008, 2008-2010, 812.774 RON (aprox. 190.000 Euro).

XV Participări la contracte finanţate din sursă naţională

1. Modelarea şi implementarea unei baze multidisciplinare de algoritmi pentru crearea unui centru de calcul de înaltă performanţă, Grant CNCSIS Tip A 275, Contract între Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca şi Consiliul Naţional al Cercetării Stiinţifice Universitare, Ministerul Cercetării şi Tehnologiei, 1998-2000, 81.000.000 ROL (aprox. 9974 USD)Director: Prof. Univ. Dr. Militon FrenţiuMembru

2. Noi metode de calcul evolutiv. Aplicaţii în maşini instruibile, optimizare evolutivă, analiza datelor şi prelucrarea limbajului natural. Grant CNCSIS Tip A, 34971 / 2001, Contract între Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca şi Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării, 2001-2003, 15000 RON (aprox. 10.000 Euro)Director: Prof. Univ. Dr. Dan DumitrescuMembru

3. Sisteme de asistare a deciziilor colaborative în medii universitare- Studiu de caz UBB , Grant tip TP nr 2/ 2005, Grant intern Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, 2005-2008, 50.000 RON (aprox. 13.000 Euro)Director: Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan NiţchiMembru

4. Metode formale în realizarea unui procesor WSD, Grant tip TP nr 2/2006, Grant intern Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, 2007-2010, 118.000 RON (aprox. 37.700 Euro)Director: Prof. Univ. Dr. Militon FrenţiuMembru

5. Sistem decizional bazat pe tehnici de tip multi-agent pentru generarea, optimizarea si managementul registrelor nationale de boli cronice netransmisibile-CRONIS, Nr. 11-003/2007, Proiect PNCDI II - 4 (Parteneriate in domenii prioritare), 2007-2010, 2.100.000 RON (aprox. 850.000 Euro)Director: Ioan Stoian - SC IPA SA sucursala ClujMembru

6. Sistem de predicţie si avertizare privind efectele încălzirii globale asupra sănătăţii populatiei I–GLOB, Nr. 42-117/2008, Proiect PNCDI II - 4 (Parteneriate in domenii prioritare) 2008-2011, 2.000.000 RON (aprox. 465.000 Eur )Director: Conf. Univ. Dr. Dana Manuela SârbuResponsabil ştiinşific proiect

XVI Participări la contracte finanţate din surse internaţionale

1. AETC – Advanced Education Technology Center. Partners: “Petru Maior” Univ. of Târgu-Mureş, National University of Athens, University of Ireland Galway, Technical Univ. of Cluj-Napoca, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, TEMPUS S-JEP 12518-97, Finanţat de Comisia Europeană, 179 400 EUR, 1998-2001Director: Prof. Dr. Călin Enăchescu - grant de mobilitate în perioada 06.11.2000-10.12.2000 la National Technical University of Athens

XVII Granturi de mobilitate finanţate din surse internaţionale

1. June 2003 - CEEPUS Mobility Grant H-81 - Universitatea “Eötvös Loránd” Budapesta, Ungaria.2. June 2002 – CEEPUS Mobility Grant H-81 - Facultatea de Ştiinţe din Kosice, Slovacia.3. June 1999 – CEEPUS Mobility Grant H-81 - Universitatea Tehnică din Szeged, Ungaria.

XVIII Premii şi distincţii

1. Distincţia “cum laude” la teza de doctorat.2. Diplomă de merit pentru contribuţia la dezvoltarea Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai, Nr.

20639/11.12.2006, 2006.3. Premiul “Best Student Paper Award” pentru articolul “A Formal Model For Clustering

Based Aspect Mining”, The 8th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods And Computational Techniques In Electrical Engineering (MMACTEE '06), Bucureşti, 2006.

4. Premiu pentru cărţi publicate în 2006, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Nr. 32497/ 19.12.2007.

5. Premiu pentru articol ISI, Februarie, 2008, CNCSIS.6. Premiu pentru articol ISI, Octombrie, 2008, CNCSIS.7. Premiu pentru articol ISI, Etapa I, 2009, CNCSIS.

8. Premiul “Profesorul anului”, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Nr. 21906/07.12.2010, 2010.

XIX Limbi străine cunoscute


Engleză foarte bine foarte bine foarte bineFranceză bine bine bineMaghiară bine bine bine

Lista publicaţiilor Gabriela (ŞERBAN) CZIBULA, Profesor

I Articole de specialitate

Ia Articole cotate ISI

Articole în publicaţii din ISI Science Citation Index Expanded

1. Şerban, G., Tătar, D., Word Sense Disambiguation for Untagged Corpus: Application to Romanian Language, Proceedings of CICling 2003, Mexico City, Mexic, in Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science N 2588, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003, Alexander Gelbukh (Ed.), pp.268-272, ISBN 3-540-00843-8 (IF=0.402)

2. Şerban, G., Câmpan, A., Incremental Clustering Using a Core-Based Approach, Proceedings of The 20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Science (ISCIS'05), Istanbul, Turkey, 2005, in Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science N 3733, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005, pp.854-863, P. Yolum et al. (Eds), ISBN: 3-540-29414-7 (IF=0.402)

3. Şerban, G., Câmpan, A., Czibula, I.G., A Programming Interface For Finding Relational Association Rules, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, Vol. I/2006, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control, ICCCC 2006, Oradea, 2006, pp. 934-944

4. Dărăbant, A.S., Câmpan, A., Şerban, G., Incremental Horizontal Fragmentation: A new Approach in the Design of Distributed Object Oriented Databases, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, Vol. I/2006, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control, ICCCC 2006, Oradea, 2006, pp. 170-174

5. Câmpan, A., Şerban, G., Adaptive Clustering Algorithms, the 19th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI-2006, Quebec, Canada, 2006, in Advances in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 4013, L. Lamontagne and M. Marchand (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006, pp. 409–420 (IF=0.251)

6. Şerban, G., Câmpan A., Hierarchical Adaptive Clustering, Informatica, Vilnius, Lithuania, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2008, pp. 101-112 (IF=0.329)

7. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Hierarchical clustering based design patterns Identification, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, Vol. 3, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control, ICCCC 2008, Oradea, 2008, pp. 248-252

8. Tatar, D., Serban, G., Mihis, A., Mihalcea R., Textual Entailment as a Directional Relation, Journal of Research and Practice in InformationTechnology, Vol. 41, Nr. 1, 2009, pp. 17-28 (IF=0.500)

9. Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S, A hierarchical clustering based approach in aspect mining, Computing and Informatics, Bratislava, Slovakia, Volume 29, No. 6, 2010, pp. 881-900 (IF = 0.243 pe 2009)

10. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Incremental Refactoring Using Seeds, SIC Journal, Studies in Informatics and Control, Vol. 19, Issue. 3, 2010, pp. 271-284

11. Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S., Czibula, I.G., Evaluation Measures For Partitioning Based Aspect Mining Techniques, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, 6(1), 2011, pp. 72-80 (IF=0.373 pe 2009)

Articole în publicaţii din ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index

1. Şerban, G., Tătar, D., An improved algorithm on Word Sense Disambiguation, Proceedings of IIS 2003 (Intelligent Information Systems - New Trends in Intelligent Text Processing and Web Mining), Zakopane, Poland, in Advances in Soft Computing, Springer Verlag, 2003, XIV, pp.199-208, ISBN 3-540-00843-8

2. Şerban, G., A New Programming Interface for Reinforcement Learning Simulations, in "Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining"Proceedings of IIS:IIPWM'05 (Intelligent Information Systems - New Trends in Intelligent Information Proccessing and Web Mining), Gdansk, Poland, 2005, in Advances in Soft Computing, Springer Verlag, 2005, XV, pp.481-485, Klopotek, Mieczyslaw A.; Wierzchon, Slawomir T.; Trojanowski, Krzysztof (Eds.), ISBN: 3-540-25056-5

3. Şerban, G., Câmpan, A., A New Core-Based Method For Hierarchical Incremental Clustering, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC'05), Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005, pp. 77-82, D. Zaharia (Ed.), ISBN 07695-2453-2

4. Câmpan, A., Şerban, G., A New Incremental Core-Based Clustering Method, Proceedings of the Second IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI'05), Beijing, China, 2005, pp.269-278

5. Şerban, G., Moldovan, G.S, A new k-means based clustering algorithm in Aspect Mining, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC'06), Timisoara, Romania, 2006, pp.60-64

6. Şerban, G., Tarţa, A., Moldovan, G.S, A Learning Interface Agent for User Behavior Prediction, Proceedings of HCI International 2007, China, LNCS 4552: HCI Intelligent Multimodal Interaction Environments by J. Jacko, ISBN 978-3-540-73108-5, pp. 508-517

7. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., A Programming Interface for Determining Refactorings of Object-Oriented Software Systems using Clustering, ICCP 2007: Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, September, 6-8, 2007, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 271-274

8. Cojocar, G.S, Şerban, G., On Evaluating Aspect Mining Techniques, ICCP 2007: Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, September, 6-8, 2007, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 217-224

9. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Restructuring Software Systems Using Clustering, ISCIS 2007, Proceedings of The 22th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, November 7-9, Ankara, Turkey, 2007, pp. 262-267

10. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring through Clustering, ICAISC'08, The Eighth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, LNAI 5097, pp. 693-704

11. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Identifying Design Patterns in Object-Oriented Software Systems Using Unsupervised Learning, 2008 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2008, pp. 347-352

12. Czibula, G., Guran, A., Cojocar, G.S, Czibula, I.G., Multiagent Decision Support Systems based on Supervised Learning, 2008 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2008, pp. 353-358

13. Cojocar, G.S., Czibula, G., On Clustering Based Aspect Mining, ICCP 2008: Proceedings of the IEEE 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 129-136

14. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Clustering based automatic refactorings identification, SYNASC 2008, The 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timişoara, 2008, IEEE Society Press, pp. 253-256

15. Tătar, D., Mihiş, A., Czibula G., Lexical Chains Cohesion Segmentation in Summarization, SYNASC 2008, The 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timişoara, 2008, IEEE Society Press, pp. 95-101

16. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Refactorings Detection Using Hierarchical Clustering, European Computing Conference, ECC'08, Malta, 2008, pp.332-337

17. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S, Guran, A., IMASC - An Intelligent MultiAgent System for Clinical Decision Support, International Conference on Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - Medical Applications of the Compex Systems Biomedical Computing CANS' 2008, Targu Mures, IEEE Society Press, 2008, pp. 183-188

18. Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S, Czibula, I.G., A partitional clustering algorithm for crosscutting concerns identification, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Software Engineering, parallel and distributed systems (SEPADS '09), Cambridge, UK, 2009, pp. 111-116

19. Tătar, D., Tămâianu, E., Czibula, G., Segmenting text by lexical chains distribution, KEPT 2009, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, International Conference, Babes-Bolyai University, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2009, pp. 69-76

20. Czibula, G., Guran, A., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S., IPA - An Intelligent Personal Assistant Agent For Task Performance Support, ICCP 2009: Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 31-34

21. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Guran, A., Dynamic customization of data structures instances using an agent based approach, SYNASC 2009, Proceedings of the 11th

International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timişoara, 2009, IEEE Society Press, pp. 341-347

22. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S., Guran, A., Assisting Software Maintenance and Evolution Using an Agent Based Approach, Post-proceedings of KEPT 2009, pp. 197-204

23. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Adaptive Refactoring Using a Core-Based Clustering Approach, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems (SEPADS '10), Cambridge, UK, 2010, pp. 133-138

24. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Hierarchical Clustering for Adaptive Refactorings Identification, 2010 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2010, pp. 99-104

25. Petraşcu, V., Czibula, G., Sîrbu, D., Popa, M., Curşeu, D., Identifying the impact of global warming on population using a clustering based approach, 2010 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2010, pp. 294-299

26. Czibula, G., Bocicor, M.I., Czibula, I.G., A Distributed Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving Optimization Problems, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Communications and Information Technology (CIT '11), Greece, 2011, to be published

Ib Articole publicate în volume ale conferinţelor internaţionale indexate BDI

1. Şerban, G., Training intelligent agents as hidden Markov models, Proceedings of Abstracts of the Fourth Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Felix, Romania, 2001, pp.91

2. Şerban, G., Web Programming Tutorials, Advanced Educational Technologies, Proceedings AET Workshop, Târgu Mureş, 2001, Editura Universităţii “Petru-Maior” Târgu Mureş, pp.128-149, ISBN: 973-8084-60-1

3. Serban, G., Tutorials, Advanced Educational Technologies, Proceedings AET Workshop, Târgu Mures, 2001, Editura Universitatii "Petru-Maior" Târgu Mures, pp.158-281, ISBN: 973-8084-60-1

4. Şerban, G., Training Hidden Markov Models - a Method for Training Intelligent Agents, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop of Central and Eastern Europe on Multi-Agent Systems, Krakow, Polonia, 2001, Barbara Dunin-Keplicz (Ed.) pp.267-276, ISBN 83-915953-0-7

5. Şerban, G., Real Time Learning in Agent Based Systems, Proceedings of the 4th

International Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing , Timisoara, Romania, 2002, pp.337-347, ISBN: 973-585-785-5

6. Orăşan, C., Tătar, D., Şerban, G., Oneţ, A., Avram, D., How to build a QA System in your back-garden: application to Romanian, Proceedings of EACL 2003, Budapest, Hungary, 2003, pp. 139-142, ISBN 1-932432-01-9

7. Şerban, G., A new logic architecture for Intelligent Agents, Proceedings of AGP 2003 (Appia-Gulp-Prode 2003 - Joint Conference on Declarative Programming), Reggio Calabria, Italia, 2003, pp.159-168

8. Şerban, G., Development methods for Intelligent Systems, Proceedings of the Fifth Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Debrecen, Hungary, 2004, pp. 17-18

9. Şerban, G., Tătar, D., UBB System at Senseval-3, Proceedings of Senseval-3: The Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text, ACL 2004, Barcelona , July 2004, pp.226-228

10. Câmpan, A., Dărăbant, A., Şerban, G., Clustering Techniques for Adaptive Horizontal Fragmentation in Object Oriented Databases, International Conference on Theory and Applications of Mathematics and Informatics (ICTAMI05), in Acta Universitatis Apulensis no. 10, 2005, pp.263-274

11. Şerban, G., Câmpan, A., A New Core-Based Method For Hierarchical Incremental Clustering, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC'05), Timisoara, Romania, 2005, pp. 42-47

12. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., Aspect Mining using a Vector-Space Model Based Clustering Approach, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution, AOSD'06, The 5th Aspect-Oriented Software Development, LATE workshop, 2006, pp.36-40

13. Câmpan, A., Şerban, G., Truţă, M., Marcus, A., An Algorithm for the Discovery of Arbitrary Length Ordinal Association Rules, DMIN'06, The 2006 International Conference on Data Mining, Las Vegas, USA, Sven F. Crone (Ed.), CSREA Press, USA, ISBN: 1-60132-004-3, pp. 107-113,

14. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., Quality Measures for Evaluating the Results of Clustering Based Aspect Mining Techniques, Proceedings of International workshop TEAM'06, 2006, pp. 13-16

15. Şerban, G., Moldovan, G.S, A New Genetic Clustering Based Approach in Aspect Mining, The 8th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods And Computational Techniques In Electrical Engineering (MMACTEE '06), Bucureşti, 2006, pp. 135-140

16. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., A Formal Model For Clustering Based Aspect Mining, The 8th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical Methods And Computational Techniques In Electrical Engineering (MMACTEE '06), Bucureşti, 2006, pp. 70-75

17. Şerban, G., Moldovan, G.S, A New Graph-Based Approach in Aspect Mining, KEPT 2007, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, Babes-Bolyai University, June 6-8, 2007, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 252-260

18. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., A Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Software Design Improvement, KEPT 2007, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, International Conference, Babes-Bolyai University, June 6-8, 2007, Cluj-Napoca, in Studia Informatica, pp. 316-323

19. Tătar, D., Şerban, G., Lupea, M., Text Entailment Verification with Text Similarities, KEPT 2007, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, Babes-Bolyai University, June 6-8, 2007, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 33-40

20. Tătar, D., Şerban, G., Mihiş, A., Lupea, M., Lupşa, D., Frenţiu, M., Chain algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation, KEPT 2007, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, Babes-Bolyai University, June 6-8, 2007, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 41-49

21. Cojocar, G.S, Şerban, G., On Some Criteria for Comparing Aspect Mining Techniques, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution, Vancouver, Canada, LATE'07, 2007, pp. 40-44

22. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., A New Clustering Approach for Systems Designs Improvement, 2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice, SETP-07, Orlando, USA, July 9-12, 2007, pp. 47-54

23. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Software Systems Design Improvement Using Hierarchical Clustering, SERP'07- The 2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, June 25-28, Las Vegas, USA, 2007, pp. 229-235

24. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Câmpan, A., Medical Diagnosis Prediction using Relational Association Rules, International Conference on Theory and Applications of Mathematics and Informatics (ICTAMI'07), Alba-Iulia, 2008, pp. 339-352

25. Tătar, D., Mihiş, A., Serban G., Top-down Cohesion Segmentation in Summarization, STEP 2008, Symposium on Semantics in Systems for Text Processing, Venice, Italy, 2008, pp. 145-151

Ic Articole publicate în reviste internaţionale indexate BDI

1. Şerban, G., Tătar, D., Well-typedness verification in logic programming with types, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLIII, Number 2, 1998, pp.13-23

2. Şerban, G., An improvement of the Roy-Floyd algorithm, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLIV(1), 1999, pp.94-99

3. Duda, A., Şerban, G., Tătar, D., Training probabilistic context-free grammars as hidden Markov models, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLV(1), 2000, pp.17-30

4. Şerban, G., A Method for Training Intelligent Agents Using Hidden Markov Models, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLV(2), 2000, pp.41-50

5. Şerban, G., Tătar, D., Term Rewriting Systems in Logic Programming and in Functional Programming, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLV(2), 2000, pp.77-84

6. Şerban, G., A Reinforcement Learning Intelligent Agent, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLVI(2), 2001, pp.9-18

7. Tătar, D., Şerban, G., A New Algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLVI(2), 2001, pp.99-108

8. Şerban, G., A New Real-Time Learning Algorithm, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLVII(1), 2002, pp.3-14

9. Şerban, G., LASG – A Logic Architecture for Intelligent Agents, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLVII(2), 2002, pp.13-22

10. Şerban, G., Tătar, D., A Word Sense Disambiguation Experiment for Romanian Language, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLVII(2), 2002, pp.37-42

11. Şerban, G., A New Reinforcement Learning Algorithm, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLVIII(1), 2003, pp.3-14

12. Tătar, D., Şerban, G., Words Clustering in Question Answering Systems, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLVIII(1), 2003, pp.23-32

13. Şerban, G., A New Interface for Reinforcement Learning Software, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, XLVIII(2), 2003, pp.3-10

14. Lupşa, D., Şerban, G., Tătar, D., Hierarchical clustering algorithms for repeating similarity values, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, XLVIII(2), 2003, pp.61-72

15. Şerban, G., Pintea, M.C., Heuristics and learning approaches for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, XLIX(2), 2004, pp.27-36

16. Şerban, G., A Programming Interface for Non-Hierachical Clustering, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, L(1), 2005, pp.69-78

17. Şerban, G., Câmpan, A., Core Based Incremental Clustering, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, L(1), 2005, pp. 89-96

18. Şerban, G., Câmpan, A., Adaptive Clustering Using a Core-Based Approach, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, L(2), 2005, pp.33-40

19. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Câmpan, A., A Programming Interface For Medical Diagnosis Prediction, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LI(1), 2006, pp. 21-30

20. Câmpan, A., Şerban, G., Marcus, A., Relational Association Rules and Error Detection, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LI(1), 2006, pp. 31-36

21. Şerban, G., Moldovan, G.S, A Comparison of Clustering Techniques in Aspect Mining, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LI(1), 2006, pp.69-78

22. Şerban, G., Moldovan, G.S, A Graph Algorithm for Identification of Crosscutting Concerns, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LI(2), 2006, pp.3-10

23. Lupea, M., Şerban, G., A graph-based approach for computing constrained and rational default extensions, Analele Universităţii Timişoara, Seria Matematică şi Informatică, fasc.1/2006, vol.XLIV, pp.73-86

24. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., A Study on Distance Metrics for Partitioning Based Aspect Mining, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LI(2), 2006, pp.53-60

25. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., An Analysis of Distance Metrics for Clustering based Improvement of Systems Design, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LII(1), 2007, pp. 45-54

26. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., On Evaluating Software Systems Design, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LII(1), 2007, pp. 55-66

27. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., A Study on clustering based restructuring of Software Systems, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LII(2), 2007, pp. 93-100

28. Tarţa, A., Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., An Agent Based User Interface Evaluation Using Aspect Oriented Programming Techniques, ICAM5, Baia-Mare, Creative Math.&Inf, 16, 2007, pp.151-158

29. Şerban, G., Lupea, M., Computing Constrained Default Extensions - a Constraint Satisfaction Problem, ICAM5, Baia-Mare, Creative Math.&Inf, 16, 2007, pp.99-107

38. Şerban, G., Moldovan, G.S, Aspect Mining Using An Evolutionary Approach, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 2, Vol.6, February 2007, pp. 298-305

39. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., Clustering Based Aspect Mining Formalized, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 2, Vol.6, February 2007, pp. 199-206

40. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., A Formal Model for Partitioning Based Aspect Mining, INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, Brazilia, Volume 6 - n. 3 - September 2007, pp. 19-26

41. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Hierachical Clustering for Software Systems Restructuring, INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, Brazilia, Volume 6 - n. 4, December 2007, pp. 43-51

42. Cojocar, G.S, Guran, A., Sanislav, T., Czibula, G., A multiagent based approach for national cancer registry management, ICAM6, International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Creative Math. &Inf., 3/2008, pp. 369-374

43. Czibula, I.G., Czibula (Serban), G., Hierarchical Clustering based Automatic Refactorings Detection, WSEAS Transactions on Electronics, Issue 7, Vol.5, July 2008, pp. 291-302

44. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., A Search Based Approach for Identifying Design Patterns, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LIII(1), 2008, pp. 3-16

45. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., A partitional clustering algorithm for improving the structure of object-oriented software systems, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LIII(2), 2008, pp. 105-114

46. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring using Clustering, Analele Universitatiii de Vest Timisoara, Seria Matematică şi Informatică , Vol. XLVI, No. 2, 2008, pp. 161-173

47. Cojocar, G.S., Czibula, G., Czibula. I.G., A Comparative Analysis of Clustering Algorithms in Aspect Mining, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LIV(1), 2009, pp. 75-84

48. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S., Guran, A., Decision support system for software maintenance and evolution, KEPT 2009, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, International Conference, Babes-Bolyai University, in Studia Informatica, 2009, pp. 181-184

49. Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S., Czibula. I.G., Identifying Crosscutting Concerns Using Partitional Clustering, Wseas Transactions on Computers, Issue 2, Volume 8, 2009, pp. 386-395

50. Czibula. I.G., Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S., Hierarchical Clustering for Identifying Crosscutting Concerns in Object Oriented Software Systems, , INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, Volume 8, Number 3, Brazilia, 2009, pp. 21-28.

51. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Clustering Based Adaptive Refactoring, Wseas Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 3, Volume 7, 2010, pp. 391-400

52. Czibula, G., Crisan, G.C., Pintea, C.M., Czibula, I.G., Soft computing approaches on the Bandwith Problem, Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Mathematics (ICAM7), 2010, Creative Math&Inf, to be published

53. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., On converting software systems to object oriented architectures, BRAIN Journal, Special Issue on Complexity in Sciences and Artifical Intelligence, Vol. 1, 2010, pp. 12-17

54. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Unsupervised transformation of procedural programs to object-oriented design, Acta Universitatis Apulensis, No. 18/2010, to be published

55. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Adaptive restructuring of object-oriented software systems, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LV(2), 2010, pp. 1-12

56. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Pintea M.C, A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving the Matrix Bandwidth Minimization Problem, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LV(4), 2010, pp. 9-17

57. Czibula G., Bocicor, M.I., Czibula, I.G., A Reinforcement Learning Model for Solving the Folding Problem, IJCTA - International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications, Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 171-182

58. Czibula, G., Bocicor, M.I., Czibula, I.G., An Experiment on Protein Structure Prediction using Reinforcement Learning, Studia Babes-Bolyai Informatica, LVI, 2011, to be published

59. Czibula, G., Bocicor, M.I., Czibula, I.G., Solving the Protein Folding Problem Using a Distributed Q-Learning Approach, International Journal of Computers, 2011, to be published

Id Articole publicate în reviste internaţionale neindexate BDI

1. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Improving Systems Design Using a Clustering Approach, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.6 No.12, December 2006, pp. 40-49

Ie Articole publicate în volume ale conferinţelor internaţionale neindexate BDI

1. Dumitrescu, D., Sas, L., Şerban, G., Câmpan, A., Dărăbant, A., Pop, H.F., Ţâmbulea, L., Cooperative Learning for Distributed Data Mining , in “Collaborative Support Systems in Business and Education” - International Workshop, Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Romania, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2005, pp. 432-440

2. Şerban, G., Cojocar, G.S, A New Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm in Aspect Mining, BCI'07, Proceedings of the 3rd Balkan Conference in Informatics, 27-29 September 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 143-152

3. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., A new Clustering Algorithm for Refactorings Determination, BCI'07, Proceedings of the 3rd Balkan Conference in Informatics, 27-29 September 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 131-142

4. Tătar, D., Şerban, G., Mihiş, A., Mihalcea, R., Textual Entailment as a Directional Relation, Computer-aided language processing, CALP 2007, Borovets, Bulgaria, 30 September 2007, pp. 53-58

If Articole publicate în volume ale conferinţelor naţionale neindexate

1. Şerban, G., Software package for educational units, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Research Seminars, Seminar on Computer Science, 1998, pp.175-178

2. Şerban, G., Searching graphs in logical programming, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Research Seminars, Seminar on Computer Science, 1999, pp.67-72

3. Şerban, G., Intelligent agents and reinforcement learning, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Research Seminars, Seminar on Computer Science, 2000, pp.13-20

4. Şerban, G., A Simple Web Agent for displaying a tree structure, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Research Seminars, Seminar on Computer Science, 2001, pp.41-48

5. Şerban, G., Formal Methods in Agent Based Systems, Proceedings of the Symposium "Zilele Academice Clujene", Cluj Napoca, 2002, pp.59-68

6. Lupşa, D., Şerban, G., Tătar, D., From noun clusters to taxonomies on untagged corpora, Proceedings of the Symposium “Colocviul Academic Clujean de Informatica”, 2003, pp.182-191

7. Câmpan, A., Şerban, G., Dărăbant, A., Incremental Horizontal Fragmentation in Object Oriented Databases Using Clustering Techniques, Proceedings of the Symposium “Colocviul Academic Clujean de Informatica”, 2005, pp.63-68

8. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., CAMIT - A Tool for Comparing Clustering Based Aspect Mining Techniques, Proceedings of the Symposium “Colocviul Academic Clujean de Informatica”, Directii noi de cercetare in Informatica, 2006, pp.9-14

9. Cojocar G.S., Czibula, G. FRAM - A Framework for Evaluating the Results of Aspect Mining Techniques, Proceedings of the Symposium “Colocviul Academic Clujean de Informatica”, Directii noi de cercetare in Informatica, 2008, pp. 13-20

II Manuale

1. Pop, H.F., Şerban, G., Inteligenţa Artificială, Note de curs, Centrul de Formare Continuă şi Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică, Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, ediţia a 2-a, 2000

2. Pop, H.F., Şerban, G., Inteligenţa Artificială, Note de curs, Centrul de Formare Continuă şi Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică, Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, ediţia a 3-a, 2001

3. Pop, H.F., Şerban, G., Inteligenţa Artificială, Note de curs, Centrul de Formare Continuă şi Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică, Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, ediţia a 4-a, 2002

4. Pop, H.F., Şerban, G., Inteligenţa Artificială, Note de curs, Centrul de Formare Continuă şi Învăţământ la Distanţă, Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică, Universitatea “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, ediţia a 5-a, 2003

III Cărţi publicate în edituri naţionale

1. Pop, H.F., Şerban, G., Programare în Inteligenţa Artificială: limbajele LISP şi PROLOG, Ed. Albastră, Cluj-Napoca, 2003, (186 pagini), ISBN 973-650-104-3

2. Şerban, G., Pop, H.F., Tehnici de Inteligenţă Artificială. Abordări bazate pe Agenţi Inteligenţi, Ed. Mediamira, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, (137 pagini), ISBN 973-0-03717-5

3. Şerban, G., Pop, H.F., Elemente avansate de programare în Lisp şi Prolog. Aplicaţii în Inteligenţa Artificială., Ed. Albastră, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, (270 pagini), ISBN 973-650-172-8

4. Şerban, G., Sisteme Multiagent în Inteligenţa Artificială Distribuită. Arhitecturi şi Aplicaţii, Ed. RisoPrint, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, (300 pagini), ISBN 973-751-194-8 (ISBN 978-973-751-194-2)

5. Frenţiu, M., Pop, H.F., Şerban, G., Programming Fundamentals, Ed. Presa Universitara Clujeana, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, (232 pagini - în limba engleză), ISBN 973-610-494-X (978-973-610-494-7)

6. Czibula, G., Sisteme inteligente. Instruire automata, Ed. RisoPrint, Cluj-Napoca, 2008, (218 pagini), ISBN 978-973-751-898-6

IV Alte publicaţii

1. Şerban, G., Despre viruşii calculatoarelor, Revista Şcolii Naţionale de Gaz Mediaş no.1, 1992

2. Şerban, G., Probleme de concurs, Revista Şcolii Naţionale de Gaz Mediaş no.1, 1992

3. Şerban, G., Grafică în Turbo Pascal, Revista Şcolii Naţionale de Gaz Mediaş no.2, 1992

4. Şerban, G., Programare orientată obiect, Gazeta de Informatică a Şcolii Naţionale de Gaz Mediaş, 1997

5. Şerban, G., Introducere în Java, Gazeta de Informatică a Şcolii Naţionale de Gaz Mediaş, 1997

V Citări

1. Şerban, G., Tătar, D., Word Sense Disambiguation for Untagged Corpus: Application to Romanian Language, Proceedings of CICling 2003, Mexico City, Mexic, in Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science N 2588, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003, Alexander Gelbukh (Ed.), pp.270-275, ISBN 3-540-00843-8

citare în Frunză, O., Inkpen, D., Nadeau, D., A Text Processing Tool for the Romanian Language, Workshop Eurolan 2005, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, (citare la pp. 7)

2. Şerban, G., A New Reinforcement Learning Algorithm, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLVIII(1), 2003, pp.3-14

citare în Maysoon Abdulkhair, A Multilingual Automated Web Usability Evaluation Agent, Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Sheffield, February 2004 (citare la pp.63)

3. Şerban, G., A New Reinforcement Learning Algorithm, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLVIII(1), 2003, pp.3-14

citare în E Shakshuki, AW Matin, RL-Agent that Learns in Collaborative Virtual Environment, Third International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG'06), IEEEComputer Society, pp. 90-95 (citari la pp. 90, 91, 92) (ISI Proceedings)

4. Şerban, G., Pintea, M.-C., Heuristics and learning approaches for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Informatica, vol. XLIX (2), 2004, pp. 27-36 citare în An Te NGUYEN, COCoFil2 : Un nouveau système de filtrage collaboratif basé sur le modèle des espaces de communautés, Ph.D. Thesis, Universitatea JOSEPH FOURIER – GRENOBLE I, 2006 (citare la pp. 143)

2. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., Aspect Mining using a Vector-Space Model Based Clustering Approach, AOSD'06, The 5th Aspect-Oriented Software Development, LATE workshop, 2006, pp. 36-40

citare în Paria Parsamanesh, Amir Abdollahi Foumani & Constantinos Constantinides, Mining anomalies in object-oriented implementations through execution traces, Proceedings of ICSOFT 2006, pp. 177-189 (citare la pp. 178)

6. Şerban, G., LASG – A Logic Architecture for Intelligent Agents, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLVII(2), 2002, pp.13-22

citare în Bogdan Patrut, Agenti inteligenti in sisteme de monitorizare distribuita, teza doctorat, 2008

7. Şerban, G., Tătar, D., UBB System at Senseval-3, Proceedings of Senseval-3: The Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text, ACL 2004, Barcelona , July 2004, pp.226-228

citare înMandana Hamidi , Ali Borji , Saeed Shiry Ghidary, Persian Word Sense Disambiguation,15th ICEE conference, Tehran, Iran, 15-17 May 2007, pp.114-118 (citare la pp. 1)

8. Cojocar, G.S, Şerban, G., On Some Criteria for Comparing Aspect Mining Techniques, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution, Vancouver, Canada, LATE'07, 2007, pp. 40-44

citare înPierre F. Baldi, Cristina V. Lopes, Erik J. Linstead, Sushil K. Bajracharya, A Theory of Aspects as Latent Topics, OOPSLA’08, October 19–23, 2008, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, pp. 543-562 (citare la pp. 559) (ISI Proceedings)

9. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Improving Systems Design Using a Clustering Approach, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.6 No.12, December 2006, pp. 40-49

citare în Marija Katic, Software redesign methods, pp. 1-7 (citare la pp. 5) 10. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Hierachical Clustering for Software Systems

Restructuring, INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, Brazilia, Volume 6 - n. 4, December 2007, pp. 43-51

citare în Marija Katic, Software redesign methods, pp. 1-7 (citare la pp. 5) 11. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S., Guran, A., Decision support system for

software maintenance and evolution, KEPT 2009, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, International Conference, Babes-Bolyai University, 2009, pp. 181-184

citare înEsteban J. Palomo, Enrique Dominguez, Rafael M. Luque, and Jose Munoz, A Self-Organized Multiagent System for Intrusion Detection, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5680, pp. 84–94, 2009 (citare la pp. 84) (ISI Proceedings)

12. Czibula, I.G., Serban, G., Hierarchical clustering based design patterns Identification, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, Vol. 3, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control, ICCCC 2008, Oradea, 2008, pp. 248-252

citare în D. Antonelli, P. Chiabert, Introducing Collaborative Practices in Small Medium Enterprises, Int. J. of Computers, Communications & Control, Vol. V (2010), No. 1, pp. 8-19 (citare la pp. 16) (ISI)

13. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Improving Systems Design Using a Clustering Approach, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.6 No.12, December 2006, pp. 40-49

citare în AMAL ABD EL-RAOUF, Hierarchical Clustering of Distributed Object-Oriented Software Systems: A Generic Solution for Software-Hardware Mismatch, Wseas Transactions on Computers, Issue 11, Volume 8, November 2009, pp. 1780-1789 (citare la pp. 1788)

14. Czibula, I.G., Czibula (Serban), G., Hierarchical Clustering based Automatic Refactorings Detection, WSEAS Transactions on Electronics, Issue 7, Vol.5, July 2008, pp. 291-302

citare în AMAL ABD EL-RAOUF, Hierarchical Clustering of Distributed Object-Oriented Software Systems: A Generic Solution for Software-Hardware Mismatch, Wseas Transactions on Computers, Issue 11, Volume 8, November 2009, pp. 1780-1789 (citare la pp. 1782)

15. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., Aspect Mining using a Vector-Space Model Based Clustering Approach, AOSD'06, The 5th Aspect-Oriented Software Development, LATE workshop, 2006, pp. 36-40

citare în Rocco Oliveto, Traceability Management meets Information Retrieval Methods“Strengths and Limitations”, PhD Thesis, 2008, University of Salerno (citare la pp. 46)

16. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., Aspect Mining using a Vector-Space Model Based Clustering Approach, AOSD'06, The 5th Aspect-Oriented Software Development, LATE workshop, 2006, pp. 36-40

citare în Esteban Sait Abait, Aspect Mining Mediante Análisis Dinámico y Reglas de Asociación, PhD Thesis, Universitatea Buenos Aires, 2008 (citare la pp. 44, 74)

17. Şerban, G., Moldovan, G.S, A Comparison of Clustering Techniques in Aspect Mining, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LI(1), 2006, pp.69-78

citare în Esteban Sait Abait, Aspect Mining Mediante Análisis Dinámico y Reglas de Asociación, PhD Thesis, Universitatea Buenos Aires, 2008 (citare la pp. 44, 74)

18. Şerban, G., Moldovan, G.S, A Comparison of Clustering Techniques in Aspect Mining, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LI(1), 2006, pp.69-78

citare în Christos E. Christodoulopoulos and Kyparissia A. Papanikolaou, Investigation of Group Formation using Low Complexity Algorithms, 11th International Conference on User Modeling, Corfu, Greece, 2007, pp. 57-60 (citare la pp. 58)

19. Cojocar, G.S, Şerban, G., On Some Criteria for Comparing Aspect Mining Techniques, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution, Vancouver, Canada, LATE'07, 2007, pp. 40-44

citare înFernando Sérgio Barbosa, Comparing Three Aspect Mining Techniques, DSIE'08 — Doctoral Symposium on Informatics Engineering 2008, University of Porto, pp. 1-12 (citare la pp. 11)

20. Cojocar, G.S, Şerban, G., On Some Criteria for Comparing Aspect Mining Techniques, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution, Vancouver, Canada, LATE'07, 2007, pp. 40-44

citare în

SAMEER SUNDRESH, REQUEST-BASED MEDIATED EXECUTION, PhD Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009 (citare la pp. 106)

21. Şerban, G., Moldovan, G.S, A Comparison of Clustering Techniques in Aspect Mining, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LI(1), 2006, pp.69-78

citare înChristos E. Christodoulopoulos and Kyparissia A. Papanikolaou, A Group Formation Tool in a E-Learning Context, 19th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2007, pp. 117-123 (citare la pp. 118)

22. Şerban, G., Moldovan, G.S, A new k-means based clustering algorithm in Aspect Mining, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC'06), Timisoara, Romania, 2006, pp.60-64

citare înMario Luca Bernardi, Giuseppe Antonio Di Lucca, A role-based crosscutting concerns mining approach to evolve Java systems towards AOP, Proceedings of the Joint International and Annual ERCIM Workshops on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE) and Software Evolution (Evol) workshops, pp. 63-72, 2009

23. Câmpan, A., Şerban, G., Marcus, A., Relational Association Rules and Error Detection, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LI(1), 2006, pp. 31-36

citare înArazay Armas Santos, “HERRAMIENTA PARA LA DETECCIÓN DE ERRORES USANDO REGLAS DE ASOCIACIÓN ”, Lucrare de Diploma, University Las Villas, 2009, pp. 1-19 (citare la pp. 10) 

24. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S, Guran, A., IMASC - An Intelligent MultiAgent System for Clinical Decision Support, International Conference on Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - Medical Applications of the Compex Systems Biomedical Computing CANS' 2008, Targu Mures, IEEE Society Press, 2008, pp. 183-188

citare înIantovics, B., Cognitive Medical Multiagent Systems, BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, Volume 1, Issue 1 , January 2010 , ISSN 2067-3957pp. 12-21 (citare la pp. 14) 

25. Cojocar, G.S., Czibula, G., On Clustering Based Aspect Mining, ICCP 2008: Proceedings of the IEEE 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 129-136

citare înBram Adams, Zhen Ming Jiang, Ahmed E. Hassan, Identifying Crosscutting Concerns Using Historical Code Changes, Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2010, (Cape Town, South Africa), pp. 305-314 (citare la pp. 13) (ISI Proceedings)

26. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring through Clustering, ICAISC'08, The Eighth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, LNAI 5097, pp. 693-704

citare în Cassell, K., Andreae, P., Groves, L., Noble, J., Towards Automating Class-Splitting Using Betweenness Clustering, ASE '09: Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society, 2009, pp. 595-599 (citare la pp. 596)

27. Şerban, G., Pintea, M.-C., Heuristics and learning approaches for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Informatica, vol. XLIX (2), 2004, pp. 27-36

citare în Vescan (Fanea), A., Construction Approaches for Component{Based Systems, Ph.D. Thesis, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 2008 (citare la pp.27)

28. Cojocar, G.S, Şerban, G., On Evaluating Aspect Mining Techniques, ICCP 2007: Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, September, 6-8, 2007, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 217-224

citare înSayyed Garba Maisikeli, Aspect Mining Using Self-Organizing Maps With Method Level Dynamic Software Metrics as Input Vectors, PhD Thesis, Nova Southeastern University, 2009 (citare la pp.2)

29. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., Aspect Mining using a Vector-Space Model Based Clustering Approach, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution, AOSD'06, The 5th Aspect-Oriented Software Development, LATE workshop, 2006, pp.36-40

citare înSayyed Garba Maisikeli, Aspect Mining Using Self-Organizing Maps With Method Level Dynamic Software Metrics as Input Vectors, PhD Thesis, Nova Southeastern University, 2009 (citare la pp.17, 21, 23, 47, 52, 53, 60, 64, 65, 71, 78, 83, 85)

30. Cojocar, G.S, Şerban, G., On Some Criteria for Comparing Aspect Mining Techniques, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution, Vancouver, Canada, LATE'07, 2007, pp. 40-44

citare înAlexender Dreiling, Aktueller Stand und zukünftige Herausforderungen im Aspect Mining, Proceedings 2nd Student Conference on Software Engineering and Database Systems, 2009, pp. 41-48 (citare la pp. 46)

31. Şerban, G., Tarţa, A., Moldovan, G.S, A Learning Interface Agent for User Behavior Prediction, Proceedings of HCI International 2007, China, LNCS 4552: HCI Intelligent Multimodal Interaction Environments by J. Jacko, ISBN 978-3-540-73108-5, pp. 508-517

citare înYongjun Kim, Sung-Bae Cho, A Recommendation Agent for Mobile Phone Users Using Bayesian Behavior Prediction, 2009 Third International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, pp. 283-288 (citare la pp. 284)

32. Şerban, G., Câmpan A., Hierarchical Adaptive Clustering, Informatica, Vilnius, Lithuania, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2008, pp. 101-112 (ISI)

citare înMS Levin, O Kruchkov, O Hadar, E Kaminsky, Combinatorial Systems Evolution: Example of Standard for Multimedia Information, INFORMATICA, 2009, Vol. 20, No. 4, 519–538 (citare la pp. 521)

33. Şerban, G., Câmpan A., Hierarchical Adaptive Clustering, Informatica, Vilnius, Lithuania, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2008, pp. 101-112

citare în

Mirjam SEPESY MAUCEC, Janez BREST, Reduction of Morpho-Syntactic Features in Statistical Machine Translation of Highly Inflective Language, INFORMATICA, 2010, Vol. 21, No. 1, 95–116 (citare la pp. 97) (ISI)

34. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Hierachical Clustering for Software Systems Restructuring, INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, Brazilia, Volume 6 - n. 4, December 2007, pp. 43-51

citare înMarija Katic, K Fertalj, Towards an Appropriate Software Refactoring Tool Support, Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE, 2009, pp. 140-145 (citare la pp. 2,3) (ISI Proceedings)

35. Tătar, D., Tămâianu, E., Czibula, G., Segmenting text by lexical chains distribution, KEPT 2009, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, International Conference, Babes-Bolyai University, in Studia Informatica, 2009, pp. 33-36

citare înM Scaiano, D Inkpen, R Laganière et al, Automatic Text Segmentation for Movie Subtitles, Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Sringer Verlag , 2010

36. Czibula, G., Guran, A., Cojocar, G.S, Czibula, I.G., Multiagent Decision Support Systems based on Supervised Learning, 2008 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2008, pp. 353-358 (ISI Proceedings)

citare înRonneesley M. Teles, Marcos Ivamoto, Leonardo H. S. Mello, Valdemar V. Graciano Neto, Cedric Luiz de Carvalho, Um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão baseado em Agentes para a Companhia Elétrica do Estado de Goiás, Workshop WESAAC 2010, Universitatea din Rio-Grande, pp. 32-40 (citare la pp. 34, 37)

37. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring through Clustering, ICAISC'08, The Eighth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, LNAI 5097, pp. 693-704 (ISI Proceedings)

citare în Cassell, K., Anslow, C., Groves, L., Andreae, P., Vizualizing Class Refactoring via Clustering, Victoria University of Wellington, Technical Report ECSTR10-17, 2010 (citare la pp. 9)

38. Şerban, G., A New Reinforcement Learning Algorithm, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLVIII(1), 2003, pp.3-14

citare în E Shakshuki, AW Matin, Intelligent learning agent for collaborative virtual workspace, International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, Vol. 6 Iss: 2, 2010, pp.131 – 162

39. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring through Clustering, ICAISC'08, The Eighth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, LNAI 5097, pp. 693-704 (ISI Proceedings)

citare în Cassell, K., Groves, L., Andreae, P., Noble, J., An Initial Test Suite for Automated Extract Class Refactorings, Victoria University of Wellington, Technical Report ECSTR10-21, 2010 (citare la pp. 11)

40. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Clustering based automatic refactorings identification, SYNASC 2008, The 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timişoara, 2008, IEEE Society Press, pp. 253-256 (ISI Proceedings)

citare înKessentini, M., Vaucher, S., and Sahraoui, H., Deviance from perfection is a better criterion than closeness to evil when identifying risky code, Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM international Conference on Automated Software Engineering (Antwerp, Belgium, September 20 - 24, 2010). ASE '10. ACM, New York (citare la pp. 117) (ISI Proceedings)

41. Şerban, G., Real Time Learning in Agent Based Systems, Proceedings of the 4th

International Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing , Timisoara, Romania, 2002, pp.337-347, ISBN: 973-585-785-5

citare înN. Sahli, B. Moulin, EKEMAS, an Agent-Based Geosimulation Approach to Support Planning in the Real-Word, Applied Intelligence, Springer, 2009, Volume 31, Number 2, pp. 188-209

42. Şerban, G., Real Time Learning in Agent Based Systems, Proceedings of the 4th

International Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing , Timisoara, Romania, 2002, pp.337-347, ISBN: 973-585-785-5


43. Şerban, G., A New Reinforcement Learning Algorithm, Studia Universitatis “Babeş-Bolyai”, Informatica, XLVIII(1), 2003, pp.3-14

citare în Elhadi Shakshuki, Abdur Rafey Matin, Intelligent learning agent for collaborative virtual workspace, International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, Vol. 6 Iss: 2, 2010, pp.131 - 162

44. Şerban, G., Câmpan, A., Incremental Clustering Using a Core-Based Approach, Proceedings of The 20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Science (ISCIS'05), Istanbul, Turkey, 2005, in Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science N 3733, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005, pp.854-863, P. Yolum et al. (Eds), ISBN: 3-540-29414-7 (ISI)

citare înSarra Ben Hariz and Zied Elouedi, DK-BKM: Decremental K Belief K-Modes Method, SUM’10, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6379/2010, pp. 84-97

45. Şerban, G., Tătar, D., Word Sense Disambiguation for Untagged Corpus: Application to Romanian Language, Proceedings of CICling 2003, Mexico City, Mexic, in Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science N 2588, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003, Alexander Gelbukh (Ed.), pp.270-275, ISBN 3-540-00843-8

citare în Auger, A.,  Roy, J., Expression of uncertainty in linguistic data, 11th International

Conference on Information Fusion, Canada, 2008, pp. 1860-1867 (citare la pp. 1864)

46. Cojocar, G.S, Şerban, G., On Some Criteria for Comparing Aspect Mining Techniques, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution, Vancouver, Canada, LATE'07, 2007, pp. 40-44

citare în

Sunday O. Olatunji, Syed U. Idrees, , Yasser S. Al-Ghamdi, Jarallah Saleh Ali Al-Ghamdi, Mining Software Repositories – A Comparative Analysis, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.8, August 2010 (citare la pp. 164, 165)

47. Şerban, G., Câmpan A., Hierarchical Adaptive Clustering, Informatica, Vilnius, Lithuania, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2008, pp. 101-112

citare înMirjam Sepesy and Janez Brest, Reduction of Morpho-Syntactic Features in Statistical Machine Translation of Highly Inflective Language, Informatica 21, 1 (January 2010), 2010, pp. 95-116 (ISI)

48. Şerban, G., Câmpan A., Hierarchical Adaptive Clustering, Informatica, Vilnius, Lithuania, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2008, pp. 101-112

citare înHong Yu, Shuangshuang Chu, and Dachun Yang. Autonomous knowledge-oriented clustering using decision-theoretic rough set theory. In Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Rough set and knowledge technology (RSKT'10), Jian Yu, Salvatore Greco, Pawan Lingras, Guoyin Wang, and Andrzej Skowron (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, LNAI 6401, 2010, pp. 687-694. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16248-0_93 (ISI Proceedings)

49. Şerban, G., Câmpan A., Hierarchical Adaptive Clustering, Informatica, Vilnius, Lithuania, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2008, pp. 101-112

citare înHong Yu; Shuangshuang Chu; Dachun Yang; , A semiautonomous clustering algorithm based on decision-theoretic rough set theory, Cognitive Informatics (ICCI), 2010 9th IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.477-483, 7-9 July 2010, doi: 10.1109/COGINF.2010.5599691 (ISI Proceedings) (citare la pp. 477)

50. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring through Clustering, ICAISC'08, The Eighth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, LNAI 5097, pp. 693-704

citare în Keith Cassell Craig Anslow Lindsay Groves Peter Andreae, Visualizing the Refactoring of Classes via Clustering, 34th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC 2011), Perth, Australia, January 2011, pp. 1-10 (citare la pp. 2,3,9)

51. Şerban, G., Câmpan, A., Incremental Clustering Using a Core-Based Approach, Proceedings of The 20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Science (ISCIS'05), Istanbul, Turkey, 2005, in Computer and Information Sciences-ISCIS 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science N 3733, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005, pp.854-863, P. Yolum et al. (Eds), ISBN: 3-540-29414-7 (ISI)

citare înSarra Ben Hariz, Zied Elouedi, IK-BKM: An incremental clustering approach based on intra-cluster distance, Computer Systems and Applications, ACS/IEEE International Conference on, pp. 1-8, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications - AICCSA 2010, 2010 (ISI Proceedings)

52. Czibula, G., Guran, A., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S., IPA - An Intelligent Personal Assistant Agent For Task Performance Support, ICCP 2009: Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computer

Communication and Processing, 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 31-34 (ISI Proceedings)

citare înPiedad Garrido, Francisco J. Martinez, and Christian Guetl, Adding Semantic Web Knowledge to Intelligent Personal Assistant Agents, University of Zaragoza, Spain, pp. 1-12, (citare la pp. 3)

53. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Clustering based automatic refactorings identification, SYNASC 2008, The 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timişoara, 2008, IEEE Society Press, pp. 253-256 (ISI Proceedings)

citare înMarouane Kessentini, Stephane Vaucher, and Houari Sahraoui. 2010. Deviance from perfection is a better criterion than closeness to evil when identifying risky code. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM international conference on Automated software engineering (ASE '10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 113-122 (ISI Proceedings) (citare la pp. 118)

54. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S, Guran, A., IMASC - An Intelligent MultiAgent System for Clinical Decision Support, International Conference on Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - Medical Applications of the Compex Systems Biomedical Computing CANS' 2008, Targu Mures, IEEE Society Press, 2008, pp. 183-188

citare înRizwan Muhammad Saleem, Aslam Muhammad, A.M. Martinez-Enriquez, Remote Patient Monitoring and Healthcare Management Using Multi-agent Based Architecture, Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 118-123, Ninth Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2010 (ISI Proceedings) (citare la pp. 2)

55. Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S., Czibula. I.G., Identifying Crosscutting Concerns Using Partitional Clustering, Wseas Transactions on Computers, Issue 2, Volume 8, 2009, pp. 386-395

citare înKittisak Kerdprasop and Nittaya Kerdprasop, Parallelization of K-means clustering on multi-core processors. In Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS international conference on Applied computer science (ACS'10), Hamido Fujita and Jun Sasaki (Eds.). World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA, 2010, 472-477 (ISI Proceedings) (citare la pp. 1)

56. Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S., Czibula. I.G., Identifying Crosscutting Concerns Using Partitional Clustering, Wseas Transactions on Computers, Issue 2, Volume 8, 2009, pp. 386-395

citare înKittisak Kerdprasop and Nittaya Kerdprasop, A lightweight method to parallel k-means clustering, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION, Issue 4, Vol. 4, 2010, pp. 144-153 (citare la pp. 2)

57. Tatar, D., Serban, G., Mihis, A., Mihalcea R., Textual Entailment as a Directional Relation, Journal of Research and Practice in InformationTechnology, Vol. 41, Nr. 1, 2009, pp. 17-28 (ISI)

citare în

Miguel Angel Ríos Gaona, Alexander Gelbukh and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay, Recognizing Textual Entailment with Statistical Methods, Advances in Pattern Recognition, LNCS 6256, 2010, Springer, pp. 372-381 (ISI Proceedings)

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Miguel Angel Ríos Gaona, Alexander Gelbukh and Sivaji Bandyopadhyay, Recognizing Textual Entailment Using a Machine Learning Approach, Advances in Pattern Recognition, LNCS 6438, 2010, Springer, pp. 177-185 (ISI Proceedings)

59. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., Aspect Mining using a Vector-Space Model Based Clustering Approach, AOSD'06, The 5th Aspect-Oriented Software Development, LATE workshop, 2006, pp. 36-40

citare în Jin Huang, Yansheng Lu, Jing Yang, Aspect Mining Using Link Analysis, Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, Japan-China Joint Workshop on, pp. 312-317, 2010 Fifth International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, 2010 (ISI Proceedings)

60. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., Aspect Mining using a Vector-Space Model Based Clustering Approach, AOSD'06, The 5th Aspect-Oriented Software Development, LATE workshop, 2006, pp. 36-40

citare în Jijun Cao, Jing Xie, Feng Chen, DSD-D: A Distributed Algorithm for Constructing High-Stability Application-Layer Multicast Tree, Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, Japan-China Joint Workshop on, pp. 122-128, 2010 Fifth International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, 2010 (ISI Proceedings)

61. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., Aspect Mining using a Vector-Space Model Based Clustering Approach, AOSD'06, The 5th Aspect-Oriented Software Development, LATE workshop, 2006, pp. 36-40

citare în Pradeep Rai, Shubha Singh, A Survey of Clustering Techniques, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 7– No.12, October 2010, pp. 1-5

62. Moldovan, G.S, Şerban, G., Quality Measures for Evaluating the Results of Clustering Based Aspect Mining Techniques, Proceedings of International workshop TEAM'06, 2006, pp. 13-16 citare în Pradeep Rai, Shubha Singh, A Survey of Clustering Techniques, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 7– No.12, October 2010, pp. 1-5